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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12787135 No.12787135 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12787144
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>> No.12787146

No. Is it better than coffee? Where would an amerilard such as myself cop such a device and whomst sells loose yerba mate leaves?

>> No.12787161
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I keep a case of pic related in my office, perfect for beating the afternoon slump on days when it's too hot for coffee.

Pro-tip: Put in a splash of herb liquor in the evening

>> No.12787163

It looks like you're drinking from a used ashtray.

>> No.12787167

that bullpiss has nothing to do with mate

>> No.12787170

Is that spinach soup in a goblet?

>> No.12787178

don't care what you think llamafucker

>> No.12787187

yeah i love cigarette water

>> No.12787191

You probably also smoke weed you hippie faggot.

>> No.12787192

Looks like it to me.

>> No.12787203

>Is it better than coffee?
It's different taste/experience wise, but gives you lots of energy, makes you piss a lot and kills appetite.

It's also a social activity. People get round and drink it while talking for hours and hours.

eBay has the supplies if you can't find it in a physical store (hippies may sell).

>> No.12787212
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>> No.12787215
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>> No.12787218

What kind of Australian faggotry is this?

>> No.12787243

yeah because your too busy sucking the sugar cock

>> No.12787803
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I'm actually Brazilian.

>> No.12787808

>children book on desk

>> No.12787821

Studying French. Have to start with something easy.

>> No.12787825

>studying french

>> No.12787977


>79g of suger per 100ml

just like real mate bro!

>> No.12788013

So is this shit pronounced like m8 or mah-tey?

>> No.12788018


>> No.12788431
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There are better 'yerbas' than this, faggotron

>> No.12788441

What in the ever loving fuck is it called

>> No.12788598 [DELETED] 

it's called "mate"

>> No.12788606

mate gourd

>> No.12789259

What's with that lead paint based mug

>> No.12789272

Mate just tastes like shitty, bitter green tea.

>> No.12789275

Doesn't it give you kidney problems and cancer?

>> No.12789455

What lead paint?

There have been studies, but inconclusive. Some people drink it really, really hot, and that can be the cause of esophageal cancer.

>> No.12789483

I have the bombilla and ceramic gourd, but haven't brewed it traditionally yet.

>> No.12789487

The key ingredient in most acrylic laquers is good old fashioned Pb
Enjoy sterility

>> No.12789497

I think it's just shellac. At any rate, it's on the outside.

Takes some time getting used to.

>> No.12789542

As a gaúcho, I feel personally offended by that mate you made.

Nigga, you are supposed to keep one side with yearba and only the other side with the hot water that you will refill.

>> No.12789600

I'm a beginner at this, nigga.

plz no bully

>> No.12789624

You know what, Now is almost midnight and Im going to bed.
If this thread is up tomorrow, I will make a mate, take pics, and post here to help you out.

Just a warning, it takes a few minutes to get prepared since the "wall" or yerba that you will make with water needs time to form.

>> No.12789633
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>water all the way around


>> No.12789657

Literally looks like puke and spinach dip. Fix your life.

>> No.12789680

are you suppose to drink all of that? like the shit thats floating on the top?

if not, why not just skim it off?

>> No.12789698

no, there's a filter at the bottom of the bombilla, so only the "tea" gets drunk, then you fill again and so on


I'm learning.

>> No.12789715

His life isn't in trouble because some retard is reminded of vegetables when seeing a drink and getting triggered by it.

>> No.12789721

I fell for the meme years ago and it's shit. You'd have to grow up starved of oxygen from the 'buenos' aires of argentina to think that shit is good.

>> No.12789726
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Sorry, I'm not a South American.

>> No.12789732

does yerba mate have actual health benefits?

or is it just all made up stuff poor people came up with just so they can get everyone to drink whatever plants and shit grew around them?

>> No.12789733
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>> No.12789737

>drinking mate makes you a communist
Just how much of a literal idiot are you?

>> No.12789740

it does, has caffeine, gives you energy, it's diuretic, diminishes appetite.

>> No.12789742
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Come fly with me, let's fly away.

>> No.12789743

Yerba mate is like green tea that causes cancer instead of preventing it and makes you feel overstimulated like coffee but without tasting good like coffee does

Absolutely the worst caffeinated beverage

>> No.12789754

that's because you are a tasteless pleb

>> No.12789763

>diminishes appetite
yeah nah. not falling for that shit.
ive drank a ton of different things that claim that and i still feel like eating a donut throughout the day.

