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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12801618 No.12801618 [Reply] [Original]

am I a racist for not trusting restaurants where the chef is black? I've got nothing against black people but I've been burned too many times in that regard

>> No.12801624

Niggers cook good. But I don’t trust them to get a damn thing right on my order for fast food though. Or not take forever trying to get their food stamp card ahead of me in line at the grocery store. Or take forever in line infront of me at an atm. Broke nigga no matter how many times you hit check balance there’s not money in there for you.

>> No.12801638

Question: Is it the skin color itself that bothers you, or is it the culture of people who have black skin that bothers you?

How to tell: If he were green or purple or blue, would you still hate him?

>> No.12801639

Burned how?

>> No.12801645

burned as in let down by restaurants where the chef was black
it's about the food

>> No.12801647


Both. They’re shit people and their skin being the color of actual shit sure doesn’t help their case. If they were green they’d be orcs or ogres and some of them are already purple. They aren’t all bad though.

>> No.12801663

I'm the same way but with Arabs, I trust a black woman more than a black man though, and I trust them more than I would a fucking brit, thats for sure.

>> No.12801677

Yeah, a little bit.

You associate his race with how the food turned out.

>> No.12801768

How often are you people actually seeing the chefs? Like you going back to the kitchen to skulk about or researching it? Either way yea but this is 4chan and being edgy is a virtue but this is your hangup. Let it bother you or not. Everyone here is just going to say nigger this or that so to answer your question who cares?

>> No.12801789
File: 91 KB, 1024x766, Proud Racists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 2019 - Daily reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with being a blatant racist.

>> No.12801811
File: 108 KB, 876x493, Anti Semetic California.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's 2019 - Daily reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with being a blatant racist.

"I'm not a racist! I don't hate ALL jews, just the hook nosed, crooked, greedy, sheister Zionists!!!!"

>> No.12801838

...do you think racists hate black people just because they don't like how the color looks?

>> No.12801843

Israel is a fascist ethnostate

>> No.12801876

That really depends what kind of black they are.
Jamaican or from any Caribbean island are perfectly fine, and some of the best black cooks you can find, so long as you like spicy meats and stews.
East and North Africa have very popular cuisines that have spread around the globe, particularly Eritreans and Ethiopians are known to be fastidious and proper about their own food traditions. No hygiene issues to worry about with these cultures.
West Africans are probably okay, so long as they are using farmed animals rather than bushmeat. Expect yams and legume dishes to dominate.
Central/Southern Africans are to be avoided, the cultural poverty is almost as bad as the economic poverty. Don't expect anything good, as you will be dissappointed
African-Americans/Brazilians/Anglo-blacks are the worst in terms of black person cookery, but, besides a few notable exceptions, soul food has a devoted following among many blacks. Avoided anything besides soul food if you know it was cooked by an African American.
Trust your instincts if looking for black cuisine, and don't be afraid put $10 down for your drinks and nope the fuck out if you see something that worries you.

>> No.12801898

Well, that's kinda my question with racists in general. Every one of them start their argument with "Black people are _______" and so I wanted to know if it's more about the amount of melenin in their skin, or if it's about the CULTURE that they don't like. If it's a culture beef that they have, then it's not about the skin tone, but rather the clashing cultures - not the fact that they're black, or white or yellow or purple or magenta in skin color. This is what I want to clarify. It's not the color of their skin, but the culture and social "identity" that racists idiots don't like.

>> No.12801907



>> No.12801919

What were you expecting? Were they fancier places or hole in the wall chicken joints or what? What was your comparison that made you feel let down I guess

>> No.12801928
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Yes. Yes you are.

>> No.12801931

Then that's not racism

>> No.12801976
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>> No.12801984

you wouldn't eat ainsleys food?

>> No.12801997

He doesn't count as black.

>> No.12802001

"Culturism", then? A "culturist"?

>> No.12802010

Yes it is, and that's a good thing

>> No.12802023

Yes. You are being small minded. Would you ban all meals made from your mother because she burnt your food a few times? No. Because that's fucking retarded. By using blanket terms and throwing it over the ENTIRE population of people who have dark skin, you're only hurting yourself and making yourself look and sound like a jackass.

>> No.12802117

>"I'm not a racist! I don't hate ALL jews, just the hook nosed, crooked, greedy, sheister Zionists!!!!"

I've literally seen liberals use this excuse for their anti-semitism. It's like saying "I'm not racist against black people, I just don't like niggers."

>> No.12802122
File: 151 KB, 975x1200, Antifa Neo-Socialists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Israel is a fascist ethnostate

You neo-socialists crack me up. No different from 60 years ago.

>> No.12802126

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12802132
File: 128 KB, 500x805, Antifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> So what you tellin me is that today's rise & popularization of socialism has nothing to do with the modern anti-semetic movement from the left?

>> No.12802133

Did you reply to the right guy? You appear to be reading from some script.

>> No.12802143

Who cares? It's not like you are loudly declaring it outside every black restaurant is it? Where you spend your money is your choice. I for example would never trust an asian takeaway because too many where I live get shut down after a few years for hygiene violations and/or displaying fake hygiene certificates.

