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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 510x474, IMG_0706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12750739 No.12750739 [Reply] [Original]

>she said she knew how to use the grill

>> No.12750762

The grill looks like it’s okay. Maybe the house should be a bit more heatproof

>> No.12750764

>the absolute state of houses in USA

>> No.12750770

at least the windchimes are okay

>> No.12750892
File: 628 KB, 900x675, 1462662686695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never trust a women

>> No.12750935

I don't see what your not telling her to move it has before using it has to do with not knowing how to use the grill

most people that keep a grill use it where it sits, you store it in a dumb place, it's your own fault.

>> No.12750972

Damn, that's really unfortunate OP. Luckily those siding panels are super cheap and easy to put into place.
Hopefully you got some ashamed pussy out of this tragedy.

>> No.12751025

What does it feel like being this big? Some of you must know

>> No.12751031

i can hear his breathing from here

>> No.12751033
File: 429 KB, 966x723, 1563540322603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats about $20 of siding, its not even that big of a deal. chances are the backings fine too.
the real fucker is the bricks that have heat damage discoloration on them. that's a fucking pain and $1000s of dollars to replace.

sidebar: got into a fight with the wife over the weekend. i had the grill up against the house, right under the electric meter because im trying to sell it. i was in the garage and i see her drunk ass trying to light the grill, so i run over and disconnect the propane entirely, eliminating the probability of burning down the house im trying to sell.

>> No.12751039

vinyl siding, not my favorite, but if you live where its cold its really your only choice unless you want to be replacing the outside of your house every few years. or get a brick house.

>> No.12751041

That was my first thought as well. But then I remembered they're also like ten times cheaper than where I live. I think I'd prefer that and just not allow my woman near the grill.

>> No.12751050

It's got wheels on it. It's against the house to keep out of bad weather and such. It's supposed to be moved out. It's not rocket appliance

>> No.12751078

>most people that keep a grill use it where it sits
Not around here. We cover them and put them somewhere where they don't get completely annihilated by mother nature when not in use.

>> No.12751085
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>> No.12751089
File: 491 KB, 1071x1440, 1545447200868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. god damn all you stupid sheep who spend north of $100k for these garbage stick builts raising the prices of properties well beyond what is reasonable in an real market.

You dumb pieces of shit who buy GMC, Pontiac and Buick, vehicles, plastic siding, aluminum nonstick pans, pointless af monthly doctor visits, personal trainers, maids and cleaning, lawn care, riding mowers for your sub half-acre lawns, exercise equipment, take out from Red Lobster, paper towels, etc, etc.

If this describes you, take a bottle of Tylonol and chase it with a bottle of Captain Morgan or Jagermeister whatever sugary garbage liquor you love. Your ruining the fucking everything, the Earth, society, and your dumb fucking wagecuck life if you had half a fucking brain and used it you would have escaped by now.

>> No.12751105

btw I paid $80k for my brick house with two car garage and full acre lot. Because I'm not a dumb fuck, I mow that shit with an electric push mower.

In fact I'm so pissed just thinking about you dumb sheeple I'm going to go mow my lawn right now.

>> No.12751125

I'll take my refrigerator, actually owning a house and a lawn, and having a car, over to quote my Lithuanian friend: 'Damnit I am starving, it is 4AM and nothing is open. The nearest thing open is, let me translate, 50.4 miles away. Why the fuck don't people work at night in Europe?'

>> No.12751126

Brick is shit

>> No.12751186

$100k? Try $350k.

>> No.12751238

I used to be 325 at my largest, so I wasn't quite as big as this guy, but I was close.

First off, any slight physical activity above a very slow walk will get you sweating like a pig. Your feet hurt a lot from the constant pressure put on them, but you do get calf muscles a body builder would envy. Walking also causes a lot of chafing on your inner thighs from them constantly rubbing, so you get a wierd rough patch of skin where it rubs together. Your limbs fall asleep easily when you are still because of the pressure on your circulatory system. My breathing was labored because of my weight and also smoking, and my heart frequently got palpitations, especially when I was laying in bed trying to sleep. You fear every chair you sit in will break, and that every pair of pants will split in the crotch unless you wear sweatpants. It's a miserable existence, especially when your friends are having fun at parties and in the outdoors and you can't because even if you tried, you wouldn't be able to keep up with them.

