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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.23 MB, 1072x900, Chili time once again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12787240 No.12787240 [Reply] [Original]

Gonna get some more fancy peppers for the next batch but I still like this batch.

>> No.12787259

Great bean soup anon.

>> No.12787271
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>> No.12787279

Thanks for the bigger pot to make more of it anon

>> No.12787286

what are the odds you're even from texas and eat texas red chilli?

i'm quite sure you're just a contrarian faggot

>> No.12787295

It's contrarian to add beans.

>> No.12787300


>> No.12787304

Chili is more about technique than individual ingredients, though they matter. Roast the dry spices and chilis, sear the meat, sweat the aeromatics, combine with the sauce ingredients and spices, and let it go. Also then add beans.

>> No.12787308

Texas kaseely curo? I have no idea what you're trying to do a mock retard speech version of here.

>> No.12787324

Not from Texas, still eating real Texas chili.

>> No.12787337

no it's tasty to add beans. i don't understand why you would deprive yourself of things that taste good simply out of spite. if you don't like beans that's fine.

>> No.12787343

You don't even need to call it "Texas chili."
It's just actual chili.
If someone wants to add beans (which doesn't help at all and makes no sense, but whatever you're into I guess) that's their decision, but I don't get this urge to pretend beans in chili is somehow the right way to do it and without beans is weird when it's the complete opposite.
I'm guessing these are the same people who use ranch dressing instead of blue cheese for their buffalo wings.

>> No.12787350

>it's tasty to add beans
If you can taste bean flavor through chili you fucked up. Chili is supposed to be strong as fuck. That's the entire point of making chili. This is also why beans are considered a filler ingredient. If you can taste them, your chili is way too weak. And if you can't taste them, then there was no point to adding them in the first place.

>> No.12787605
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How long do you slowcook your chilis anons?

>> No.12787637

god non-bean faggots are so goddamn insufferable just shut the fuck up already

>> No.12787642

>And if you can't taste them, then there was no point to adding them in the first place.
what if i want to make more chili without dropping the cash on double the meat
what if it’s bulking season and i need the cheapest gains per dollar
what if you’re a cocksucker

>> No.12787645

I like ur mum doggystyle

>> No.12787648

beans add a nice texture to the chili
people that whine about beans can make their chili without

>> No.12787659

usually like 5 hours

>> No.12788264

>what if you’re a cocksucker
how did you know?

>> No.12788268

chili without beans is just spicy meat water

>> No.12788270

Looks too thin. Beans release a starchy thickener, you should have added a little more.

>> No.12788284

that's not chili it's some kind of stew with beans in it.

>> No.12788285
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I put worcestershire, soy sauce, chili garlic sauce and a bit of liquid smoke in my chili.

>> No.12788292

beans have the texture of mud and the taste of... beans, why would you eat that?

>> No.12788305

I had just put it in the pot anon. It hadnt started cooking yet.

>> No.12788314

what kind of mud are you eating anon?

>> No.12788319

Worse, they try to make it so thick the liquid ends up being thicker than a glaze. It's just braised beef. Texas red is just spicy braised beef. You could put it on a plate beside beside some mashed potatoes and vegetables. Or sit it next to some naan and a vegetable curry and tell people its Indian.

>> No.12788324

>Liquid smoke
I cant have any liquid smoke stuff. My parents put some on some burgers once and they put way way way too much and it almost made me throw up and was way too concentrated. Just the smell of it now makes me gag a little.

>> No.12788551

>what if i want to make more chili without dropping the cash on double the meat
>what if it’s bulking season and i need the cheapest gains per dollar
Well at least now you heretics are admitting beans are a meat substitute for poor people.

>> No.12788588

>imagine not liking one of the best sources of protein on the planet
beans are fucking amazing and should always be added to chili
cuxans are literally retarded

>> No.12788704

>dipping your hot wings in blue cheese or ranch
Literally the beanfags of chicken.

>> No.12788712

Who are you quoting, newfag?
Either greentext the second part or do the le imagine meme out of greentext, doing it like this is how someone would criticize your post.

>> No.12788790

I want summerfags to leave, you don't understand this website but you pretend to do so. Please stick to reddit and leave us alone.

>> No.12788990 [DELETED] 

Go back to r/t_d, pls.

