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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12735837 No.12735837 [Reply] [Original]

what would you do if someone brought a bell

>> No.12735841

fucking boomers

>> No.12735843

pepper curly little hairs all throughout their food

>> No.12735863

Get fucked wagies. This should be standard at all restaurants. I’ve seen ones that have digital call buttons that are basically this
>wahhh I want a tip but I also don’t want to act like a servant

>> No.12735870

Everybody looks at the bell, but take a look at her nose

>> No.12735875

Id be like hey, this aint taco bell, lady! Then id throw her a wink and say cmooon, why dont we stop that.
*Flexes a cep*

>> No.12735878
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>*ding ding*
>excuse me wagie

>> No.12735883

>be me, a normal well adjusted waitress
>being summoned by a bell doesn't bother me at all

I mean, it's my job and they're just calling me. Does it matter if they use a bell or their voice?

>> No.12735886

Serving food someone else cooked is emasculating and depressing, but if I was both the cook and the server I would take pride in it, even serving a woman with a bell.

>> No.12735889

Waitress (ter)

>> No.12735893

I would stick a french fry directly up my ass and feed it to her

>> No.12735895
File: 25 KB, 129x138, Screenshot from 2019-08-04 23-02-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd shove that bell so far up her ass at she'd legally be recognized as a Christmas ornament.

>> No.12735898

If I was a patron Id probably just take pics of her and mock her until she felt self conscious.

As a server, idk. Ive never lowered myself to a point where I would bring other people food and kiss their ass so I could feed myself

>> No.12735899

Oh, Red.

>> No.12735904

This is actually a novel restaurant idea, provided the staff are comfortable with it. So many people don't really want their water refilled the 3rd time or whatever. If they only rang when they needed something, it would actually let the staff be more efficient. You charge enough for the gimmick, and it'll mostly keep out the poor people who inevitably would abuse such a service.

>> No.12735909

America is the oddball here, though. It's very common for restaurants to have systems for paging servers. The only reason America doesn't is because of muh tipping where being constantly nagged by the server is seen as superior service so they encourage that.

>> No.12735913

>If I was a patron Id probably just take pics of her and mock her until she felt self conscious.


>> No.12735916

The place where I work has buttons on the table. They push the button, it turns red, a digital board in the staff prep area lights up with the table number. The server stops smoking/snorting coke/masturbating your hot dog and goes to your table. It saves a lot of pointless patrolling and respects people who just want to be left alone.

>> No.12735927

Why not give the servers mobile phones and give the customers their mobile number? Then you can just text “need water” “need hot sauce” “need peas for my carbonara” etc and the waiter doesn’t have to make a trip to find out what you want and another to bring it.

>> No.12735932

ignore it

>> No.12735935

Our table buttons, the customer pushes them once to turn them on, and again to turn them off so they can cancel it if they need to or the server pushes it when they get there. And our servers carry around something like a mini-tablet with credit card swipers for bill paying and the display shows the table somehow. Number, I guess. It vibrates and plays a little tone when a new table needs service. But we're also not part of tipping culture, so anyone on the floor can tend to the table. I can't but help think it's 5x more effecient than servers just roaming around getting in the way looking for drinks to refill and nagging couples trying to have personal conversations.

>> No.12735936

except for the dig at people who work for a living, unironically this.

>> No.12735937

a signal light would be better. It would be hard to identify where a sound came from in that chaos.

>> No.12735940

Maybe at McDonalds. It'd be hard to work in highly visible lights without breaking the mood. Plus most restaurants have lots of pillars and line-of-sight blockers that are there purposefully to create a feeling of privacy. The billboard at the refill station or portable display/pager is a much better solution.

>> No.12735945

>It's very common for restaurants to have systems for paging servers
Jesus Fucking Christ America how about just making eye contact and raising your hand a few inches

>> No.12735954

I'm so glad I have better skills so I don't have to do server bullshit

>> No.12735955

>ma'am your bell ringing is disturbing our customers, we're going to have to ask you to put it away.

>> No.12735956

America doesn't have paging systems, though. At least I've never seen one. They go against tipping culture. And they only work when any server can handle any table instead of being like "Okay, these 6 tables in this section are yours tonight" just so they can keep their tips organized and seperate.

>> No.12735988

oy vey

>> No.12736028

Service is pretty bad in the part of Europe I visited where you're not supposed to tip. Made me appreciate food service better at home.