>> No.12802156
File: 84 KB, 1024x535, National Socialist Party Germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socialism & the modern anti-semetic movement

...go hand in hand. History repeats itself again.

>> No.12802167

Why do american liberals hate the 'zionists' or jews so much?

>> No.12802191

Look at the schizoid astroturfing. Hope you're at least getting paid for your efforts.

>> No.12802216
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Controlled opposition

>> No.12802217

I know, right.

>> No.12802231

>Why do american liberals hate the 'zionists' or jews so much?
Jealousy. Same with germany in the 1930's. Everyone else was poor shlubs while the Jews were unusually successful in their jobs & careers.

>> No.12802241

I am racist, and I literally hate all Jews

>> No.12802242

Same shit as today's Socialist rhetoric. "jews are too rich, they have too much money!!!" "Wealth inequality!!!" "We must take away their ill gotten wealth and re-distribute it to the people!!"

>> No.12802255

Progressives support the oppressed (in this case palestinians) and oppose the oppressor (in this case, israel and it's current policies).
Daily reminder: Opposing the oppressive policies of the zionist state is not anti-semitism. In fact many jews oppose them.

>> No.12802264
File: 56 KB, 850x440, Liberal Anti Semite 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am racist, and I literally hate all Jews

that's perfectly ok, my brotha

>> No.12802276

>Opposing the oppressive policies of the zionist state is not anti-semitism
lol. has that excuse ever worked for you?

"I'm not racist & I don't hate muslims, just all the terrorists & terrorist supporters."

>> No.12802288

>white people are so scared of black people

>> No.12802289

The best part of this line or reasoning is that the Racists themselves get to arbitrarily define who the "niggers", "zionists, or "terrorists" are.

>> No.12802303

> There's a lot of racism going on. Who's more racist, black people or white people? Black people! You know why? Because we hate black people too! Everything white people don't like about black people, black people really don't like about black people. There's some shit going on with black people right now. It's like a civil war going on with black people. And there's two sides, there's black people and there's niggas. The niggas have got to go. Everytime a black person wanna have a good time, ignorant-ass niggas fuck it up. You can't have shit when you got niggas around, you can't have shit. You can't have no big screen TV! You can have it, but you better move it in at 3 in the morning. Paint it white, hope niggas think it's a bassinet. Can't have shit in your house! Why?! Because niggas will break into your house. Niggas will live next door to you break into your house, come over the next day and go, "I heard you got robbed." Nigga, you know you robbed me. You didn't see shit 'cause you was doing shit! You can't go see a movie opening day, you know why? 'Cause niggas is shooting at the screen! What kind of ignorant shit is that? "This movie's so good I gotta bust a cap in here!" You know the worst thing about niggas? Niggas always want credit for some shit they supposed to do. A nigga will brag about some shit a normal man just does. A nigga will say some shit like, "I take care of my kids." You're supposed to, you dumb motherfucker! What kind of ignorant shit is that? "I ain't never been to jail!" What do you want, a cookie?! You're not supposed to go to jail, you low-expectation-having motherfucker!

>> No.12802334

Farrakhan is a damned lunatic but that is taken way out of context.

>> No.12802351

>black people are so fragile that calling them one word causes them to explode into a fit of rage

>> No.12802355

Schizoid here, you mean schizophrenic.

>> No.12802359


>> No.12802364


>> No.12802365

Mexican hole-in-the-wall (hitw) > black hitw
Asian hitw > black hitw
Paki hitw > black hitw
White hitw > black hitw

Not only this but fast food trash establishments are better when theyre not staffed by blacks.


>> No.12802368


But isn't that how all racists think? They all literally believe that large portions of other races are "evil" which, in turn, justifies the Racists hatred of said peoples.

>> No.12802379
File: 56 KB, 540x960, Antifa Flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Progressives support the oppressed (in this case palestinians) and oppose the oppressor

The National Socialists party of germany also used this reasoning. The "rich" "wealthy" jews didn't deserve the money they earned and were "oppressing" and "profiting" from the poor german people.

>> No.12802393

Posting terms I didn't know were racist:
The Itis
>More commonly known now as a "food coma," this phrase directly alludes to the stereotype of laziness associated with African-Americans. It stems from a longer (and incredibly offensive) version - ni****itis.

Modern vernacular dropped the racial slur, leaving a faux-scientific diagnosis for the tired feeling you get after eating way too much food.

>> No.12802405

lol what
I always thought the Itis was a boondocks joke

>> No.12802406
File: 89 KB, 560x337, Amerikan Antifa Klan Members.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

racists always have an excuse or some type of moral justification for their racism.

the more they believe they are "right" and the other races are "wrong & evil" the more emboldened they are to act out their racism, usually in the form of violence.

>> No.12802410

11. "Hip hip hooray!"

