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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12781877 No.12781877 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually measure their meat temperature before they eat it? I mean come on, no one actually does this, right? These damn things don't work right, even the digital ones, they take so long to get up to the right temperature the shit's already cold by that point anyway. Or if you leave it on the pan, it gets overdone. What a pain in the ass it is to have to jab this thing in the middle of a piece of meat and stand there holding it like an idiot for 10 minutes while all the juice leaks out of the hole.

>> No.12781882

>10 minutes
Breh there've been instant read thermometers for as long as I can remember, are you using grandma's old rectal thermometer?

>> No.12781883

bought a brand new digital thermometer that promised fast readings, it was a lie

>> No.12781892

>Does anyone actually measure their meat temperature before they eat it? I mean come on, no one actually does this, right? These damn things don't work right, even the digital ones, they take so long to get up to the right temperature the shit's already cold by that point anyway. Or if you leave it on the pan, it gets overdone. What a pain in the ass it is to have to jab this thing in the middle of a piece of meat and stand there holding it like an idiot for 10 minutes while all the juice leaks out of the hole.
There are 2 types OP. And, they are meant for larger cuts and roasts.
One type, like pictured, I use all the time in a BBQ grill for a big pork loin. No leaking, it stays in there, and I peek at it from time to time when I lift the lid up, and I understand carryover cooking, so I calculate about 10-15F degrees will be the final product, and pull it early. I would never attempt a turkey breast or a pork loin without one. Because too much toughens meat so badly, you want to be exact like that. Beef? I might risk it, my eyeballing for visual signs,and firmness. I don't really care if I'm underdone or well done for that one, but I might employ the quick read if someone is visiting me that has an immune disorder.
So, yea the quick read thermometer does NOT take 10 minutes, but it does take about a full minute before it stops creeping. And, is it wrong? No, but you have to understand that you don't hit or touch bone with it. You get close, but don't make contact, because flesh and bone are different temps, and that's a false doneness indicator, not the thermometer being broken.

>> No.12781894

No only autists fo that. Just check visually to see if it’s done

>> No.12781898

Mine works fine.
As do the analog ones I've grown up with.
And they have those little plastic pegs that pop out when the internal temp hits a predetermined temperature, too.

>> No.12782665

I use electronic once when I have a good piece of meat. Why not? Makes it much easier. I will not squeeze some thick ribeye hoping that I can feel the doneness, when such simple technology exists.

>> No.12782672

If I'm cooking something low and slow like a brisket or whole turkey I'll check it periodically just to see how I'm doing. But for pan work their is no need.

>> No.12782693
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>Does anyone actually measure their meat temperature before they eat it?
Yes. As well as checking the temp during different times of the smoking process. When you are only cooking around 200` it's pretty important to know that your meat is cooked thoroughly.

>> No.12782704

No I just follow directions on large poultry or roasts and be sure to let it rest about 20 to 30 minutes before carving so it can get a chance to finish cooking slowly at the center then do the eye test that juices run clear. If you actually know how to cook and have senses that work a thermometer becomes quite redundant.

>> No.12782708

I use it for roasts because I want to ensure I don't go over medium rare. I use it for whole chickens to make sure it's safe at 165F yet not overcooked. Chicken pieces, steaks and chops no because I know when they're cooked the way I like them w/o measuring.

>> No.12782813


>> No.12783152

>cooking without a thermometer in the year 2000+19
please tell me home cooks dont actually do this

>> No.12783316
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>>cooking without a thermometer in the year 2000+19
needing a thermometer AT ALL to cook

>> No.12783523

>scale is vertical
>needle goes around the inside
Who designed this retarded piece of shit

>> No.12783533

>imagine op attempting to smoke meat

>> No.12783589

Spend more than $5 on one next time, you cheapskate cooklet fuck.

>> No.12783593
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>>imagine op attempting to smoke meat
Because people started to smoke meats after meat thermometers.

