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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12759289 No.12759289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Mutt sow goes on vacation in Italy
>bring her "children" (17 to 19)
>as they go out to a restaurant they are met with proper food with no ketchup or HFCS
>demands ketchup on the pasta for her kids
>restaurant denies her as "her kids knowing nothing but pasta with ketchup and cream is a problem", also stating that they don't have it anyway
>Mutthurt ensues
>restaurant chef says next time she can "take her manchildren to a fast food joint and everyone will be happy, including us (the restaurant)"
>restaurant's reply goes viral on social media, Mutts shamed
Mutts put in their place big time.

>> No.12759290

based mario resturant

>> No.12759294
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Flyovers should just stay in their containment states

>> No.12759300

That's not what that gibberish in the pic says

>> No.12759303

Feel free to read the whole article.

>> No.12759304

>click link
>ads everywhere
Fuck off

>> No.12759309

That's the news website hosting the article, if you don't want to read it, you got a summary in the OP, or go write a angry email to them, not my problem.

>> No.12759323
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>> No.12759339

Absolutely seething ketchup-gargling mutt damage control.

>> No.12759348

Fuck burgers and their sugar addicted palate, bunch of children.

>> No.12759349

>flyover raging about Japanese food in a Japanese food thread also rages about Italian food in Italy

>> No.12759352

Americans are like wine, they seldom travel well.

>> No.12759374
File: 181 KB, 460x558, 1564167362929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ketchup on the pasta

>> No.12759386

I thought it was a meme, do burgers really throw a tantrum when they don't have ketchup on their pasta?

>> No.12759411

These are quality posts

>> No.12759413

I've read the article. It's all there:

The lady complaining about the place not being kid-friendly and telling people not to waste their time or money there...better to go to McDonald's or eat pizza.
>«Questo locale — si legge — non è adatto ai bambini nonostante dica di esserlo. Non perdete il vostro tempo e non spendeteci soldi, meglio una fetta di pizza oppure andare da McDonald’s dove c’è una corrispondenza migliore tra aspettative e realtà»

Che's answer: Tells her that the beauty of traveling is to know how people eat in other parts of the world, that they always meet the need of children, but then the "children" are 17/19 yo and have eaten nothing but pasta with ketchup and cream, that's a problem, particularly for a restaurant that doesn't have any ketchup. In the future, he'll continue not to buy ketchup and she can take her "children" to fast food, thus all will be happy.
>«Il bello di viaggiare è assaggiare cosa si mangia in altre parti del mondo — premette lo chef stellato —. Al Sissi veniamo sempre incontro alle esigenze di tutti i bambini ma quando questi “bimbi” hanno 17/18/19 anni e nella loro vita mangiano tutti i giorni pasta aurora con ketchup e panna, questo può diventare un enorme problema. Soprattutto per un ristorante che non ha in casa il ketchup. Chiaro che questo fa infuriare la mamma che ha già così tanti pensieri quotidiani». A questo punto, per Fenoglio, non rimane che una dolorosa soluzione: «In futuro io continuerò a non comprare il ketchup e lei porterà i suoi grandi bambini al fast food, dove tutti saranno soddisfatti. Anche noi».

>> No.12759415


>> No.12759418

but when*

>> No.12759423

>going to a restaurant to eat pasta
Whats the fucking point? Nothing bothers me more than tastelets eating some fucking spaghetti like it's some food from heaven while sipping on some shitty wine. You can eat that shit at home, you're supposed to order something that actually takes some work to prepare. Like a good steak or something even a fucking pizza would be a better order than shitty Spaghettis. Nobody gives a shit if they make them from hand it doesn't change the damn taste.

>> No.12759427

And Muslims need to get genocided.

>> No.12759431

Only niggers do this, because they can't afford fancy Prego.

>> No.12759439
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>foreigner trespasses on my land(canada - holy soil)
>he asks me where the mcdonalds is located
>I point him the wrong way

the entire nation state of america fell that day

>> No.12759441

>ketchup on pasta
Bullshit, that's just a Japanese thing.