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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12763529 No.12763529[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people engage in binge eating and mindless consumerism?

>> No.12763538

It's ok you will grow out of communism once you have to pay for your own shit

>> No.12763539

The skrillex looking dude on the right doesn't actually exist, though. I binge eat because I'm a drunk and I take my purchases very seriously, however pointless the thing I spend hours researching may be.

>> No.12763541


>> No.12763545

Pick up a history book leftypol and see how many people starved to death

>> No.12763550

Because the economy will contract and everybody will become poor if you don't, Communist scum.

>> No.12763566

>mindless consumerism
There is no such thing as mindless consumerism.
The phenomenon is the product of productionism.
And it is mindless, because most of the production is done by automated machines.
Consumption is simply a buy product of high productivity. It is a recreational activity.

>> No.12763568

I'm paying for my own shit and I appreciate the state helps me purchase essential goods like healthcare for a cheap price, don't you capitards know what collective bargaining is?

yeah, thanks capitalism for the expensive food!

>buy product
capitalism education

>> No.12763571
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>"on all levels except physical i am a communist"

>> No.12763574

>"on all levels except physical i am a capitalist"
>dies because his medication is too expensive

>> No.12763577

You're a fucking idiot chang and you're obviously a outside agitator

>> No.12763580
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>outside agitator
you look like this

>> No.12763595

Yawn. I make more in a day than your 3rd world shill ass makes in a month. You must be failing bad to move to /ck/

>> No.12763596
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Try harder, the medication exists unlike your food which is funny seeing as a how a sickle is a prime theme of yours.

>> No.12763606

you mean your parents make

but you still cant afford this medication

>> No.12763612
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, hee hee ho ho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh but from the high standard of living with a stable income my savings can certainly handle it and thats even if I didn't have insurance (pro tip: I DO)

>> No.12763622

No shill I know what I said. I also know you think me commenting back is you accomplishing agitation. You aren't.

>> No.12763624

Mindless consumerism is a product of capitalism which is hollow and empty, while communism valued hard work and comradery.

>> No.12763626

No Chang it didn't

>> No.12763630

>accomplishing agitation
delusional /pol/tard, yawn, discuss the topic or go back to r/the_donald, pal

that goes the same for you, also why do you call me Chang?

>> No.12763632

>what is Holodomor
"Your hard work and comradery is no longer required"

>> No.12763639

they got what they deserved

>> No.12763651

You're garbage Chang

>> No.12763653
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>Your social credit score for this comment has inncreasd by 10 points

You potatoes (you dont HAVE potatoes) are monsters...

>> No.12763662
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at least there's a grain of truth in most bits of polack insanity or they have an aire of humor about them , leftypol is just plain out fucking retarded 100% of the time.

>> No.12763663


>> No.12763671
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>they have an aire of humor about them
spamming "nigger" and "kike" isn't humour

>> No.12763677
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that really depends on the context