Luckilly I got pissed off enough about my condition that I made some,major changes and am now down to 275lbs with quite a bit of fat replaced with muscle. I still have another 50 lbs to go to get where I want to be, but I can keep up with my friends now and in terms of looks, now I'm just an out of shape guy instead of a disgustingly obese fat fuck.

>> No.12751251

>>12751238 4u >>12751025

>> No.12751257

50 pounds is a lot. Godspeed

>> No.12751269

were you in a coma or something?
seems like you'd be aware where the bitch was if this is your house

>> No.12751273

>everyone should hoard their money
I agree with your sentiment that spending money on stupid, worthless shit is objectively bad, but if nobody spends their money our economy would stagnate and die before you fucking knew it. The reason our economy is fucked isn’t because of people wasting money on small businesses (housekeepers, gardeners, trainers, exercise equipment) but because people are becoming afraid of encountering the outside world, and so are spending all of their money on delivery services from amazon.
Feeding the monopolies is extremely dangerous, it exacerbated the problem of our dwindling middle class and our exceedingly large lower class gets bigger and the rich get richer. We need rich people to start spending all of their money instead of being greedy hoarders and we need stupid people to stop feeding all of their money to giant super companies.

>> No.12751275


>> No.12751276

>was 325
>cut to 275
>goal is 225
Congrats anon, cutting 50 is impressive! No doubt you'll cut another 50. Good luck. I'm currently 190 trying to cut back to 165.

Congrats anon,

>> No.12751315

>Buick is shit
I know

>> No.12751323


but thats what a bbq cover is for

>> No.12751342

hard to tell which of these two is a dumber person

>> No.12751348

In awe at the size of this lad

>> No.12751350


replacing bricks that are totally fine

do amerifats realy

>> No.12751356

What is he even making?

>> No.12751366

Thanks for describing that existence. I’ve always been between spoopy skellington and fit (for some reason my body doesn’t like to naturally retain much muscle except in my legs) so I never really understood.

>> No.12751381

Some real estate agent thinks he's a god damn genius after that sale.

>> No.12751387

>covering your house in plastic
That's even worse than those trailers.

>> No.12751390

bad decisions

>> No.12751402

suburban american is an architectural wasteland

>> No.12751417

>he's never sold a house

>> No.12751419

>buying a Lego house in the first place

>> No.12751427

The super wealthy/corporate executives are an inexplicable breed of person that isn't going to respond to calls for rational behavior if they think it will effect their profits. Take a look at Union Pacific Railroad for example. They are starting a new corporate strategy called Precision Scheduled Railroading. The idea behind PSR is that they eliminate inefficiency in order to deliver a maximum return on investment to their shareholders. What the shiny corporate ad campaigns and press releases don't mention is that PSR really means gutting every department down to skeleton crews, selling off needed equipment for profit and to lower maintenance costs, lowering the amount of time and money spent on maintenance (it's already near non-existent for rolling stock like boxcars) and doubling the length of trains while lowering the number of personnel needed to run them. Trains are built so long that the telemetry device on the end that replaced the caboose frequently loses contact with the controlling locomotive and cannot be counted on to engage the brakes in an emergency. All of this is to provide the shareholders with a greater return on their investment. The truth of the matter is that this gutting has a shelf life. The UP will be unsustainable as a business in about 5 years and the shareholders will dump the stock and move to greener pastures. Because of the necessity of the railroads, the federal government will step in and completely finance the rebuilding of the UP at taxpayer expense, and those shareholders will repurchase their dumped stock and make money off of it as it rebounds from what they did to it.

There is no grassroots solution to fix this.

>> No.12751431
File: 40 KB, 800x450, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are those fucking plastic boards

>> No.12751445

It's vinyl siding above some brick. It's a very popular choice for home renovations and builds everywhere.

>> No.12751450

Vinyl siding. A very popular finish on houses in the US.

>> No.12751462

vinyl siding will never need painting, where wood siding would need painting every 2-3 years. plus its relatively easy to update colors, textures, styles etc. its a modular style that yuropoors wouldnt know anything about since their houses were built in 1499

>> No.12751492

Yeah well it also makes your house look like a gypsy shelter.

>> No.12751499
File: 126 KB, 671x903, 1563650763745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, never been outside your fly-over state have you? Most European countries have plenty cities that are awake all night. Stop digging your basement cave with a spoon and go outside.
Pic related
>It's probably you

>> No.12751504

Unlike europe, where the houses literally ARE gypsy shelters.

>> No.12751512
File: 35 KB, 533x329, IMG_0710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a great and durable material. So many options and looks great. Just really don't need to grill up against it. It was an understandable honest mistake.

