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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12748205 No.12748205 [Reply] [Original]

I wake up feeling sick knowing I have to serve the public for 8 hours a day. Most people that pass through my line are alright, but there are always, and I mean always venomous creatures that have no sense of anything beyond themselves, people who live up in their heads and rationalize acting unkind and obnoxious to the whipping boy behind the counter. I just don't care if you're in a bad mood because you son turned into a fag, I don't care that your spouse passed, act like a decent human. I'm held up at gunpoint by the economy and I feel warm and itchy in my stupid monkey suit, please for the love of god, try to sympathize with me.

Baby boomers and 30 year old women are the worst offenders, Every boomer leans on the service bell while its obvious I've been abandoned to work the entire operation by myself. I get so many stink eyes from old people. fuck them, I don't care if you die on your way to take a shit, get out of my life. And Boomers who complain about the quality or portion sizes, as if I can revise the business at the snap of my cock, as if I don't have a dickhead manager that only slinks out of the backroom to tell me what I'm not doing good enough. Juggling 4 people as the line builds really drives home the point that you can't make everyone happy. As for the case of 30 year old women, They've been conditioned to have been waited on their entire lives, so I guess me not twisting my ball sack makes their pussy blow smoke, and of coarse they always storm off like I just fucked their dad in the ass or some shit. aw fuck.

>> No.12748222

I called a customer a nigger the otherday for trying to get me to price match amazon. Feels good owning your own retail store

>> No.12748234

believe me, trips, if I could I would.

>> No.12748248

Just deny everything its really hard to get in trouble if you deny any wrong doing

>> No.12748262

one of these days I'm going to say something not so nice!

>> No.12748274

when you do say the person was obviously tweaking

>> No.12748280

retail niggers should get a real job and know how easy their shit is. it's the easiest shit ever

your probably some autistic fag and deserve it. that and you're probably blowing shit out of proportion.

>> No.12748281

Checked and deeply envied. I work for a small business, but I'm not so invaluable I can tell boomers to fuck off and die so I can buy real estate on the cheap.

>> No.12748290

Why are you even on /ck/? Shouldn't you be busy finishing your third airplane bottle of cheap flavored vodka to get through your shift flipping cement, Joe Blow?

>> No.12748302

A real job pays real money dumbfuck. I have a wedgie because my pay isn't in tune with my duties. Clocking in somewhere I get respect and 35 an hour would cushion my need to vent.

>> No.12748305

is 9 dollars an hour worth being on your feet and running around like a manic retard for ungrateful boomers?

>> No.12748334

why is a clearly miserable negative autismo working a "people person" job? makes no fucking sense. just go unload chinese shit off a container in some dock for $18/hr

>> No.12748364
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This is why, at least in the US, a kid's first job is in the service industry. It demonstrates to them that most other people are disgusting rude pigs, and that these kind of jobs should never be an option for what you do the rest of your life. Its a very good motivator for kids to try harder and get much better jobs/careers instead of aiming for the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.12748375

this might surprise you but some people are landlocked

>> No.12748386

this might surprise you but once those containers are taken off the boat they go all over the country to get unloaded

>> No.12748391

>why is a clearly miserable negative autismo working a "people person" job?
I managed to get a decent position and pay staying as a miserable autismo in a "people person" job but I was targeted by a fucking batshit Boomer regular the owner of the place refused to ban so that might have helped.

>> No.12748396

lots of people in service jobs are limp-wristed faggots who can't lift even 50 lbs
what you gonna make them do for work

>> No.12748399

This might surprise you but, Chicago pays 18-20USD/hr for unloading but it doesn't cover me getting stabbed twice a year.

Most areas I lived in you'll see 12/hr for unloading trucks.

>> No.12748405

Sorry, 14USD with forklife experience if you're in a good area.

>> No.12748414



>> No.12748416

You never see this shit if you work a corporate job. You deal with people in similar positions and everyone tiptoes around each other like a japanese subway.

>> No.12748427
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>be autistic
>work the floor of retail
>Boomer customers grab by shoulder/arm to get attention
>ask to not be touched as nicely as possible
>Boomers sperg out more than an autist
>even manager can't explain to Boomer why it's not ok to just randomly grab people

>> No.12748429

And then everyone in the back clapped.

>> No.12748469

How these threads always go:

>hold fuck CS sucks, why can't people just be a bit nicer?
>lmao get a better job
>haha fucking wage cuck
>my job is better than yours
>oh yeah, what do you do?

Every ding dong time it's the construction fags or some other phys. labor, super butthurt about the fact they're literally just unga bunga for foreman Schicklegruberheim and that Mexicans can and will do their job 1000% cheaper and better, talking shit about service.

"I'm not a service cuck, I GOT A REAL JOB. I'M A REAL MAN." You still duck your head and say "yessir" when your boss tells you to jump. You ain't shit. You need to invent a false sense of accomplishment for doing literal retard work. At least the counter cucks need to be able to count money and talk to people without losing their shit or telling racist jokes about the mexicans

>> No.12748507

I work in a lab, listen to my own music, design my own projects and have underlings do menial tasks for me. All the while being paid very well with the satisfaction of enjoying the work that I do.

Customer service is for the slack-jawed, weak-willed buffoons who should have nutted up and did something better to improve themselves rather than working a scum filled bottom of the bucket job for 15 year olds.

>> No.12748518

Shut the fuck up

>> No.12748567

I've been through all that and more anon (my manager sexually harassed me to boot). I decided to go back to school, even though it meant starting from the bottom. I'm immeasurably happier now, I even tutor mathematics on campus.

>> No.12748632

nope you just jumped to that conclusion. all I said was that there were alternatives for spazzes with no skills who can't deal with people, like working inside of a trailer listening to music all day. service is the easiest shit in the world if you have a modicum of skills interacting with people.

>> No.12748874


>> No.12749678

That’s awful. You should see a rape crisis counselor, you’ve literally been raped.

>> No.12749693

No it shouldn't. Get a trade, dumbass.

>> No.12749801

God I swear if a customer touched me in a non-friendly fashion I'd actually go off on them.

>> No.12750336


>> No.12750510
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I am not autistic (I think) and I can't fucking stand the boomers or other cunts who stand really fucking close to me or don't respect some personal space. Even worse when I take a step away from them to make space and they move closer.

>> No.12750530

Never happened to me but when I was still doing retailslavery I was all day 100% prepared to headbutt a bitch who put their hands on me

>> No.12750568

Right, because working retail requires all kinds of brain power.

Now scan the bar-code and let the computer do your job, monkey.