>> No.12736239


some Japanese restaurants have a button you press to call service - and that's here in the states

>> No.12736245

That's fine, but bringing a bell is kinda like snapping at someone, lil' bit dickish, though, as a cook, the bell really is the only wat to get their attention sometimes

>> No.12736454

>Order up

>> No.12736483

They are called servants for a reason. They are rented slaves and must obey.
If you don't like your job maybe you should have got an education. But, you didn't, so answer the fucking bell.

>> No.12736498

This is pretty alright

>> No.12736542

Bringing a bullhorn would be better, you can ask for what you want across the room and it saves time

>> No.12736562

Some things:

She might not be able to speak.
She might not have a very loud voice.
As a server you want them to get your attention, whether they say "OI" or ring a bell.
She isn't being rude, she just thinks this is a functional way to get their attention.

The initial reaction is to be angry but when you think about it she isn't really doing anything bad.

>> No.12736583

If I were a patron, if her ringing was annoying me, I'd tell her that she is ruining the experience for everyone for the sake of being a cunt or if it was a mild disturbance simply make very loud and rude remarks in hopes of her confronting me or shutting the fuck up. If I were a server, she would receive the exact same service I normally provide and I wouldn't expect any more or less of a tip. She certainly looks like a jew cunt.

>> No.12736585

why are you so angry about pretty much nothing? You have anger issues.

>> No.12736596

You don't have to shout to get a waiter. It's been said already; eye contact and a slight wave of the hand.
She's also very obviously with other people. You think they're all mute?

>> No.12736606

Bringing your own bell for the sake of getting a servers attention pretty much screams "I'm on the autistic/bitchy side of the spectrum". If she needs extra help/care she should simply address it initially with the server and I'd wager they would be extra attentive.

As a patron, I don't care if she needs extra help, but if she is ringing a bell and it is disturbing my experience, I have no problem directly or indirectly calling her out. "Oh look at this BADASS on the internet", no I'm actually not some little cuck that lets other people annoy me without responding. But no anger issues, fren :)

>> No.12736607
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She looks jewish to me.

Stop the anti-semitism.

>> No.12736608

ignore her 100%

>> No.12736618

Unless she had a legitimate reason (deaf/mute), I'd tell her to knock it off or gtfo. It's rude to staff and disturbs other patrons.

>> No.12736620

I've seen waiters online complain about when people do the scribble sign to tell you they want the check

I don't get it, I love it when people do that, you can already print the receipt, if he'd call you over just to tell you you have to walk twice as much

>> No.12736622

Boomers gonna boom.

>> No.12736629

I would assume they have a severe speech handicap that prevents them from verbally getting my attention and just come when she rings the bell like a reasonable person.

>> No.12736634

God I hate waiters. They never come when they are supposed to and disturb you when you don't need them and you got to wave your hand like a spastic and scream at them and evenue then they might juse walk by. A bell or button should be standard everywhere. Even the places I've been with buttons you press the button and they still fuck around in the back do god know what .

>> No.12736643

If I ever serve you I'll dip my balls in your food

how does it feel knowing I make 60k a year waiting tables?

>> No.12736647

A button is generally a good idea, yeah.
But bringing your own noisemaker is very different from using what's provided.
I think I saw a nice subtle one a while back; piece of paper or something that was red on one side and green on the other. Turn it red side up if you need something and green side up if you don't.
Doesn't that seem a lot more pleasant for everybody than having a dozen obnoxious cunts ringing bells because they want a 4-prong fork instead of a 3-prong one?

>> No.12736651

i'm not a waiter but i'd just dip my balls in your food without you knowing like that other guy said

>> No.12736658

>starring Adam Sandler

>> No.12736665


>> No.12736668

>complain about when people do the scribble sign
What reasoning? It’s a perfectly clear signal

>> No.12736672

Haha another impotent threat from a waiter

>> No.12736676

Oh the pathetic passive-aggression. I'll never know you did it, and you'll have spicy food on your balls for the rest of your shift

>> No.12736687

Nah signal flare or gtfo

>> No.12736689

Politely inform them that they can get my attention without the bell. If they didn't cut that shit out, I'd hope the floor manager would stick up for me.

The real answer is not work at a shitty chain restaurant that boomers go to though.

>> No.12736690

wagies fear the bell

>> No.12736697


>> No.12736715

ain't nothing passive about you eating my ball hairs and sweat, you can pretend it never happened but it did, you dumb fucking office drone

>> No.12736717

In France she would be asked to leave. Manu militarii.

>> No.12736740


>> No.12736743

>bring a bell
>asked to leave
>bring a suicide vest
>have a red carpet rolled out to closest church

>> No.12736859

You're not a waitress because servers call themselves servers.

