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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 127 KB, 1068x601, livekindly_beyond_meat-1068x601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12836416 No.12836416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is this Beyond meat shit and why does it seem insidious?

>> No.12836435

It's imitation meat and you are paranoid.

>> No.12836446

>why does it seem insidious?
Because you’re a fat trump supporting incel who eats and votes against his own interests

>> No.12836450

I'm gay and I voted Trump and will again. Fuck non-whites.

>> No.12836452

>new thing bad!

>> No.12836453

Imagine being this much of a corporate bootlicking cuck

>> No.12836457

>no soy
So empty calories? Nothing to see here, move along.

>> No.12836463

I know I'm going to be called a tinfoil retard but it's ok just hear me out -
We're slowly being conditioned to believe that meat is terrible and plants that taste like meat, then after some years there will be something more extreme until the end goal which is to get most of the people of the planet eating bugs and shit. We already live in a time where young people can't save any money and we're being told it's normal because it happens to everyone, we can't afford any land or property, soon we won't be able to legally grow vegetables in our own gardens. We're being turned into fucking slaves that will eat absolute fucking trash, overpay for it while keeping a smile on our face and joking with our friends about how we're late on our rent in our tiny studio apartments.

>> No.12836491

>the goal is to get people vegan and then eat bugs as some prank

This is what gay Trump supporters unironically theorize

>> No.12836500

Yeah you do seem like a faggot like most drumpfets. Maybe Mike Pence will be your daddy LARP

>> No.12836507

Just put on a suit and get a job retard. All you need is a smile and a firm handshake

>> No.12836521

Vegan "meat" always tastes like cardboard

>> No.12836523

Same thing happened with lobsters, get a bunch of rich people eating that shit and now a 100 years later everyone pays top dollar for shitty ocean bugs.

>> No.12836530

Why are vegans always anti social Autists?

>> No.12836548

They need to fuck off this shit is nasty no one buys this shit in stores

>> No.12836556
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Imagine paying money for fake meat

>> No.12836566


I had one from A&W 3 days ago and it was a fine burger. The only problem is it repeated on me more than a Whopper. Tasted like a Harvey's char broiled and AW always has fresh produce. All around the beef industry is dead as disco.


>> No.12836633
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>Slaughtering fewer animals with industrial style conveyor belt murder factories is "insidious"
lol, what the fuck? Never tried fake meat and I probably never will since my intestines are fucked and real meat is one of the few sorts of food that still sit well with me, but how do you even begin to rationalize that level of schizophrenia, OP?
What gets done to animals for meat is pretty fucking bad. I have a hard time understanding anyone who eats meat and doesn't feel at least a little uneasy with what happens behind the scenes to make that meat possible. I think most people just pretend slaughter doesn't exist so they don't have to deal with it, or else they go over the top in the opposite direction and try to convince themselves slaughter is awesome because it's just stupid animals who don't have thoughts or feelings and can't even tell what's going on.

>> No.12836639

Fuck this Gweilo shit

>> No.12836652


another leftist retard lovely.

Enjoy losing 2020 and not realizing your attitude is why it happened you dumb bitch.

Btw imitation meat isn't that bad but the supporters like this guy make it hateable.

>> No.12836660

>no one buys

>> No.12836668


It's insidious if your ranch is dying. Humans are worthless, selfish creatures and people who defend "externalities" that ruin other people's lives, like the tobacco lobby, deserve to be tortured to death. We don't do that, we just ruin their industry. Don't listen to these cunts and if you ever see one in public, run them over with your car.

>> No.12836670

Bernie is winning and he’s actually amicable towards retarded flyovers and incels like you

>me no buy something, this guy like it!!
Drumpfleforeskin supporters. Enjoy your Olive Garden

>> No.12836680
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He'd have a good shot if he were younger, not jewish, and not so easily pushed around by literally any random nobody.
I'd bet a lot of money he doesn't even get close to his own party's nomination.

