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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 193 KB, 750x1334, 437FBD15-D34D-48DB-9699-BC4273FD738D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12769747 No.12769747 [Reply] [Original]

What do you eat for brekkie
I eat this at least 3 out of 7 mornings each week. Today I used trout I caught myself

>> No.12769753


>> No.12769766

Black coffee

>> No.12769770

I don't have breakfast

>> No.12769793

wow shoe leather, meat juice and rice
color me
with envy!

>> No.12769838


>*GONG!* *GONG!*


>> No.12769848


>> No.12769854

good stuff

>> No.12770102

Imagine being such a retard you think the skin side of a fish is shoe leather. Be honest, have you ever ate any fish at any point in your entire life?

>> No.12770284

I eat two fried eggs on toast with gochujang basically every morning. Sometimes I switch it up and do it with tomatoes and cheese instead of gochujang though

>> No.12770484

do people actually say this or is OP typing in baby speak because he's a redditor?

>> No.12772079

it is actually bean juice

>> No.12772098
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>damn it feels good to be a weebster

>> No.12772113

impressive if real

>> No.12772145

having pork chop, lost the pepper though

>> No.12772152

>What do you eat for brekkie
I haven't eaten breakfast in 12 years because society is fucked.

>> No.12772169


>> No.12773267

is that whiskey?

>> No.12773291

I can't stomach food in the morning, like, I physically cannot swallow food. After spending ~8 years taking amphetamines for supposed "ADHD" it has permanently affected my appetite. I can only eat max 2 meals a day.

>> No.12773314

How much adderall do I have to take to get there?
-t. fatty

>> No.12773325

I dont. Doing 16-8 fasting so no breakfast for me. Tbh I barely even miss it.

>> No.12773350

>there are currently Australian weebs on your board right now

>> No.12773356

laying around in bed until afternoon isn't a diet, anon.

>> No.12773364

Hard to say, I was a child when I took amphetamines (I say amphetamines because I went through Ritalin, Dexedrine and Adderall after building tolerances to each). The amphetamine would be prescribed to you based on body weight, assuming you're a candidate with no history of drug abuse. I took 2 10mg capsules a day, one after I woke up and another after 12:00. The effects would wear off around dinner time, so I would be hungry again.

>> No.12773365


Still thinner than you, Theodore Rex

>> No.12773381

Looks grim

Also >trout
haha I'm eating fish for breakfast im suuuuch a weeb xD

>> No.12773406

That nip style breakfast was really the only asian breakfast I liked when I spent time in korea and japan. I love gook food, but the idea of spicy shit first thing in the morning did not appeal.

>> No.12773426

I should make a Japanese style breakfast again.
I usually eat rye bread, some ham or chicken breast and eggs with veggies and tomatos. Also tea or coffee.

>> No.12773454
File: 1012 KB, 4032x3024, saba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignorant and in poor taste


Thank you. Mackerel

Sorry that's my b

I like how it does not make you feel bloated or greasy how classic American/English breakfast does.

>> No.12773503

>in poor taste
so you're describing your meal then? because that fish looks absolutely grim
i don't care that you're a weeb, I've had that for breakfast too, that fish just doesn't look appetizing at all,neither does that overcooked rice.

Only thing that looks good there is that seaweed.

>> No.12773507

2 Shredded Wheat with a banana, raisins and milk.

>> No.12773518

Some fish and macaroni. I'll have some chicken masala and Go Lean cereal with coconut milk later if I can keep off the vidya long enough.

>> No.12773532

A cigarette or two and coffee.

>> No.12773905
File: 103 KB, 1008x750, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am american, and this is my normal breakfast.

>> No.12773910

What's the soup? Looks too watery to be miso.

>> No.12773992


>> No.12774559

I'd like that now

>> No.12774565


>> No.12774572

Half and avocado and 2 eggs most mornings.

>> No.12775019

what is the sludge

>> No.12775090

2 eggs and toast with jam, glass of OJ. On weekends I will add some bacon or sausage and potatoes.

>> No.12775145


>> No.12775146

Nice, OP.
I eat that same meal (usually with mackerel fillets, trout, or salmon belly) at least 3 times a week. It's very satisfying and nutritious in many ways. The other days, I have something simpler, like a fruit and yogurt smoothie, or scrambled eggs on toast with vegetable juice.
One day on the weekends (it varies whether it's Saturday or Sunday), I make a special breakfast, something I don't eat regularly, like quiche, or steak and eggs, or oysters in uni-chive cream with toast points.

>> No.12775152

seethe for me wh*tebois

>> No.12775158
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>> No.12775165

If you're a white American who has had family here since before 1941, your ancestors ate fish for breakfast as well. You're so displaced, it's sad.

>> No.12775177

Oh look, it's the Beige Brigade.