>> No.12736861
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brilliant logic, have you considered a career as a cringy atheist?

>> No.12736880

>dabbing on wagies


>> No.12737261

Unironically this. We were in France visiting my aunt who speaks French, she brought us to some pretty nice restaurant and we were kinda treated like shit the whole time. For example I remember my aunt asking for another bottle of wine near the end of the meal, and the fucking waiter practically rolled his eyes as he went to get it.

>> No.12737284

>I've seen waiters online complain about when people do the scribble sign to tell you they want the check
Duh, you're supposed to make a check mark not some scribble

>> No.12737287

I I'd ignore it and purposefully take longer on them. Who ever does this is most likely an awful human.

>> No.12737296
File: 99 KB, 800x521, 800px-Don_River_near_Kalininsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you american? If yes, that explains it

>> No.12737303

fat, dumb, loud americans

>> No.12737308
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Fuck wagies, I'm gonna have fun reading through their toasty rage ITT

>> No.12737324

Step 1: a shocked look
Step 2: treat as a normal customer
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit
Step 5: see if she uses the bell
Step 6: if she does, and it's disturbing other customers, ask her politely to just call or wave (I'm always making my rounds, and these looooong legs proooooopel me at a good clip)
Step 7: Get the FOH Manager involved
Step 8: Remember that this is all out of my hands at this point.
Step 9: If she insists on being a twat, comp her meal and inform her that further service has been denied
Step 10: Remind her that she's no longer a customer, just a freeloader with a bell
Step 11: Call the police
Step 12: Thank her and wish her a good day/night as she's escorted out.

>> No.12737325

I wouldn't mind. Voices can get jumbled in a loud restaurant and I don't want to be rude by accidentally jumping in on a conversation thinking that I had been requested. A bell can only mean one thing and stands out separate from most other noises in the restaurant. Unless the place I was working had a bell that served another purpose, this wouldn't bother me at all.

>> No.12737326

>Ring bell.
>wagies scramble to the food counter to grab orders that are not there yet.
>Cooks bet pissed that I keep ringing the bell, confusing the rest of the wagies.
>Manager yells at me that my bell is interrupting the wagies.
>He takes away my bell.
>Use my bell app on my phone.
>Leave a one star review.

>> No.12737339

Pretty shitty way to be. Someone comes to your country and spends money, then gets treated like an asshole. Fuck that.

>> No.12737359

Intentionally ignore her in favor of other customers.

>> No.12737369

Treat them the same

>> No.12737371

No one asked you to come to their country and spend your worthless """"money"""".

>> No.12737379

based and coprophagiapilled

>> No.12737380

What the fuck, I didn't even say anything mean or untrue. Ya know what, get mad. I don't care. I was just giving my opinion, you fucking jerk!

>> No.12737381 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12737385

How loose is your arsehole that you can just simply slide chips through it?

>> No.12737392

He was talking about fries, not chips.

>> No.12737399

That's some fine samefagging, James. Some fine samefagging indeed.

>> No.12737417

retard doesn't understand the value of tourism dollars

>> No.12737420

>silent tablet-based ordering is the same as some boomer bitch loudly ringing a bell
unbased retard

>> No.12737421

>he doesn't understand that it's all part of the "french experience"
Next time don't forget to thank them for the statue of liberty and they'll instantly lighten up.

>> No.12737430

can confirm
french people are terrible regardless of what kind of french they are

>> No.12737431


>> No.12737436

Are you sure it isn't just the French? Every one I've met has been a narc in some mostly unobtrusive way.

>> No.12737610

Retarded nigger doesn't understand the cause of my fist and the effect of it going up their ass.

>> No.12737625

Ah, the ol’ pube it and lube it

>> No.12737642
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>calls others niggers
>is a violent subhuman ape himself

>> No.12737658

that is based as fuck

>> No.12737683

lol that just french people they especially loath you yanks

>> No.12737684

It's the tipping culture that prevents that here. Diners want one server they can "get to know" over the course of the meal and who is responsible for everything more complicated than refilling water. Even if tips are pooled, there's the illusion that one man is responsible for their evening.

>> No.12737697

unironically based

>> No.12737728

Y'all definitely "basing" something. Weirdos.

>> No.12737731

Not a bad idea, based yuppies.

>> No.12737735

I'm so glad I never worked at the front of a restaurant. I'm even more glad that I have a real job now.

>> No.12737737

How did you end up here?