>> No.12836682

>Bernie is winning.

I know you're trolling but this level of delusion is hilarious.

Do you even realize this attitude is why you guys lose. I'm honestly curious at this point because it's just gotten embarrassing for your side of politics

>> No.12836697

Truly incredible argument. Whining like a little bitch with nothing else to back it up. Bernie is going to eviscerate Trumps orange bleached anus because he appeals to retarded flyovers and incels like you but actually gives the solutions to solve the problems rather than giving another fat tax cut to Jeff Bezos

>> No.12836709


Hillary was a shit candidate, She was toxic Biden and even she got 3 million more votes than Donny Moscow. An honest to goodness freedom fighter like Sanders would whip the board without you sister fucking mental cripples living in your poverty states.

>> No.12836714

You didn't answer my question so I know you're trolling but alright man.

Btw I don't support trump but your narcissistic IM SMARTER DEN U attitude is why people hate liberals. Enjoy ruining your side to the majority of America for the next 30 years you're only hurting yourself.

>> No.12836718

What are you talking about, anon? I'm just telling you he'd have a good shot if he were younger, not jewish, and not so easily pushed around. All of which is completely true. We've never once had a jew president, so while we might have one in the future that's not a very smart thing to bet on for any one specific future election like 2020. And obviously looking like you're a very old balding nursing home resident doesn't help with electability either. Nor does being unable to hold your own against a couple of teenage black girls who decide to take over your rally by walking up on stage and yelling at you until you hand them over your microphone.

>> No.12836726

>Trumps orange bleached anus
Why are libfag arguments against Trump always just attacking his look and why are you so fixated on his anus? Stop watching television so much. If you want to engage in a meaningful discussion go read up on something useful you can use against him instead of just "haha orange man is dumb kill urself"

>> No.12836728

I don’t give a shit about your retarded question. You’re fucking stupid and think drumpf won because le fuck libs and not the centrist empty bullshit that shillary didnt even push in swing states

You’re too retarded to function, fag. Enjoy crying at more immigrants coming in

>> No.12836734


You know you'll see a depression in the next 2 months, right? You're fighting for a side that designed it to consolidate power and you'll probably have to eat your grandmother. Or you're in St. Petersburg and still you'll end up eating your Babushka.

>> No.12836742

Lol the centrist hate is great to you people cry about facists but you show all the traits.

I can see there is no hope for you idiots so enjoy the bullshit that America will become it's your own doing. It only annoys me because the left has some good points but retards like you will make it so none of those points ever get made into reality.

>> No.12836745

Bernie looks much better than Zump, physically, and despite his age he is more mentally there. Dumpf is King of the Jews, stupid card to play. Nobody gives a shit about him giving audience to a protester other than baseline doompf voters (retards)

I just told you why peach pol pot sucked and will lose outside looking like a mango macacque

>> No.12836753

>the left is right but im an emotional retard
Figures. Im sure all these workers getting their benefits ripped away with stagnating wages and shit healthcare are so concerned about le ebil libs on twitter

Retarded drunp monkey

>> No.12836770

You def are trolling lol.

When trump wins 2020 don't cry like a bitch it's partly gonna be your fault with an attitude like that smug cunt.

Ok enjoy cooking maggot patties and sniffing your own farts.


>> No.12836785

>y-youre trolling
>vegan maggot
Yeah another high IQ trumpanzee response. Here’s a green spam bean casserole, go bother someone else, boy. Your tears are going to be delicious when you actually have the excuse that all the dark people are taking the women from you and thats why you’re a virgin

>> No.12836794

Can't cure stupid I guess.

Hopefully you see the light one day instead of falling into monkey tribal bullshit because frankly your tribe does not give a single fuck about you.

>> No.12836801
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Yeah, we can’t cure your incelitis, that’s on you

>falling into monkey tribal bullshit
>refuses to buy a product he agrees with and vote for policies he likes simply because MUH LIBRULS

Trumpanzee IQ is plummeting lower than Agolf Twitlers approval ratings!!