>> No.12751518
File: 887 KB, 623x471, 1538736739234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has grass roof
>complains about vinyl siding

>> No.12751527

>need painting every 2-3 years
Not if you either hire a quality painter or diy properly. I have brick with wood fascia trim and soffets triple coat brush painted by a quality painter with quality paints and after 10 years the paint is not peeling and still good. But yeah, your average run of the mill paintjob will need redone in a few years and end up costing more while subsidizing shitty workmanship.

>> No.12751533

now melts

>> No.12751536
File: 578 KB, 2156x1930, inaforestsomewherenotgay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vinyl siding will never need painting, where wood siding would need painting every 2-3 years. plus its relatively easy to update colors, textures, styles etc.

it also looks like shit, like a lot of other things some americans make. just because you like buying cheap knives at the mall, and stuffing your greasy face with Hebrew National™ dawgs, doesnt mean everyone else does it.
t. Alaskan

lol poor faggot

the absolute state

>> No.12751538

I've lived in Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Minnesota, and Iowa. I've also stayed in DC, New York, Wisconsin, Michigan, West Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri, South Carolina, and Arkansas. I've been afraid to travel overseas because I've been having trouble keeping my epilepsy under control, and no I'm not obese, and don't even wear a wrist-watch as they snag on shit or scratch things if you ever lift a finger for yourself or others.

>> No.12751541

looks good on a picture, but shit in real life. especially after wear and tear.

>> No.12751545
File: 17 KB, 219x308, 220px-Taiyō_Matsumoto_-_Lucca_2017_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yer im sure it looks just great

>> No.12751547

The grassroots solution to fix this is to execute everyone in Epstein’s black book.

>> No.12751550

>be alaskan
>wall rots and house collapses

>be alaskan
>get termite
>be homeless alaskan

homes are modular for a fuckin reason dipshit

could also be good wood too.

>> No.12751554
File: 75 KB, 640x452, damaged-vinyl-siding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's actually a really shitty material
even properly installed it's not suitable for any areas that have either hail or high winds at least 1 time a year, all it takes is one storm.
and if in an area with a lot of sunlight, will weaken dramatically to the point if someone leans against it, it can crumble and shatter.

it isn't popular because people like it, it's popular because it's what contractors put on the houses.
frankly, the plywood underneath it is a better material.

>> No.12751560

that siding is missing the underlayment which would help to mitigate this type of damage
that siding also seems very old, old enough to become brittle and crack
siding seems thin as well, cheap chink shit probably from mr seconds

>> No.12751562

man, how poor do you have to be if the weatherboard cladding of your house is fake

>> No.12751575

and that's what's installed on nearly every house with vinyl siding, it's the cheapest shit they can get away with.
wartime houses are unironically better built and use massive stones as filler in their foundation that cause cracks and flooding

>> No.12751580
File: 86 KB, 596x446, washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>be alaskan
>wall rots and house collapses

>be alaskan
>get termite
>be homeless alaskan
wood will hold up for hundreds of years if treated properly

i know you have absolutely no knowledge of wood, but seriously, termites? fucking lol.
"wall rot" wich doesnt describe shit, will not occur in most of the northern hemisphere unless you have no windows and never heat your house.
calm down im not trying to get you worked up there, but your view on life seems skewed and jewish.

>> No.12751595

half inch thick plastic boards are the worst and least durable material you can use retards, it will become brittle after exposure to sun, making it weak as a potato chip. it will break if hit by hail, and looks like garbage.

>> No.12751607

We have brick and while its very durable it's a pain in the ass and real expensive when it has to be repaired. I would take marine board, hardy plank, or vinyl siding over wood frame house any day. Also what was she making?

>> No.12751609

>it will break if hit by hail
Minnesotan here. We have golfball sized hail once in a while and have to repair roofs. Insurance doesn't bat an eye for home repairs and this shit never fucked up our siding, stop buying cheap shit and replace it. You put your car in the garage because while the windshield will survive, the car will dent.

Goddamn does it hurt getting smacked by one of those.

>> No.12751610

you poor bastard

>> No.12751611

Don't termites (and beavers) eat the sap of trees? If they're eating your house, you may need to stop eating so much candy :)

>> No.12751621

i agree on the car part, but i have replaced hundreds of panels after hail storms.

