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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12764124 No.12764124 [Reply] [Original]

Pour-over edition. This thread is for all coffee related discussion and inquiries.

>what ya drinking
>where is it from
>getting any more?

Old Thread >>12719804

>> No.12764248
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i have about 6 days of this left. need to order something quickly.

>> No.12764251

Try something that has a flavor besides burnt!

>> No.12764259
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i was curious what 'high grade' robusta tastes like. i enjoy it, but it leaves a LOT of mess in the grinder due to the oilyness.

>> No.12764277

We'll even if it's "high grade" you aren't really getting much of the bean's flavor through a French roast (aka burnt to shit). That's not to say It can't be enjoyed, French roast just scorches it to the point you're not even tasting the bean anymore. Beyond that, you're burning off a lot of caffeine which is the only reason one would choose robusta over arabica varietals

>> No.12764329

i will bare that in mind for next time lad. thanks for the info.

>> No.12764354

I hate robusta so I wish I could offer a recommendation, i do know that timors and catimors are arabica/robusta hybrids so maybe start searching for roasters offering those varietals. I can't personally get past the weird oil slick feeling robusta leaves on my tongue, and a generally shitty aftertaste. I'm a huge fag though idk if that matters.

>> No.12764365

tfw i like the aftertaste
i'm not a light roast fan, so make of that what you will.

>> No.12764452

I would say at the most go for medium then, dark roasts all taste the same. I can understand that the acidity/sourness might turn people away, but a proper light roast is the only way to taste the differences among varieties of coffee - if that's something you're interested in

>> No.12764474

it's sort of something i'm interested in. i see a lot of praise for ethiopean light roasts (one that starts with y), but the tasting notes do not appeal to me.

>> No.12764530

Yirgacheffe? Pretty much the de facto starter origin for snobbery. The cool thing about Ethiopia is the biodiversity of coffee from that region alone. For almost every other country you're stuck with a handful of varietals or man-made cultivars, but Ethiopian coffees will be unique heirloom types to that specific subregion, meaning a farm in one city will have wildly different beans compared to another. If you don't like acidity, look for natural process coffees and avoid washed process, natural yirgacheffe will taste like blueberries while washed will taste more like lemon.

>> No.12764543

that's the one. my taste buds gravitate towards djimmah, but if i can find a natural process bean, i'll buy a bag and report back. thanks for passing on your knowledge lad.

>> No.12764610
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seething charcoal coffee poster

>> No.12764617

seething how exactly?

>> No.12764620

Of course man that's why I lurk these threads, I hope I can help others appreciate coffee without coming off as a pretentious fuckwad because I realize not everyone likes shit for the same reasons I do

>> No.12764622

you're doing a great job of it t b h.

>> No.12764661

you paid $20 for charcoal and you're trying to justify it by shilling it to us.

>> No.12764677

i posted what i am drinking, and will do so again when my next order arrives in a few days. it was the equivalent of $12usd including shipping. if you think posting an image of a bag of beans from a scottish roaster is shilling, then you have clearly lost a few brain cells.

>> No.12764695

what is your prefered way to make coffee? i like to use a french press, when i do filter coffee it just has a watery mouthfeel, i like the moutfheel from french pressing

>> No.12764705
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My brain cells are in top shape from drinking Aryan Arabica beans

>> No.12764708

i too drink arabica beans, and have posted them in previous threads. my next purchase will be arabica beans from a different roaster, and like the robusta, will be posted in this thread.

>> No.12764709

My answers to your questions are:
Melitta European roast.
The grocery store.
I have seven more cans of the stuff, so not any time soon, no. It was on special offer, $1.77 per.
In that order.

Not that you asked, but I'm brewing it using a regular ol' automatic drip, 75g of coffee per 450ml of water.
How much do y'all hate me?

>> No.12764718

See >>12764709
Also moka, but I use Kimbo Gold for that.

>> No.12764753
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I'm not that picky when it comes to coffee.

>> No.12764756
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I'm currently enjoying Khazaar espresso capsules on my Nespresso machine, i'm particularly liking it's intense taste and strong aftertaste;
sometimes when i'm in the mood i like to make it with my moka (Lavazza coffee in there).

>> No.12764764

All types of coffee are acceptable except podshit, you're a huge fucking cuck if you buy Nestle or K**rig garbage. Secondly, the "n" in "nespresso" stands for "not"

>> No.12764833

I miss Nestlé's regular-ass coffee. It was called 'Bonka' and it was seriously fucking good for being supermarket stuff.
All that said, I had pod coffee while I was at uni. They had a free-to-use machine with free pods in the lobby of my dorm. I tried it once. I wanted a refund.

>> No.12764917
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Well, judging by the fact my eggs, half&half, and bit of the milk froze, I think i set my mini fridge too high. Luckily eggs are cheap and the half&half was old anyways.
Based robusta anon. Did you try the half French? That's the one I would like to try.
Based Lavazza moka bro. What lavazza you drink? So fast tried the Italian Forte and classico.
Gevalia honestly tasted the best from my k*rig days.

>> No.12764963

I haven't tried the half french. Mainly because they don't specify what makes it ""half french"". Thomson's will take a back seat forba while as I've found a few places that offer free shipping.

>> No.12764999
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based coffee and a donut

>> No.12765109

I'd also like to add Nescafe instant coffee to the list of not acceptables. Seriously, how bad do you have to make your manufacturing process to make coffee that acidic? Even I can't even mess up my moka pot that badly to get Nescafe's horrible taste.

>> No.12765151

Thoughts on James Hoffman?

I quite enjoy his videos.

>> No.12765193

why do you hate pods so much exaclty?

>> No.12765230

>overpriced for weight / dollar compared to whole bean of same or better quality
>fixed amount of coffee in pod
>fixed ratio of water:coffee
>limited to exclusively using major corporate brands' proprietary products
>machine itself just heats water up yet costs $100s
>unnecessary amounts of waste for a single cup (lets face it, the average user isn't recycling those pods)
>no control of brew parameters
>Nestle and K**rig are fucking garbage companies seeking to fuck the consumer over with zero production transparency
To sum it up, you sell freedom for convenience, and pay a premium for low quality shit.

>> No.12765663

This shit is the best. I always get the house blend.

>> No.12765809

From the handful I've seen, I like them. Seems to legitimately love coffee, and isn't overly pretentious.