>> No.12737760

It's a purely dick move, period.
I don't have a problem with paging systems in restaurants at all, but if you go to a restaurant that doesn't have one, and has some dumb cunt ringing a bell (that's also disturbing other customers, btw) to get her server's attention, I'd be pissed as fuck.
I'd be pissed at fuck to be sitting near here as a customer. If someone did that in front of me in a restaurant, I'd (politely, because that's how people should behave) ask her to stop because it's disrupting other customers. And if she didn't, or got smart-mouthed with me and kept doing it, I'd call the manager over and let him/her deal with the crazy bitch.

>> No.12737793
File: 10 KB, 258x195, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped coming to 4chan in 2011 due to some raid-ish things /b/ was doing that were pretty fucked up. Made the mistake of coming back last month. Pic related.

>> No.12737799

sup angie

>> No.12737822

Your second-biggest mistake was finding this place.
Your biggest was thinking you could leave.

>> No.12737828

If there's any solace in it all eventually we'll be shut down by the FBI/NSA

>> No.12737837

this was the first (((thing))) i noticed.

>> No.12737838


>> No.12737846

This really shitty Mexican buffet my family went to while I was a child had a less obnoxious version of this. You'd raise the little Mexican flag at your table, it was about 8in tall. The server would then come over when they saw it and bring your lardass more food. God bless you, Pancho's

>> No.12737894

I tried keeping an open mind, like maybe she was a mute or something. But, I mean, just flailing your arms around like an asshole does just as good of a job.

>> No.12737916

I'd probably hurry over to her table and apologize for the wait. I would then sit on her lap and look her deep in her eyes, and ask her if there was a way to make up for it, then wink, then run back to the kitchen.

>> No.12738303

this i work as a host and the servers never want to come on earlier then they have too. so when they get sat because people wanted to sit in their section or it was too busy and had to be sat they wont take the table and they wonder why the table left

>> No.12738317

A barbecue place local to me does something similar. I really should go back to Joeys

>> No.12738325

I'd make sure she doesn't have a very good experience so that she never comes back.

>> No.12738423

Seems fine. It's no worse than yelling or sticking your foot out in the aisle to force them to make eye contact. Waiters are fucking worthless sometimes.

>> No.12738932
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>tfw you can just ignore the bell because you know (((she))) wasn't going to tip anyways

>> No.12738998

If you think that is bad sometimes people post cp! I would bet that at least 10 messages you have read today were posted by pedophiles. It really is quite shocking, I hope reddit doesn't approve of this kind of thing. I'm afraid to look at any other boards besides ck, I think there are racists on their political board. :/

>> No.12739001

Anon I remember that place, holy shit I haven't thought about it in decades, are you an okie?

>> No.12739143

i'm not paying to hear some entitled gash make noise

>> No.12739433
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This is a server.
Waiters are called waiters. Or waitresses.

>> No.12739440

I would ignore her.

>> No.12739496

I honestly won't be that sad. This place has gone straight into the shitter since moot left and the general public and poltards found it. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

>> No.12739550

>come in acting like an american dogs
>no class no manners
>"gimme another bottle of wine ASAP, waiter! And step on it!"
>americans think waiters should beg and grovel at the table for monetary scraps like the slaves they are to their wagie bosses, because money money money is the only important thing in their hollow, vapid, culturally gluttonous, free-for-all lifestyle

>> No.12739575

as an employee? probably go attend to her when she rang it like the spineless little wage cuck i am

thankfully i own my own business and there is no wage cuckery here

>> No.12739600

>she rings the bell
>go ask the table next to them if I can help them with anything
>walk past her table, pick up some trash on the ground, walk back past them and throw it in the bin, then back to the back all without looking in their direction
>sneak out a nice silent fart on the way past
>put in my two weeks notice because why the fuck am I working such a shit job in the first place

>> No.12739606
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>> No.12739613
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I know it's the way things are done here after redditors migrated here, but serious question:
Do you who call everyone and everything a cuck realize how stupid you sound? You sound like a bunch of kids who learned a new swear word.

>> No.12739621
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It's happened to me before, just walk up, grab it and fling it as far you can in a single movement, most people aren't prepared to confront you about it
>What bell miss?
>I am the "acting" manager
Enjoy your tips from other customers

>> No.12739779

Kick her out for disturbing the other customers.
How is this not obvious?

>> No.12739782

The absolute cuckoldry of this post.

>> No.12739813


>> No.12739848

Having worked in food service that would piss me off to no end and she'd receive the worst service possible.

Having eaten at restaurants where the staff are needlessly arrogant pieces of shit I'm in full support of it and would hope she doesn't leave a tip either.