>> No.12836802


Look up Overton Window, you fucking retard. You don't know right from left, up from down you're so much a tool of the machine. You're a worthless creature to be used by other people.

>> No.12836810
File: 226 KB, 380x420, beyond-beef-ingredients-label.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ingredient list, lol. Literal industrial waste re-constituted to resemble something edible. Don't get me wrong, I used to think veganism was pretty neat. But then I realized most people are eating less than 15% of their calories from animal products already, at that removing that last little bit is asinine. I pity those who fall for this, but I guess we've all gotta learn from our own mistakes and experiences.

>> No.12836821




>> No.12836825

imagine not realizing that right and left are wings of the same birb

>> No.12836827

>most people are eating less than 15% of their calories from animal products already, at that removing that last little bit is asinine.
most vegans have some sort of superiority complex, or just incredibly innocently stupid, and i do feel pretty bad for them.

>> No.12836831


Regulatory Capture and Governmental Capture is more than a century old. Look up the Trust Busters, sunshine. Get to your point or you have no point other than a goofy drugged up.. oh.. yeah man.. same thing..

>> No.12836835

Its like talking to dirt that cannabis once grew in, in here. You people are all so undereducated, underskilled and lacking in motivation.

>> No.12836852
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>> No.12836855

tfw people are afraid of plants


>> No.12836858

Does the lack of meat make you an insurable spreg?

>> No.12836865

no one is talking about orange man but you
please fuck off back to pol

>> No.12836868

No they lack any sort of character to begin with. The vegan thing is just another ego thing

>> No.12836871

>no soy
>pea protein

>> No.12836881

Yeah, I feel sorry for them, honestly. Probably some sort of abusive childhood leads to such strange decision making in adulthood.

>> No.12836883

It’s already begun


>> No.12836893

What exactly in this list is industrial waste? The only thing that raised my eyebrows is methyl cellulose, which turns to be a standard thickener for foods.

>> No.12836917

You’re a retarded polnigger with a fragile ego who gets offended by someone not being as fat of a blubbering retard as you. You’re probably just gay and love cock in your mouth don’t you?

>> No.12836923

Yup. Same fucking formula get a bunch of rich people doing it and then everyone walks around saying cockroaches are the chicken of the apartment buildings.

>> No.12836924

Is this some 5D Trumpanzee humor or do you actually think that soy and peas are the same?

>> No.12836954

I love how everyone accuses this as being "Trump-supporter" jargon without actually appreciating what you're saying. People are enslaving THEMSELVES, pretending to be happy with the fact that their quality of living (from food, to water, to environment) is continuing to deteriorate.

>> No.12836957

You know damn well they took a long inward look at themselves after they lost 2016 and decided they needed to double down

Fucking christ tho, not even /ck/ is immune from politics. I fucking hate what we've become

>> No.12836989

Also vegans are usually heavy drug users. They lost control of their lives and to compensate for this they act like something mundane like their diet is some important cause

>> No.12837008

If you’re incestually reproduced and retarded enough to think Bernie is like Hillary and the swing states care about your feelings nonsense

You’re definitely a Trump supporter

>> No.12837012
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pic related is probly some /pol/ larper but tell me it doesn't sound exactly like what going on

it falls exactly in line with those "skyscraper apartments of the future" that promote social lifestyles where your unit is just the bed and washroom, but the living room and kitchen are all public areas. Like fucking no, that's just a way to pack more plebs into the same space and make the landlord more money. Ask people in Hong Kong. That's what their life is like already and they fucking hate it. People are messy and don't clean after themselves, and that's what you get to wake up to.
It's fine when you're dorm living in college but you should grow up at some point.

>> No.12837015

Its so hilarious seeing a bunch of fat incels try to lecture about arrogance over someone not being a meat eating trumpanzee.