>> No.12765961

For me it's cheap instant coffee with 80% milk and A LOT of sugar and cream

>> No.12765982

I'm not much a coffee person, more into tea, but I saw this from the front page. My parents drink coffee every day, and they have a keurig. They use a refillable pod made of plastic and filters, so they can just use their own coffee and make a cup at a time. Seems pretty convenient, and efficient, because you only need like a spoonful to make a cup, and they're not gonna drink an entire pot regardless.

>> No.12766085

Nescafe instant is good for cooking and for Greek iced coffee. Pods are bad for everything.

>> No.12766286
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based. for me, it's Kroger brand french roast brewed in a cheap coffee machine drank black.
if you don't drink your coffee like me or like >>12765961 then you might as well go back 2 reddit for being such a soi cuck.

>> No.12766541

>seems convenient
Yeah that's exactly what I said, you're giving up the ability to brew good coffee for convenience. Those pods lock you into fixed amounts of coffee (at most 17g which is a really weak cup) with varying levels of dilution. Aeropress is a much better single-serving brewer and it's cheaper, because you can actually alter the brew time, temp, and volume. If you don't care about flavor why not just buy instant coffee and save yourself 100 dollars lol, putting stale preground into a bacteria infested pod brewer isn't any better

>> No.12767483

Not him but the only defense pods have is if you are on a workplace, saves time and it's less messy. Having it at home is pretty pointless though, why brew coffee if you are in a rush? If your excuse is that you want to taste coffee not matter how little time you have, might as well go with instant, that's cheaper and both are basically the same in terms of quality.

>> No.12767524

Anything other than strong Maxwell House dark roast (fresh), with cream is complicated bullshit.

>> No.12767935
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Due to newfound stomach disease I can't have tea again, so I've switched to coffee. Bought a percolator and cafe du monde coffee & chicory, tastes bueno so far.
Any suggestions, tips, warnings, etc.?

>> No.12768140

Does anyone here have any experiences with the Bialetti Brikka? Just got it as my first moka pot and it has a bit of a learning curve for sure.

>> No.12768211
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Question for this general- best device for making cold brew? I use the Hario cold brew maker (pictured), but it leaves me with a fair amount of sediment passing through the plastic(?) permanent filter. Passing the cold brewed coffee through a paper filter after brewing doesn't really work that well either as the sediment clogs the filter and it takes for ever to drain down. Is there a better method or do I simply need to invest in a less shitty grinder to avoid this? (Currently using a Hario skerton grinder.) My friend brewed me some flash chilled coffee which tasted great, but I like the convenience of cold brew (i.e. it's already in the fridge in the morning so I don't have to brew a cup).

Cat & Cloud Kenya Muchagara

Good channel. I read his book, actually (World Atlas of Coffee). Really informative about different coffee growing regions, what to look for as indicators of quality, etc.

You've probably only tasted shitty light roasts. 2nd other anons rec re Ethiopian beans. I thought I wasn't a fan of light roast either...

>> No.12768343
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Keto boosts adenosine levels. This article might be useful for you.


>> No.12768385

Why is it so fucking hard to make coffee
should I get a french press? Can I make coffee wholly with milk and sugar? I have some super strong coffee (1800mg caffeine/100g) and I wanna enjoy it. What's the best way to do it if I only drink cold coffee with whole milk and sugar? Help me coffee bros.

>> No.12768626

Dude, get a cheap pour-over device at your local bigbox store and a manual grinder. Then just put ice in the cup. Add whole milk after.

>> No.12768639

Heading to best cafe in the state this morning, will post updates.

>> No.12768658

fuck all you coffee sippers
real men drink tea

>> No.12768693

That's just a jug with a strainer on top. I already have a regular conical strainer. I have have ground beans on me, so no need for a grinder.
Anyway, so I pour cold milk in a glass, add sugar and the ground up coffee, stir it with a spoon and strain it into another glass. That's it right, no need for anything else.

>> No.12768782

tea is shit.

>> No.12769123

i enjoy both, cant choose what i like the most

>> No.12769271

I'm so retarded I can't even make coffee. Should I just lick the grounds to get the caffeine?

>> No.12769423

eat the beans.

>> No.12770245
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You could try filtering it through a cheese cloth.
No, but this video goes over common moka brewing.
Any advice on cleaning a drip machine. The house I moved to has one and i want to use it when i have early morning shifts.

>> No.12770249

wow talk about jewing on the cut. shit rise too. that thing looks like it was stepped on

>> No.12770454

I had it the other day in nemesis coffee in Vancouver. Seriously good stuff.

>> No.12770931

Stop eating so many sweets fatass. Join the coffee chad club and drink it black with nothing to eat but a protein bar every morning.

>> No.12770977

>(((protein bar)))
>not eating fruit with your coffee, lifting, then having a protein filled breakfast before work
Never gonna make it

>> No.12771003

>eating (((fruit)))

>> No.12771036

Where my Bustelo bros at?

>> No.12771167

Senpai there's no better way to spike your blood sugar levels early in the morning to power through a workout. Protein bars are processed garbage for manchildren.

>> No.12772334

truthpilled tbß.

>> No.12772697

Why does every fucking grinder that I buy stop working after a few months? I got a Hario Mini Slim Pro because it was supposed to be good and it's less than a year old but is already making an extremely inconsistent grind. It's making like 50% the shit I actually want and 25% French press grind and 25% Turkish grind on the setting that I have always used for V60 pourover. I have tried lowering the setting further to eliminate burr wobble but I'm still somehow getting larger pieces than should even be possible for the setting that I'm using.

>> No.12772728

I'm about a week past switching to an aeropress from a decent drip (coffee ninja). It's not incredibly better than what I've been getting, but I'd say it is probably more consistent. After experimenting, I think I like the traditional higher temperature brewing rather than the low temp recommended by the press. Coffee that makes my tongue kind of tingle on the sides is my favorite, is that from higher acidity? When I try to search for higher acidity coffees I just get boomers complaining about heartburn. I usually get some medium roast Columbian thinking that's probably my best chance at getting that flavor. I've found it in big bags of Sam's club coffee that I thought tasted amazing, but only about 1/10 of those bags taste that way while the rest taste like ass. I assume different growers. Any other anons know what I mean regarding the taste and have any recommendations?

>> No.12772735

Buy single origin rather than a generic mix of beans named after a country. Get something from Africa if you want acid and fruity flavors.

>> No.12772739

I wouldn't say I wanted a fruity flavor, just that hard to describe feeling on my tongue that I think comes from acidity.