>> No.12789005

chili originated with poor Mexicans and was often formed into bricks to be reconstituted on the trail, why do people like you keep screeching about how beans are poor people food

>> No.12789064 [DELETED] 

Texasfags have nothing to be proud of other than their mythological sentiments about chili and bbq. Drive through west TX and you'll see and smell nothing but shoulder to shoulder feed lot cattle horizkn to horizon for hundreds of miles. I literally gagged as I was driving and had to dawn a surgical mask to block the smell. Texans have that stench about them.

>> No.12789241

Do any of you homos have an actual recipe, or no?

>> No.12789255
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>chili originated with poor Mexicans

>> No.12789287

The secret ingredient is chocolate

>> No.12789295 [DELETED] 

>muh alternative facts revisionist history
Anglos invented everything, ok?

>> No.12789299

Most Mexicans have never even heard of chili. Try ordering it somewhere in Mexico (at a place that doesn't specifically cater to stupid tourists who think chili is a Mexican dish).

>> No.12789405
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>chili originated with poor Mexicans
I can see why you would guess that, but no, and it's not even an open historical question. Earliest documentation of chili is from Texas, and the only records we have of Mexicans regarding chili is their repeated insistence they have nothing to do with the dish. Mexicans have never been big fans of chili believe it or not.
>The only thing certain about the origin of chili is that it did not originate in Mexico. Charles Ramsdell, a writer from San Antonio in an article called San Antonio: An Historical and Pictorial Guide, wrote: “Chili, as we know it in the U.S., cannot be found in Mexico today except in a few spots which cater to tourists. If chili had come from Mexico, it would still be there. For Mexicans, especially those of Indian ancestry, do not change their culinary customs from one generation, or even from one century, to another.”

>> No.12789417

based and yellowsubmarinepilled

>> No.12789435

My last batch I did about a six hour simmer, with about an extra two hours just for the tomatoes because I used a batch grown from my own garden and had them simmering while I prepared everything else to help boil them down a bit.

>> No.12789454

fuck you

>> No.12789461

What's the best beer to add to a chili by the way? I used a cider last time because it's just what I had on hand when I made some and the apple taste it added was alright, but not what I was looking for I guess. I'm assuming a more normal beer would be better? Also, redpill me on adding a piece of chocolate to it. I keep hearing about this shit.

>> No.12789472

Honestly, any beer you can drink.
I usually use Budweiser, because it's cheap and consistent.
But I've used stouts, wheat beers and porters to good effect.
Don't waste good beer in chili, but don't put stuff in you wouldn't drink.

>> No.12789475
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>treating Texas like it's all just one identical place
If Texas were to secede it would still, on its own, be one of the largest nations in the world. Dallas is nothing like Houston. Austin isn't even remotely similar to Laredo. If you don't like one part you're driving through that's not going to tell you much about the remaining 99% of Texas you didn't drive through. Like any other similarly sized inhabited swath of land the majority is going to be long stretches of rural farmland with metropolitan areas being extremely dense little islands of civilization.

>> No.12789499
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>> No.12789500

>one of the best sources of protein
Meat has more protein and more calories than beans. This would be a good argument if you were using beans to replace some other low protein food like corn, but you're not. If you left out the beans and just used the freed up space for meat you would get more protein, not less.

>> No.12789501

Yet the unifying thread throughout the state is that you're all ignorant fags.

>> No.12789521

"Texas or fucking" still doesn't make any sense and that's probably not what whoever posted "TEKSAS CZYLI KURWO" meant. Just because you can get an answer out of Google Translate doesn't mean you actually entered a viable excerpt of foreign language (especially when you do what you did and don't even set the target language, letting it just pick the closest match it can find from any language). It covers about a hundred different languages and will do its best to identify random foreign language words for all sorts of gibberish input you dump on it.

>> No.12789530

No. You'd probably get along fine with the college town zoomers in Austin. Whatever sort of Texan you're thinking of, there's the polar opposite of that sort of Texan located somewhere else in Texas.

>> No.12789598 [DELETED] 

Farmland is one thing, but as far as the eye can see in any direction, shoulder to shoulder cattle in feedlots is an alien visual and olfactory experience and a disgusting one at that.

>> No.12790196

this one is actually good even though it's on some /fit/ meme channel

>> No.12790223

well, it meant "Texan chilli, you cunt" or "Texan chilli, faggot" or even "Texan chilli, motherfucker" (more or less, although "kurwo" literally means "you whore", such translation doesn't work here). Swearing is incredible, isn't it?