>> No.12837016

its hilarious to see how this site has fallen to normies.
>picking political parties
>being vegan
so much cringe

>> No.12837022

I remember reading that Hong Kong has the highest life expectancy in the world,

>> No.12837028
File: 51 KB, 500x545, 8C80B3CF-09B2-41E9-B0C0-33745A47BE6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green food bad
>non trump politics bad

>> No.12837037
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..not anymore..

>> No.12837041

no one mentioned trump but you.
please fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.12837053

And yet here are you whiteknighting him and bringing up politics


>> No.12837085

You had your chance and fucked it up. Don't worry tho, you'll get another democrat for 8 years in 2024.
What, you think they're not actually in on it together? You haven't figured out yet no matter what party is in power, the mega companies still fund their campaigns, the rich get richer, your rights are whittled away at, and we're still going to war somewhere? Oh and Trump is like the only president in our lifetime to actually follow through on more than 1 campaign promise, so I'm not even sure why you're even voting based on anyone's campaign promises. Quit falling for it.
I at least like that Trump is telling China to fuck off tho.
Also build that fucking wall. You know the story of the collapse of the bronze age civilizations? Tell me that's not around the fucking corner again.

>> No.12837094


>> No.12837098
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>> No.12837129
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>> No.12837146

Who are you talking about? Bernie isn’t Hillary. The very few people who actually won the election for Trump will not vote for him over Bernie. You had your chance for the Great Zionist Tax Cutting Empire that also hates Jews and the Elite. Now it’s done in 14 months and you’ll still be an incel!

>follow through on his campaign promise
Great wall, great plummeting pharmaceutical prices, great less deportations than Obama, great middle class, great improvement over NAFTA, great labor participation rate

Enjoy Bernie for 8 years then Ro Khanna the next 8, then AOC as your God-Empress

>> No.12837160
File: 26 KB, 600x489, imagine this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture this, Soros, the banks, illuminati, and the Zog all own your beans and rice. Think it clearly.
>They own your beans and rice
>Beans and rice

>> No.12838640

Grief your local politicians in Minecraft.
Fuck the state and it’s goons.
>Inb4 seething bootlickers

>> No.12838659

>no soy
everything has soy
bet they'll switch it in as soon as the paypigs start

>> No.12838927

>if you like something I dont you should be killed
Ah, another proud liberal, I see.

>> No.12838929


>> No.12839004

The tobacco industry, which is backed by right wing, kills way, way, way more people than any left winger has ever done or will ever do. Like TENS OF MILLIONS of people in the history and it is still allowed to do so. Tobacco causes more than 7 million deaths per year. You could argue that it's morally acceptable to kill people to save more lives. But that kind of moral thinking would fly over your head, because you're a right winger.

>> No.12839010
File: 15 KB, 360x216, Gourmet-Naturals-Wet-Cat-Food-4up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll make your house smell like cat food. I thought I bought a package that went bad, but when I tried it again I realized it's just plain nasty. Their whole marketing pitch is a scam.

>> No.12839036

Sure thing, liberal.

>> No.12839079

fucking boomers

>> No.12839086

can't lose at a game you don't play retard

>> No.12839111

>americans already politicizing the whole thread

>> No.12839616

Tons of people are buying it, anon.

>> No.12840106


Are you kidding? Someone who is destroying countless peoples lives with impunity in a time that our ecology is dying. FUCKING YES, let them die. Stop saying liberal or conservative you programmed nazi and defend your species.

God you people are worthless cunts. Just worthless.

>> No.12840113


It's not politics asshole it's life. Live your fucking life outside of the insulator of "POLITICS". It's your stupid fucking LIFE. Why do you let words destroy your mind?

>> No.12840120


Oh man, it's political, but they say I should walk into this blast furnace.. OK. You should probably kill yourself for being this stupid, but maybe you'll grow up.