>> No.12751623
File: 473 KB, 1600x1600, tapco-slate-synthetic-roof-tile-10-pack-stone-black_tap-1435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually half inch thick plastic boards are great, they use them as shingles sometimes, like having a roof covered in rubber kitchen mats
if vinyl siding was half an inch thick instead of 2mm thick I would zealously defend it for everything except for maybe flammability

>> No.12751627
File: 705 KB, 600x450, 1564546601085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and keked

>> No.12751638

Maybe the area I was in didn't get a lot of high wind with the hail. Shit usually came DOWN, hence the roof damage.

>> No.12751646

Based (I'm not any of thos :))

>> No.12751663


these will become brittle as fuck if exposed to sun

>> No.12751674
File: 118 KB, 800x803, 800px-James_D_Watson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute are you the salt guy

>> No.12751683

if it's hollow yeah


>> No.12751692

Amerifats are retarded.

>> No.12751703
File: 7 KB, 250x250, Prost!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like your threads, you are a pillar of this board.
they are hollow.

>> No.12751729

Chicken wings

>> No.12751736
File: 52 KB, 392x295, Tire-Shingles-for-Sale-Sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I was talking more about the plastic shingles that are solid, they also have semi-hollow ones.

I'd unironically tar a roof using molten plastic, thick and ugly with no curb appeal but lasts longer than I'll live.
molten old car tires would be good too, a lot of the waste we generate and throw away would make far superior building materials to what is commonly used.
even without melting old tires would be great for a roof
I've seen roofs for dog houses made of tire sidewalls, it work's fantastically.
if I ever build a home I'll make it with tire shingles

this thread made me forget I was on /ck/ instead of /diy/

>> No.12751753

>this thread made me forget I was on /ck/ instead of /diy/
That happens a lot, though, doesn't it?

>> No.12751765

are american houses really made of plastic

>> No.12751769

>tire shingles
>molten plastic roof tarring

imagine the smell
also, your grandchildren will love you.

>> No.12751813

Disable that trip outside your thread, fucker. This isn't Reddit.

>> No.12751837


>> No.12751854
File: 56 KB, 530x678, 530-90_i172067848_69102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got more jolly.

>> No.12751861

'murican food. duh.

>> No.12751883

>he doesn't live in a cement fortress

>> No.12751911

While I agree with your sentiments generally (there's a lot of garbage consumerist bullshit going on in the good ol' U.S. of A.), what is your issue with paper towels?

>> No.12752009

Can we acknowledge that we are talking about sidings on houses on a board about cooking?

>> No.12752047

nice blog, also gl

>> No.12752075

Good question. I personally love them because I'm a little sensitive to mold and some other things but live in a high humidity environment, so I use dollar-store gloves and cheap paper towels for cleaning and chemicals. Not going to handle those rags.

>> No.12752519

It might be a pain; but it's a lasting investment - a rare thing in murka

>> No.12752583

The fuck is with this dude's bone structure? He looks like a 90's poorly drawn comic book strong fat, only real.

>> No.12752596

that is, without question, the funniest thing i've seen all day.

>> No.12752607
File: 485 KB, 300x225, 1493339283167.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoes not tied or even laced all the way up
I wonder if he even has feet or is just standing on localized lymphedema

>> No.12752743
File: 144 KB, 248x450, 1524187297626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that fat fuck!

>> No.12752759

Absolutely SEETHING

>> No.12752937

Their the same person anon.

>> No.12752959

>and my son, Big Hoss

>> No.12752962

there is no excuse for having vinyl siding while hardie board exists

>> No.12753018


>> No.12753064
File: 78 KB, 560x878, 1561400864560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you weren't a tripfag, i'd think you were alright

>> No.12753136


>> No.12753145
File: 448 KB, 846x900, B45BB1D6-FD2C-4BF6-93EB-E2D30A467EE8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12753179

What in the goddamn is he roasting? Look at the char on that.

>> No.12753228

i'm not a big fag about it, though I do enjoy making fun of the irrational hate
I can get why some people are slightly irked by trips, mostly because their home boards have insufferable ones that try to be e-celebs and pretend they're special
there are a lot of small benefits to using one, like having dumb people auto-filter you so that they never bother you with their being dumb past 2-3 posts and they're gone again
i've even had to explain to those sorts how to do it, I like giving people the option to be rid of me, it's mutually beneficial.
but one of my biggest reasons for using it constantly is that I have always suffered from memory loss problems, which have only gotten worse as I've gotten older.
I originally got the trip to work on some of the 4chan based projects projects I've done and found it helped a lot.