>> No.12775178
File: 21 KB, 453x500, 17_CycO964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga

>> No.12775184

remember, jews did this to you

>> No.12775189

seethe for me gouk

>> No.12775195

nice breakfast whiskey

>> No.12775207

OP here forgot the massive cock but I had it for dinner that day

>> No.12775217


>> No.12775460

Grits, with milk, butter, salt, pepper, cayenne, and cheese. Basically porridge.

>> No.12775481

Damn that looks good, I might try that.

I haven't had a consistent breakfast plan going, latrly I've just been making whatever sounds good or is easy cause I'm still waking up.

Usually it's something simple like a couple boiled eggs and some fruit, or a baked potato.

>> No.12775487

I have never been able to eat breakfast first thing when I wake up, unless I have some coffee first. But if no coffee, then it takes me a good two or three hours, otherwise I'll feel nauseas if I force myself to eat.

I don't knoe, itcs like my stomach needs some time to get the acid going or something.

>> No.12775584

more like, YOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.12776524

oolong tea

>> No.12776571

>making assumptions
how ignorant, to be expected from an American

>> No.12777689
File: 177 KB, 1280x957, omurice-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I made omurice for breakfast. It was good, but too much fucking ketchup

>> No.12777759


That egg is burnt.

>> No.12777887
File: 27 KB, 453x465, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know what burnt means

>> No.12778071

This is literally kid's menu food

>> No.12778236

I like omurice but dislike ketchup. My solution is to use rice cooked in a marinara sauce. It's goat and turns it into an adult meal instead of a toddler's.

>> No.12778837

Yeah, I agree, although I could definitely see it becoming very nutritious with more vegetables in it and less ketchup.

>> No.12778847

do you eat your chicken medium-rare too?

>> No.12779864


>> No.12781225

I made a similar style breakfast for me and my little sister this morning, we each had a small bowl of salad with tomato cucumber and rainbow carrots from the garden and I made miso with super light white miso shiitake broth, with chicken, cabbage and a tiny dab of butter added. We also shared a sour beer cause we both work night shift. We also are savages and just dump our rice in our soup. :3

>> No.12781237

Let's take a moment and appreciate how well OP cut his green onions.

>> No.12782847


>> No.12783339
File: 105 KB, 511x512, 1550958397780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That greentext trick was actually neat.

>> No.12783375

Did you eat a whole bit of fish skin-and-all, suck the meat out from under the skin, and then spit the skin out? Chinese people I used to work for would do that. Fucking good fish though.

>> No.12783629

good for you

>> No.12783640

do normal people actually eat breakfast? i dont know anyone who does this

>> No.12783937

Usually just a yoghurt. I go to work at 6:30, and I've streamlined my morning routine to take 20 minutes.

>> No.12783970
File: 828 KB, 3024x3024, Succotash 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some leftover succotash. Not this bowl, this pic was taken the night before.

>> No.12784152
File: 16 KB, 307x307, chip_chipperson_o_a-re508608898ac4b4fb72761b7ced83385_07caf_307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fawk yeah!

>> No.12784383

I've always been the same way for no apparent reason, but have gotten good at forcefeeding myself since I'd be POWmode otherwise.

Try to eat one small thing at a time instead of a heaping plate of obesity, seems to make it easier.

>> No.12784467
File: 198 KB, 300x300, 1555567113496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that literally was the fawkin reference u peeza garbitch. like my muddah always said, (((those people))) love money chippa nevah faghet dat.

>> No.12784521

He's probably British. Those fags go out of their way to make every word sound like something a child would say.

>> No.12784664

>call a cookie a biscuit
>change it to biscie
>change it to biccy
They stop learning their own language after a couple years in grade school. Then again I'd want life to sound like a fairy tale if I got fined for anti-social behavior for humming the lyrics to kung-fu fighting because a couple having tea thought I was singing about people inside the damned restaurant, then went home to learn my daughter had been raped, but the bobbies asked me why she was dressed like a tart in one of the more... culturally diversed neighborhoods at night.

>> No.12784693

I usually eat a single hard boiled egg and a cup of coffee every day

>> No.12786058

did you go out to fish in an industrial pond or did you just overcook that poor former-living thing? jesus christ man, especially as a fisher you should have SOME respect or the ingredients, you know?

>> No.12786578

>omurice with marinara
Why didn't I think of that. Sounds amazing.

>> No.12786582

based, this is a quality shitpost

>> No.12786584


>> No.12787486

It was perfectly cooked.. What do you see that was wrong with it? If you're looking at how the bottom piece is brown, it's the natural bone plate of mackerel that you peel away after cooking. It was oily, juicy, and delicious with crispy skin.
Post yours for comparison?

>> No.12787596







>> No.12788594

bird food
I eat steak, mashed potatoes, and asparagus for breakfast.