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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12840353 No.12840353 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12840356


>> No.12840358

that's actually called "chicken" anon

>> No.12840365


>> No.12840366
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forgot to resize the first, bear with me

>> No.12840374
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>> No.12840375

I have one of those pans, what a piece of shit. When it gets hot enough the pan warps with enough spring to fling food all over the oven. Also I still don't see any tacos.

>> No.12840379
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>> No.12840384

Ditto. Dollar store pan.

>> No.12840394
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it was a pan left by my sublessors. Most of the kitchen stuff here is shit but I'm only here for 5 months until I can get my own place

>> No.12840402
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could use some lettuce and tomato but I'm lazy

>> No.12840815
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I guess no one liked my tacos

>> No.12840820

They're alright bro that onion chop is a bit large but I'm sure the flavor was there

>> No.12840830

nah they look great man

>> No.12840907

>bottled lime juice

Otherwise looks pretty good 2bh.

>> No.12840926

Thanks lads, I'll take the criticism, not trying super hard anyways since I don't have my own kitchen yet.

>> No.12840944

transfusion-associated circulatory overload

>> No.12841120

Looks good bro. What did you season the chicken with?

>> No.12841158

Just a simple marinade I looked up online
>lime juice
>olive oil
>chopped cilantro
>minced garlic
>chili powder
put in the fridge for two hours or so before roasting.

>> No.12841169

breasts or thigh

>> No.12841184
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Here's the official recipe I used, switched breasts for thighs though

>> No.12841201

>bottled lime juice
>pre shredded "mexican cheese"

>> No.12841264
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post your cooking gayboy

>> No.12841322

you should just go ahead and off yourself

>> No.12842061

this Simpsons ep actually made me cry when I was a little kid. Poor Ralph.

>> No.12842067
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Has anyone ever been to this kino?

>> No.12842718

throw some guac sauce on those bad boys

>> No.12842998

mmm looks nice

>> No.12843018

Gross. Thighs are too "chickeny" tasting.

>> No.12843945

are you in Vegas?

>> No.12845674
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>plastic bottled Lime Juice.
>Sargento antibiotics
>coated baking surface
>non stick pan
>sillycone edged spatula
>corn, coated with Monsanto Roundup at the farm in order to keep corn moist.
>plastic cutting board

njoy your fucked up endocrine system. I don't know if it is a money thing, but throw away the non stick, and pick up a cast iron, or an SS pan. Cook the chicken in the cast iron in the oven. Then cook the taco shell in the cast iron. They make "mexican" cheese w/o antibiotics, anon. Look up weedkiller and corn.

Its ok though. We all make errors when we are young. The stupidest thing I ever did was: ready? Prepared and froze 5 salads ahead of time for the work week. Everyone laughed as I consumed soggy romaine.

How is that place? I see it in Henderson.

>> No.12845688

>sillycone edged spatula
I actually have a pair of those spats, they're very nice

>> No.12845699

I live in a spic heavy town and get lingua tacos every saturday. Might get some tonight in fact since they are so good. Much better than your shitty attempt OP kil yourself

>> No.12845715

Good luck cleaning that pan

>> No.12845722

it took less than 1 minute to clean
fuck off faggot, don't like em, go make your own thread. Not everyone needs to be a 5 star chef when they're just making food to eat at home
how about you kys instead

>> No.12845779

>Not everyone needs to be a 5 star chef when they're just making food to eat at home

I'm not a 5 star chef (see frozen salad); I just wanted to point out some of the problems with all the endocrine educing issues. Just providing info.

Start with cast iron or SS. Since you seem to enjoy cooking and making a nice thread, I can see you being very proficient with cast iron. Bon Appetite!

>> No.12845880

Based (in the archaic sense) paranoid poster

>> No.12845893

Looks scrumptious anon, nice. Would eat

>> No.12845910

Ok, but they don't use roundup to keep corn "moist". I do believe the endocrine stuff though.

>> No.12846138
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>but they don't use roundup to keep corn "moist"

Yeah, I miss remembered the consumer reports article about the research. Farmers actually spray round up on the corn and oats to kill the corn and oats so that they dry uniformly while the plants are still in the ground. Then they harvest the dead plants, and all the plants dry at the same rate.