>> No.12790238

liquid smoke is liquid shit. Smoked jalapeno tabasco and chipotle sauce for silliness.

>> No.12790360

Beans have a weird texture and I don't care for the taste.

>> No.12790417

What is that, a gallon?
Proper chilli (5+ minced onions plus beans) should be over 2 gallons for a minimum family batch.


>> No.12790426

Hating beans in chili must be a Jewish thing.

>> No.12790439

Not so much Jews, more a bunch of Yanks deciding they need to have internal riots (potentially stoked by the Jews).

It's the century-old "curry on rice" vs. "curry on bread" argument being transposed into a new continental form. In any case, divisive or not, BEANS. Y'ALL NEED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT SEPARATES CHILLI FROM SPICY STEW.

>> No.12791002

My dad always pours way to much liquid smoke in soups he makes. I don't have the heart to tell him it tastes like a hobos ass.
What is it with boomers and not understanding small amounts?

>> No.12791031
File: 91 KB, 400x603, Swamp_Thing_Vol_2_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hating beans in chili must be a Jewish thing.
Why do beanfags get everything backwards?
The attempts to legitimize beans added to chili came from New York e.g. that 1967 Holiday Magazine shitpost 'Nobody Knows More About Chili Than I Do'.
There are more Jews in New York City than there are in Tel Aviv.
It's a pointless filler ingredient. Good chili is way too strong to allow you to taste bean flavor even if you for some reason made the mistake of adding beans but did everything else right. And it has less protein and fewer calories than meat. The closest thing I've seen to an argument for beans doing anything helpful in the context of chili is people claiming they like the texture, although that isn't a particularly compelling argument either since thoroughly cooked beans in a very hot bowl of chili are going to be pretty insubstantial to chew through. And it's not even like beans that are substantial to chew through have a great texture to begin with. Their texture is waxy. Is that really what you think chili con carne is desperately needing? More waxy texture?

>> No.12791074

>No goy, you don't need more tasty, juicy, flavorful beef in you chili. Just put in some cheap, bland beans as (((filler)), they totally add (((texture))).
Sounds Jewish to me.

>> No.12791285

I am me and my girlfriend only

>> No.12791291
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

litterally you right now

>> No.12791667

I explain it every time but beanfags don't just eat real chili but with beans, they make a completely different food with the same name. when you talk to them about chili without beans they imagine something completely different from real chili.

>> No.12791693


That is a bean soup.

>> No.12791698


>best sources of protein

LMAO dumbest shit I've ever read.

>> No.12791717

I'm about to make some chili and bought some cherry tomatoes, how do I incorporate them? just chop and cook them? blend them?

>> No.12791748

This is one of those arguments I'll never understand. I can be a purist asshole about some things, but whether or not you add beans to your chili does not bother me one way or the other. I've had both, they're both good. If you want to add some body and richness to it just to fill you up more, add beans. If not, then don't.

>> No.12791778

I just stumbled onto this thread and I'm literally confused. Maybe it's a bible belt thing, but every damn recipe I've seen or made or tried has had some sort of bean involved, and it typically always is Kidney by default. I've never seen any recipe that didn't call for it, although thinking about it,I don't see any recipe why you would actually need beans in it.

>> No.12791779

Texas vs Greenland / Denmark ?

>> No.12791794
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>nary a recipe was posted

>> No.12791826

this is like saying lettuce on a sandwich is just a substitute for meat. you cant taste the lettuce on the sandwich and you could just put more meat on instead of lettuce, but then you have a worse sandwich.

>> No.12791999

lettuce is shit. literally a fucking leaf. your analogoy sucks anyway. it's more like comparing an all beef salisbury steak with a meatloaf. not only does one have a bunch of filler ingredients, it's not even the same dish to begin with.

>> No.12792161

Bleu cheese was literally what the first fucking restaurant that invented hot wings used you ignorant moron.

>> No.12792168

>literally a fucking leaf
no, that's Canada

>> No.12792192

Huh you kinda change my mind, though sometimes i think im going to shit awful later but i guess thats what bread is for

>> No.12792254
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This chili ain't got no beans.

>> No.12792409
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The only thing in chili that matters is that you make the chili powder yourself.
Besides that put whatever the fuck you want in it.

>> No.12792702
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looks like vegetable beef soup

>> No.12792718

How does someone living alone make chili without making enough to feed a dozen people? It always goes to waste when it's only eaten for three or so meals.

