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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12764555 No.12764555 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being so wrong you think there shouldn’t be beans in chili

>> No.12764561

Chili is good either way.

>> No.12764562

But who would think that? The French?

>> No.12764563

The problem is I don't like beans in anything. I wish I did but they are the worst texture.

>> No.12764564

chili without beans is literally just ground beef stew

>> No.12764569

have you told your parents yet?

>> No.12764574

Most important ingredient are chili peppers. Meat is optional, unless you're making chili con carne.

>> No.12764596

Agree. Three bean salad is much better with pine cones.

>> No.12764605

Agreed. I fucking hate beans

>> No.12764612

That's not a problem. Beans are a coping mechanism for people who can't afford meat. Nobody seriously prefers beans in place of more meat except when anons go on 4chan and pretend to be retarded to try to bait Texans into getting upset.

>> No.12764623

Beans have nitrogen though, which makes your penis slightly larger because of the effect on nitrogen has on blood vessels.

>> No.12764626

beans in all cases are filler, if you are poor go ahead but they definitely are not necessary and do not make it better, only cheaper and allow the good ingredients to be spread out

>> No.12764630

all plants and animals have nitrogen, beans are important for agriculture since they can take nitrogen from the air and fix it into organic nitrogen compounds so they do not need nitrogenous fertilizer, and leave behind nitrogen in the soil for future plantings, but this isn't really important for dietary reasons or penises

>> No.12764631

They have fiber anon. Avoid ass polyps.

>> No.12764638

I can do that too though

>> No.12764639

Meat has more nitrogen than beans do.

>> No.12764641
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>ground beef
You're doing it wrong, faggot.

>> No.12764643

its a little WATERY

>> No.12764653

I'm not Texan. I don't even like Texans. But they've created a great fucking dish, and you shouldn't ruin that with beans. Just like you shouldn't put potatoes in a ragù bolognese.

>> No.12764672

The indigestible content of beans is what makes them fuck with people's digestion in the first place. Adding a little fiber to the diet gradually can be beneficial to some, but that's different from eating a massive pile of indigestible plant matter inside hot and spicy chili sauce.
Plus beans are even worse in that respect than other instances of high fiber foods because part of their indigestible content is in oligosaccharides which cause people so much GI grief that pharmaceuticals like Beano exist specifically to keep you from being a bloated, painful, diarrhea spewing mess from eating it.

>> No.12764680

I agree, anon. I'm just pointing out there are anons here who pretend to like beans in chili for the purpose of baiting Texans.

>> No.12764704

You have put too much thought into your rationalization to dislike beans, but have forgot that the fiber would actually be beneficial to quickly cause the egress of the spicy uncomfortable gastronomical/intestinal discomfort.

>> No.12764731

>too much thought into your rationalization to dislike beans
Nope, not at all. I'm pointing this out because that's what actually happens for lots of people when you eat a bean loaded chili, myself included. It's not some abstract theory. *You're* the one trying to make up a rationalization story about how beans would magically solve themselves as a GI irritant when that clearly isn't the case. The fact there's an entire line of pharmaceutical products dedicated to treating people who have gastrointestinal issues related to beans and other similar foods ought to have made that clear even if you personally happen to have an enteric nervous system and/or bowels which don't react as badly to it.

>> No.12764736
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>> No.12764743

I'm a native Texan and eat beans with chili my mom makes. she is from the north and I dont care how chili is supposed to taste beans taste good to me

>> No.12764750

I MOSTLY disagree with you and I rationalize that by the fact that you were a breech baby.

>> No.12764785

Wow, a Texan who isn't an npc and actually thinks for himself! Who would have thunk it?

>> No.12764964

What about Peanut Butter in chili?
Or how about brown sugar and some maple syrup?

>> No.12764988

>Being a contrarian is thinking for yourself
"I'm [kind of person] but I don't do [something that kind of person normally does]" is one of the most common and thought-free responses there is.

>> No.12764990

(((The International Chili Society)))

>> No.12765053

I think you'd like the texture of circumcised cock in your mouth better.

>> No.12765219

It really comes down to situation.

Beans make a chili heartier and more filling which is good if I want to eat the chili on its own. If I am going to use the chili as a sauce for burgers, hot dogs, omelettes, etc I refer not to use beans because they make the dish less cohesive and clunkier to eat

>> No.12765247

>those parenthesis
is the conspiracy tribe going after our chili now too?

>> No.12765490
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Shhh! Dont let the normies know, they cant handle the idea of boiled nuts, let alone spicy peanut butter chili

>> No.12766066

>he calls beef in red sauce "chili"
fuckin americans

>> No.12766070

Nah, it's extremely dull without beans.

>> No.12766076

You'll find the world much easier to navigate once your autism has been diagnosed.

