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12802111 No.12802111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why does american beer taste like watered down piss?

>> No.12802115

Why are you drinking watered down piss?

>> No.12802131

It's not our fault you bought some shitty pale lager. We have amazing breweries making every kind of beer you could ever imagine.

BTW if your piss tastes like hazy double IPA, you should get that checked out by a doctor.

>> No.12802142

This is like the American wine debate. There have been blind taste tests between European and American breweries and wineries. The American alcohol comes out on top.

If you drank watered downed piss you drank cheap ass nasty beer.

>> No.12802155

You're talking about macro lagers and its because when the German immigrants came here we weren't growing two row barley which is the grain for lager, but we were growing other varieties of barley which had more protein but too much protein leads to off tasting beer so they cut it with flaked corn which is cheap and abundant here and has no protein. Overtime they added more corn to make money, but also Americans became fond of the lighter bodied beer to the point that still lighter rice was being used to create an ever lighter bodied beer. Also generally in the mid west where all the macro lagers came from they used only a very little amount of domestically grown "noble" hop varieties. West coast lager beers were a little stronger because they favored a unique varieties of hops grown in northern CA and Oregon mostly cluster and cascades. In San Francisco they had a local beer completely unique known as "steam" beer which was essentially a lager fermented at atypically high temp.

>> No.12802162

Blame Prohibition, German immigrants, and factory workers who just wanted to drink during their lunch break
thank god microbrewing is a thing now, all American macrobrew lagers are like this.

>> No.12802165

I unironically enjoy Bud

>> No.12802194

honestly from the bottom of my heart, kill yourself

>> No.12802200

What's your favourite beer, friend?

>> No.12802225

Lmao what a fag you are. Its ok if anon enjoys bud. I myself drink plenty of fine alcohols but can't deny the enjoyment I receive from an ice cold Hamms on a hot summer day. There is a time and place for cheap lagers.

>> No.12802228
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>> No.12802251
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an actual good tasting beer. pic related
>There is a time and place for cheap lagers.
yeah its called high school or beer pong, anything else you're just cheating yourself

>> No.12802317

Or camping or fishing or driving tractor or washing your car or grilling or backyarding on your car... Etc. Its good for activities when you want something that tastes kinda like a mineral water is super cold and gives a mild but pleasant buzz. A tripel while I'm driving tractor in 100°f weather? No thank you. At dinner with a peach glazed pork roast and sauteed brussel sprouts? Yes please.

>> No.12802453

Because it is
Those pussies can't handle anything over 5%

>> No.12802458

Cause that’s how we like it ya cuck

>> No.12802460
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We have good beers and shit beers
Cheap beer is your 4.5% that you can buy a 24 pack for $10 at the gas station, whereas a six pack of 8 point quality german beer is $14 at the liquor store