/blog and an off-topic sage on a mostly off-topic thread

>> No.12753288

I mean he was directly answering a question that someone else in the thread had asked, so I'm not sure this counts as a blogpost

>> No.12753302


>> No.12753324
File: 6 KB, 480x360, 1565277378074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder were born in, and will die in an american world

>> No.12753433

What do you mean? Whats wrong with wood and paint?

>> No.12753498

Why didn’t anyone shoot the grill?

>> No.12753530

Hey friend, happy for you. But I just want you to know that 220 is still a disgusting obese fuck. I know because that's me right now. You should be aiming for 180ish. Best of luck to you, my highest was 252.

>> No.12753555

Can confirm. Went from 295 to around 215 in the span of a year. Calf muscles and quadriceps are amazing, lol. Don't eat bread/pasta accept on a rare occasion and drink almost exclusively water and the last 50 will go fast.

>> No.12753560

you can do it bro. I was 230 last august. Im down to 168 right now. Havent stepped foot in a gym. work out 5/6 days a week. Turn on your activity tracker on your phone. Start slow. just go for a walk, then job, then run. cut down alc for maybe 1 or 2 days a week (was hard for me cuz im an alcoholic). if you smoke bud, try to do it at dinner only so you munch your dinner. dont eat after 8. im rambling but you get the point. It's a marathon, be disciplined. but enjoy yourself, allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted on the weekends and it got to the point where splurging out was disgusting. if you need an idea for some exercises and dont feel comfortable in public yet, use "wakeout"


>> No.12753576

* freezing cold water
the body has to heat it up on body temperatur with the spezific coefficent of 4,183kJ per kg and Kelvin - so, roughly... you will use 1kcal for each liter of water that your body has to heat up for one Kelvin.
drinking 1l of water with 30°C temp difference will burn up 125kcal
for 3l a day its 375kcal
it has been shown that its most effective when you drink cold water before going to bed

>> No.12753594

180-ish is still about 15-20lbs overweight. But 220 is far better than a roll poly 325, at least you can brush your teeth without having to take a rest break.

>> No.12753599

Well done and good advice

>> No.12753627

American houses are made from paper or some shit.
Ever seen an American show or cartoon? Americans can simply punch through their own cardboard walls. How people have decided to live in those pathetic excuses of houses is beyond me, and the rest of the educated world.
Now excuse me I've got a report to write.

>> No.12753658

Needs to be resealed and repainted frequently compared to vinyl or other materials, you fool.

>> No.12753932

>180-ish is still about 15-20lbs overweight
Are you smol?

>> No.12753938

I'd laugh if I didn't just help my uncle in South Wales and cousin in Birmingham both remodel their house interiors with plasterboard.

Construction standards are shit across the West because everything is done as cheaply as possible.

>> No.12753947

Bruh what size is that shirt

>> No.12753964

Fibro houses are comfy. Especially the ones full of asbestos.

>> No.12753973

They should get charged prison time when one of those trains ends up killing people.

If rich fucks actually got punished for negligence to human life, they might be a little more careful with it.

>> No.12753974

How does he use washoom or wash himself properly? Does he have a custom bariatric modified vehicle? How are his legs not giving out?? So many questions.

>> No.12753978

I wash myself with a rag on a stick.

>> No.12754026

agreed, paper towels are nifty

>> No.12754428

Why dont nordic countries have this problem?

>> No.12754434

Is that house made of plastic or something?

>> No.12754444

I'm, like, 150 or something and I sweat profusely too.

>> No.12754472

Almost anything will degrade and or melt at 700 degrees. Don't leave a pre heating gas grill on high unattended or up against the house.

>> No.12754547


>> No.12754554

lol! based!

>> No.12754556
File: 992 KB, 250x250, tucker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12754976

man you guys are big. did you get big from genetics? eating way too much crap food? sit around all day playing vidya?

you don't exercise enough, twink.

>> No.12755016

When I was a kid my grandmother would do shit like make fried chicken for me as a snack. As I got older I was just used to eating a shit ton of food every time I was even a little hungry. Maybe 1 out of 100,000 cases truely "genetic" but most fat fucks just make shitty choices.

>> No.12755103

They're still living in the 1940s, when people were buying houses faster than they were built. You would expect they had taken a huge step back and reevaluated the real state situation by now, but boomernomics permeate everything. Give them 20 years

>> No.12755153

Mirin' that badass grill. The bearings on the shaft will provide thousands of hours of smooth rotisserie action for many years to come.