>> No.12766261

Cope harder Texass non-bean npc. I'm glad your state is being colonized by commiefornia. Enjoy your subjugation, lol!

>> No.12766280

Beans beans the magical fruit the more you eat the more you toot

>> No.12767692

the beanfag's entire concept of chili is wrong. his "chili" is nothing but tomato sauce with ground beef and beans with maybe a tablespoon or two of actual peppers in the entire pot. tryng to explain to these idiots that real chili doesn't have beans is like telling someone who thinks go'za is pizza that real pizza doesn't require a fork to eat. they are so sure about their ignorance that nothing you say can convince them.

>> No.12767752

Chili needs a little bit of beans for texture and thickness.... period.

>> No.12767851

Real chili has beans

>> No.12767918

I had boiled peanuts in Georgia. They're crap. I tried two places, because I had stupid southern friends at work who said they're great.

>> No.12767924

what the fuck is go'za?

>> No.12767928
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Italian chili

>> No.12767939

Dude oh my god so true, and who the FUCK puts noodles in their chili?

>> No.12767955

I've never seen noodles in chili. I've had a lot of chili with corn in it though. It's good. PNW

>> No.12767958

Oh fuck yeah, corn is great in just about anything. Then again I'm from Iowa so I'm kinda biased.

>> No.12767960

Wrong. It's "chili con carne". That means you must have chilies and you must have meat. Tomatoes are option.

>> No.12767962

Anon, he said it's optional UNLESS you're making chili con carne, meaning that you have to put it in chili con carne.

>> No.12767963

>withOUT starchpellets
lol holy shit your mouth is broken

>> No.12767966

Beans have a great flavor and add a lot to the chili as it is.

>> No.12767970
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>> No.12767972

we invented it, now get off my board you dumb europoor

>> No.12767978

Chili was invented by the spooks south of us, we just perfected it.

>> No.12767982

You wouldn't pick this fight irl, you arrogant little shit.

>> No.12767989

When I eat 3 bean salad I replace the beans with well done steaks. Cooking meat rare is a coping mechanism for people who can't afford enough gas to cook their food properly

>> No.12767997
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>> No.12768004

Holy shit, beaner so mad kek

>> No.12768034

In that case, the only ingredient in chili is chilies. It's just a bowl of chili peppers.

>> No.12768044

No nigger, chili con carne came first, and it means "chili with meat", calling it "chili" is just an American shortening of chili con carne because dialects n shit.

>> No.12768061
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>cooking chili
>singular bean falls into pot by accident
This event has certainly transpired in front of you. There is no turning time back, no counter measures, nothing. Assume you realized it too late, when the chili(?) is already prepared for serving.
Now, anon. Answer this: is it chili? Or has it turned into a different dish altogether?

>> No.12768139

Chicago pizza. It was popular here a couple of years ago when people liked talking as if they were retarded.

>> No.12768162

I can't fucking stand Chicago niggers, they act so uptight about how their food is amazing. They're literally the French people of the Midwest. Everyone else just grills out like normal good Flyover citizens. But not Chicago, noooo, they're too SPECIAL for that.

>> No.12768182

I use brown sugar in my chili. I also smoke it and use bacon and stock and whiskey. I do not use beans though.

>> No.12768186

The fuck is comino is that cumin?

>> No.12768190

Meh I don't really like chili to be sweet, I like it more savory and spicy, bacon and whiskey is a plus though. You gotta add them beans though, they add texture and extra flavor and heartiness to the stew that is Chili.

>> No.12768217

Dude, smoke the dutch oven. The sugar is just to balance the chilis spicyness and the saltyness. It isn't overtly sweet. I mean curry and marinara have some sugar too but you don't think of them as sweet.

>> No.12768228

Well then I guess there's the issue, I don't like marinara or curry. Chili should be savory.

>> No.12768230

What you posted is a bean soup.

>> No.12768241

Savory and a little sweet is the basis of american bbq.

>> No.12768251

Yeah but I've just always been more inclined to the salty-umami side of taste.

>> No.12768257

I like well balanced. A stew is pure savory but a chili is more bbq and should be spicy, savory, and have some flavor like smokeyness. My stews have a little smokeyness too because I use bacon.

>> No.12768265

I've never really liked the practice of preparing meat to be sweet. I think it tastes much better when it's covered in it's natural cooked grease and some butter or margarine, if you're a /fit/boi. Then add some pepper and salt to cook in some extra flavor, that's my ideal way to prepare just about every meat.

>> No.12768268

Bro that's fucking terrible. You just removed bbq and teriyaki from what you like. Other than plain braises and steaks you don't even enjoy meat.

>> No.12768275

I actually do like teriyaki, but bbq is debateable for me, I like some of the incredibly slightly sweet bbq sauces, but I don't like it when all I can taste is honey and fat.

