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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12792029 No.12792029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ humor

>> No.12792034

>there are people who dont like the taste of beer but drink it anyway
>they think that it's all just a big charade
sad really

>> No.12792065

only /b/tards take xkcd seriously enough to hate it, because he btfo'd them in a couple comics..

>> No.12792073

>there are people who think the best tasting thing in the world is the bitter juice squeezed out of an unripe hops flower, and attempt to spread this retarded opinion through peer pressure

>> No.12792078

You've made this thread every day for the past 3 days.

>> No.12792083

cope, go drink another mikes hard

>> No.12792088

Just because 4chan is inherently contrarian doesn't mean that the food and cooking board is a safe space or support group for picky eaters.

>> No.12792099

>there are people who think beer is the bitter juice squeezed out of an unripe hops flower

>> No.12792101
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>> No.12792102

I've noticed that. Why do the jannies get so triggered by /ck/ humor threads?

>> No.12792104

>drinking alcohol
yeah no thanks, I'm not really into consuming things that my body responds and processes as a type of poison.

>> No.12792112
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>yfw you realize michael jackson loved hanging out with midgets because they're like children who never grow up

>> No.12792130

then how do you even know what beer tastes like

>> No.12792132

hops are a preservative, they aren't even needed in beer you idiot

>> No.12792156 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12792185

Christ, I hope you never need painkillers

>> No.12792186
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You're on the wrong board. This has nothing to do with cooking or food. Post a soyjack or whatever if you really want to, but you're on the wrong board. This is the food and cooking board. Your image has nothing to do with food or cooking. This is why people hate /pol/, so many of you get confused and treat every other board like it. You are on the wrong board. Go back.

>> No.12792198

>Christ, I hope you never need painkillers
>he drinks alcohol as a painkiller
lmao at your life. who diddled you?

>> No.12792230

Yeh, fuck pol

>> No.12792241

Is /r9k/ always like this?

>> No.12792345

By that logic everything is poison. Common knowledge and basic understanding of how your body works tells you that low doses of alcohol are strictly beneficial - not a debatable topic. It, like anything you can consume has an upper limit where it starts to show downsides. You're probably on anti depressants and vegan.

>> No.12792374

Uh no, by that logic alcohol is processed as a poison and water isn’t you fat fucking moron.

>> No.12792414

>yeah no thanks, I'm not really into consuming things that my body responds and processes as a type of poison.

>By that logic everything is poison. Common knowledge and basic understanding of how your body works tells you that low doses of alcohol are strictly beneficial - not a debatable topic. It, like anything you can consume has an upper limit where it starts to show downsides. You're probably on anti depressants and vegan.
I think what you mean to say is that .5 to 1.5 drinks daily might be cardioprotective. Studies show that to be true. The upper threshold where negative consequences appear to other organs is less for females, and might be for some people certainly less helpful to the GI, the liver, the brain (CNS depressant and negative associations to replenishment of dopamine, serotonin, etc), dehydrating for kidney health, esp if already compromised, etc.

While I wouldn't go so far to say toxin, there is a limit to how much you can process at once, and almost everyone enters abuse territory after 1 glass.