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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 189 KB, 900x900, Food guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12754907 No.12754907 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the great Food Ranger?


>> No.12754954

Can someone reply to my thread instead of shitposting

>> No.12754957

He's better than wiens imo but still can get annoying. I guess that's how he gets views though.

>> No.12754964

His way of presenting is pretty repetitive and I wish he'd find a way to shake things up sometimes. Other than that I enjoy him every now and then

>> No.12754965

Wiens is a /ck/ meme, Food ranger is kino

>> No.12754969

is he still with that hot chinese chick?

>> No.12754985

Trevor at least seems more authentic about it

>> No.12755033
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1560802247563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No he doesnt

>> No.12755039

Trevor's rating system at least allows him to say when food is bad

>> No.12755052

China videos are great because he speaks Chinese but the Indian Pakistan ones he must have the shits constantly

>> No.12755078


>> No.12755725

All his vids are comfy. He should be shilled here , not that stupid Trevor guy

>> No.12756442

I prefer Mike Chen. Mike > Mark > F Ranger > that tall blonde dude.

His chinese gf is cute tho.

>> No.12756680

Mark Wiens is a fucking annoying insolent idiot. I dont understand why he needs to ummmm and ahhh every time he takes a bite. Food Ranger is slightly better, however still at times he clearly doesnt like the food yet still is acting very dramatic.

>> No.12756727
File: 115 KB, 432x429, WeinsTilt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food Ranger makes me cringe everytime he tries to flex his chinese. The way he talks just tilts me to no end. Weins definitely overhypes the food way too much, but if you watched his recent videos you will find that he toned down his crazy head tilts. And besides that I like his camerawork on the videos.

>> No.12757627

You better be fucking kidding. Sonny is leagues better and more sincere than serial killer Weins and TAO HAO LEI baldman.

>> No.12757800
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, wiens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all watch and love our meme shows.

you know you do. I know you do. everyone fucking does it and we all know it.

yet we shitpost on

what even are we anymore


>> No.12758484

He could have done better for a chinese wife...

Also, retard gave up a full ride scholarship for a MBA degree in some college to go to some chinese chef school only to drop out of that place, too.

My advice to him is divorce his chinese wife before it is too late.

>> No.12758507

>that tall blonde dude comes in last

hes better tb.h

and i like how his shows are more of a travel documentary thing and not just 100% food

sonny > mike = trevor > wiens

>> No.12758573

Yeah, married and all. I think her family likes him too, which is pretty rare

>> No.12758584

How much Paki fecal matter did he just consume?

>> No.12759912

Haha are you the one that insists i’m muslim? Rajeet go back to eating cow dung and drinking cow piss. Pakistan zindabad. I love kebabs and naan.

>> No.12759952


Based poo schizo

>> No.12759977

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12760010

he is what mark wiens wishes he could be