>> No.12768283

BBQ is vinegar, salt, sugar, garlic, paprika, and chili powder at a minimum combined with smoke.

>> No.12768288

Ye and I like it when the sugar is barely tasteable, what's your point?

>> No.12768300

My point is that you have a bad palate if you can't imagine a smoked chili with some brown sugar thrown into the mix.

>> No.12768315

Go to Texas and get shot you dirty little faggot.

>> No.12768327

All of those things are good and proper in chili, unlike beans.

>> No.12768620

My goodness you're a cunt.

>> No.12769740
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>singular bean falls into pot by accident
Then you ask the person who brought beans over to the chili pot politely, yet firmly, to leave.
>is it chili?
Is soup with a fly in it soup? Sure, but you also ought to throw it out.

>> No.12769750

>Nobody seriously prefers beans in place of more meat
I certainly do. meat is a drag and taste like a leather shoe.

>> No.12769760


Legumes have anti-nutrients


>> No.12769771

Beans are great. You can have hundreds of pounds of dry beans in storage for years, ready to be cooked and eaten at any time. And they'll always taste great and be very filling.

>> No.12769772


Fiber distroys your gut and is useless.

>> No.12769791

They are literally poison, especially red kidney beans.

>> No.12769799
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Chili has Dried beef, dried chilies, and water. If your chili has any other ingredients you are making spicy meat soup

>> No.12769803

My chili shouldnt be soup tf

>> No.12769815

>They are literally poison, especially red kidney beans.
10 minutes of boiling kills the poison.

>> No.12769836
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There should be beans in most chili. If you're looking to make a particular style that's just a spicy potroast, which should just be called texas potroast or braised beef, then no beans.

>> No.12770202
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>> No.12770316

Looks like something Jack Scalfani would make out of shitty dollar store tube meat with a bunch of shit out of cans.

>> No.12770341

This post made me smile because i paired imagery from 90's marlboro commercials with that sad canadian with the little sign saying "im a little upset"

>> No.12770362

Lol I used homemade stock from a chuck braise and you can see red chilis and garlic chunks. You can also see the reduction lines on the sides.

>> No.12770370

chili without beans is stew

>> No.12770409

It's more of a meat sauce.

>> No.12770411

Nasty ass Lodge dutch oven.

>> No.12770420

>When you thought all these years when people said (they) you thought they meant the jews when in reality it was the international chilli society pulling the strings the whole time

I don't even though whats real anymore

>> No.12770427

Dutch oven or bust I also smoked it for 3 hours.

>> No.12770809
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It's more of a chili. Because that's exactly what chili con carne is. If you like beans go for it, but don't pretend your version is legitimate and the actual version is a modification when it's the opposite.
It's like the buffalo wings example that gets brought up in these threads. Most people today use ranch dressing as their dip for buffalo wings. Has been that way for a long time now. That doesn't mean they're right and people who use blue cheese are wrong. Buffalo wings as they were invented in New York were served with blue cheese, not ranch dressing, and chili con carne as it was invented in Texas was served with meat, not beans.

>> No.12770991

Way too fucking watery get out.

>> No.12771014

>using canned beans and not draining them first
>using the grease from the ground beef instead of draining it
nothing wrong with using beans, but that chili looks fucking nasty.

>> No.12771183
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I make a lot of chili. I love making it. Have seven different types I make. My buffalo chili has no beans and is amazing. I like beans in some of my recipes. Really love hearing people talk about their preferences, sharing or exchanging ideas. I definitely have mine. I don't mind if you don't like beans or prefer anything one way or another. Because I'm not a bitch ass tastelet that thinks some faggot ass fucking opinion about beans in chili is a status symbol. Fucking cuck ass faggots fuck off with your retarded opinion on how I make my food.

>> No.12771205

What? I can't hear you over the sound of your plebbery.

>> No.12771446
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>not substituting cinnamon potatoes for meat

>> No.12771514

>I love people sharing their opinions
>Fuck off with your opinion!
Based schizo poster

>> No.12771527
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>cinnamon potatoes

>> No.12771882
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>> No.12772691

you just made me hungry for chili nigga

>> No.12773775
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>> No.12773787

*bean and meat soup

>> No.12773796
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>> No.12773846

We really dont care that much and almost every thread I see more people crusading against Texan chili than Texans actually upset about beans. Even the ones who are seem to be baiting people who get into hysterical fits about Texans' perceived superiority. In Texas we dont give a fuck - you do you. But we also like to compete at stuff like that so folks shouldnt take it personally. I'd love to see more folks come to Texan chili cookoffs to see what we have to offer - we even do bean chili categories too, but I expect most would enjoy the full meated ones a little more if they gave them a chance!

>> No.12773951


>> No.12775305

ok that's pretty gross you win fuck pineapple on pizza

>> No.12775311

>same thread every other day
>114 replies