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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12766888 No.12766888[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In the year 2045 you must sign up to be a meat eater. You are allowed to eat 500 g of meat pr. week and you have to kill a random animal by slitting it's throat under safe conditions.
Seems far out?

>> No.12766896

Shut the fuck up. They'd obviously use a bolt gun; you'd know that if you knew a single thing about the meat industry.

>> No.12766902

Killing an animal every time just to eat 500g of meat? Is the point of this to increase the number of animals killed for no reason? I'd expect lab-grown meat to be pretty good in 2045 anyway, and animal slaughter to mostly be phased out.

>> No.12766912

I'll kill a hundred pigs for a free pound of sobrassada.

>> No.12766921

Just ship 1/5 of the global population with some animals to colonize a new planet bro. Literally fixes all ailments of our planet.

>> No.12766926

It wouldn't be free within that context.

>> No.12766938

How much am I paying then?

>> No.12766953

How can you ship 2+ millions and stock?
and why would you?
Just throw tons of human dna out in space, Thats how we got here.

>> No.12766961

*billions obviosly

>> No.12766963

Uuh to make a space colony and not end up extinct once Earth blows up? What a dumdum

>> No.12766966

Market value.

>> No.12767394

Bolt guns only stun. Imagine waking up from a drunken stupor when you were twenty, asking who is standing above-and they promptly slit your throat a few times with a dull blade. You slowly choke on your own blood and throat muscle as you bleed out. You're thinking about your life, your love, your future children, your friends and family. And then half way through everything becomes faint as you die of asphyxiation.

>> No.12767409
File: 86 KB, 500x482, 00E596F2-1A5C-45F7-BDA5-B40F03A1F142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strung up by ankles
>stabbed in the heart
>flesh mechanically separated while you’re still alive

>> No.12767416

Now imagine that again except it all happens before you wake up.

>> No.12767422

Far out man!

>> No.12767427

>the perfect little picture
>t. shielded from public eye aninal agirculture
>btw if you video record anything in our establishment you'll go to prison
>no arguments vs bubba's dick

>> No.12767429

What are you on about?

>> No.12767439
File: 3.48 MB, 1957x1956, 20190806_080718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you the knife I use to slit their throats is sharp as shit.

>> No.12767449


>> No.12767458
File: 18 KB, 201x250, D3E66039-8CD1-4D34-AC7E-54C8803448C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12767459


>> No.12767559

I find it strange that the IP count didn't go up after these 3 posts.

>> No.12767563
File: 280 KB, 1242x2208, 5E525566-2582-4EB3-BFAD-7B39EEC1C1DC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost like we all posted in the thread already. Now shut the fuck up.

>> No.12767571

Should have gone up by 1. I posted “WTF” and that was my only contribution to this shit thread. Have a good night.

>> No.12767575
File: 674 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190811-222049_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope more

>> No.12767581

Newfag BTFO

>> No.12767584


>> No.12767585

The samefag virgin proves it with fresh posts of the same background

>> No.12767590
File: 459 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190811-222358_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean we can keep doing this but /ck/ is better than such stupid trolling.

>> No.12767593
File: 516 KB, 1536x2048, 1DB27B04-C504-4840-89A9-F185722DBE2B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna play too

>> No.12767597

OP here I just wanted to have a fun thought experiment and look what has happened and nobody even noticed my trips.

>> No.12767607
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x1960, 20190803_110743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, good get have some tasty oinkers.

>> No.12767629

what do you do with the heads?

>> No.12767663

honestly just dump them in the woods at the edge of the property. him and his two brothers where all just sent for sausage, so nothing fancy was done with them.

>> No.12767678
File: 1.91 MB, 4160x2340, P_20190604_011008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DESU I already do that for fun. Also cutting an animal's throat isn't as bad as it seems. Just insert the knife into the artery and cut down and it will bleed out in about 10 seconds. Or if you want to make a sport of it, you can legally hunt boar in my state with dogs and knives. You sick your dogs on a boar and they are trained to pull it to the ground. Then you step on the boar's neck to hold it down and insert a large blade into the heart. The fucking squeals they make.

