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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12774237 No.12774237[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do zipperheads enjoy this?
Every time they eat this shit they chow on it and pretend like it's the best thing ever, anime makes it look appetizing as well.
It tastes like wet carboard.

>> No.12774238


to be fair you have to have a high IQ to enjoy rice

>> No.12774239

the fuck is a "zipperhead"??

>> No.12774248


>> No.12774249

You probably just don't enjoy it because it doesn't have high fructose corn syrup or a pound of salt and cheese.

Americans, everyone

>> No.12774251

Canadians, apparently.
>zipper + head. From the leather helmets formerly used by early Canadian armoured crewmen, with a pattern of stitching resembling a zipper. There is also a folk etymology referring to the zippers on armoured-vehicle crew suits (re-purposed flight suits).

>> No.12774252
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I'm eastern european

>> No.12774253

Zipperhead is a term for Vietnamese soldiers during the conflict with the US. When US soldiers would run the Vietnamese over with jeeps the tire tread would leave a zipper like imprint on the dead bodies. Pretty dark really

>> No.12774258

Source? I just thought it was the eyes

>> No.12774261


I was wondering that too, and then I found out that the rice over there in the gooklands is actually quite different from the rice typically used over here, and they also season it differently. When they cook it it's more like a weird savory porridge that's really filling, to the point that a cup of rice with nothing for sides can be a whole meal and it makes sense.

>> No.12774265

It isn't overpowering in taste. It goes well with almost any food. It isn't as unhealthy as other food.

>> No.12774270

yes but why do they eat plain white rice?
It's hospital food.

>> No.12774271

I was told it was the jagged injuries caused from heavier caliber rounds during NVA zerg-rush bullshit.

>> No.12774279

Most dont?

>> No.12774281

This is what I thought too.
Also rice is amazing as long as it's made in a rice cooker.
Not that minute rice or stovetop shit.
Try calrose rice, tastes amazing plain.

>> No.12774292

bullshit they always eat it plain from the side, I saw it in anime.

>> No.12774295

jebi si mater

>> No.12774298

It’s from the imprint of tank tracks when running over the Vietnamese during Vietnam. I had a marine from Vietnam era tell me about it.

>> No.12774299

Rice in the west is shit.

>> No.12774300

You’re not supposed to eat it by itself. Though you’re right, even when you eat it alongside something else, if the stuff isn’t mixed in with a curry or sauce it’s unpalatable.

>> No.12774314

You can get it in basically any variety that Asia has if you're not an Uncle Ben's chowing jackass.

>> No.12774319

jebem je tebi animepedofilu frf

>> No.12774324

not in Europe, we don't import that shit

>> No.12774326

šta je frf jebote

>> No.12774332

Japanese food is bland. Eat at a Vietnamese place for good asian food.

>> No.12774349
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>I saw it in anime

>> No.12774457

kek na hrvatski
odi na /int/ tu i tamo

>> No.12774602

rice tastes just fin,especially the more fragrant jasmine or basamati varieties. thai sweet rice is amazing too.

>> No.12774608

It's from the Korean war, retard.

>> No.12774630
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Get good rice, rinse it and cook it properly. If it comes in a sachet, is parboiled or is uncle bens then it's shit.
There's hundreds of different rice varieties if you have access to it.

>> No.12774722 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 454x541, 1514066289673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretty dark really

>> No.12774918

>Stop liking what I don't like!

>> No.12774925

It's like potatoes. It's pretty crap on its own.

>> No.12774932

Sounds like you're eating subpar rice.

>> No.12774950

OP is a fat fuck.

>> No.12775003

White rice is fucking delicious.
You have to make REAL white rice though, not that fucking insta Minute rice shit.
And if you're eating white rice that comes in a frozen entree you should kill yourself.

>> No.12775033

Try jasmine or basmati rice, they almost smell like popcorn when cooking and have a lot more flavor. Also, it's just like plain bread, you're not really meant to eat it on its own and think it's amazing, but you can put sauce, seasonings, etc.

>> No.12775068

nisam maloljetni peder

>> No.12775253

There's this too from a James Bond movie, "The Man with the Golden Gun"
Sherrif J. W. “I hate Zipperheads”
He had a recurring role.

>> No.12775265

Well Canada is full of zipperheads these days so yeah

>> No.12775269

... those movies used to be really fun, before every word had to go through focus groups and lawyers so they didn't offend poor little moohamad or tyrone.