>> No.12755154

Real American House Product
~new an improved formula~
**now melts!**

>> No.12755504

He's much bigger than that. Maxed I ever weighed was 417 (Now down to 270ish) even I wasn't that big at 5'11"

>> No.12756775

that looks like how you get cancer

>> No.12756836


I'm happy for you anon. God Bless

>> No.12756851

We build houses out of house building materials, rather than shed materials.

>> No.12756893

Vinyl siding is THE WORST choice of all common types.
IMO steel is where it's at.

>> No.12756909

Only the shittiest ones. Vinyl is cheapest upfront, but you get what you pay for.

>> No.12756921

That doesn't look like it came from a single incident

>> No.12757038

>or get a brick house
>tfw americans consider a wall made of bricks just an alternative

>> No.12757066

cause youre still a tripfag

>> No.12757150
File: 21 KB, 1180x300, 1538172298047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no tripfags on chanx.
tripfags BTFO

>> No.12757177

then i cant call them faggots, ESPECIALLY the secure tripfags

>> No.12757197

fuck the secure tripfags
they're almost always the problem ones

>> No.12757229
File: 20 KB, 262x372, 1560823473905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based leave society posted

>> No.12757328

>because of the pressure on your circulatory system
No shit? Damn, that explains why my legs were always falling asleep at 270 lbs but not nearly as much at 220 lbs.

>> No.12757341

thanks i was just about to go get a bacon cheeseburger but now i'm going to eat carrots with almond butter

>> No.12757444

Turns friendly goats into a zombie apocalypse scenario.

>> No.12757460

Yep. Tripfags are tripfags. No better than a woman taking her seven billionth selfie of the day.

>> No.12757546

you have no idea how tall fatfag is and how much muscle he has
220 is very possibly a healthy weight for a tall and muscular person you fucking retard

>> No.12757725


>> No.12757885


>> No.12757946

In almost the same position as you except I still weigh more than your starting point. At the beginning of summer I decided I’m done being a fatass and have done a decent job losing weight and going to the gym at least every other day. I relate to everything you said in your post and have lost about 20 pounds since the beginning of May. Still a long way to go since I started off almost 200 pounds overweight. It’s work, but it’s worth it

>> No.12757949

What an absolute fucking unit

>> No.12757959

I had a shitty diet from a young age and am just now getting into the habits of health my parents should have forced into me. I know it’s not they’re fault, but I wish they would have never let me get so fat. Now that I’m older it’s so much harder than if they would have just stopped it before it began

>> No.12757969

That’s the one upside to being a fatass: your legs get strong enough to carry you. To a point

>> No.12757979

Amazon is so convenient though

>> No.12757997

I found the jolly fat man stereotype to be the exact opposite in my case. As I gained weight I got bitter and angry, hating myself and targeting that hate at the world. Then as I lost weight I became a lot more chill and confidence helped me to become a better person.

>> No.12758002

I hope you’re short or a woman.

>> No.12758152

For me, 180lbs would put me at 1% bodyfat and probably the loss of muscle mass as well. The BMI is a good general guideline, and is usually accurate to within 20-30 lbs, but it isn't a perfect indicator for your own ideal weight. This is a target weight set by my doctor as to what is a safe 12-15% body fat range. Going under 10% is great for short term looks, but terrible for long term health.

>> No.12758164

Beat me to it

>> No.12758175

So what you're saying is that we should be expecting a massive stock selloff out of UPR in the next few years and buy up as much as possible on the cheap before the inevitable bailout?

>> No.12758183

it's plastic siding that goes over insulation which in turn goes over the wood

>> No.12758191

The US government will not allow the railroads to fail. If you think semi-trucks stopping for 24 hours would be bad, trains stopping for 24 hours would be one of the worst cataclysms to ever hit modern society. They will make the railroad work come hell or high water.

>> No.12758208

this is not what I really expected to be seeing when i clicked on /ck/ lol

i guess i shouldnt be surprised

>> No.12758218

No one cares about your blog fatty

>> No.12758371

>Luckilly I got pissed off enough about my condition that I made some,major changes and am now down to 275lbs

I'm happy for you, keep going!

I haven't been skinny since grade 4? Started a slight swell. Think my healthy weight as a 5 something should be 115, but I'm 130. My problem with exercising is eczema, though I walk everywhere. I avoid stocking up snacks that just makes me fat, I don't buy cases of coke, sometimes when I want to drink it, I buy a case of 6 small can. Don't have ice cream or popsicle in my freezer, just frozen fruit like strawberries I eat half frozen with milk, or pineapples, almost straight out of the fridge.