>> No.12772750

Look for light roasts, especially Ethiopian beans. The reason you aren't noticing a drastically better cup is because you aren't using fresh coffee, stale stuff from grocery stores just don't have much flavor to them. Go to a roaster near you and pick something up roasted within that week.

>> No.12772757

I appreciate the advice but I don't really care for light roasts. The coffee I have now isn't garbage, but I am looking to upgrade. Will look for maybe a medium Ethiopian.

>> No.12772770

No, that's not how you do it you mong. Make the coffee as you would any other coffee (hot), add the sugar (because sugar won't melt in a cold liquid), cool down by adding ice, and then add milk.

>> No.12772811

I'd venture to guess you just haven't had good light roasts before. Tbh senpai once you start drinking the good shit you're never gonna want to go any darker

>> No.12772858

Dude, no. Stop.
Forget about countries, pay attention to processing if you want to sort this out. There's a weak correlation between processing and country but it's just that - weak. It's the basis for the antiquated fascination with country of origin. After processing there's varietal and producer but those are much lower ranked in terms of total impact. Think dry vs sweet wine for processing. It's the sugar levels, it makes a huge difference.

Any seller who isn't labeling by processing method, and any seller who is labeling by roast level, is selling garbage coffee, if you rule out those examples you've narrowed your selection down to an elite group of roasters and from there you can dial in what you like.

>> No.12772892

Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
we need a guide of sorts t b h

>> No.12772923

Quite possible. I think the last time I tried a light roast was some Starbucks shit so maybe I could give it another try. I thought at the time it was good enough to at least check out the flavor differences.

Interesting. Place of origin does seem to matter quite a bit for wine so I assumed it would for coffee and they certainly market it that way.

>> No.12772969

roasting doesn't affect the caffeine content. The temps you would need to do that don't even come close to how hot a drum roaster gets.

>> No.12772988
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I've been drinking a lot of their planadas tolima colombia lately. Gonna try their Tanzania next.

>> No.12773187

Why the fuck did you feel the need to call me a mong? Fucking cock sucker

>> No.12773237
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Anyone else sometimes put their warm coffee mug against their eyes in the morning when they feel sore?
I can drink it black, but I uasally add a small amount of half&half to smooth it out. I don't sweeten my coffee, I just like to eat something sweet with it. Recently i have cut back on the sugar levels. Those three pieces of chocolate are only 100cal and 9g of sugar. I make that my one sweet thing a day. That way I can't buy a candy bar or anything later.

I don't eat dried fruits often since I know they are sugary, but I was hungry that morning and had that with some crackers and liverwurst. Normally i just have coffee, small sweet, and fiber one cereal in the morning as breakfast. So about 300cal or less.

>> No.12773446

I have been trying to make cold brew in my french press lately but it always turns out almost sour tasting. I use filtered water, and about a 1:14 ratio of coffee to water. I have messed with how long it sits at room temp or in the fridge.

>> No.12773482
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Same, love that rose/red grape like flavour

>> No.12773486


>> No.12773498

What do you guys use to make your espresso? I am thinking about buying a nice machine.

>> No.12773505

because i'd be out of beans otherwise lad.

>> No.12773560

How are you grinding it? Sounds like under extraction.

>> No.12773680

I am grinding it medium, the same as i use for normal french press which tastes fine.

>> No.12773842

You can go fuck yourself.
Olke Birre makes the best coffee on the planet and anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking soy consumer.
I hope your house burns down you fag.

>> No.12774377
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>> No.12774416


>> No.12774557
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Australian here, what beans do you guys buy? I literally can't tell the difference between Vittoria, Harris or Lavazza.

>> No.12774601

most supermarket stuff tastes the same m8. good to buy freshly roasted beans online or a coffee place near you if you can. if you don't have a grinder, they can grind the beans for you. big world of flavours out there t b h

>> No.12774606

also if you have a coffee shop near you, ask about the flavours of the beans they sell that would appeal to you.

>> No.12774625

linea mini

>> No.12774678
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>tfw I can't have a nice cup of French press coffee in the morning
What do you put in yours? Been brewing mine with rose water lately

>> No.12774686

What lol I was saying Ethiopian coffee is good. Also you should go try some La Esmeralda or La Palma geisha before you proclaim that

>> No.12774719

Either: you need to adjust your grind, change the ratio, or the coffee your using isn't best for cold brew.
Put whole cardamon in with the rose water. How are you brewing if not a French press?

>> No.12774729

>How are you brewing if not a French press?
What do you mean?

>> No.12774733

>"tfw I can't have a nice cup of French press coffee in the morning"

>> No.12774749

No, you misunderstood me. I've been accustomed to having French pressed coffee in the morning.

>> No.12774770

Oh... so you skipped your morning coffee entirely?

>> No.12774776

>love coffee
>have ibs
>coffee fucks my stomach 8/10 times
it's not fair bros

>> No.12774795

Yeah and I can't really have it any other way.

>> No.12774838

Bummer, but yeah, try the cardamon. A little bit goes a long way.

>> No.12774859

Thanks I'll try it out. Kind of expensive though as it's like $15 for a very tiny can of it here. I need to check the Indian place and compare.

>> No.12774878

>$15 a can
Like hipster co-OP stuff? Indian place should work. If you like chai/milk tea, see if you can pic up some CTC assam.

>> No.12775533
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>> No.12775589

>canned meme cold brew

>> No.12776405

Stay mad, simp! Not my fault you didn't bother Googling how to make iced coffee and asked 4chan instead.

>> No.12776465

Any mixed that you can recommend lads? I'm going on a date to Starbucks. All I know is cold americano in venti with cream.

>> No.12776557

Can I use a French press with milk instead of water?

>> No.12776559

Coffee is generally worse for the stomach than tea. Ask your doctor first if it's fine to drink coffee. You don't want to ruin your stomach further.

>> No.12776566

>straining sugary milk
WTF made you think that is a good idea?

>> No.12776572

If you want to buy something for life, get a hand grinder. I have been using my Zassenhaus for over five years (at least once every day with maybe two exceptions) and it still works like on the first day.

>> No.12776609

I got some raw ethiopian coffee beans I need to roast

>> No.12776686

A strainer works to remove coffee grounds and sugar grains from the liquid. So I mixed some sugar and coffee grounds with chilled milk and used my whey shaker to mix it, what else would I use to separate the coffee milk from the grounds and sugar grains if not a strainer?

