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File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, knob_creek_rye_whiskey_750ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12774780 No.12774780 [Reply] [Original]

What can I do with Rye Whiskey? This shit is too strong to knock back straight.

>> No.12774782

No it isn't you fucking woman.

>> No.12774788

post tits

>> No.12774840

tits or gtfo

>> No.12774892

Unusually just mix it with a splash of Sprite, ice and a littlebit of orange bitters. Should knock that kick out.

>> No.12774898

knock it back straight until you no longer feel its to strong. You'll never ride if you don't get on the horse.

>> No.12774901

This will be the day that I die

>> No.12774903

Just put it in a glass with some ice and wait 5 minutes

>> No.12774906

This completely ruins the complexity of the whiskey, but if this is the only way you can get it down you, I guess go for it. Hopefully you didn't pay too much. Still a bit of a waste though.

>> No.12774911

>using that crumbly fake "wax" (which is actually plastic and glue) on your bottle
Knob Creek and Makers Mark do this and I hate it to the point I won't buy their products anymore. It only adds character the packaging if it's real sealing wax you fucking HACKS. I don't want to end up with a couple dozen pieces of fake plastic wax all over the place, or even worse in my bottle or drink. YOU MOTHERFUCKERS.

>> No.12774926

>mix it with a splash of Sprite
>Rye whiskey
You classless motherfucker.

>> No.12774934


you are quite the fool.

mixing water into whiskey has ALWAYS been the primary way of savoring it, in order to let the flavors bloom. they say in scotland and ireland that you have to put water on the whiskey to 'let the faeries out' of it.

through most of whiskeys history it was considered rather crude to drink it neat. the primary way of drinking it is with water. we use ice now, but that's not traditional or common practice either for most of whiskeys history. they'd just put well water into a glass with whiskey and drink it like that.

it is quite literally the traditional method of savouring whiskey.

>> No.12774953
File: 76 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about the plastic seal on a bottle of B&B?

>> No.12774960

I agree with you anon. I dislike the fake plastic wax as well. The last bottle of Knob Creek I purchased had its wax seal implode all over the table when I attempted to open it.

>> No.12774961

Okay Matt Dillon.

>> No.12774981

>Blah blah blah
Get a life fag.

>> No.12774993

-only knob has the crumbly wax, makers is rubbery

>> No.12775007
File: 16 KB, 377x556, 1565576909501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This shit is too strong to knock back straight.
no it's not you fucking retard

>> No.12775042

I'll take two shots, the second is a chaser for the first. That was in some goofy movie I saw last night.

>> No.12775048

... maybe it was a gunsmoke or a bonanza.

>> No.12775052

>only knob has the crumbly plastic, makers is rubbery plastic
Fixed that for you.

>> No.12775061

I've had a bottle of this before, but didn't remember it being wax sealed. I guess if the fake plastic wax doesn't crumble into a million pieces I don't have a problem with it.

>> No.12775069

I can tell you've had a bad experience with the before desu

>> No.12775081

That's pretty true that the stupid plastic seal always breaks up all over the place, not the wax one over the stupid plastic. Maybe the hot wax fucks with the plastic making it hard so it breaks up easy.
On the good side of that, it would be hard for some urban youth types to just take gulps from a bottle on a shelf and put it back without it being evident.

>> No.12775109

Another thing that sucks about those knob creek bottles is that the stupid little pull tab almost always comes pulls out making it useless. When that happens I have to take a knife and cut around the seal to open it.
All that for some overpriced shit, no thanks.

>> No.12775113

yes water is but ice isn't. Ice chills the drink which changes it far more than just adding some water.

>> No.12775170

From everything that I've read and tried the only whiskeys that you add any water to are the really high proof ones like Bookers or Bakers and then only a small amount, but not ice cubes.

>> No.12775182

Amazing rebuttal, you should go into politics

>> No.12775193
File: 113 KB, 1000x1000, Old-Overholt-Straight-Rye-Whiskey-750-ml_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience rye is better to drink straight. Cheap rye just seems easier to do "right" than cheap bourbon or malt whisky. Pic related. Not as cheap as it used to be ($14 per 750ml), but still one of the smoothest whiskies you'll find under $20

>> No.12775224

I'd try that, the problem is finding it.