I find a lot of calories are boredom eating in front of the computer, I've started making veggies with hot sauce my computer snack.

>> No.12758479

>American building materials

>> No.12758487

You usually have to repaint the house every 5-7 years.

>> No.12758504

charring the shit out of your brick/weatherboard/timber cladding isn't good either, it'd still be a fuckup in a house that wasn't made from lego

>> No.12758622


>> No.12758671

do american houses literally melt?

>> No.12758739

You absolutely do not. More like every 50-70 years.

>> No.12758749

Kek and underrated

>> No.12758763

Apparently not since it can't even handle ambient heat from a grill 4 feet below it. Imagine if you live in a hot state, you'd have to be worried about your house melting every summer.

>> No.12758769

My house is brick, but the windowframes and porch etc. are wood. I sure as hell couldn't let those go untreated for an entire human lifespan.
What are you people painting your houses with?

>> No.12759019

lmao. The best paint lasts for 20 years max and that is if you're good at painting.

>> No.12759020

The fuck are you smoking? Even the best paint jobs using the best quality paints available have to be redone every 10-20 years.

>> No.12759459

There are so many other materials that are better than vinyl

>> No.12759499

It's nice cuz when i see my shadow my arms stick out so it looks like I'm a bodybuilder

>> No.12759530

ok list them please
include initial price and upkeep factored over the life of the material as well please.

>> No.12759582

Don't know what you retards are talking about. The siding where I live in the USA looks like wood but it's actually a fibrous concrete mixture that doesn't rot or...melt.

>> No.12760243
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>tfw 120 lbs

>> No.12760328
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So these Dutch scientists crossed a termite with a Praying Mantis.
What did they get?
A bug that says "Grace" before it eats your house.

>> No.12760353

not every place in the country does things the same way as where you live.

>> No.12760376

>dumbass redneck forgets to turn off the grill
>m-my wife did it.

>> No.12760378

>all of something is bad because some of it is
Mommy put your safety helmet on too tight today.

>> No.12760405

Yeah, but that's not vinyl siding is it? In fact what you're describing is more expensive than brick.

>> No.12760417

Hello Mr. Skellington

>> No.12760430

>hating on national Hebrew hot dog
Shit pleb tier taste.

>> No.12760447

a snack

>> No.12760453


>> No.12760528


>plastic sided houses

Do Americans enjoy living in deathtraps?

>> No.12761068

Actually she turned on all 4 burners to high to pre heat the grill and left it alone for 30-45 min minimum. Damn lucky the house didn't burn down. I wasn't home. She knew to move it away from the house but forgot. She got a phone call and apparently forgot the grill was even going.

>> No.12761074

We do stucco on the west coast. Only shithole parts of the states build with plastic siding

>> No.12761078

he's right, you know.

>> No.12761568

absolutely unfathomably based af
>Give them 20 years
to what, die?
they need to hurry the fuck up. why'd we ban transfats and start posting calorie content?

>> No.12761587

t. Schlomo Shekelstein

>> No.12761658

Its brick.
You can clean off the discoloring with chemicals or abrasive materials.

>> No.12761898

I have vinyl siding that woodpeckers pecked holes in and now years later we have sparrows nesting in the holes. it's cute but my mother is getting the siding redone because of it

>> No.12762055

Your mum sounds like a fag. Leave the birds alone.

>> No.12762145

>Because of the necessity of the railroads, the federal government will step in and completely finance the rebuilding of the UP at taxpayer expense
Why wouldn't the federal government just create a new Conrail?

>> No.12762155

t. shaft expert

>> No.12762197

Look at his legs. Dude's got early onset heart failure for sure.

>> No.12762199

For the same reason they didn't assume control of GM during the bailout. The congressmen and senators who allocate those funds are shareholders and associates of shareholders themselves. They buy the stock themselves, use taxpayer money to rebuild the system to profitability again, netting themselves a small fortune in the process, and then go on CNN and proudly gloat that they saved the railroads much to the delight of Americans everywhere. Assuming control means assuming risk and accountability. No profit in that.