>> No.12776702

You make the coffee, strain it and the mix it with the rest.
Are you by chance barred from handling sharp objects? I cannot understand how simple kitchen tool usage could overwhelm anyone but the mentally feeble to this extent.

>> No.12776734

>the rest
what rest? You just laid out my method
>mix coffee and sugar, strain it, and mix it with the rest
what rest?

>> No.12777159

Are you dense? You strain the coffee, then add sugar. Then and only then do you add milk/cream.

>> No.12777209
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I have a Kitchenaid Pro coffee grinder.
It’s sort of noisey, and you have to unscrew the front knob off every few months or so to wipe out the inside and clean the burrs, also maybe put a tiny bit of grease towards the back socket the burr runs on, but it basically works as good as when I got it, and at this point, that may be five or ten years ago.
I’m not certain, but I’ve had it quite a while.
Kitchenaid now makes a digital scale made to fit it, so you can grind till the weight is right rather than using a measuring spoon.

>> No.12777251

Coffee with lemon makes me jizz

>> No.12777255
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Because you're buying cheap shit. Grinders aren't cheap.
>If you want to buy something for life, get a hand grinder.
What the fuck do you think a hario slim mini pro is?

>> No.12777476

Sorry, didn't realise. Apparently it is shitty though. Get a Zassenhaus.

>> No.12777573

Zassenhaus looks like some faggy hipster shit, kill yourself

>> No.12777583

What's the worst coffee you've ever had

>> No.12777596

I've heard good things about the Lido 3, do you know if it's good or not? I don't want an automatic.

>> No.12777676

Nitro cold brew coffee with some blonde Starbucks beans this morning.

Last night, there was a /ck/ thread about a professional cook who was too afraid to use a cream whipper, so I wanted to be sure to use mine today. And unlike Binging with Babish, I used nitrogen and not nitrous, as I am not a pleb.

>> No.12777686

It's like $4 for half a pound at my local Indian grocer. No idea if it's worth putting in coffee though.


>> No.12777739


>> No.12777830
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Having a weeb cookie my friend got me in Japan. Smol tasty bites.
Cardamon has cooling, floral notes to it. Its not end all, be all, but I know rose and cardamon work together, and cardamon is a nice change of pace from cinnamon and nutmeg. Just don't use too much. A little goes a long way.
>not understanding basic thermal physics

>> No.12777850

What will I gain by trying to strain coffee grounds? I gotta shake it up with milk first and then strain the grounds out

>> No.12777852

What's your opinion on instant coffee

>> No.12777856

Let's say I'm brewing 2 cups/500 mL of coffee.
1. How much rose water would you add? I just bought some yesterday for an entirely different reason, so I'll join you on this journey.
2. Green or black cardamom? Whole pods, cracked pods, or seeds? Are you throwing them in the grinder with the coffee, are they ground separately, or are they just hanging out in the filter with the grinds?

>> No.12777894
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I too want to try rose water. I wouldn't put the cardamon seeds in the grinder though. I know that anon French presses, so I would add either one whole pod or 1-3 seeds to start. Pic related is what I use. I brew with a moka pot, so I usually just put a couple seeds in my mug and let it sit for a bit, give it a stir, then remove the seeds with a spoon.

>> No.12777913

I use a Chemex. I think I'll put a cracked pod in the carafe and swish the coffee as it filters through.

>> No.12777927

Oh, and I guess that first pod will be green cardamom.

>> No.12777963

Would be awesome if this shit wasnt 5$ a can

>> No.12778014


>> No.12778043

When I was sent to a psycward once, they offered decafe instant coffee. Tasted rank, but when you're in there you kinda dont care.

>> No.12778682

Fazenda Pinhal Brazil and Mocha Djimmah Ethiopia arriving tomorrow lads.

>> No.12778887

all lido grinders are great and can match up to the more expensive automated grinders. you will get a better grind from a $200 lido hand grinder than an $200 automated grinder.

>> No.12778901

Good because I just ordered a Lido 3. I remembered that I had an Amazon gift card that someone gave me a while ago so I went ahead and did it. Hopefully I won't need to replace it for a long time. I guess it was sort of retarded of me to expect a $50 grinder to last me a good while.

>> No.12778914

The lido 3 has the same burr set as the lido E but the only difference is the Lido E is a bit better and doing small adjustments for espresso. but you can use the lido 3 for espresso.

>> No.12778953

>tfw happy with a bodum bistro for pour over
do i NEED a lido hand grinder lads?

>> No.12778968

if you just doing drip/filter then no, but if its espresso then yeah you need something like a lido.

>> No.12779011

thanks lad.

>> No.12779378

Do French press filters need to be replaced regularly?

>> No.12779439
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I'd like to put my cream in Venti, if you know what I mean. What you should really order is the Nitro Cold Brew. Don't get any sissy cream or sugar or flavoring with it though.

>> No.12779601

>date to Starbucks
Just dump her since she likes shitty coffee. Oh wait, this is /ck/, I meant: Dump him because he likes shitty coffee.

>> No.12779895

thanks to whoever rec'd crema e gusto for my moka like a week or two ago
the pre-ground (i don't have a grinder yet) stuff is a bit finer than i expected and i was worried but it actually came out super thick and rich

>> No.12779919

How can I convince my gf to develop coffee autism? I've been buying and grinding my own specialty beans for a few years now but she still drinks Starbucks and shit.

>> No.12779924

make her some nice ones and ask for her opinion on the different beans and methods
engage with her and she will probably develop taste from thinking about it :)

>> No.12779934

Thanks for the quick response fren :) I actually lied and she isn't my gf yet but we're going on a date next week so I was just preparing for the future.

>> No.12779939

good luck

>> No.12781337

poopie, why this thread going downie
bumpie up
I hate making coffee, it's so hard and difficult to make something like you'd get outside.

>> No.12781352

Thanks forgot to check it; playing vidya.

>> No.12781374
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Good morning lads

>> No.12781436

morning lad.

>> No.12781458
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>best device for making cold brew?

Yama tower

>> No.12781530

Holy shit, does this aspie thing make better coffees than a regular French press?

>> No.12781565

Καλημέρα φίλε

>> No.12781612

Ho ho ho! Fancy!

>> No.12781638

Zassenhaus is literally one of the oldest, traditional brands for coffee grinders in Germany. Has nothing to do with hipster

>> No.12781641

Once you get out of the instant/automatic/percolator/aeropress cycle of shame, no one method is better or worse than another- merely different.

