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File: 106 KB, 1500x1500, 61EKyz9CfvL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12773070 No.12773070 [Reply] [Original]

is this some hippie shit or is this really what wine decanters are supposed to look like?

>> No.12773076

They don't need to look like that but the point is to aerate the wine as you pour it. That one is a gimmicky novelty item but it would work.

>> No.12773079

I thought the point of a decanter was to mix the wine with water?

>> No.12773101

what in god's name

>> No.12773103

What? Why would you think that?

>> No.12773110

Are you an ancient Greek?

>> No.12773124

my family is Roman
that's how we always drank it 1 part wine 2 parts water before noon 1 part wine 1 part water after noon
I'm the man of my own house now so I get to have my own decanter but I don't know what to get

>> No.12773129

well my dad mixed his wine in a silver bowl and my grandpa mixed his in a leather sack I think that's a bit silly and messy so I want a decanter to mix it in like regular people do

>> No.12773139

Its called having good taste in kitchen decor. Something you wouldn't know anything about you knuckle dragging neanderthal

>> No.12773144

Foolish is the lion who thinks himself a patrician because his mane is pink.
Condemned is the lion to starve.

>> No.12773159

I don't get how you pour that. How would you get the pressure to push it round the loop?

>> No.12773165

maybe you blow through the other end

>> No.12773166

>pour this glorified bong into another wine glass
>shit comes out from both tubes
>spills everywhere
yeah no thanks

>> No.12773175

the young servant boy who pours the wine does that

>> No.12773178

Don't mix your wine with water ffs

>> No.12773184
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>1 part wine 2 parts water before noon 1 part wine 1 part water after noon
But why? Just drink the wine.

>> No.12773190

You pour it out the fat end

>> No.12773193

you drink your wine until you get drunk?

>> No.12773196

Hes larping lmao

That's a good joke dude. Modern Italians are closer to martians than Romans.

>> No.12773201

>my grandpa mixed his in a leather sack
That sounds pretty nasty

>> No.12773205

>drinking wine before noon
Absolutely degenerate

>> No.12773213

I'm not Italian

>> No.12773219

what do you drink for breakfast? your morning piss?

>> No.12773224

yeah I thought it was weird but he hated spending money on frivolities
of course that didn't sink well into my dad he used a silver bowl for mixing his wine and my grandpa hated that

>> No.12773226

>wine or piss
Are those the only 2 options Romans have?

>> No.12773227
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You guys...

>> No.12773230

He’s probably talking about an old school wineskin.

>> No.12773265


>> No.12773268

what else would you drink for breakfast?
I guess coffee but if you haven't had your coffee in time for breakfast you're waking up too late

>> No.12773271

Why don’t you mix some fucking lead in there while you’re at it Caligula.

>> No.12773272

my grandpa would always say that because he thought spending money was for poor people.

>> No.12773276

my mom put cloves and honey in mine when I was younger
never lead

>> No.12773277

Did he wear tissue boxes for shoes?

>> No.12773279

Buddy, if a lion is found with a natural pink mane you best believe that it will be treated like royalty. A huge fucking harem of lionesses to try to progress the genetic mutation. Ur granpappy was a fag

>> No.12773282

Did boomers really do this?

>> No.12773289

Well there’s water, coffee, tea, juice, soda. All sorts of things that are not Roman piss-wine or actual piss.

>> No.12773292

Nah. It was the generation before that. The forgotten generation or something like that. Doesn't matter, we'll all be forgotten soon

>> No.12773294

the point of the moral is the lion bought a pink mane from the monkey merchant to look fancier than the other lions but the gazelle always saw him coming.

>> No.12773298

Why are they pouring wine into a vase?

>> No.12773299

no he wore normal shoes

>> No.12773302

tea isn't for breakfast
and if you want juice just drink blackberry wine or something
but I've never had a soda it was forbidden in the house but I might try one some day

>> No.12773309

Lmao. Its the lionesses that hunt and the lion eats first. Ur granpappy is still a fag

>> No.12773342

he had lots of morals that were about lions
I don't know why he was obsessed with lions considering he owned a lot of sheep one would think a lion would be a bad thing

>> No.12773366
File: 116 KB, 1455x1200, 2013-01-Boa_Image_White-Wine1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I'm seeing is shit like this where the hell do I get a normal decanter?

>> No.12773374

holy shit go to any wine store stop being a retard

>> No.12773375

plenty of stuff here that isn't too obtuse, some you can even have personalized.

>> No.12773380

I have well enough reason not to believe you

>> No.12773385

You can decant wine in a fucking juice pitcher goddamn nigger what are you doing.