Gotta go organic. I avoid corn altogether because even organic has some gmo corn accidentally in there. At least no roundup in organic, though.

Here is lab results:

Cheerios is off the hook with Roundup:

explain what farmers do in more detail:

>> No.12846169

Tacos El Ruso in Tijuana is better, but in San Diego, there's no better place to get tacos.

>> No.12846226

Good post. No one should eat this poison trash if they can afford it.

>> No.12846246

His sources are communist propaganda

>> No.12846314

t. Bayer shill
How many more lawsuits have piled up after the 3 judgements in the hundred millions? It was @ 1500 before the ambulence chasers started advertising like wildfire on boomer websites and channels. You fucks are hosed.

>> No.12846726

That tray is going to be a bitch to clean

>> No.12846974

why dont you mind your fucking business you little prick, yeah?

>> No.12847054

>I avoid corn altogether because even organic has some gmo corn accidentally in there
>some gmo corn accidentally in there
what exactly is wrong with gmos? You seem way too uptight

>> No.12847151

jack? that you? are you recovering from your most recent stroke?

>> No.12848094

GMOs aren't bad per se. That is, the genetics are t doing anything bad to us. But they are engineered to withstand insane amounts of pesticides which are sprayed on the field to kill weeds. It's the pesticides that are bad for us, which invariably get on the corn and beans

>> No.12848170

>sprayed on
Because of the outcry against and expense of that, they also use BT transgenic crops - plants which have been genetically modified to produce their own pesticide in each cell. This reduces the need for spray application, and increases the amount of non-degraded (sunlight breaks BT toxin down, rain and washing dilutes and removes spray-on) pesticide you consume.

>> No.12848421

good job on the tacos. a tad low on toppings but they look good

>> No.12848621

Well thank God for Monsanto! You have me convinced!

>> No.12849166
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I work in a kitchen in a city. I'm currently eating something I microwaved, annies organic chicken folds while I type this, after work. I don't cook when I'm home, I eat whatever I bring from work, or whatever is in the fridge. I saw your thread and decided to comment.

Chicken tacos look good, and the presentation is good, with ample color, and crunch. Would have wished the chicken was a bit more blackened. Not enough cheese. A bit of toast on the onions and the fold would raise the roof, OK. Some sauce to tie it all in. 65/would eat.

Tip 1:
There is a lot of flavor here:
A white wine, or even some tap water to remove some of those juices and bits; mix into a powerful flavor punch to drizzle over the finished product. All those brown bits are chicken flavor defined. A squeeze of lime would be nice. OK.

Pre-diced cheese is garbage. Better to make your own, OK. Use the same type of cheese in the package. Fresh is better, OK.

excellent move, raise the total flavor. Toasted Tacos are good and the crunch. Great texture. A bit of salt and lime here, better, OK? Extra heat here is also good for some extra crispness, but the pan probably will start smoking. Raw onions need to be softened with heat and S+P to reduce the acidity. Charred Onions would kick this taco to 90/would eat. If you don't have chared onions, add some potato chips. People need crunch.

t. pro chef at a 4 star rated resturant. Love coming here!.

Here is bunch of pros take on chicken folds.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egt4UMjDGRM This one is how we do our soft tacos. I see a kitchen in your future, op. Do it again with more pictures. Great thread!

>> No.12849774

i like them anon <3

>> No.12849775

why eat chicken if you dont like it you fucking retard?

>> No.12849778

anon please take your meds

>> No.12849883

Posts like these are why I keep coming back. Well, that and /deenz/ threads

>> No.12849891

>complaining about bottled lime juice
needing fresh limes/lemons is a meme, especially if you're someone they are expensive, like australia (and we don't get large ones either, they are fucking tiny). I can get a 500ml half-litre bottle of lemon or lime for what it would cost to buy two fresh lemons/limes that will produce barely 80ml, and the juice lasts an eternity, it's also much easier to use (especially if you want a large amount).
the only use for buying fresh is if you need rind or for whatever reason you're actually using the flesh.

>> No.12850953
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I would eat those

>> No.12851676

Hi I am a new cook and this thread inspired me to make this same recipe. Marindading at the moment. Thanks for posting.

>> No.12851803

wholesome post