>> No.12781656

Bianchi is the oldest most traditional brand of bicycle and it is a hipster staple

>> No.12781771

I'm steeping about 12g of coffee (it's strong stuff, 12g has 200mg caffeine) in 250ml water in my fridge, when it's done can I strain and mix it with another 250ml of whole milk for a coffee milkshake?

>> No.12782334
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>> No.12782718
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Tasteless anon here,
>The owners son came by the other day
>Owns a coffee shop in Edmonton. I was away and got a text from one of the staff
>Hey, Paul is after adjusting our machine to run shorter shots!
>Return to work to find that my espresso bar is as erratic as an autistic five year old
>My espresso was touched and is now emotionally scarred as a result
>Reset my
How's your morning going?

>> No.12782732
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I can't even post correctly.
Plus, my supervisor just came in and fixed it first try.
Why am I cursed today lads?

>> No.12782734

my beans have been delivered. will post when i get in.

>> No.12782770 [DELETED] 

Who is edmonton?

>> No.12782809

He owns the "Bean around the world"
He's a nice guy and knows his coffee, but I didn't want him touching my shit

You should try out fjord coffee roasters from Berlin next. Really good stuff

>> No.12782831

somewhat expensive t b h. maybe one day.

>> No.12782835 [DELETED] 
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I drink instant coffee, its pure shit but nice coffee is very expensive and im an indicive, unmotivated faggot so i can't afford it.
If he's touching your shit you should fuck him up, people should learn their place.

>> No.12782884
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I had their el Salvador downtown in Nemisis Coffee about a week ago as they are always rotating their espresso. Usually costs $3.2CAD but the fjord was $4.20.
Tasting notes are mango, passionfruit, toffee, berries and milk chocolate.
My nose was having just as much fun as my mouth

>> No.12782903
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comfy. the beans are here lads.

>> No.12782962

tupperware container
almond milk bag
hot steep for 1 minue, then ice and cold water and leave it at room temp over night

>> No.12782965 [DELETED] 

Do you drink it with sugar or milk or what?
I personally drink real coffee with no additives of any sort so i can enjoy the taste and aroma.
The best quality coffee i had in Austria, Italy and Greece.

>> No.12783025

i don't add anything to it.

>> No.12783305

Nope, don't add anything. If I don't like it, I don't like it and adding sugar or sweetener to it won't change the fact that if I go back I won't like it.
It's better to try to isolate what you dislike about coffee, say bitterness. A barista worth their salt should be able to point you in the direction of a drink that isn't bitter or let you know why some drinks are bitter.
Once you find a drink you like that you don't need to add anything to, the comfyness factor grows exponentially, because you can just go somewhere, order and sit. No faffing about behind dudes who want 20oz of cream in their drip.

>> No.12783510

That's pretty sad. I hope you get a decent bag every now and then.

>> No.12783846

Just be happy you have your hobby and save money because she isn't drinking your seeds. I've been in the game for a while - roast my own, ek43, have opened a shop, etc etc. And my gf drinks instant mocha mix shit, and we're both fine with it. She will still try and enjoy what I choose to share with her, and understands and appreciates good coffee, but she doesn't care enough to make it herself. It's good to have hobbies of your own, girls can ruin that.

>> No.12784429

My boomer dad takes the coffee grounds my mom made her coffee with, runs the drip cycle through again, and drinks that happily. Some people just want something warm and black to drink.

>> No.12784451

Yeah they're called tastelets

>> No.12784559
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Anon, you can't be serious, all coffee tastes the same. That's why I buy it from the dollar store in 5lb bags. You're taking it way too seriously.

>> No.12784564

How do i adapt to be able to digest coffee? Every time i eat it, there is acid diarrhea that smells like coffee, so i think it is going right through me

>> No.12784579

You eating it on an empty stomach? Thatll cause it. But if you’re not that’s just how it rolls, some people can’t deal with coffee too well

>> No.12784655
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>> No.12785558
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>cold brewed some coffee for 18 hours
>absolutely enjoyed it, first time I drank my coffee black without milk and sugar and didn't retch at the taste
what magic is this?

>> No.12785564

Let yourself be you, and let others be themselves. That's the key to happy living.

>> No.12785610

Has anyone tried those vacuum cartridge things to make strong coffee? I want something like espresso but cheap and less sour

>> No.12785890

dark roast. it makes you produce less acid. and don't drink it while you're digesting a meal, wait at least an hour. also don't drink it right before a meal.
T. IBS-let

I drink my first cup 45 min before breakfast, and my 2nd an hour after dinner. I used to have one in the afternoon but it makes scheduling meals too difficult.

>> No.12786252

With the cooler weather coming in the near future I'm wanting to get back into making coffee daily, what kind of espresso machine is recommended if my budget is around $500? I currently have a Baratza Encore grinder and an Aeropress.

>> No.12786608

Don't get an espresso machine.

>> No.12786633

I'm reading a shitty self-published book and looking through the window, waiting for my Baratza Encore to get here. So hyped bros. Have some Ethiopian Guji I'm going to make. Pretty hyped because I've been using a shitty Krups grinder for 2 years now and still have been able to make good cups. I'm hoping this will elevate my coffee to the next level.

>> No.12786637

sounds comfy lad. report back with results.

>> No.12786651

Why not? Lattes are my favorite coffee drink. If it's because $500 isn't enough to get one worth the money I can wait and increase my budget.

>> No.12786678

>Anon, you can't be serious, all coffee tastes the same.
Objectively wrong.

>> No.12786711
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Made coffee with the drip maker. Was pretty good. Little sour but it was an espresso grind and nothing a pinch of salt can't fix. Seems just a little weaker than my moka.
Are you looking to make espresso/lattes for yourself or do you want to be able to entertain a crowd? Do you only want to make lattes or just want the ability to pull shots under high bar? What level of maintenance do you have time for and afford?

>> No.12786742

Yeah it's mostly that part. I don't know what you consider acceptable but I personally wouldn't feel it's worth it unless I had something with commercial specs that I could rely on not to fail me over the years (not plastic brevilles). You do have some options that are "acceptable" in that price range but you're gonna realize that it's a lot of upkeep and learning how to use it to its max:
Manual unpowered lever machines like the Flair, Rok, or cafelat Robot. They will pull good shots but require a LOT of temp management and skilled pulls
You can get a gaggia classic for about this price but you need to look for a used model in good condition, I think you want the models before 2014 because they were bought out and the new company stripped them of features, like a solenoid valve. You're gonna want to mod in a PID as well
I mean you can save up for a rancilio Silvia because they're tanks, new will run you around $750 and you'll want to mod it with PID (about $100). Can always hunt for used deals they hold their value well.