>> No.12840314

imagine having such a non-existent life you have time and energy to get mad about imitation meat

>> No.12840327
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>> No.12840647

>mind expanding multi-post redpill accompanied by sexy ladies
gotta love /pol/

>> No.12840818

>Fuck non-whites
>Said you voted from someone who wants to import the third world but “””legally”””

>> No.12841316

Who fucking cares about the lives of beings that aren't self aware. We slaughter them to nourish our bodies to survive and propagate our race. Its nature. It's how the world fucking works. Grow up.

>> No.12841386

>my pathetic life is consumed by political hobgoblins
>how do you not realize everything is politics? You're so pathetic!
You can't make this shit up, lol!

>> No.12841398

I don't give a fuck what a person eats
just shut the fuck up trying to get attention from it
that goes for any fuck who tries to get high and mighty about food preference

>> No.12841402

Then entire vegan trend was pushed and created by online viral marketing in the form of reddit and 4chan/twitter/facebook vegan warriors targeting the mentally fragile and unstable to create a new food market since the industry had become so saturated with the big boy main-stays. If that isn't insidious, I don't know what it.

>> No.12841601

Vegans BTFO by BBQ Pit Boys

>> No.12841629

>no one buys this shit in stores

Yes they do.

>> No.12841723

Based as fuck.

>> No.12841734

but tobacco is healthy
meanwhile alcohol has killed more than tobacco ever has and it is shilled by hollywood and every mainstream media constantly

>> No.12841927
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It seems that way when you have been conditioned to be a gluttonous consumer who is in no way abiding by a natural diet in the first place. Eating corn fed animals pumped full of antibiotics, hormones and needing B12 injections to live is as bad as it gets. Furthermore the animals are now being engineered to yield more meat such as with chickens becoming grotesquely massive to the point their own limbs collapse under their weight. The only thing that's being threatened is the wasteful, cruel industrialized wholesale slaughter of animals that have been modified more by humans than any of this imitation meat has.

>> No.12843829

>It's insidious if your ranch is dying.
If it is, it's some combination of the three Ds. Drought, debt, dumbasses, Couple of mock meats with better marketing behind them are a drop in the ocean.

>> No.12843842
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>being based

>> No.12843903


>> No.12845703


>> No.12845716

Poor loser.

>> No.12845727

Vegans deserve to be beat up and shit on and this thread is proof of it.

>> No.12845733

Not Americans. Vegans. You can only be one or the other.

>> No.12845762
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>> No.12845784

I'd buy it if it were cheaper, healthier, and tasted as good as real meat

>> No.12845801
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>> No.12845805

It is healthier, and it’s around the same price range as premium

>> No.12845808

I'm pretty sure America is disproportionately "Vegan" compared to any other country on the world.

>> No.12846252

Being gay as about as unbased as it gets. But being gay and voting for trump is precisely why that post is based. His sheer unadulterated hatred is based as fuck.

What isn’t based is being too much of a retarded nigger too understand that. So please kys.

>> No.12846277

Well, there were jews who supported Hitler too. There are always those in minority groups who support those who oppress them likely from subconscious self hatred. Seek help from a psychiatrist to overcome it.

>> No.12846281

it varies from person to person.

>> No.12846293


Dude, Netanyahu is currently apologizing for nazies. Did you miss that?

>> No.12846297
File: 17 KB, 300x300, Meatsalad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is this Beyond meat shit and why does it seem insidious?
Looks disgusting.
>It's imitation meat and you are paranoid.
As long as vegetarians and vegans insist on calling that shit meat I will make a point to call pic related a meat salad.

>> No.12846303


Garbage people don't deserve you STUPID ASSHOLES replying. STOP IT you stupid stupid pricks. Let them die.

>> No.12846446
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Every single domesticated animal is among the most numerous species in the world. No ungulate is more numerous than the cow. No bird is more numerous than the chicken. They are some of the most successful species in the world precisely because they are edible and easily farmed. By not eating meat you are denying their right to exist as a species and genociding them.

>> No.12846462

>be born into horrible conditions just to be slaughtered for your meat
>why aren't you grateful to exist??

