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12783392 No.12783392 [Reply] [Original]

I got a block of "organic tofu" (because it was surprisingly cheap), but now I have no idea what to do with it since I never cooked with tofu. Help required.

>> No.12783393

cut it with a knife, put it in your mouth, chew

or use it like canned tune where you would use canned tune

>> No.12783413

Mapo tofu.
If you dont have all the ingredients you can use some cheats.

>> No.12783416

Throw it in the bin.

>> No.12783419

eat it

>> No.12783422


Make tofu chocolate pudding

>> No.12783433

yeah. try freezing it first for a firmer texture

>> No.12783445

is there not enough söy in your water supply already?

>> No.12783451

Pressing the water out of tofu is a good idea before you start using it, drain the block then put it between two chopping boards with some weight on top (try not to collapse the block)
You can chop and season and fry that 10 minutes later and it's grand. Eat it straight, dip in ketchup or cook it in with your curries.
That or freeze it (>>12783433)

>> No.12783453

I've been messing around with it a bit. Haven't had great luck yet, but I find that marinating it in something for a day or two usually helps a lot.

It's also pretty good in any asian style soups.

>> No.12783455

Depending on how firm it is you can cut it in cubes and put it through a garlic press to get something like minced meat, but finer. It won't have any taste worth noting, so spice it up with whatever you want it to taste like.

Next time get smoked tofu, that's actually good enough to eat solo.

>> No.12783461

do you need a vacuum chamber to do it?

>> No.12783481
File: 12 KB, 256x197, Maruchan Oriental Flavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boil some of this up and put in the tofu and some green onion.

>> No.12783482


>> No.12783494

Like others have said, you will definitely want to
press the tofu before working with it. Some paper towels, two cutting boards, and a can of beans or two makes the tofu really easy to work with. I'll generally cut it into cube and then bake it. It's a really easy protein to add to salads or stir fry.

>> No.12783626


>> No.12783641

put soy sauce and teriyaki sauce in pan with tofu then cook bug

>> No.12783648

Throw it on your compost. Tofu is for fags.

>> No.12783693

Tofu is pretty tasteless by itself. Gotta marinate it for flavor. I’d recommend one with soy sauce, mirin, garlic, red pepper flakes, rice vinegar, and sesame oil. Put it in there after pressing out the extra moisture like anons recommended, then let it set for 2 hours or so. After you pull the tofu out of the marinade pat it dry with paper towels, then you can pan fry it, bake it, grill it, or even batter and deep fry it.

>> No.12783814

deep fry tempura tofu with soi sauce

>> No.12783874

Why the fuck go through all that trouble to deep fry, and throw fucking tofu in? BULLSHIT
Set up your deep fryer only to fry something actually good. Not to make garbage barely acceptable.

>> No.12783884

if it is firm and silky you can make a cold one with soy sauce and chopped spring onion.
Mapo tofu is another one you can try even with the porus ones.

>> No.12783887

you sound mad
have some tempura tofu

>> No.12783895

>stop liking what I don't like!
Insecure closet cases, the lot of you. Mapo tofu is really good. You can also try frying it and using it in pad thai.

>> No.12783903
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Calm down bro
I guess if you're american you can tempura some potatoes to go with it

>> No.12783906

Anyone older than 14 that doesn't like something because "it is for fags" has something seriously wrong with them.

>> No.12783912

They're a fag

>> No.12784272

miso soup
maabou doufu
it fries up pretty good too
could just serve a chunk of it as-is along with a traditional japanese breakfast too if you wanted.

>> No.12784316

Useful idiots.

>> No.12784335


>> No.12784341

Christ, just kill him at this point

>> No.12784453 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12784474
File: 705 KB, 964x543, Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 7.46.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual, the best Chinese cooking channel can help. Watch this first
And don't squeeze your tofu.

>> No.12785384

Shove it up your ass. It's good for your health.

>> No.12785590

From the same channel:
>stop liking what I don't like
Imagine being so insecure about yourself that you enter threads about things you don't like, or more likely never even tried, to shit on it. Boomers are like children, if it's new to them, it's scary.

>> No.12785600

Unfortunately tofu has shit macros and shit taste. I don’t bother with it
Ma po is my favorite meal but it’s not worth eating all the oil

>> No.12785769
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>> No.12785885

Stealth soy posts? You're worse than a brony.

>> No.12786071

Thread ended here.

>> No.12786078

Either this or fry it and eat wth some sauce made from dashi

>> No.12786102

Red Thai Curry w Tofu

Roll it around in starch then shallow fry and combine with any kind of sticky sauce, I like my homemade orange sauce

>> No.12786153

throw it in the bin cook a steak instead.