With these machines you won't be able to pull back-to-back shots and need a few minutes to switch between brewing and steaming which is why I think it's not worth it if you're expecting to have several cappuccinos in a day, if you just want to wake up and have a double shot before work then yeah these would do the trick. Keep in mind as well your grinder is NOT good for espresso, you will need something a little more high end, the best budget option is something like an OE Pharos 2 $300 but if you're about to drop $500 on a fully manual espresso setup (flair + Pharos) I would imagine it will become tedious. Imo just upgrade your grinder and be happy with other brew methods, espresso is a really expensive hobby.

>> No.12787535

What's wrong with aeropress

>> No.12787553

whats the spiral for? seems like a shit to clean for no particular reason

>> No.12787812
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Lido 3 is here

>> No.12787874

based lido.

>> No.12787879

i not cofee connesur but what is good everyday cofee. starbuck? i dont like the nasty

>> No.12787891

It's 2 stops away. Will have my first cup within the hour.

>> No.12787935


>> No.12787939

Posted feet/10

>> No.12788137

Reminder that almost all commercially sold coffee is covered in mold spores from when they leave the beans in a pile to rot after picking.

>> No.12788153

Yes. Nothing will upgrade your coffee habit more than a good burr grinder. Lidos are trash, get a kinu.

>> No.12788202

>Nothing will upgrade your coffee habit more than a good burr grinder.
There is literally no difference between using a 200 dollar bur grinder and a 20 dollar whirry blade boi unless you are making real actual espresso (you aren't). Burr grinders are the biggest fraud.

>> No.12788231
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Post your go to brand

>> No.12788246

Moomin mug anon here. The Colombian that I got from Brandywine is extremely hard. Is this a thing that happens with light roasts or something? It's significantly more difficult to grind than any other coffee I have ever had, including the other Burundi that I ordered alongside it. The only other thing that I can think of is that it was somehow roasted on 8/5 in 2018 or something since the roast date on the bag doesn't list the year.

>> No.12788254
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>tfw mine is over two years old already

>> No.12788690

>finally bought a jeweller's scale to up my tea and coffee game
>cashier gave me a gram of kush with it

Legalization is weird lads

>> No.12789146

Reminder that prior have been eating moldy food for most of human history. Reminder that if you keep your toothbrush in the bathroom it is covered in feces.

>> No.12789165
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I'm sorry for the phoneposting my friends

>> No.12789355

>lidos are trash
You’re full of shit anon

>> No.12789362


You don't and won't own either, so why post?

>> No.12789395

Now get a flavoured coffee and do it. The roaster I go to (more expensive and limited stock, mostly south american but also single origin asian) does flavoured coffee with the beans not suit to be sold by themselves. When in the treat for a dessert, he does one flavoured with english toffee.

>> No.12789408

I have a lido E, and you’re full of shit

>> No.12789453

Does luckys whole bean coffee that I can preground count? Trying that one next though.
I miss my pet corn snake ruby. She was super sweet. She escaped her cage and ran away though. Also does that snake have a problem, what the fuck?

>> No.12789473
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>"ultimate" showdown
>no ROK


>> No.12789480
File: 495 KB, 1242x1491, AE8D5D0D-C26B-44CB-9791-F5BA530114BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im about to order this.
my first anything coffee for home.
is it trash?

>> No.12789490

It looks overly gaudy. Pretty sure Bodum is similarly priced but not chink name-shit.

>> No.12789491

Light roasts take significantly more effort to grind because they aren’t as porous and brittle as dark roasts

>> No.12789779

Just get the bodum french press. Also the only grinders that can do a consistent grind coarse enough for french press cost at least $100, closer to $200 really.

>> No.12790580

morning lads.

>> No.12790583

daily reminder that coffee causes kidney damage and cancer

>> No.12790610


>> No.12790657

I'm worried about my teeth. I drink 24 cups a day. Or at least that's what it says on my coffee pot that fills up to 12 cups. I'm immune to all that stomach bullshit so I never have any type of IBS or coffee shits or anything.
When is the best time to brush my teeth? Before or after drinking coffee? How long should I wait before or after drinking it?

>> No.12790662

If you're drinking that much, before. You're not going to get a chance after. People tend to say wait half an hour after drinking coffee, but I wouldn't wait less than a full hour. That's if you don't eat anything in the meantime.

>> No.12790668
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drink water afterwards. also, ethipian mocha djimmah beans ready for tomorrow morning.

>> No.12790766

I have lived abroad in Germany with hard LEISTUNGSWASSER
and it really makes me appreciate soft tapwater supplies back home now.
Tea and coffee all taste off.
I now know why most prefer to go out for coffee, or, if really necessary, use instant mix. It really is too much trouble to soften the water.

>> No.12790825

Water softeners really aren't that much trouble. I don't have to add salt often.

>> No.12790971

Get mineral packets and use in distilled water EZ

>> No.12791053
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>need to get a nice new burr grinder
>all the models I see have some 1 star reviews saying it goes to shit after a few months or doesn't work to begin with
I need a recommendation for something easily available and costs less than say $200 CAD.

>> No.12791077

LIDO E or any in that class unless you’re a fag, then just get a Baratza encore and upgrade the burrs

>> No.12791691

Why upgrade the burrs?

>> No.12791796
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What cancer? What kidney damage? Please be more specific.

>> No.12791819
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Kind of...?
Keep it with the baby steps. Don't use this an excuse to spend a tonne of money on coffee. Keep a note of the weight and grind size you used and experiment with different roasts.
Depending on how dark or light the roast is means how brittle the beans are and how they grind. Play around anon, leave the world of tastelets behind.

>> No.12792195

Once roasted, how long does coffee stay fresh in the bag?

>> No.12792200

*when unopened.

>> No.12792325

For about as long as it stays unexposed to oxygen.

>> No.12792670

Because it makes the coffee taste better

>> No.12792721

how much better?

>> No.12792739

For me? My brew is in the morning I pop a caffeine pill and down it with water. No sugar or milk. ;)

>> No.12792740

Bodum Bistro has served me fine for years now.
Regular $130 maple leafs but I got it for $50 on sale.