>> No.12792723

It's called Tupperware. Freeze it in single serve batches and thaw as desired.

>> No.12792736
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You mean the tiny ones? You'd be better off with romas or something bigger but either way you'll need to blanch and peel them. Just bring a pot of water to a boil, dip em in for a few seconds (I do about 30-45 with mine but I use bigger tomatoes) and place them into ice water. You should be able to just lightly squeeze the skins right off when you chop them in half that way. Pic related - I blanched about 40-50 tomatoes from my garden for the base of my last chili. They'll break down as they simmer.

>> No.12792742

It freezes and reheats really well and will last a long time in the freezer.

>> No.12792747
File: 88 KB, 1200x1182, beef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is like saying lettuce on a sandwich is just a substitute for meat.
I agree that using cheap filler like lettuce in burgers is bad too. Although beans in chili are a little worse because you can't even taste beans if you're doing chili correctly and the chili flavor is extremely strong like it should be. Lettuce at least is something you can taste, although it's still a trashy practice that came out of cost cutting and meat hoarding motivations.

>> No.12792843

educate me what goes into proper american chilli? is minced beef ok or it should be cubed meat? what vegetables? I thought about onion, garlic, tomatoes, beans, carrot maybe, corn maybe, bell pepper maybe

>> No.12792879
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>this is like saying lettuce on a sandwich is just a substitute for meat.
Lettuce added to burgers began as a meat rationing practice.
Also it's funny you bring this up because WWII meat rationing also resulted in the invention of 'Trumanburgers' which are burgers where mashed baked beans are used as substitutes for meat:
>During the last days of meat rationing in 1945-1946, the term Trumanburger was coined. This dish, named after President Harry Truman, consisted of a patty of mashed baked beans! [8: 12]

>> No.12792903

Cut meat is generally preferred over ground meat, and no vegetables.
Once you start adding in a bunch of filler ingredients like beans, onions, corn, etc. then you've left traditional chili territory and are now doing homestyle chili, where "homestyle" basically means "add whatever the fuck you feel like to the pot and call it chili."

>> No.12792921

so it's just meat and tomatoes?

>> No.12792923

the main ingredients are beef and peppers. you can use ground beef but cubed is better. the peppers should be rehydrated dried ones turned into a paste. you also want onion and garlic and cumin and oregano for seasoning. you can use some fresh peppers if you want but don't upset the flavor balance. tomato is also optional. too much will definitely ruin it. beans and other vegetables are out. think of chili as being between a stew and a curry.

>> No.12792951

It's chili con carne.
Chili sauce and meat.

>> No.12792968

but what is the sauce based on then? when you say even tomatoes are optional
searching for traditional recipes nothing similar comes up, all are based on beef + tomatoes + beans, often adding also beef broth

>> No.12792989

>what is the sauce based on
... the chili peppers? I'm not understanding what you're not understanding here.
>searching for traditional recipes nothing similar comes up
Do you not know how to put quotes around multiple words in a search engine query?

>> No.12793012

dude that looks busted as fuck

>> No.12793019
File: 111 KB, 960x640, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chili only has 3 ingredients: Dried Beef, Dried Chili's, and water

>> No.12793053

ok, I didn't know it shouldn't be that liquid, on the photos it is often just pool of sauce with some meat here and there, something like op posted
also I didn't know you can use that many chilli peppers to create paste without it being extremely hot

>> No.12793127

>I didn't know you can use that many chilli peppers to create paste without it being extremely hot
It's supposed to be extremely hot though? That's kind of the point of chili con carne. It's a dish commonly described in terms borrowed from the way firefighters describe different sizes of fires (e.g. "2-Alarm Chili").

>> No.12793141
File: 302 KB, 900x600, Peppers_List_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dried chilis are not hot at all if you take the seeds out.

>> No.12793152


>> No.12793157

It does, however, have corn you fucking troglodyte. Also, needs to simmer for a good deal longer, that shit looks watery as fuck, and that meat don't look very tender.

>> No.12793219

this was 2 hours into a 4 hour simmer

>> No.12793423

looks like fucking cat food

>> No.12793470

the peppers you normally use for chili aren't that hot. you have to add a lot of cayenne or ghost pepper or something to make it spicy.