>> No.12775282

>>12775109i get the 100 proof bourbon for $30, not a fan of their rye but i'd say the bourbon is a pretty good whiskey for $30, better then four roses small batch. The only thing cheaper and drinkable is wild turkey 101 or bulleit rye. Makers is to thin its like a American Crown Royal .. not bad but not worth buying

>> No.12775367

>This shit is too strong to knock back straight.
No it's not.
Only faggots and women drink whisky any other way than neat at room temperature.
You're probably either shooting it like a dipshit or taking too big of sips. Whisky is meant to be enjoyed in tiny sips; rolled around the tongue for maximum flavor.

>> No.12775390

All whiskey already has water in it. Adding more isn't magically making a new flavor profile. All you're doing with the addition of water is forcing more of the oily components to the surface which you'll likely taste more of when you sip it. If you need to water it down because of the alcohol content then sure go for it, but stop pretending you're adding a whole new dimension of flavor.

>> No.12775398

People like to spout all kinds of broscience to justify diluting the flavor of their expensive spirits like morons.

>> No.12775438

mix it with vermouth and ice
wa la

>> No.12775463


you dumb niggers. yes, it DOES open up a new world of flavors and depth. and no, literally 'the worlds most drunk best drunks' are not wrong.

>> No.12775479

Use it in Pepsi or dr pepper pretty much you are limited on whiskey. But honest opinion poor it down a toilet drain.

>> No.12775521

my friend mixes it with inca cola

>> No.12775537

Its good with orange bitters on the rocks. You can add some sugar and vermouth to make a manhattan. Other than that if you can't drink it neat, its not for you so quit larping like a man.

>> No.12775544

Crown Royal is Canadian not American.
It's not bad for what it is.

>> No.12775547


>Adding sugar to a manhattan

Manhattans are already very close to being too sweet, does the sugar not take it overboard?

>> No.12775550

Sometimes one just wants to get a buzz and not make a production out of it. Rolling it on the tounge, gtfo!

>> No.12775557

Vermouth always tastes like blood to me and since I'm not a vampire I don't like it.

>> No.12775580

>Vermouth always tastes like blood to me
nigga wtf
vermouth is basically sweet wine liqueur

>> No.12775593

To each their own you vampire!

>> No.12775604

Ever cut your finger and suck on the blood? I did that a few times when I was a little kid. The taste is of iron or something and when I drink vermouth it reminds me of that taste. It's not something I like tasting or smelling.

>> No.12775609

sounds like you're letting your vermouth oxidize
vermouth expires in a matter of months once opened
It's still fine to drink but it starts taking on very strange flavors

>> No.12775610

The color of vermouth even looks like blood.

>> No.12775622

I've tried it multiple times in martinis and such but the results are always the same.

>> No.12775628

white vermouth you dummy

>> No.12775638

White or red, would that really change the flavor? We're not talking wine here like a Rioja v some california faggotry.

>> No.12775640

Get a pipette or eyedropper or something. Get a couple bottles of your favorite booze. Pour a glass of each one, and then compare it neat versus with some water. If you genuinely think water doesn't change the flavor profile of a liquor, you can safely only buy bottom shelf until you develop a palette.

>> No.12775648

Now I have some Billy Joel song in my head, thanks /ck.

>> No.12775656

Imagine thinking you absolutely need to add a fucking drop of water to enjoy whisky. Retard.

>> No.12775660

Some anon mentioned "diluting" it vs just adding a small amount of water, there's a huge difference between the two and it depends on the type of whiskey and proof. Most people are morons and consigned to minimum wage jobs so parrot shit they read instead of trying it themselves.

>> No.12775661

they are made differently, so yes

>> No.12775668

Next time I'm around vermouth I'll try the different ones. The weird thing is that I'm just not around them a lot, I'm not the barfly type.

>> No.12775680

Billy Joel - Scenes from an Italian Restaurant (Live from Long Island)

>> No.12775688

adding a few drops of water to a high proof whiskey does effect the flavor but only temporarily, right after you add the water you can see the oils separate which makes it easier to detect the individual flavors or so they say

>> No.12775702

thats what i said, Makers Mark is the American equivalent of Canadian Crown Royal. And no its not bad at all for the money but both Makers and Crown get boring after awhile if you're drinking them neat due to the very simple flavor (great for mixing though)

>> No.12775721

The problem with Crown or anything from outside the USA is the import taxes, I can do far better for a lower price with Evan Williams for instance.
Or for the same price something better that's made here.