>> No.12792758

I heard the new trend is to age coffee for 4 weeks after roasting so it is not "too fresh". This is devastating for coffee fanboys. Who have taken their autism to the heights of freshly roasting their beans each morning.

>> No.12792769

It produces less fines and grinds faster, for $30 it’s worth it but you can definitely do without. Fines will lead to bitterness

>> No.12792799

Gotta add to this, if you buy refurbished you save $30, so adding on the M2 burrs will basically cost the same as a new encore but perform much better

>> No.12792844

not american lad ;_; not easy to get the encore in the uk. closest thing looks to be the wilfa svart.

>> No.12793069

Wilfa is pretty good too from what I hear, are you opposed to hand grinders? Best value for performance and you’ll never worry about mechanical wear, idk about availability in the UK but look into Kinu or Helor, I think lido is just an American thing

>> No.12793083

i am not opposed. we have lido here, so assume the other two will be available. i only use a pour over. i might buy a phin one day, but i'm not going the espresso route.

>> No.12793133

Lido is a fantastic brew grinder, I wouldn’t recommend using hand crank for espresso.

>> No.12794240

Usually about a month. Depends on roast level and storage conditions. Lighter roasts can last longer. I've had some hold up for 5 or 6 weeks. In the freezer they can last months.

>> No.12794434

Grinding coarse for french press is an unfortunate myth. Should be around typical v60 size or maybe even finer. I grind around table salt size for immersion brewing.

>> No.12794619

>Grinding coarse for french press is an unfortunate myth
Really? I remember a lot of autism about grinders not being good for french press without modifications.

>> No.12794626

I had some Happy Mug Bear Blend show up today. I don't think I have it dialed in right but it's okay.

>> No.12794651

my mom says it causes cancer and kidney damage
she saw it on the news so it's true

>> No.12794816

my dad works at the cdc
I can confirm that coffee gives you cancer and lynks disease

>> No.12794827

does ur dad have a big dick like mine
somehow mine is small even though he's my dad
I thought it was genetic?

>> No.12794829

Got the Lido E. What's electric grinder on par with this manual one?

>> No.12794834

nah, my dad has a small dick and I got a big dick
must alternate between generations

>> No.12795145
File: 376 KB, 1512x1512, 2019-08-17-06-58-26_compress10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question: what am I doing wrong?

I bought and grounded some luckys market coffee beans on auto drip setting, since it's a basic drip machine. But the brew tasted bitter like it got over extracted. I used two table spoons for 9oz of coffee.

I thought I would get a good cup since the ground was better. The coffee I tried in it before was Lavazza classico which was a espresso grind and resulted in a slightly sour brew.

Shouldn't it have been reversed? Thre Lavazza bitter and luckys sour?

>> No.12795245

Prove it homo. Show me your grind I'll show you mine.

>> No.12795260

German engineering or ameritard? Get a kinu.

>> No.12795264
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morning lads.

>> No.12795280
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>> No.12795416

>drip machine

>> No.12795684

I know it's not going to make the most balanced coffee, but still.

>> No.12795709

You guys know that you're the weirdos that no one wants to touch because youre' psychotically adapted to your opinions, right? You're the people that a white cell needs to attack.

>> No.12795710

Don’t get why you’re gearfagging so hard over two grinders in the same class. Lido uses 48mm Etzinger burrs (German engineering), kinu uses 47mm italmill(Italian engineering) which the older models of lido used to use. Guys on HB seem to think the lido produces a better brew grind vs kinu which is more suited for espresso (and I hope you don’t use a hand grinder for espresso). Of course this is anecdotal and proves nothing, much like showing a picture of our grinds will prove nothing because you will continue to dick wave over your perceived superiority no matter what I say. When you’re talking performance for cost, lido wins, kinu has a lot of small ease-of-use features but those do not translate in the cup.

>> No.12795718


This is how coffee goofs are ignored by humanity. Can't you autistic pricks grow up long enough not to sound like card playing kids?

>> No.12795746

>why are people on 4chan in a coffee thread autistically talking about coffee?
Fuck off chad, go have sex

>> No.12795753

>weighing every time

>> No.12795759

different sized beans to last time lad. i can eyeball it now.

>> No.12795760



Stop handing people your mind on a plate.

You might as well have said "Stop peeing my bed!!"

>> No.12795781
File: 285 KB, 1600x1200, portafilter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you assholes really want to make really good coffee for cheap?

Get a good burr grinder, I use the Smart Grinder, it's not as good as your prissy italian burrs, but that, and a cheap espresso will make you a good pull every day. So grow up and stop pretending.

>> No.12795788

I’m not sure what your point is here anon can you explain

>> No.12795798


"Go have sex" means he's never had sex. It's a childish reflection of his own misery.

>> No.12795810

I’ve had sex, you need to lighten up anon

>> No.12795821


So you're just a "youth" not a stupid fucking idiot. Sorry. Keep playing you utter fucking idiot.. youth. I love the homunculus you are and I'm glad you "had sex". I had sex. God. who says that. I was 11 year married.. had sex.

>> No.12795829

Okay, I’m 23 in an active sexual relationship with a female partner, is that better?

>> No.12795830


Come back to me when you figure out that masturbating better than fucking someone you hate.


>> No.12795837

Now who’s projecting?

>> No.12795840


Not in any way really. Go get your child apartment with her, last 5 to 10 years and then realize you fucked up.

>> No.12795845


Oh I'm totally projecting in a way that teenagers learn from adults.

>> No.12795849

I have a house anon
You seem sad

>> No.12795860


I have a house too? You just don't sound old enough to understand what's coming. You will be too, I just hope you can hold it off to your 60s at least. Your body decays I hope that's your end point.

>> No.12795864

I’m really not sure what your point is, anon.

>> No.12795879


The compete understanding of yourself. You'll die slowly from that point. Ego, Super Ego, Self. You'll suffer it all.

>> No.12795887

Okay, thank you cryptic boomer, also

>> No.12795905

it's not going to make palatable coffee either
especially when you can get a moka pot for 20 bucks or a french press for 10

>> No.12795907

I personally own a moka pot and the place I live in has a French press. The drip is for when I have work in the early mornings.

>> No.12795918
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>> No.12796055
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Tastes pretty good, but I think I used too much since it tastes over powered.

>> No.12796753

Sup robusta anon. What's this brew taste like?

>> No.12796769

I let the beans rest for 5 days. I've only had it once, and all I got was a slight hint of nutmeg. It seems quite light. Will see if it improves in the next ~10 days.