>> No.12762212

much worse than you'd think, which i'm sure is already pretty terrible

>> No.12762287

>I don't know what a pressure washer is

>> No.12762958

Can't breathe

Can't wipe ass

Limited motion everywhere


>> No.12762973

Careful he might eat you

>> No.12763476

you do fake stucco

>> No.12763903
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apparently you dont if you think shooting water is going to remove fire/heat damage

>> No.12764035

>buy first house
>Nice deck in the back
>Get grill
>Wife puts grill right up against house like in OP
>Move it and tell her she would have melted the siding

This has to be a woman thing.

>> No.12764145

>living in more than one house
I don't understand why people waste so much time packing and unpacking every 5 - 7 years to flip a 100 to 500k debt they didn't even pay off yet. It's almost like the house they picked was an overpriced piece of shit covered in pretty paint and glued on cheap plastic fittings and trim.

>> No.12764188

There are bricks in the OP image.
Do you honestly think they need replacing?

>> No.12764203

Probably you should read some financial planning literature to fill in the gaps of knowledge you didn't acquire from parents of means or from a college education. You seem like you grew up with lack of knowledge and poor logic skills not based on planning for one's future.

>> No.12764614
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>> No.12764663

He was literally answering a question, you twat

>> No.12764836

do Americans literally actually coat their houses in flammable plastic?

>> No.12764841

a light snack

>> No.12765013

Not neccesarily, my wife and I will probably never buy another house beyond our first one. We waited four years to find a home in the neighborhood we wanted, and since no new single dwelling homes have been built here in the last 80 years its unlikely we will move. Location trumps making money in our situation.

>> No.12765948

I was 260 now im under 180. Mostly cocaine and starvation, but I lost the weight.

>> No.12765951

This is a test.

>> No.12765956

That's legit more than twice what I weigh.
Probably twice what I was at my heaviest.
Fucking hell, you must have been an absolute unit.

>> No.12765975

I was going to ask which financial planners think that trading your nearly paid off debt into a larger debt is a good idea, but I think we all already nose which ones they are.

>> No.12766013
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>> No.12766210

Kill yourself you slimy Keynesian boomer

>> No.12766443

Because "kill yourself".

>> No.12766451
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not the same guy but my highest was also 325lbs and I looked like a completely different person. On the right is after I lost 140lbs. It's a genuinely awful feeling to be alive at that sort of weight, and I blame it 100% on my parents teaching me shitty food habits (both of them are fat). As soon as I moved out, the weight started to fall off. I'm convinced there's no way to become that size without having somebody to enable you.

>> No.12767596


I live in australia and there's plenty of this shit going on here too mate

>> No.12767604

if you can literally see the fucking foundation its shit, thats a step away from a raised ranch you cunt

>> No.12767799

Nice work anon. I was abe to keto myself down from 250 to 200 and it was worth every lettuce wrap.

>> No.12767809


>> No.12767847

You and I know she got a visit from Big Dick Johnson

>> No.12768052

Nah, the steep angle on that roof is for snow, it also provides greater support for vertical pressure than you're used to in warmer climates. It'll be fine with a few goats on it. Great insulation too, very easy to keep warm in winter, cool in summer.

>> No.12768063

>I'm convinced there's no way to become that size without having somebody to enable you
No, you can do it to yourself, you just have to be in the habit of eating a whole pizza every meal and stuff like that.
My gaming group has a guy like that. A few of us are kind of fat but it's just because we just eat a burger and fries on gaming night and don't work out. He never joins us in ordering, he always orders his own food and gets a whole pizza and maybe some wings or a burger or something as well and obviously he drives everywhere and gets zero exercise. He's huge.
He's just the worst kind of 'murican, if anyone even looks surprised at his food order, he literally talks about it like a patriotic right to eat enough for three people and that offends anyone then he's obviously doing the right thing.

>> No.12768834

This is not true, at least if you get quality paint.
If you get a higher end exterior paint (which you should) it will easily last 10-20 years
t. Paint salesman

>> No.12768836

Cass is the best girl

>> No.12768883
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just say you dont understand equity, brainlet.

>> No.12768989

Yeah, no. I live in Finland and most houses have exteriors of either wood or plaster.

>> No.12769018

>their houses were built in 1499
no they all live in apartments that were built in 1947

>> No.12769095

Imagine pushing him onto his back and watching his stubbly fat short arms and legs squirm around fruitlessly as he tries to get his grotesque mass off the ground.

>> No.12769102

the fuck you got against paper towels, dude?

>blue shop towel masterrace

>> No.12769104
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It's funny because he probably never eats fruit

>> No.12769122

This. Only use it for diy/shop purposes though, regular cleaning I do with cloth towels