>> No.12775729

Once the taxes are chopped we can compete on an even playing field so to speak.

>> No.12775734

true, EW is not bad for the price, i heard the 100 proof is worth the extra money. either way i'd buy it before jack or jim

>> No.12775742

jack is some nasty shit, it's not even bourbon but is marketed as such which is retard level, it appeals to children

>> No.12775747

I'd rather drink stomach bile than jack

>> No.12775765
File: 1.51 MB, 2187x2103, 1559968838865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some anon mentioned "diluting" it vs just adding a small amount of water, there's a huge difference between the two
This statement is factually incorrect because adding a small amount of water is LITERALLY diluting it.

>> No.12775774


Friendly reminder that Jack fulfills the legal definition of a bourbon

>> No.12775794

Come on you pedantic idiot, a few drops of water while scientifically is diluting isn't really diluting in any sense of the vernacular. You must be great at parties. Are you a frog poster?

>> No.12775804

Then add ice OR a splash of water. Not both and definitely nothing else. If you still can't then mix with diet coke.

>> No.12775809

If it did they'd have "bourbon" on the label as a marketing point.

>> No.12775811

I hate Jack and hate that this is technically true. That's why I try to clarify that I like Kentucky Straight Bourbon as my fav drink.

>> No.12775847
File: 173 KB, 960x500, JD-label-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see "bourbon" anywhere on this JD label because I sure don't?

>> No.12775851
File: 503 KB, 585x696, 1557804129135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drink it faggot

>> No.12775860


They don't put it on the label because they don't want to be lumped in with the classification.
Jack advertises itself as "Tennessee whisky", which is a classification they lobbied to be legally binding so that they could push smaller Tennessee distilleries out out of business because they didn't meet the description. The only difference is the charcoal filtering process, it's still 51% corn spirit aged in new charred oak.

>> No.12775863

No, it's because legally it's not bourbon.
Don't be stupid and try to stick to a point that you've lost. It also tastes like stomach bile, but that's another issue.

>> No.12775880

He's right though. Personally, I wish bourbon was only from Kentucky. It tastes the best.

>> No.12775882



"On a federal level, the definition of Tennessee whiskey is legally established under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)[1] and at least one other international trade agreement[2] that require it to be "a straight Bourbon whiskey..."

>> No.12776029
File: 61 KB, 700x574, 1564120419757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find in my opinion that the best way to handle strong Rye whiskey is to drink it straight. I'll assume pic is unrelated since Knob Creek Rye, despite being 100 proof, is kinda fruity and refreshing. Stagg is harder to drink neat but it's too damn good to ruin by adding anything

>> No.12776054

For me, it's ginger ale.

>> No.12776071

>I'll assume pic is unrelated since Knob Creek Rye, despite being 100 proof, is kinda fruity and refreshing.
Yeah, it's almost more like a really rye-heavy bourbon than a rye. I like it a lot.

>> No.12776082


stick to your fireball then,pussy

>> No.12776136


>> No.12776180

>1.5 oz rye whiskey
>1.5 oz plum wine
>.5 oz plum syrup
>5 dashes angostura or cardamom-based bitters
Shake together with ice and strain.

Plum Syrup
>about 10 very ripe plums, pitted, cubed, skin on (for best results use a mix of black and red)
>3 cups white sugar
>3 cups + one cup filtered water
Put cut plums in a saucepan and cover with sugar. Add the first 4 cups water and let it sit and macerate the fruit for about 30 minutes.
Bring to a boil and boil just ten minutes, then turn off the heat. Let steep another 30 minutes, then strain - first with a sieve, pressing on the solids to get all the juice, then through cheesecloth. Makes about eight cups and keeps in the fridge for about 30 days.

>> No.12776185

I call it a Spiced Plum Manhattan but it's got a lot of wine in it for a Manhattan.

>> No.12776249

alcohol snobs are just the worst, no matter what kind of alcohol

>> No.12776300

Water it down a little

>> No.12776301

snobs in general are horrid creatures, then again some people are obstinate and go into defense mode when any discussion is brought up that doesn't align with their opinion

>> No.12776406

Slob on the Knob like corn on the cob.