>> No.12796914

Can we see a shot of your setup

>> No.12796947

Currently drinking a Java, they call it Taman Dadar. It's a light roast. Pretty solid middle of the road coffee, no surprising flavors or anything. I won't get any more because it's not really better than Aldi's donut shop whole bean

>> No.12797109
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>bring aeropress out of storage for first time in months and after a big move
>forget to clean it before using it
>tummy hurts
Well I fucked up. The coffee was good though. After about 9 months of instant coffee I'm finally back to the real thing.

>> No.12797159

welcome back lad.

>> No.12797168

>aldis donut shop
How does it taste? Been wondering about that one.

>> No.12798007

Not the easiest to diagnose over the internet.

Here's a few of the main issues with typical autodrippers:
>water doesn't get hot enough, not even close
This leads to underextraction
>bad distribution of water from the brew head
Leads to uneven extraction
>not enough room in the brew basket
Means your bed depth is too shallow, or you risk overflowing. This leads to channeling and uneven extraction
>no control over pulses
This leads to (usually) brew times that are too short.

I'll be real with you, and say that I don't trust your perception of bitter/sour. This is because there is an incredibly wide spread phenomena of people switching these two terms around with coffee. People will often express to me how they don't like *coffee from place that roasts very dark* because it is "acidic" but they like our coffee because it isn't (it likely is much more acidic, because we roast fairly light).

Perhaps the preground stuff you get is too coarsely ground. I would say most of the time extraction problems can be solved by grinding finer and using hotter water. If the coffee is still bad, it's likely bad coffee.

Some things you can try:
>get coffee ground to table salt size
>make your own water from reverse osmosis and epsom salt/baking soda (look up the barista hustle water recipe)
>put boiling water into the water chamber of your brewer

Oh, and aim for a 17:1 water to coffee ratio, using mass rather than volume.

>> No.12798069

Yes, a lot of hand grinders in particular do not have a stabilized lower burr. This means that at all settings, but especially coarser ones, the grind consistency is utter trash.

I'm not sure why grinding so coarse for french press became such a widespread idea, but it's wrong. Essentially, in a nearly-no-agitation brew like a french press the grind setting should be very fine - but if it isn't fine, it will mostly just lead to wasted coffee grounds so long as the brew time is long enough and the water is hot enough. This is because there is no chance for channeling, and uneven extraction from that - turbulence is typically the cause of "overextraction". It essentially leads to the larger particles having their outside layer extracted well enough, but the inside left untouched. That's (a large part) of why french press (and often cold brew) have such tight brew ratios (15:1 and below, sometimes much below). You have to make up for that strength that you lose by leaving a good chunk of your coffee out of the brew by trapping it inside of large coffee grounds.

Grind fine, be gentle (pour vigorously and quickly to agitate and get everything wet at the same time but that's all) use hot water of the right gh/kh and use good coffee.

>> No.12798364
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Coffee noob here. I want to try new coffee and was thinking of signing up for one of those coffee subscription boxes, particularly Atlas. Is that a bad idea? I started drinking coffee because my dad gave me a french press he received as a gift and didn't want.

>> No.12798517

Don’t do that, subscriptions are super gay. Use drinktrade.com as a roaster catalogue and just try as many different beans as you can, pay close attention to roast level, varietal, and process and figure out what you like best. To build a palate you need to build a frame of reference including as much variety as you can.

>> No.12799366
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Great, so theres a general here as I hoped.
I want to start brewing my own coffee, I'm tired of the shitty pads from Tchibo I keep using, I need something with a better taste than that.
Where do I get started?
What tools do I need?
What are some good coffee brands to use?
General tips and tricks?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.12799437
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is this a good buy? i've heard 7.1 surround sound headphones are pointless and i don't really need the microphone

>> No.12799474

Get a good grinder, look through this thread. Get whatever brewer works best for your interests. Buying coffee isn’t about brands, it’s about quality. Go find whatever shops around you roast their own and try as much as you can, buy a bag at a time and look for coffee roasted within a few days of when you’re buying it. Other tools like temp controlled kettles and shit are extremely useful but not a necessity. The most important tool in your setup is your grinder, so don’t fucking cheap out on it.

>> No.12799603

>Where do I get started?
Pick a brewing method. There's quite a few to choose from but for now you can limit your options to just two: pour-over or french press.

>What tools do I need?
Bare minimum: A kettle and your coffee maker.
Next you'll want a grinder, so you can use whole bean coffee.
There are some other little tools that are nice to have but let's save that for when you catch the coffee autism.

>What are some good coffee brands to use?
Whatever has been roasted within the past week or so by your local independent roasters and cafés.
Coffee beans are best when relatively fresh and whatever name brand coffee you can find has probably spent a month or more in storage and shipping.
This goes double for pre-ground coffee: coffee and air are not friends and pre-ground coffee gives air that much more surface area to steal away freshness.
That said, if pre-ground tastes good enough for you then you will save yourself a bit of money on a grinder and a lot of autism on technique.

>General tips and tricks?
Store your coffee in an airtight container in a cupboard somewhere. Do not freeze.

>> No.12799695
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So I'll go with pour-over since that one seems the most basic method, I know a place in town that sells fresh coffee beans so I got that covered as well.
As for the grinder, I have a Nutribuller smoothie maker with pic related, is it good enough or should I buy a separate one?

>> No.12799812

French press is simpler than pour-over, imo.
The ideal cup of pour-over needs a precise grind-size, such that it takes no more and no less than 4 minutes for all the water to trickle through and fill your cup.

That spice mill will do for now, although over time you may find that anything else you grind with it will take on the taste of stale coffee oils.

>> No.12799822

That's a whole lot of words to say 'I don't own either but parrot opinions I read on another forum.'

>> No.12799838

Well I never used the mill before so at least now I'll put it to work.
As for the brewing method, I'll just try both and see what works best for me.

>> No.12800883

afternoon lads.

>> No.12801109

I own a lido E

>> No.12801119

Thank you for replying. I dont think I can put in boiling water in since its plastic, I don't brew a full pot, and i do use osmosis water. I pre ground my coffee at the store from luckys market, and in a moka pot their coffee has been decent. I'll try a finer grind than auto drip and work on my ratio.

I understand your mistrust in my taste perception. The only thing is when you under or over extract it leads to a definite flavor that is apart from the roast or bean flavors.