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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12773020 No.12773020 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you guys use this powder when making your cakes and do you think cakes taste better when using it.

>> No.12773026

I have never watched a single video of his yet I already fucking hate him

>> No.12773029

he is based tho

>> No.12773030

That means you're an actual sheeple then lol. He looks kinda faggy but his videos are pretty good. Offers tested and logical solutions. His recipes are solid. He also just gets straight to the point. Idk what's not to like

>> No.12773063

t. No balls

>> No.12773071

why does he talk so hostile to me? i feel threatened

>> No.12773077


>> No.12773080

Lmao said the guy who watches a literal cuck and faggot cook

>> No.12773085

There is nothing wrong with being a cuck you idiot.

>> No.12773088

just watched it, content is good but the presentation is faggy and annoying as hell. reminds me of those vlog brother science vids

>> No.12773093

>literal cuck and faggot

>> No.12773099

I had also never seen a video of his before I finally caved and watched the cutting board one. He's fine. Videos are well made and not overly faggy. Seems like he's just another guy /ck/ hates for no reason other than wanting to hate something. Also his recipes are pretty solid.

>> No.12773118
File: 11 KB, 227x222, 1563527792714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannies allow this guy to be shilled

yet they shun all fun with jack

>> No.12773119

Why does he constantly want me to put processed powders and additives into my food to achieve an end result that he has no idea if anybody actually wants?

>> No.12773180

because he likes the results and is confident others will too? are you brain dead?

>> No.12773188
File: 41 KB, 335x351, 1565606120985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do people like showing other people things they enjoy? Aren't they afraid other people might not like them too?

>> No.12773195

i dont watch soyboy incel pedoshit.

>> No.12773198

They're worth watching. I disagree with a lot of the stuff he does, but he definitely takes an interesting approach and I would be surprised if even a good cook didn't learn a few things or take some inspiration from part of his process.

>> No.12773239

How is he a soyboy incel pedoshit?

>> No.12773240
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>> No.12773387
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>> No.12773484

>Hey guys, look at how many buzzwords I can fit into a post, am I with you guys now? Am I cool, huh?

>> No.12773500

Please stop shilling this faggot.

>> No.12774290

Making the cake now. Will report back with results within the hour.

>> No.12774449
File: 1.59 MB, 2880x2160, 20190813_165704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks and smells pretty good. Was going to make a cream cheese icing but had no cream cheese.

>> No.12774467

Tastes damn good. And I'm not a guy who likes cake much at all. Especially not out of a box. Would absolutely reccomend.

>> No.12774479

How did someone like you even manage to learn language?

>> No.12774503

He's not bad overall. I don't agree with a lot of his choices but there are far worse food channels that exist.
Worth looking at, definitely, but there are options just as good if not better.

>> No.12774529

We used to have Joey threads on the reg, too

>> No.12774567

I like how he's literally just copying J Kenji's videos now.

>> No.12774585


Copying Kenji is the best way to make views on youtube. Ask Babish or any successful e-celeb really.

>> No.12775130


>> No.12775147

/pol/ or Reddit?
Two sides of the same coin

>> No.12775731

I'm sensing faggot pretentious vibe just looking at OP's pic

>> No.12775786

tl;dw - Replace 10% of a cake recipe's flour by weight with modified corn starch/pregelatinized starch for a moister cake. It holds onto moisture better. You can buy it online.

>> No.12776079 [DELETED] 

i fuckin can't stand liberals and their precious "science", trump needs to fucking execute all proffesors and actually anyone who went to college, these fucks all talk down about the bible when it's the only thing they should be learnin to bgein with. america is dieing and liberals are the cancer
god i hate them so much, evil godless sent by satan to destroy us

>> No.12777546

I followed his chocolate cake recipe and it was also really good

>> No.12777549

>gets straight to the point
this is literally a lie
i agree otherwise, his videos are useful, if you can stomach him. i can't.

>> No.12778491

I use tons of sugar and agar-agar instead, it's fluffy without the jiggly.

>> No.12778494

Vegans have been doing this for decades.

>> No.12778499

>moist, dense
What a fucking meme as always. Dense and moist is easy. Light and moist is a bit more difficult.

>> No.12778501

why? flour is vegan

>> No.12778521

You seem confused.

>> No.12778678

i am, why would vegans swap out a non-meat ingredient for another non-meat ingredient

>> No.12778694


>> No.12778724

>Food Scientist

Imagine spending over a decade worth of studying topics of chemistry and biology with a focus on applications in the food production and processing industry, getting a doctorate in a field that has the potential to improve quality of life in so many ways worldwide...

And then finding out you can make more money telling people how to make cakes on Youtube.

>> No.12778801

yes, i never implied all 100% of the flour. still why have vegans been doing this

>> No.12778889


Babish at least gives the shoutout, Adam straight up steals

>> No.12779221
File: 677 KB, 1011x974, Adam The Fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched plenty and we've come to the same conclusion. Don't waste your time.

>> No.12779546
File: 170 KB, 1322x1500, 71HJi+WgEOL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what effect would have if the flour used were cake flour to begin with (which is essentially all wheat starch to begin with and no gluten)?

>> No.12779784

Mods prefer ecelebs that resemble themselves