>> No.12776930

Best cheap whisky? I want something that doesn't taste like shit but I can afford

>> No.12776944
File: 27 KB, 614x371, Evan_Williams-Black-Bourbon-USA-evanextraaged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evan Williams black is respectable and not expensive.

>> No.12776960

Do you mean it has to be Scottish? That's the spelling "whisky" I just took it for granted that it could be anything but when rereading the posts I remembered the differences. For that other folk can give you far better recs than I can.

>> No.12776964

its only a few pounds less than bulleit, is it better? I quite like bulleit
no, sorry - I always forget which one should have the e

>> No.12776977

Your sarcasm doesn't make sense in the modern political environment. The referred posts are using a very successful technique.

>> No.12776997

I don't know. I've never been able to find bulleit in liquor stores in NE USA, I'd probably have to go to some specialty or mega store for it. If I see it I'd try it.

>> No.12778312

-wild turkey 101, bulleit rye and if you're really broke Evan Williams.. its not great but better then

>> No.12778315

>I've never been able to find bulleit in liquor stores in NE USA
really? in the south you can find it in hijab corner stores

>> No.12778708

>"old fashioned"
come on /ck/

>> No.12779155

Bulleit orange is legit

>> No.12779716

They have it. At least here in NY. I know it's in jersey, and ct as well.

>> No.12779726

based and ryepilled

>> No.12779752

KC is my favorite whiskey to drink straight

>> No.12779757
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>> No.12780067
File: 198 KB, 1500x1000, brandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't anyone ever talk about a good tasting liquor, like Brandy? Also known as Dutch Courage. Used by European colonists to travel the 7 seas. How much more based can you get?

>> No.12780116


>> No.12780126

They use room temp water not ice. Therea a science behind it and it has to do with molecules and oxygen. Idfk im just a drunk waste of space google it.

>> No.12780137

Y-you too
>posts congac

>> No.12780143
File: 162 KB, 524x755, hardy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was willing to humor you but you posted Hennesy, the Jack Daniels of Cognac

but yes, tasting something that has naturally reduced to 40% over 40-50 years is quite a treat. This stuff and their $200 non-limited-release is fucking magical, as good as liquor gets imo if you have the wallet for it.

>> No.12780148

champagne is a type of wine
cognac is a type of brandy
you are a type of faggot

>> No.12780188

What would you say is the best brandy that I can get for a reasonable price around $60?

>> No.12780203

for 60 bucks you're gonna want to go for armagnac, basically the same ballpark as cognac but much, much cheaper

Chateau de Laubade has a bunch of good to great armagnacs in just about every price range you can think of. Their XO runs 60 or 70 bucks and is delightful.

>> No.12780374

My older bro lives in Georgia, maybe he'll send me a bottle.

>> No.12780389

Maybe I just have to look harder, I've just never seen it since the name was brought up.

>> No.12780431

Mix it in Pepsi, same with every hard liquor

>> No.12781863

>complexity of veritable firewater meant to be mixed with mountain dew

>> No.12781948

Based fagposter

>> No.12782116

charcoal filtering negates that definition

>> No.12782139

It doesn't negate it, it just makes it a subcategory. There are no negative qualifiers in the definition of bourbon.

>> No.12782183

"Tennessee Whiskey" is bourbon from Tennessee, it's a regional appellation.
See also: Cognac and Armagnac, which are brandies from those same-named regions of France.

Source: NAFTA capter 3, annex 313
-"1. Canada and Mexico shall recognize Bourbon Whiskey and Tennessee Whiskey, which is a straight Bourbon Whiskey authorized to be produced only in the State of Tennessee, as distinctive products of the United States."

>> No.12782424

please hang yourself

>> No.12782498
File: 1.19 MB, 2352x1568, says it right there on the bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true at all. Evan Williams is also charcoal filtered.

>> No.12782864

I ignored the reviews in previous threads an picked up a bottle of Pike's Creek on sale. Figured why not!?

Holy shit, way too fucking sweet. I should have heeded your warning, it's almost undrinkable. I've had liqueurs with less cloyingly sweet notes.

So... Any good cocktail suggestions? Neat isn't fun with this one...

>> No.12782878

The best love song of all time.

