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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.13 MB, 4350x2900, Test-kitchen-staff-ott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12834269 No.12834269 [Reply] [Original]

What's /ck/'s opinion on BA test kitchen? Who's your favorite?

>> No.12834292

Claire bear of course. Wanna smell her sweaty braps and eat her ass

>> No.12834312
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, The Try Guys Try to Keep Up with a Professional Chef _ Back-to-Back Chef _ Bon Appétit-2RrrFMDg7G0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Try Guys Try to Keep Up with a Professional Chef | Back-to-Back Chef

holy cancer

>> No.12834338

Would absolutely love to sniff her ass

>> No.12834349

I have never goven a shit about them, they are either recreating junk food for some defeatist reason or very basic preparations.
I supposed the guy that ferments stuff since he is the only one that does stuff I am interested in

>> No.12834354

Claire can't do a thing and Brad the Chad steps into frame for a second just to tell her what's what

>> No.12834355

Bon Appetit is for so-called aficionados who think their opinion of going out to eat matters, and home cooking is some kitchy version of slumming it. Anyone who actually cooks and isn't some hills living Californian can ignore their opinion.

>> No.12834376

Carla Music can and should smother me with her big milky mommy tiddies

>> No.12834426

Mol. Always Mol.

>> No.12834442

The guy in the middle is actually straight and has a family believe it or not.

>> No.12834456

Claire is the love of my life, i protec
Brad is bro, Chris is great, and Amiel is great.
fun group of people

>> No.12834491

That (((womyn))) second from the right is trully frightening looking.

>> No.12834685

The only you tube channel I subscribe to. Priya can go fuck herself.

>> No.12834709
File: 119 KB, 450x518, 1559433456791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Brad, Molly and Chris. I only like andy when he's not being a huge faggot. I also wanna fuck mommy carla and then get milkies from claire.

>> No.12834718

why would you hate on priya tho

>> No.12834766

I don't give a shit about her dad. Stop talking about that poo faggot and show me your ass.

>> No.12834809

doesnt brad also have kids?

>> No.12834885

>doesn't realize his food has been prepared by these exact categories of people his entire life.

>> No.12835243

When youtube constantly recommend some reddit tier shit like "gourmet poptarts" or "$5 steak vs $500 steak" I just know it's pozzed garbage. Every single time. Can't watch anything food related on the tv app without tons of this shit being peddled.

>> No.12835256

i want to see mollys cunt

>> No.12835275

it has absolutely nothing to do in term of quality with buzzfeed

BA is like its polar opposite

>> No.12835322
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, 1563038862109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chris Morocco

>> No.12835342

Chris, Brad, and Claire are great. The rest are meh.

>> No.12835347

If you don't want this shit peddled to you in your recommended: click the vertical "..." to the right of the videos title, select "Not interested", then select "Tell us why" then select "Not Interested in Channel: [channels name]." BOOM! The channels content will never appear in your recommended. You're welcome.

>> No.12835350

I hate every time Consuela opens her mouth.

>> No.12835445

I used to think Chris Morocco would be the most stuck up person in test kitchen because the old videos he would always put out always had him so stern and serious, like one of those teachers that flunked half their class constantly if they couldn't keep up or one of those food autists that say anything other than freshly ground pepper is flavorless dust and you're better off not using any. Turns out he's the least pretentious person about certain foods and ingredients and one of the most laid back as well other than Brad. Also him not being gay and having a wife and kids was a revelation as well.

>> No.12835449

brad is mood af

>> No.12835488

Don't they have a midget goblin on staff? Where's she?

>> No.12835509

God tier:

Waifu tier:

Shameful Waifu:

Great tier:

Annoying tier:

Disgusting tier:

>> No.12835569

I like Chris and Brad. Actually the only one I don't like is Andy

>> No.12835575

so is chris even though he acts like a fag

>> No.12836661
File: 699 KB, 1000x1500, Bottle3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SSS elder god tier
For me it's Brad
>Great tier and knows their shit
Rick, Carla, Chris
>Great tier
Amiel, Claire
>Good-ish tier
>Jesus christ would you stop acting like such a sulky bitch and possibly blow your nose tier

>> No.12836665

>unironically thinking minorities, gays, and women can't cook

t. 'Mayonnaise is kinda spicy'

>> No.12836679

The only one I truly dislike is Rick and his relentlessly gay fashion sense. His videos are literally unwatchable because of his disgusting fucking nails.

>> No.12836727

>being such an insecure pussy that you won't watch literally the best cook in the kitchen because he looks like a flamer
w h e w

>> No.12836764

>gays and women work in the kitchen and not front of house

>> No.12836775

What are you talking about? I have no problem watching Carla and she doesn't look like a flamer at all to me.

>> No.12836813

Genuinely just depends on the restaurant and location desu.
Go to Cali or NYC and the chances of the kitchen staff being straight males is exponentially lower

>> No.12837084

It’s Alive with Brad!

>> No.12837399

Reminder that this is a whitoid imitating a nigger imitating a whitoid.

>> No.12837508

Fuck off /pol/.

>> No.12837530

How did the horrible twisted faces of pain become the symbol of sexual delight in japanese cartoon porn? Looks like the character is genuinely having a stroke.

>> No.12838150

Is it a soy cake recipe?

>> No.12838154

From pleasure!

>> No.12838155

If Priya was my wife, I would be very happy. But she would be very sad. So I'm happy she's not my wife.

>> No.12838193
File: 1.77 MB, 1334x750, 0831BDA0-67E2-4BAF-8443-58FC146282F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She only dates chad Jews sorry bud

>> No.12838196

That picture makes me think they just ate a person.