>> No.12783621

People also used to shit in holes in the ground, and wipe their ass with fucking leaves. Thanks to this wonderful thing called progress we don't have to do that anymore.
Arguing that checking temps during smoking meats is unnecessary is a pretty stupid statement,and proof that you have no idea of what you are talking about.

>> No.12783698

>People also used to shit in holes in the ground, and wipe their ass with fucking leaves. Thanks to this wonderful thing called progress we don't have to do that anymore.
Speak for yourself coastie city fuck.

>> No.12783714

T. Not a pitmaster
Get gud pleb. Senses are all masters need to cook with.

>> No.12783717

Only on chicken and turkey.

>> No.12783724

>Thanks to this wonderful thing called progress we don't have to do that anymore.
Technology is making us stupid because we tend to rely on it to compensate for our lack of knowledge. Don't know the way? Not a problem. The GPS will tell you. Don't know when the meat is done? No problem! The thermometer will beep and send a notification to your cellphone. Don't know how to cook? No problem! Throw everything in the electric pot and select what it is. It will cook, turn itself off and keep warm. You don't even need to use your brain.

>> No.12783755

>Books and literature are making us stupid because we tend to rely on them to compensate for our lack of personal experimentation and innovation. Don't know the way? Not a problem. The map will show you. Don't know when the meat is done? No problem! There's a book that will show you how to tell. Don't know how to cook? No problem! There are entire books with clear step-by-step instructions that even a monkey could follow. You don't even need to use your brain.

>> No.12783771

I will break it out if I have to roast or pan fry fresh pork, way to easy to ruin and I eat it to seldom to get gud at cooking it
on a side note, If you can't tell cooked chicken from pressing it with a spatula, you don't deserve to be in a kitchen

>> No.12783798

I guarantee you that a few years down the line we’ll start merging people’s brains with computers. The technology already exists and is currently being used to connect disabled people to smartphones, tablets, PCs, and artificial limbs. Most of those are simply linking electrodes implanted in certain motor control centers to give direct input to the device’s regular user interface. However, bionic prosthetics can be connected to similar parts of the brain to accept commands just like a natural arm and even give some limited sensory feedback. The Singularity is right around the corner. The duality of man and machine will cease to be, and both shall become one.

>> No.12783817

Might as well argue that aluminum foil and purpose built smokers are unnecessary as well. Just because you can cook meat on a fire exactly like a caveman, doesn't make it logical to attempt when there is a better way.

>> No.12783835
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>reading a book or a map is the same as looking at the wall and listening to a phone notification

>> No.12783901

Those are both completely unnecessary and the best BBQ is cooked in a pit and whole hog. You're a fucking tastelet chump if you think otherwise.

>> No.12783915


>> No.12783932

I grew up around bbq, and have participated and done more in ground whole and quarterd hogs than you assume.
If you did not have this romanticized notion that the way your grandpappy did it is not achievable with modern tech, then maybe would think otherwise.

>> No.12784028

The point was that they are all unnecessary and redundant crutches not that the other methods don't produce fine results. Just chill out and let your pride heal a bit before posting again you're getting a little irrational and losing the plot.

>> No.12785231

Eh depends really. I'll measure chicken if it's a short cook time and a thick piece (ie if I was doing it on stove top only) but otherwise I just give it a cut and look

>> No.12785612
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>even the digital ones
Get a meat thermometer that isn't shit.

>> No.12785876

I do for turkey, and measure it in several places too.
Nothing worse than putting a turkey on the table, carving up the thing and it starts bleeding from pink meat because you didn't give it long enough.
There's nothing worse than that but the thing that gets close is leaving the turkey in for an hour longer than needed it and it ending up dry and tough.

>> No.12785881

>>scale is vertical
>>needle goes around the inside
My meat thermometer is the exact same shape but has the scale around the rim like it should be.
There's no excuse for that stupid thing.