>> No.12789767

It is in fact exactly because I am tasteful, that I reject said yerba mate

>> No.12789772
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>> No.12789778
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In all seriousness, if you drink that shit regularly you're a hipster.


>> No.12789785
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Or just a south-american

>> No.12789786
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>hipster discovers something that people were doing long before
>liking said thing makes you a hipster

>> No.12789793

Oh, a complete idiot, I see.

>> No.12789801

Welcome to post-2016 redditificated 4chan

>> No.12790143
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>> No.12791112 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 2448x2448, F1E7A53F-3A19-4345-9840-1B3F44AE1029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better, guys?

>> No.12791114
File: 1.24 MB, 2278x2430, F1E7A53F-3A19-4345-9840-1B3F44AE1029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better, guys?

>> No.12791243

I've been drinking republic of tea plain matcha or the apple mint one every morning for about 5 months now. I usually use 3 bags. I feel like I get the energy of coffee but no jjitters. There were some weird growths on my neck that have started shrinking or just disappeared. Not sure if the tea is the reason but I'm converted.

>> No.12791256

are you retarded?

>> No.12791281

Holy shit, yes!
Let me guess: youtube tutorial?

>> No.12791296

>It's perfectly normal to drink things that look like vomit
Fix yours, too.

>> No.12791310

>faggot books
"I get my recipes from this really exclusive underground website, 4chan..."

>> No.12791334

It doesn't remotely look like vomit to me. If you scat weirdo see vomit in random food, again, that's your problem.

>> No.12791340


>> No.12791351

Damn, I must admit I didn't thought /ck/ was like this.

Just came here because I saw the pic of Yearba Mate in front page and was curious, but fuck, you guys are more toxic towards OP than /pol/.

At least in /pol/, if you hate jews and blacks, you are welcome. You would think that someone that brings a new food or drink to the table to /ck/ would be welcomed too but the anons here are boderline agressive.

Chill, is just a drink. And OP just want help. No need to be so fresh down there.

>> No.12791360

>faggot books
Biography of Margaret Thatcher
A book about sexuality
A catalog of paintings by Titian (I paint)
Le Petit Prince (learning French)

get fucked

>> No.12791406

>Le Petit Prince
Read Petit Paul instead, it's way more educational.

>> No.12791477

chimarrão e um delicia seus puto comunista!!!

>> No.12791567

I'm sorry

>> No.12791618 [DELETED] 


>> No.12791652

Reflection on the bomba m80, watch out for that.
That aside, it's already looking way better. Good job.

>> No.12793229

I really like Yerba and drink it pretty regularly. I just use a big ass fuck mug and a metal filter straw. Put in a couple spoons of Yerba, pour in cold water (Enough to coat the leaves) and let it sit for a bit then pour in hot (Not boiling) water until the mug is full and drink. Doing cold and then hot water makes it taste way less earthy and bitter than just dumping boiling water onto the leaves.

Also in terms of health benefits the main things other than the trace vitamins and minerals that any tea leaves might have is that it has a fair bit of Caffeine (80-100mg vs coffee being 120-150mg per cup). Theobromine which I believe is also found in chocolate and is a vasodilator and Theopyline which relaxes your bronchial muscles. Basically supposedly it's supposed to make it easier for you to take deeper breaths and blood travels more easily in your body.

I will say the 'effect' of the caffeine is much better than coffee in that when it goes away it's smooth and slow rather than suddenly hitting the caffeine half life in coffee or energy drinks. That might just be the combination of Xanthines of Caffeine and the two Theo's that do that but idk.

1. It's super cheap. It's supposedly like $2 per kg in South America but you can buy it off Amazon or yerba websites for like $12/kg which unless you're buying cheapest coffee possible is pretty competitive.
2. I honestly really like the feeling of the caffeine vs anything else. It's not like mind blowing but it's much more relaxing and focusing than jittery which coffee and especially energy drinks/shots do for me

1. If you use a lot and don't steep in medium/cold water before pouring in hot water it can be pretty gross and hard to drink. Really just gotta not make the water too hot, if it's boiling it's way too hot.
2. It molds super fast. I basically need to clean out my mug every day which isn't a big deal but coffee seems to have no issues being brewed in a machine that gets cleaned.