>> No.12839076

I want andy to strangle me with his big arms while he cooks some absurdly elaborate recipe that involves saffron

>> No.12839104

the jap small penis makes their women compensate by acting as if they are getting stabbed by a 9 inch bbc.

>> No.12839106

Did you guys watch the "making perfect pizza" series they did? Thoughts?

Molly and Carla crying out of frustration was adorable.

>> No.12839145

I just watched it for the second time, it's such a good serie, I really enjoy the way they're always experimenting, doubting themselves, learning

IMO it's by far one of the best cooking vid on YT

>> No.12839342
File: 1.64 MB, 480x600, curry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you say she is best girl?

>> No.12839344

I'd ram Eugene's ass super hard until that eye shadow runs down has stupid chinky fag face.

>> No.12839359

>Hindi Milkies
You can smell the turmeric wafting

>> No.12839526

that shit ain't cooked enough

>> No.12840795

I agree. It was really cool watching them make progress together and really kinda bounce their ideas around.

The end episode where they're all dorky g around at Carla's parents place was a nice finish.

>> No.12840869

Is that her lover? My heart is breaking. He deserves her as little as I do.

>> No.12841097

I understand. It saddens me when cute and pure girl end up with some fat ugly "nice guys"

>> No.12841182

Andy is such a miserable cunt who's obviously jealous of how much everyone else loves Brad.

>> No.12841232

Molly+Carla best combo

>> No.12841269

Molly is the most attractive to me, but she seems like such a spoiled shit millennial bitch
so Claire

>> No.12841315

THat is some awful flossing jfc

>> No.12841392

>molly being more spoiled than an actually Jew
wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.12841399

you're cool, you're cool, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you

>> No.12841400

>Molly (((Baz)))
Pretty sure he’s a Jew too

>> No.12841441

me too!
preferably unshaven

>> No.12841464

she married one

>> No.12841532


She didn't take his last name. Her family name is Baz

>> No.12841556

Claire (((Saffitz)))
Brad (((Leone)))
Carla (((Music)))
Andy ((((Baraghani)))
They're all jews :o

>> No.12841904

ew, stinky.

>> No.12841929

You left out the only person I was actually talking about. Anon said molly married a Jewish guy and got his last name. Her family name is Baz. His name is Willett or Wallett or some shit.

I dont disagree with your claim, so what's the problem?

>> No.12841985

I left her out only because she was already mentioned

>The surname Baz was an occupational name for a fine collector. Tracing the origin of the name further, we found the name Baz was derived from the German word buoze, which means fine.

More proof her ancestors were wealth hoarding jews in medieval germany. Old wealth and connections among the elite -> a young "chef" with zero experience gets a prestigious job in NYC

>> No.12841996

>promo pic is a rip off the last supper
into the trash it goes

>> No.12842009

ew, smells stinky

>> No.12842286

What's the point? You're mad at a cast of Jewish people cooking in a kitchen and having their videos posted on YT?

You're mad that they get views? Or people like them? I'm confused why it's relevant and what makes you care so much.

Also, why the fuck are you hanging out with people primarily shitposting about wanting to milk claire/fuck everyone.

>> No.12842349

I'm not mad about that it just shows how pervasive this problem is

>> No.12842424

That's kinda worrisome you label people having a job as a problem. I hope you aren't planning anything sinister because of your lingering thoughts and self loathing.

Do you like frogs? Nevermind, forget I asked.

>> No.12842558

the try guys are literally the worst thing on the internet right now. I would rather watch goatse keep up with a professional chef

>> No.12842564

Goatse actually died a while ago. RIP

>> No.12842610

carla burns literally everything every single recipe
>it's char
then why does she seemingly have no control over it and why doesn't she more evenly do it and why isn't it "charred" the same on all the pieces?

>> No.12842614

I want to fuck Molly and Claire. Both of them twice a day, especially Molly.

>> No.12843655

>all white people
How do they get away with this in 2019?

>> No.12843662

It's crazy how Eugene is the highest T one out of all of them.

>> No.12843683

Half of them are jews

>> No.12843701

Actually, thank you. I'm not the person you were replying to but thank you.
For fuck's sake, some of the Youtube recs are extremely off color. They want to take you to the weird part of Youtube every time.

>> No.12843705

I don't care for it at all. I think it's a shill channel that peddles meme tier recipes in exchange for product namedrop $$.
The people are all bad overactors and annoying, clearly in it for themselves and for likes and gratification, which they get from some of the losers ITT.

Little actual skill and terrible personalities. It's a channel for poor taste normies.

>> No.12844409

Their newest video is literally with someone named Hawa making Somali stew.

>> No.12844414

Great take, Anon. Got any recommendations I can cut my teeth on?

>> No.12844417


>> No.12844835

Someone needs a hug.

>> No.12846382

>tfw no inverted laughter blonde Molly MOMMY Milkerson gf

>> No.12846795

stanek is such an ugly jew i hate how they put him with QT MOLLY

>> No.12846819

Are you retarded anon?

>> No.12846837

I don't know what is it about Carla that makes me want her to be both my mommy and my sexual partner

>> No.12846920

Spoiler alert: Molly (((Baz))) is also a Jew. See >>12841985

>> No.12846949
File: 51 KB, 709x595, 1556696971727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.12846979

Is this supposed to be a mockery of "The Last Supper"?

>> No.12847016


anyone who thinks like this, i will crucify. i will stake you to a 2x4 tacked to a street light on the highway. you make me fucking sick.

>> No.12848527

you cant tell me you wouldn't love to tongue punch her poot producer multiple times