>> No.12794342

laughing whores.jpg

>> No.12794346

>slow cooker
8-10 hours on low usually so that is ready when I come home

>> No.12794364

>What is it with boomers and not understanding small amounts?
Have you considered that he's making those liquid smoke dishes the way that he likes them and doesn't give a fuck about what you want since he wants you to either move the fuck out or is going to be stuck with leftovers?

>> No.12794431

>1 head garlic
>3 large white onions
> 1.5 bell pepper
> 0.5 jalapeno
>1 can diced tomatoes
>1 can tomato paste
>1 jar Strained tomatoes
>2 cans beans (black, pinto or kidney)
>1 can corn
>1lbs of ground deer
>Beef bouillon
>1 cup coffee
>1 cup wine
>1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
>1/4 cup honey
>Seasoned with salt, pepper, cumen, chili powder, paprika and cayanne to taste

R8 my recipe

>> No.12794480

Hmm sounds tasty hunter-bro. Very typical chili aside from containing literally no chillies. Try getting and grinding some dried chillies from your local beaner store or grocery. Like idk 2 or 3 Pavia?

>> No.12794484


>> No.12794496

Lmao Texas is a baby state. If we cut my state in half, Texas would be the third largest state in the US.

>> No.12794506

Hey, read more carefully, he put in a whole 0.5 jalapenos.

>> No.12794534

>t. seething igloo nigger

>> No.12794653

>third largest
Second. California comes nowhere close. Are you trying to count all the territorial waters around Hawaii or something? Even if you do something faggy and combine North Dakota and South Dakota it's smaller than Fagfornicate.

>> No.12794674

Dried chilis really are the secret to good chili.
If you get the right blend, it adds a ton of flavor.
I use one each of guajillo, ancho, chipotle & cascabel in my recipe.

>> No.12794885

too much tomato
stopped reading here

>> No.12795717

what about the nice soft bean texture. you fool. you absolute imbecile.

>> No.12795728

You want to trick yourself into believing that Texas has as much variation in culture as Europe, but you know it's wrong. The only cultural variation in Texas is whether you live in a city or not and how Mexican you are.

>> No.12795730

What kind of beans are best for chili?

>> No.12795742
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>one of each

>> No.12795751

Red kidney beans

>> No.12795786

ive heard cinnamon

>> No.12795862

>what about the nice soft bean texture
That's the hill you want to die on? Beans deserve to be an ingredient because you like the feeling of foods with waxy textures?
>You want to trick yourself into believing that Texas has as much variation in culture as Europe
No, I want you to understand Texas is massive and you don't have any idea what the rest of it is like just because you drove through some little random piece of it one time.
>The only cultural variation in Texas is whether you live in a city or not and how Mexican you are.
Nope. Austin is a very liberal party city filled with university students and boomer hippies. Dallas is a nice city to live in with a good balance of businesses for job opportunities and spacious conservative neighborhoods. Houston is a run-down crime-ridden hellhole where you won't feel too great about being outside at night. And none of those differences even begin to get into the "how Mexican" point you brought up since obviously border cities like Laredo aren't very similar to any of the first three cities I mentioned. Nor do they deal with the urban vs. rural distinction you brought up. They're all cities and all different despite all being higher population / metropolitan in structure.

>> No.12795886

first off all dallas sucks fucking balls. you're a sociopath if you like that city. you're a sociopath if you like any city in texas but especially dallas. second
>Beans deserve to be an ingredient because you like the feeling of foods with waxy textures?

>> No.12795917

I like pintos.

>> No.12795939
File: 97 KB, 768x549, baked-black-bean-burgers-768x549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's a pretty weak argument. Less protein, fewer calories, can't even taste them through the correctly prepared very strong chili flavor, but they let you shortchange the meat content and give you a more waxy texture. Not exactly a sales pitch you're likely to see printed on the back of a can of beans.
Would you prefer Trumanburgers over regular burgers because you prefer the waxy texture of beans?
>During the last days of meat rationing in 1945-1946, the term Trumanburger was coined. This dish, named after President Harry Truman, consisted of a patty of mashed baked beans! [8: 12]

>> No.12796006
File: 3.78 MB, 4032x3024, CF52B594-07C5-4DB4-9EC6-FAF69B58AC8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my truck chili

>> No.12796036

i dont care about protein and calories and shit, i'm not a weight lifter. i care about what i like eating. also black bean burgers are good. but they can't be put in the same category as actual burgers. they're not burger replacements.