>> No.12783028

No you come on you illiterate faggot.

>> No.12783064

You can give it someone who isn't too much of a little bitch and will actually drink it.

>> No.12783079

>Friendly reminder Jack lobbied to get the legal definition of bourbon arranged so their swill can fit it as such

>> No.12783101

They literally don't want to be classified as bourbon whiskey so why would they care about the legal definition as such?
They 'invented' "Tennessee Whiskey" and want to only be known as such.

>> No.12783408

Obvious bait and all these attention starved faggots falling for it. I don't know anything about whisk(e)y and even I know rye is the smooth kind.

>> No.12783446

I got some George Dickel no. 12 and Famous Grouse.

>> No.12783483

Whiskey Sour.

>> No.12783499


>> No.12783655
File: 31 KB, 320x320, u must be the stupidest nigga alive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rye is for Sazeracs.
OP, make Sazeracs.

>> No.12784404

This, fuck whiskey.

>> No.12784417
File: 118 KB, 200x650, sazerac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12784662


Sazerac is a cocktail, the recipe for which is trademarked by the Sazerac company, who also release the Sazerac rye use din the Sazerac recipe.

>> No.12784672

what? do you not drink black coffee too?

Ship it to me ill drink that straight no rocks any day.

>> No.12784674

literally a drop worth of water to open up the flavor...

>> No.12785053
File: 97 KB, 394x397, aRareSmugmiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's gay or female enough to dilute whisky

>> No.12785205

What the fuck is inca cola?

>> No.12785209

Put it up your ass

>> No.12785212

>then again some people are obstinate and go into defense mode when any discussion is brought up that doesn't align with their opinion

yeah, they're called liberals

>> No.12785234
File: 58 KB, 699x540, WhistlePig18_Glass_Closed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the fucking point of this
>Low proof
>Not 100% rye

The only thing that's consistent is that it's way overpriced

>> No.12785286

cult following, lets them get away with whatever they want

>> No.12786033

Drink it straight until you grow testicles

>> No.12786523


>> No.12786570
File: 37 KB, 479x349, 490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was wrong but you must be fun at parties haha

>> No.12787040
File: 11 KB, 202x500, Dark-Horse-Whisky-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whichever leaf suggested this fucking drainpour, the day of the rake is coming. The dark is just caramel colouring no doubt and it tastes so heavily watered down. I'd rather drink Crown Royal or hell, even just normal Alberta Premium rather than this garbage again. No wonder they don't offer distillery tours there...

>> No.12787045

>The day of the rake
Legit lol'd

>> No.12787052

>No wonder they don't offer distillery tours there...
Alberta Distillery is an industrial facility making whisky for export and rebottling under other brands like Whistle Pig.

They've got secrets to keep.

>> No.12787057

Every whiskey cocktail is better with 100 proof rye. Manhatten, Old Fashioned, Sazerac, etc.
It was what they originally used for all whiskey cocktails, before Prohibition ruined cocktail culture.

>> No.12787076

What the fuck is google?

>> No.12787209

I hate whistlepig overpricing everything they make but at least it's pretty darn good. Cant see any other whisky in Alberta Distillers list they make that's even remotely drinkable on it's own. Only good for cheap mixing for someone else or cleaning tiles

>> No.12787217


This is unironically my go-to recommendation for people who want something cheap that stands up to mixers.
I don't drink it on it's own, but it's good with other stuff.

>> No.12787519

Old Forrester signature, or the 86 if 100 proof is too much for you.

>> No.12787584

Rittenhouse Rye is ridiculous considering how good it is and it's cheap. Wild Turkey 101 is also great

>> No.12787658

>put ice and a little absinthe in a rocks glass
>set it aside
>muddle sugar cube in water in a new glass (or use simple syrup)
>1.5 oz rye
>Two dashes peychauds bitters
>grab the absinthe/ice glass, dump out the ice and absinthe, and put the cocktail you just made in it
>Squeeze lemon peel and drop it in to garnish
wa la
Sazerac brand Sazerac Rye not required

>> No.12787661

>Rittenhouse Rye is ridiculous considering how good it is and it's cheap
Shut up! You wanna keep it that way, don't you?

>> No.12788805

Just drank some Buffalo Trace. I dont see the big deal. Its not bad but its not great either. Taste doesnt last very long. Rather drink some scotch. Is it good for cocktails at least?