Fuck off, this argument is always ignorant as hell.

>> No.12846468

>fed, washed, bred, and sheltered with no effort on your part
>horrible conditions


>> No.12846472

You're deluding yourself if you think factory farmed animals are treated at all well.

>> No.12846485
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>> No.12846501

>be born into horrible conditions
This is all relative. You are likening cows to humans. The conditions they are born into are factually the best possible conditions for their species to thrive. Mind you, I personally find the amount of suffering they endure to be deplorable, as well as creating a potentially tainted product for the consumer, and always opt to purchase free range when available, but that is just my personal beliefs, which are not rooted in fact. You cannot deny that this is the very profitable existence for this species. Cows are the oldest currency in the world. They literally evolved to be eaten by humans and if we measure the success of any non-domestic species we always look at how numerous they are, so I don't see why domesticated species should be any different. All DNA-based lifeforms are hardwired to constantly suffer. Suffering does not equal bad.

>> No.12846522

I buy it and I'm not even a vegan/vegetarian. Plenty of the fake meat products actually taste pretty good. In fact, I only eat veggie hotdogs if I'm going to eat hotdogs anymore because they have a milder flavor and don't make my burps taste like acidic vomit after consuming a few.

>> No.12846557

The right has become more obnoxious than the left. I voted for Trump btw.

>> No.12846570

OK, but people have been calling things like that salad for decades and there has been little serious resistance. This is a good argument for calling imitation meats meat and I will definitely use it in the future. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.12846574

Do you really think that /pol/dditors actually know what vegetables are?

>> No.12846611

>animals aren't self aware
grow up.

>> No.12846643

I does taste alot like real meat.

>> No.12846686

Figures. He happily implements their techniques.

>> No.12847072

>OK, but people have been calling things like that salad for decades and there has been little serious resistance.
That is weird, whenever I call it that near a vegan they start chimping out at me.

>> No.12847080

Beyond Meat tastes literally nothing like real meat.

>> No.12847091

Demand drives supply.

>> No.12847102

i'd be interested in bio identical lab grown meat but this is beyond burger is apparently straight garbage

>> No.12847413

you know there are things like tuna salad, pasta salad, etc, right?

>> No.12847425

No, english is my second language.

>> No.12847801

I worked at the University of Missouri and saw the early versions of this extruded shit. Truly, it's disgusting to see that process and compare it to flesh.

>> No.12847879

I was grocery shopping today and saw the same 3 beyond meat burgers from last week sitting in the shelve. Same expiry date, same slightly ripped paper label. There is no demand, atleast not to the extent we're being supplied with.

>> No.12848955

So real talk. How does this shit actually taste?

>> No.12848966

Isn't this literally the plot of Soylent Green? Everyone has to eat mass-produced shit and only the elite get to eat real food so when the cop investigates the murder of a rich dude, he pockets some of the real food left behind.

>> No.12849280

a bad science experiment. more ingredients that cant recognise let alone pronounce let alone digest.

>> No.12849363

>why does it seem insidious?
It's being pushed on us by the same NWO types who are trying to get us all to eat bugs. They have an intense hatred of humanity and want to see us all punished for our crimes against the planet.

>> No.12849515

By this logic niggers would be the most successful race on earth

>> No.12849669

so this is a meme by this point right now, right? it contains normal ingredients used in lots of other foods, which are perfectly normal/mundane. You really can't pronounce "coconut oil" or "beet juice"?

>> No.12849703

>implying eating soy is a positive anywhere anytime
go back to plebbit, big nose.

>> No.12849717


please pronounce the chemical name of animal muscle tissue

>> No.12849754

it's made up of lots of chemicals, but i guess you're talking about proteins, like actin and myosin, etc, which are in turn made up of amino acids (methioine, lysine, tryptophan, etc)

>> No.12849769

smoking tobacco is not healthy
nicotine by itself is safe though and has cognitive benefits