>> No.12767694

>Bolt guns only stun.
It's not like a stun gun. When used properly it knocks them completely unconscious and they immediately get their throats cut after, so they don't have a chance to wake up and experience any of that. They don't use it and then sit around for a few minutes until the animal starts waking up, retard.

>> No.12767775

That's not halal, goy.

>> No.12767865
File: 443 KB, 640x640, Anime_Mcdonalds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seems far out?

You've got a soft brain.

'Real meat' in the near future is most likely going to be extremely expensive unless you own land or have access to land: people who hunt or people with livestock will never be in short supply of meat, but people living in the city are going to have to settle for substitutes. Lab grown meat, vegetable-protein based meat, and seafood will be the norm: inexpensive, readily available, price-controlled, and supplied & advertised in every grocery store and fast food restaurant.

Seafood is going to still be on the menu because given the current trend we're seeing a lot of innovation and development of both aquaculture and hydroponics. We're finally investing and inventing newer, more efficient, techniques that allow farming fish to be far more cost effective than it was in the past- as well as raise and produce a wider variety of fish due to us understanding their life cycles better. Hydroponics has been especially important as it's allowed for the first time fish to be essentially grown and raised anywhere- and indoors for that matter.
Right now we're stuck on garbage-eating freshwater fish (shrimp, prawns, catfish, tilapia, carp), but a recent development in shellfish aquaculture (mussels specifically) has secured an inexpensive source of feed for tastier carnivorous fish like salmon which was previously not always 'cost effective' or even environmentally stable due to it's reliance on catching bait-fish for feed.

Personally I hate seafood, so this doesn't make me feel better at all.

>> No.12767886

>Bolt guns only stun.
oh ok, then please demonstrate this for us on yourself.

if you don't die I will never eat meat again.
ok anon?

>> No.12767891

>and you have to kill a random animal by slitting it's throat
The future looks bright

>> No.12768064
File: 68 KB, 322x355, 1564430189809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pr. (three characters) instead of typing our per (three characters)

Better chug some B12 supplement before your vegfag brain completely rots away.

>> No.12768096

My only problem with that, apart from the skimpy allowance of meat, is the "random animal" part.
I don't want my random animal to be a tiger or a blue whale one day.

>> No.12768118

>soft brain.
keep that baby talk for yout subreddit.

>> No.12768127

Yes, not automated. No one has the time and money to regulate people killing animals or the facilities necessary to handle such things. "They" will probably make you fill out an online questionnaire, come in and do a background check, and be done with it.

>> No.12768133

This is the future leftists want. share this!!!

>> No.12768138

>youll sign up to be "allowed" to do something
>theyll hold the animal there until you have to kill it under sandnigger terms

the most concentrated eurocuck bullshit ive ever read in one place. Id just hunt the rabbits, birds, and squirrels that are in my backyard every day with a pellet gun. I wouldnt sign up for shit.

>> No.12768142

Sure, no big deal. No way im gonna eat only 500 a week tho

>> No.12768144

No need to fill in a questionnaire. They will already know everything about you, because a central facial recognition system will have every citizen logged along with all their financial information (both income and transactions-- cash will have been abandoned because it is inefficient), internet usage, and a five year history of every place they have ever been as recognized by security cameras and the GPS tracker on your phone (disabling it will be made illegal, not carrying one will become too impractical to consider). Data collation programs will be able to use this information to predict every other facet of you and your future behavior to 95% accuracy. All to keep everybody safe from terrorists, you understand.

>> No.12768189

What's the most you've ever lost in a coin toss?

>> No.12768194

What is 500g in people units? Also I have no problem killing animals and did it plenty as a child.

>> No.12768196


>> No.12768197

Half a kilogram. A liter of water weighs one kilogram.

>> No.12768203

Per week? What in the fuck? A kilo is like 2.2 pounds. That means 1.1 pounds of meat a week? Fuck me. I guess I'd eat a lot more curry. Also if it is just by the pound then I'd make it veal and lobster. I'm not wasting my pounds on fucking chicken.

>> No.12768209

Also for the love of god can I still buy animal fat to cook with or will I be forced to cook with oils like some kind of pleb? What about butter?