>> No.12788977

Because it's super cheap and not crap. That's it

>> No.12789025
File: 228 KB, 677x683, smugkokoro06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desiring super cheap and not crap
>buying anything but Evan Williams Black Label

>> No.12789050

toss it in some coke.

>> No.12789226
File: 110 KB, 960x960, 1555014091249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant find EWBL where I am

>> No.12789234

I feel ya, anything that burns my throat is too unpleasant for me to drink straight. I would mix it with an extra sweet soda, maybe mountain dew or RC cola.

>> No.12789330

Really? Shit’s everywhere where I am.

>> No.12789344

>adding sugar to a Manhattan
Anon, please. Adults are talking here.

>> No.12789372

I loves me some whiskey. Being Canuckian, rye was my firat and go-to for years. Drank many a rye and coke/gingerale. Then over rocks. Now clean.
I enjoy the rye burn. Also in beer.
Boilermakers for thw boilermaker.

>> No.12789387

The whole Heaven Hill booze portfolio is full of labels that overdeliver for their price point.
>Evan williams
>Henry McKenna
>Old Fitzgerald

>> No.12789422

Thoughts on Michters Rye?

>> No.12789446

Honestly I'd just throw in a couple of ice cubes and let it sit for a couple of minutes before knocking back my drink. The ice cubes should last a few drinks before they fully melt.
Otherwise just mix it with some coke.

>> No.12789456

Good, but overpriced.
Rittenhouse Rye is cheaper and just as good.


>> No.12789466

Pussy. Mix it with a cola and some ice, then change your tampon.

Seriously, Rye is nice with a splash of Coca-Cola. If you can't have Rye on ice, don't even think of trying Bourbon or Scotch.

>> No.12789539

I like it better.
Its flavor profile is simpler, but more pleasant to me.

>Mentions brandy
>posts French windex instead.
That shit’s so awful even the French don’t drink it anymore.

Make an Old Fashioned with it, faggot.

>> No.12789688
File: 1.07 MB, 255x189, knob_polish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can shine your knob with it. I'm certainly shining mine.

>> No.12789696
File: 54 KB, 544x725, Black_Booster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Booster is better.

>> No.12789703

Give it to a man, who enjoys whiskey and isn't a faggot. Like >>12774782
Or me

>> No.12789901


The secret to doing it even better is to only put ice in the glass, and then just put a very tiny bit of asbinthe in the glass afterwards and roll it around. Less waste.

>> No.12789956

>sold in a fucking vinegar jug

Jesus Christ, that looks wicked on the gut. I need to find me some of this.

>> No.12789972
File: 14 KB, 268x188, inca kola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a soda from peru

>> No.12790004

The absinthe and sugar meme is dumb. Just shoot it like fireball whiskey.

>> No.12790075

Old fashioneds are popular again, just don't use simple syrup like a turd.

>> No.12790332
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What about Bulleit Bourbon?

>> No.12790335

you a KYbro?

>> No.12790618
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idk how many of you losers care, but I'm a Kentucky fag here, and liquor store worker.

plenty of local distillery workers drop by with the latest news regarding Kentucky bourbon.
since the USA's latest recession most distilleries along the bourbon trail are beginning to take their age statements off their bottles because collectors and international demand is taking up all the aged product.

for example, Eagle Rare is a 10yr aged bourbon you can find here in Kentucky for about $30-45 for a 750mL, and while you might find a fifth of Kentucky Tavern or Very Old Barton 80 for less than $10 here in Kentucky but twice as much about two states over, even the best brands are failing to meet demand's needs and are beginning to rely on much faster methods of production, thus requiring relabeling without an age statement.
you just can't supply the public's demand for Weller's, Pappy, Angels Envy, etc., when the demand has been hyped up this much, after an immediate following of a recession no less.
>if it's any older than 8-10 years with a printed statement on the bottle, affordable, not bottom shelf, buy it and hold on to it.

>> No.12790649
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also, we just got in 4 bottles of Bed Time Bourbon.
you fags should come on over to the 270 side and grab a bottle. It shouldn't be more than $60-70 a bottle.
quick way to get a nice bottle of 8 year bourbon found only in KY.

>> No.12791757

Overpriced MGP swill