Though steeped in controversy, this first part of this phrase might relate to the Hep Hep Riots - anti-Semitic demonstrations that started in Germany in the 19th century. Germans reportedly cheered "hep hep" as they forced Jews from their homes across Europe.

"Hep" is likely an acronym for "Hierosolyma est perdita," which means "Jerusalem has fallen" in Latin. The Crusaders may have used this as a battle cry, although little proof exists. Or German shepherds or hunters may have used "hep hep" as a traditional command to rally trained dogs.

Just to be safe, avoid the first two words. "Hooray" conveys just as much merriment as the full version and comes from hurrah, a version of huzzah, a "sailor's shout of exaltation."

Bonus: "Rule of thumb"

No, this phrase didn't originate in some misogynistic judge's chambers. But the idea has permeated etymological discussions so often, we had to debunk it.

For example, The Telegraph reported just this year that Sir Francis Buller ruled in 1886 that a man could beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his thumb, which thus created the popular, and sexist, idiom.

But way back in 1998, wordsmith William Safire told a different story in The New York Times. He cites "rule of thumb" as early as 1692 and then, again, as an established proverb in 1721.

Buller did, however, make a similar comment much later in history. Someone should have knocked some sense into him - preferably with a stick much wider than a thumb.
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>> No.12802423

can you weirdos stop shitting up my thread with those weird racism discussions, it's about black chefs, not the root of racism

>> No.12802429

You’re more likely to hear this term in Great Britain than the states, where it’s a full-on curse word, but it’s still worth knowing about. The word comes from a heretical religious sect during the Middle Ages called “Bulgarus” who practiced sodomy. Over time, the term transformed into “bulgar” and then “bugger.” Essentially, the word means “Bulgarian sodomite.”

>> No.12802438

I can't wait for racist christians to get to heaven to be greeted by dark-skinned jesus. I hope something like that really happens after death. I bet it's hilarious.

>> No.12802443

>Fuzzy Wuzzy
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear… but before that, he wasn’t so innocent. In the 1800s, British colonial soldiers referred to the people of an East African nomadic tribe as “fuzzy wuzzies” due to their dark skin and curly hair. The term was later picked up by other military groups to refer to other indigenous populations in places like Papa New Guinea and Sudan.

>> No.12802448

This is relevant, how?

>> No.12802452

well christianity is a jewish religion anyway that got it's roots in the middle east, so any white that willingly believes that garbage deserves it
also fuck off nigger

>> No.12802454

I'm not from Nigeria.

>> No.12802455

Stop using the N word it's cringe

>> No.12802456

>Tipping Point
When you reach the tipping point in a situation, you have reached the point at which “a change or an effect cannot be stopped.” This seems benign enough, but the phrase was used in the ’50s and ’60s to reference the tendency for white families to move out of a neighborhood once it had been taken over by an African American majority

>> No.12802463


>> No.12802465

>Mumbo Jumbo
The phrase “mumbo jumbo” likely comes from the West African god Maamajomboo. Why is it offensive? Apparently, Mandinka males would dress up like the god to solve domestic disputes and abuse their wives
>abuse their wives

>> No.12802467

It has nothing to do with the actual color its just the fact its a DIFFERENT color. Your first mistake is trying to rationalize racists and its just not doable. Ironic racism is edgy, real racism is just low IQ

>> No.12802470

This is bullshit made up by someone desperate to justify their existence as an anti-racist acitivist

>> No.12802477

No you haven't because the most anti-semetic lefties get is criticizing Israel for being an apartheid state. But I wonder what /pol/ has to say about the jews...

>> No.12802478

Yes. That’s what racism is. You’re no Adolf Hitler but people of other races make you uncomfortable enough to call it racist.

>> No.12802484

Contrary to popular belief, “Eskimo” isn’t the proper term to describe people indigenous to northern Canada and Alaska. The word is actually an offensive way to refer to the Inuit people; it derives from the Danish loanword ashkimeq, meaning “eaters of raw meat.”

>> No.12802486

It’s the second worst thing you can be behind a fascist. Both deserve the gas chamber.

>> No.12802489

I always assume they are an affirmative action hire and leave.

>> No.12802496

Have you been to the Middle East or spent any time around Arabs/Northern Africans? They fucking HATE jews with a passion that would make ol' Adolf blush.

>> No.12802501

He was talking about leftists, not muslims.
Muslims are inherently right wing but abuse the left wing for gibs and social privileges that the right wing don't them to have

>> No.12802516

I wasn't talking about muslims, just people from those regions. And I think we're all talking about Tlaib and Omar and their followers.

>> No.12802530

What "gibs" and "social privileges" do Muslims have access to that others don't? Are you an oppressed wh*toid male gaymer by any chance?

>> No.12802540

You were talking about leftists. Thats what the fucking post i replied to originally said you god damn schizo. Tlaib and Omar's supporters aren't anti-semetic because they criticize Israel. Israel deserves criticism because they are an actual apartheid state suppressing a minority population within their borders. Your attempt to make that anti-semetic is both disingenuous and only serves to advance the idea that criticizing any Jew or Israel is the same as being anti-semetic