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12778417 No.12778417 [Reply] [Original]

>Chlorinated chicken

>> No.12778425

all chicken that comes into contact with water is chlorinated chicken you retard

>> No.12778431

This. Water naturally has chlorine in it.

>> No.12778437


>> No.12778448


>showers in chlorinated water.
>drinks chlorinated water.
>swims in chlorinated pool water.
>cooks with chlorinated water.

Real chads have reverse osmosis filters.

>> No.12778567

>Water naturally has chlorine

>> No.12778572

>chickenated chlorine

>> No.12778647

That's why you can smell it in tap water even when you didn't add anything to it

>> No.12778651
File: 109 KB, 607x340, Hola oscuridad, mi amigo viejo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Partially hydrogenated steak

>> No.12778756

Don't have sex

>> No.12778763
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>fluorinated chicken

>> No.12778842

Wait what? my tap water does not smell like a fucking pool. what kind of poverty-stricken hell hole do you live in? The only time i have ever tasted chlorinated water was when the the ship i was working on had a water purification plant malfunction, so the ship bought water from the port in Spain where we got new parts delivered.
We received a decent compensation for having to use that shit water for three days.

The water where i live is ok. But the old house (some 20minute drive away) isnt all that good though (little high iron levels in it, can sometimes taste the iron) so my dad and grandfather set up a well, tastes just right. All you need to do is clean it every 4-5 years and to be safe send in a water sample for testing.

Summary; Clean water does not smell or taste anything in particular. Water that tastes or smells is bad.

What we used on the boat, a 0,5x1,5x1 (approx) plant produced more than enough for 70 people(drinking, showering, cooking, washing clothes, all our fresh water)

Summary; YES, also error field to long. . .

>> No.12778848

No it does not.
Step one Find a good river, Step two check upstream to be sure, Step three drink, Step four profit??? And. NO. for any city rats worried; Not all rivers are polluted and dangerous to drink from, that is bullshit just avoid stagnant or otherwise obviously polluted water (any smells, colours or tastes are bad) other animals drinking is generally a good sign. Again. NO. i dont have any parasites, have never had any to my knowledge, i am required to preform test to check for parasites due to my job, i am checked every four years.
plasic bottle water is not clean water, shit tastes like plastic, glass bottle water is okay, but not as good as normal free flowing water.

Summary; I think chlorine water is bad, i mean it cant be healthy right? If you think your water is alright check with actual natural water.

Does water in the US actually contain fluoride? If we find fluoride on the ship, or in the public water supply it has to shut down for filter replacement and potentially be purged depending on the levels. That shit is treated like a dangerous contaminant, not sure how the hell it would get into the water though, levels are undetectable on the ship and in our well, dont know about the public supply

Summary; WTF

Damned be my fucking 400 page answers.

>> No.12778863
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>> No.12778880

Children's ice cream!

>> No.12778933

> my tap water does not smell like a fucking pool.
That's what I thought until I started filtering. Then it is definitely noticeable

>> No.12779634

Actually tried filters for the well, my dad was worried about me drinking it, so he bought some super fine filters like "four different stages to catch even the finest particles" shit cost a lot. We ran through the first filter and there was really no difference in the water quality. Never tried it on the public water supply though, well point is the "Stage one" filter was so clean that dad thought the water might be fine. So he sent in a few unfiltered samples to get them tested, it was apparently really good, safe stuff, so he just sold the filter system. There was also no noticable difference in the other filters. Our well was made in the modern way (Hi tech well from round 30 years ago)with two settling tanks and a release valve to keep the water flowing. Even though it was mostly home made it cost in the 6 figure range (*Norwegian probs 5 figures US) dont know the exact number i was not born yet. Filter attempt was pretty recent though like round 10-15 years when i got really into staying there.

>> No.12779657

For anyone actually interested in going /out/side, please don’t drink from random bodies of water without filtration.

>> No.12779682

actually seeing the post about flouride in the water in the US i am kinda worried, still going to trust the water near home as long as i follow the proper procedures. Just gonna get a filter for long trips.

>> No.12780430

that map might be a bit outdated. there's east germany on it and the unification of germany happened 30 years ago

>> No.12781101

Where do you fucking live