>> No.12796150
File: 68 KB, 1000x666, beanburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black bean burgers are good
They really aren't.
>they're not burger replacements.
That's exactly what they are. Very bad burger replacements developed to deal with WWII meat rationing.
And how about burgers topped with beans then? You get meat and beans just like in your "chili." You're going to tell me that's an improvement over meat only?
>mmm, "bean texture!"

>> No.12796312

Needs more truck.

>> No.12796843

my scotch bonnet plant just started flowering, but I think it's getting too late into the season to get anything from it. Might have to bring it indoors when it starts cooling down.

>> No.12796858

>le cast iron is a meme
>le chili doesn't have beans
>le cilantro tastes like soap
>le how does egg man get out?
>le for me it's the mcchicken
you redditors are boring, same shit every day

>> No.12797099 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12797411
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wrong, if you want chunks of beef in pepper sauce you ask for Texas chili con carne . If you want what everybody else thinks of as chili you just ask for chili. Get over it

>> No.12797424


>> No.12797451


>> No.12797468
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I just made chili earlier. Still needs to cook for probably 90 minutes or so.

>> No.12797482

I like your contribution to /ck/ culture.

>> No.12797498


>> No.12797501
File: 820 KB, 275x207, 1565748071917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly, these authenticfags try this shit with everything like their $40 artisan Sicilian pizzas made with imported ingredients, its fucking cheese,sauce and bread its peasant food same as chinese food, Mexican food and almost every other ethnic food. These people made meals from scratch with what ever ingredients they had laying around

>> No.12797519
File: 98 KB, 1139x578, Screenshot_2019-05-23 ck - how do you make your chili - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go, best chili you'll ever eat. If you want Texas chili con carne just order a steak and put some hot sauce on it because its literally the same thing

>> No.12797529

/ck/ has worse memes than /tv/

>> No.12797537

Tell us wtf is in it you absolute downie, the pic looks like it could be anything including your gf's miscarriage.

>> No.12797559

1lb sausage
1.5lb ground beef
almost 2 pounds of cut up round
3 bell peppers a couple of jalapenos and whatever peppers I found in the garden
brown sugar, aleppo pepper, tellicherry pepper, cumin, chili powder salt and shit
about a cup of wine I cooked down on the vegetables

>> No.12797567
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Gonna throw some beans and claw in there also

>> No.12797600

Sounds ok. You've got a lot of fresh peppers in there and I prefer using a variety of dried chilis rehydrated and ground into a paste and accent it with a few fresh peppers. Fresh peppers can overpower and become almost like a gumbo which works nicely with gumbo but kind of fucks chilli.

>> No.12797801

this, very very based

>> No.12797853

>And how about burgers topped with beans then? You get meat and beans just like in your "chili." You're going to tell me that's an improvement over meat only?
did this sound like a non-retarded thing to say in your head?

>> No.12797903
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>tfw too hot to justify making chili

>> No.12798052

Beans belong in chili
Tomatoes don't

>> No.12798275

>did this sound like a non-retarded thing to say in your head?
A baked beans burger? It sounds about as retarded as beans in chili, yes. And in both cases they're shit ideas of 1940s meat rationing origin. Beans are hard times desperation food on the same level as dog meat or "lettuce sandwiches" (another meat rationing abomination).

>> No.12798655

i'm not saying shit about baked beans burgers you retard. i was talking about black bean burgers. which actually taste good.

>Beans are hard times desperation food on the same level as dog meat or "lettuce sandwiches" (another meat rationing abomination).

not only is this not true, but so was lobster you fucking moron. won't stop me from eating it. turns out this shit's good.

GOOD FOOD TASTES GOOD. if it tastes good, i'll eat it. that's what food's fucking about. not flexing about how culturally pure your peasant stew is.

>> No.12799405

too much tomato jesus fuck. be honest how much actual peppers is in that? like a tablespoon?

>> No.12799417

>anti bean fags

Literally why do you people care so much for a mildly filling and tasty bonus?

>> No.12800927

I have never heard of curry on bread, and would immediately call the police if I ever saw it

>> No.12800979

something smokey
a smoked porter or rauchbier

>> No.12801222

3/6 - not great, not terrible

>> No.12801249

>confesses to being a mud eater

>> No.12801262

So is high school kid stay in school.

>> No.12801301
File: 40 KB, 397x402, 1556818808363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you be sayin we invented chili through divine inspiration and shit?

>> No.12801514

>not liking lettuce.
this just comes off as people who don’t like icky vegetables.