>> No.12773394

why is everyone on this board so fucking stupid i typed in wine decanter on amazon and every result was normal yes i'm mad

>> No.12773396

It was something Howard Hughes did when he started going crazy.

>> No.12773399
File: 43 KB, 570x492, il_570xN.1986763481_gwzc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one

>> No.12773409

etsy is a way better place for a one off item like a wine decanter. If I'm going to have one I don't want the top seller on amazon I want something with a little style.

>> No.12773412

don't be silly

>> No.12773455
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No you.

>> No.12773540

you can't do that
your family won't respect you
people will think you're too poor to have a wine decanter
your wife will cheat on you with someone with a better wine decanter

>> No.12773542

Is there even a difference?

>> No.12773587

Where are you from?

>> No.12773617

I grew up in Montana

>> No.12773646

That's poor people talk. Rich people decant wine in plastic bags from Dollar Tree.

>> No.12773677

how will you pass a plastic bag down to your son?

>> No.12773724

Actually it's been proven that lionesses prefer mates with darker manes.

>> No.12773751

Over his head and pulled tightly across his mouth and nose if he gets one more paternity suit/sexual assault charge.

>> No.12773754

my son or my wife's son?

>> No.12773800

why would you care for a son that isn't yours? besides an adopted son

>> No.12774721

>getting hippies and hipsters mixed up
hippies wouldn't drink wine or spend money on a glass doop-dee-doo. they'd save the money for weed or buying some overpriced organic gluten-free vegan food.

hipSTERS however are what you're talking about, they're into whatever flavor-of-the-month bullshit, craft beer/wine and other yuppie bullshit that city folk are into.

>> No.12774997

>Hurr I'm not Italian. I'm Roman!
Gypsies and Romani aren't "Roman", you gyppo ditch pig. I'm surprised that you have time to post here between fucking your sister and flipping cars on Craigslist.

>> No.12775080

For me, it's the Porrón.

>> No.12775284

are you an italian child? those are the only people who should be drinking watered down wine

>> No.12775318

No there's plenty of options, like one part wine one part piss, or 2 to 1, etc.

>> No.12775331
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Big lmaos

>> No.12775341

Why the fuck else would you drink it

>> No.12775376
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>> No.12775476
File: 121 KB, 1200x800, Wine-Decanter-1c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pouring wine into a decanter actually aerates it very little, the wine will mostly aerate as it sits. You will often want to decant for at least 1/2 hour but some wines need 2 or 3 hours. Therefore you want to maximize the surface area of wine in contact with air. The best way to do this is with pic related style of decanter. It holds one full 750ml bottle such that the surface of the wine is at the point where the glass is widest and thus the most possible wine is exposed to oxygen.

>> No.12775483

one end is a straw, dipshit

>> No.12775503

lookkat that little fat fucker squashed under Earths powerful grafity

>> No.12775518
File: 226 KB, 1500x1215, mamba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psh, get on my level...

>> No.12775565

The purpose of a decanter like in the OP is to expose the wine to as much air as possible both when you fill it and pour from it. It's going to be exposed to just as much air as it sits, but having it pour down the sides when you fill it and then creating a vortex and sending air bubbles through it when you pour from the decanter just speeds up the process.

>> No.12775585

I just blow bubbles in my wine glass with a straw

>> No.12775732

I pour it in a bowl, sit in it and fart. better Terroir

>> No.12775964
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>> No.12775982

genius level b8

>> No.12775991

It's hippie shit. You can blitz red wine in a blender for 10 seconds to insta-aerate it better than that curly piece of glass.

>> No.12776148

Why don’t wine producers pre-aerate their wines in massive blenders then?

>> No.12776175

Because pre-aerating them would ruin them. Wines contain some compounds that are sensitive in negative ways to oxygen exposure, but only on the order of hours. However, if a wine bottle was pre-aerated that would mean you would have to consume it in under a day before it "spoiled." Storing them in an anoxic state ensures they can last decades or centuries.

>> No.12776198
File: 265 KB, 1500x1500, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just drink kool-ade

>> No.12776206

This is true rich people are rich because they don't spend all their money

>> No.12776452

more like deganter amirite

>> No.12776459
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>> No.12776554

kek good one

>> No.12776594

i own this decanter, it is a total piece of shit. impossible to pour and after the wine is gone, impossible to clean. it's a mold machine and i literally have to sterilize it with bleach

>> No.12777535

>introduces air into wine
>acetobacters instantally turn it into vinegar

why does this keep happening to me?

>> No.12777569

calm down Askeladd

>> No.12777570

Fuuuck you anime