>> No.12775285

White rice is the best carb. It's so plain and white and fluffy and turns into carby mush in my mouth

>> No.12775338
File: 120 KB, 1024x1024, Asian brah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was from the hollow point rounds basically blowing up their heads because they have a different bone sutures than whites and niggers.

>> No.12775346

Imagine speaking a language like this.
STA JE FRF. Frf? The fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.12775351

I thought asians were fake and when we kill one we unzip its fake head skin and there's a mexican under there

>> No.12775412

Cheap, easy, "Healthy", and taste good

>> No.12775445

From what I understand the hollow point ones expand and flip around to do the most damage. Then there's shoot enemies on the battlefield to cause damage not to kill, then it deflects the enemy while they try to heal their wounded. It's sick shit but that is what it is.
It's kind of like when a sniper takes one person out in the middle of some place then when others run out to help, nail them as well. They play on emotions and the fact that we care for our fellow human beings. Bug people have no souls so don't think that way.

>> No.12775526
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>> No.12775841

SEAnigger here. I don't know where the "Asians eat plain rice" meme came from. You literally can't chow down 3 spoonfuls of just rice without getting bored. I don't think East Asians are much different from us in this regard.

>> No.12776013

Add butter. Get the right rice. Learn to prepare it. Salt it. And you're good to go.

>> No.12776311

A gook who got his head run over by an tank.

>> No.12776358

znaci samo peder cec

>> No.12776599

It depends. It sounds like you're describing congee which is indeed a kind of rice porridge that can be prepared in hundreds of different ways both sweet and savoury. But most of the time they really do just eat plain steamed/boiled rice as a staple with nearly every meal.

>> No.12776852

Where do you even learn racist terms like this? Do you spend time trying to improve your racist derogatory vocabulary? Is that what you choose to spend time improving?

>> No.12776861

Tough guy larper from /k/

/k/ really is the cringiest board on 4chan. So its a given and an established fact that most of this sites users are young and out of shape, then /k/ is the corner of this website where people pretend that fact was simply never true. So, they all pretend theyre hardassed while assuming that anonymity makes nobody the wiser. Bro. You ever play minesweeper? Yeah that blank block doesnt explicitly scream "im a bomb" but with simple deductive logic you can tell theres a bomb there. Same shit. Regardless, /k/ringelords act as if they are immune. I only wish God reads back their posts in the afterlife with all their family listening.

>> No.12776862

it mushrooms out as it goes through the body and creates a larger exit wound

>> No.12776886

what the fuck are you talking about with the minesweeper reference, are you ok?

>> No.12776906

You sound batshit crazy, friend. Just to let you know

>> No.12776947

Babbys first rant? Find a nice seat and get comfy.

>> No.12776959

Asians are thin because they're actually hungry when they eat, which makes everything taste great. Try it sometime.

>> No.12776987

If everyone finds you unintelligible, the obvious conclusion is that you are unintelligible, not that the fault lies with them for misunderstanding. What the fuck were you talking about with the minesweeper?

>> No.12777000

Its a pretty advanced topic. Not that you need more knowledge in anything, nor does it mean Im too lazy to give exposition. I just am really, really smart, you see? So I can instantly break things down like that. To me, minesweeper is the closest analogy that just came to me. And it has a lot to do with seeing through the game those faggots play on /k/. Like a masquerade.
I mean isnt 4chan a game of minesweeper? Blank blocks (anons) all around you, and you dont know whose who. A lot of fibs and lies. But youre not totally up the creek without a paddle. The "numbers" are all there. Huh?

>> No.12777028

Ok retard

>> No.12777043

I was wrong about the song name, it was
The English Beat-March Of The Swivel Heads
from Ferris Bueller's Day Off

>> No.12777044

I started thinking zipperheads when it was swivel heads

>> No.12777048

You are a schizo. People like you shouldn't be allowed to own guns. Please use your gun to shoot yourself, somewhere safe where no children will see.

>> No.12777055

Not him, but is the metaphor really too complicated for you?

>> No.12777130

>It tastes like wet carboard
Buy better rice and don't overcook it

>> No.12777147

>Not him but
Sure thing
It has nothing to do with the metaphor. read this post again and this time pretend it's someone else, not your writing >>12777000

then tell me it doesn't sound insane. You're a schizo my man

>> No.12777152

No it doesn't, and I didn't write it. Maybe it's just that I'm used to reading literature more complicated than an infomercial. I also think you haven't even met a single schizo in your entire life.

>> No.12777189
File: 421 KB, 1600x1200, furikake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top it with some Furikake. Also, add a bit of sweetener to the cooking water.

>> No.12777222

>Boiling rice in simple syrup
wtf americans