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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 540x538, whopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12801608 No.12801608 [Reply] [Original]

this is literally the same as the regular whopper, but a dollar more expensive. what's the fucking point? are people really buying this?

>> No.12801613

Imagine still eating meat in 2019
Its like you dont want to be carbon neutral

>> No.12801642

It's healthier and tastes better

>> No.12801648

literally implies that it is the exact same, but it's not because it has a meat substitute and not real meat

don't use literally here, thanks

>> No.12801701

literally autistic

>> No.12801734

are you retarded

>> No.12801761

>It's healthier

>> No.12801769


>Tastes better

If you enjoy the taste of grass you're right.

The impossible burger would be acceptable if eveyone didn't lie and say it tastes like meat

because it doesn't

not even remotely

It's like giving someone a jolly rancher and saying it tastes like an M&M

>> No.12801771

It's not healthier at all you fuckin ape

>> No.12801869
File: 81 KB, 610x780, 151026-IARC-Meat-rating-TWITTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of plants and oils vs cancer

>> No.12801912
File: 3.58 MB, 350x300, tenor (8).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12801967

i reaaaaaaaaally doubt this borger is carbon neutral. or healthier than beef. its not cheaper either.i dont get this thing.

>> No.12801971

Not true

>> No.12801973

Quit eating shitty overpriced fast food. Home cooked burgers are better.

>> No.12801986

How many threads do we need about this? Why does this trigger you guys so much? You fuckers are so damn sensitive about meat alternatives. It's pretty "soy" if you ask me. Pissing and moaning like a bunch of woman all day every day about a dumb fast food burger.

>> No.12801993

Do you know you are a fucking slave?

>> No.12801998

Complaining about people complaining and then insulting them specifically for complaining about something is retarded.

>> No.12802016

No it's not. It's a meta question about the state of this board. Being you is retarded. Don't mix the two up.

>> No.12802035

Because it’s vegetarian dipshit.

>> No.12802078


>> No.12802091
File: 462 KB, 1200x968, 456546546546867865635635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 threads of this shit on a cooking board

>> No.12802096

When will meat alternatives be a better value than meat?

>> No.12802098

>this is literally the same as the regular whoppe
Uhm no it's the impossible whopper. Fucking idiot at least read the image you're posting.

>> No.12802183


sensible chuckle

>> No.12802222

taste good
no meat

me buy

>> No.12802436
File: 795 KB, 2648x1920, thread take one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok. good luck with today's thread

>> No.12802550

You don't need to slaughter an animal to make it. How is this a question?

>> No.12802980
File: 76 KB, 678x381, Burger-King-Quietly-Rolls-Out-New-Whopper-Recipe-678x381[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big meat eater here
normally I would agree with you but it tastes pretty damn close. I think mostly because it's probably about the same as the shitty grade of "beef" they use in their regular whoppers anyway. most fast food places probably mix in a bunch of soy or plant based shit into their meat to get more for the money.
I mean look at the patty of any bk or mcdicks burger. shit barely looks like meat anyway.
but in terms of a regular burger you would make at home or a nice restaurant you could totally tell.

>> No.12803008

Shills are quick to post. Or just op samefagging his shitty shill thread.

>> No.12803065

I've said it before and I'll say it again:
Veggie burgers are being put on the menu so these places don't have to advertise their normal burgers are 100% beef anymore. They can start cutting with fillers and any ghastly taco bell shit they want.
If there were some kind of health movement to get people off animal protein, these things would be priced at parity.

>> No.12803373

>implying they don't already do this
Next time you go to mcdonalds look at the patty itself. Not the quarter pounder patty but the regular cheesburger patty. Now tell me that's 100% real beef. Same goes for white castle and BK.

>> No.12803404

I've bought both a Whopper and the impossible Whopper at the same time to compare them. The thing with Whopper is that it uses some of the cheapest and crappiest ground beef but still had that charbroiled taste. I kinda preferred the impossible version a little more. They both did look 90% the same because of how heavily processed they are. Don't get me wrong but I think fresh ground beef that has been prepared, seasoned and cooked properly is far superior trash or fake meat.