>> No.12739912

You’ve obviously never been to the US. Most customers are generally polite. There are exceptions but I’ve rarely seen servers treated badly.

>> No.12739924

I would let the hispanic woman up front act as a mediator, so that this woman don't get her ass whooped in front of her family, that's how I'd play it off in front of mis amigos in back. Otherwise, if I had to respond to this, I would be courteous and kind and go along with the joke, since her family is probably already embarrassed and would be appreciative of any way to relieve the tension this crazy woman is causing with her bell.

>> No.12739933

No small children allowed in the restaurant, in that case.

>> No.12739937

When a dressing her speak as loudly as possible as if it was the only volume you could speak and it was normal.

>> No.12739943

>buying a bell
>when they give you a knife and fork for free
Just hold them up and bang them on the table in a rhythmic fashion while chanting what you need. For example, "water water water water," "refill refill refill" or "we want dessert! we want dessert!"

>> No.12739981

Well buddy, if you knew some history about the luggage lad cuck saga, you'd know that cuck used to be so bad it got wordfiltered. And this was long before reddit showed up.

>> No.12739998

Bubba Gump does that thing with the signs that say “run forrest run” to mean the customer doesn’t need anything and “stop forrest stop” if they do. Just went for the first time yesterday and it was actually damn good

>> No.12740218

>And this was long before reddit showed up.
I don't recall "cuck" being overused 10 years ago.

>> No.12740415
File: 510 KB, 1085x775, GET BUSY WAGIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12740433

I remember hearing "cuck" as an insult pretty regularly on Opie and Anthony. That was easily ten years ago.

>> No.12740450

Cuckold has been an insult for literally thousands of years

>> No.12740461
File: 247 KB, 283x427, cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we all know that. The question is whether the shortened "cuck" has been in regular use online for ten years. I say it has.

>> No.12740464

Open fire.

>> No.12740470

What are chestnuts roasting over?

>> No.12740696

Based red poster

>> No.12740701

You clearly have never worked customer service.

>> No.12740729

What if she is mute?

>> No.12740788

tell her to either stop or leave because it was bothering the other customers, pretty simple
guarantee that if the cunt wanted the manager, they'd agree with me
then again, I work at a small, locally-owned restaurant, so I'm sure chain workers are pretty fucked in this situation

>> No.12740790

do Americans really?

>> No.12740945

normal nose

>> No.12740969

>Don't have bells at the table
>Customer brings a bell
>"Mam, please stop disturbing the other customers with your bell"
>Walk off before she can start ordering whatever

>> No.12740999

Ignore her completely and when she starts whacking that bell as her to leave because she's ruining it for other customers.


>> No.12741007
File: 16 KB, 400x283, signal light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you think our food is ready yet?
>let me just check
>*plok* *plok* *plok* *plokplok* *plok*

>> No.12741013
File: 52 KB, 338x450, light-towers-that-signal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Sushi does this, it's pretty cool because you can just press the button and wait rather than having to crane your neck around trying to get someone's attention

>> No.12741021

the only bad thing about this is it probably annoys the other patrons.

>> No.12741074

My angry ringing from the kitchen gave many waiters PTSD

>> No.12741155

How the fuck is she going to order then you stain, if she has a companion then they can both signal the waiter and order for her without the annoying bell

>> No.12741159

Throw her out for harassing the servers.

>> No.12741224

>What if someone brought a bell?
>Just go all the way and buy an airhorn

>> No.12741226
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>> No.12741246
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snort Meth

>> No.12741284


>> No.12741294

Heil Honkler

>> No.12741309

What the fuck are you talking about retards?

>> No.12741311

this. its a fucking addiction tho. Im not a loser virgin loner anymore, why the fuck do I poison my mind with this shithole?

>> No.12741318

Keep that bell away from me


>> No.12741626

>*ding ding*
>need a refill over here wagie, on the double!
>oh and sugar, I'm gonna need that service with a smile if you want to earn your 5% tip

>> No.12741645

Retards should be locked in the attic at home, not in public.

>> No.12741658
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How do you guys think the wagies would react if I brought a Carnyx? Gotta make sure I get their attention over all the other customers.

>> No.12741698

Anytime the bell is rung, deliberately ignore her. Intentionally help other tables close to her.
If the ringing keeps up, ask her to leave because she is causing a disturbance.

>> No.12741706

Every time a bell is rung, an angel gets his wings!

>> No.12741867
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Clean it up wagee

>> No.12741952
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>> No.12742230

Hate to break it to you but we have those in America too. The reason why they're not common is because the type of restaurant most likely to benefit from them is in decline, smaller venues don't really need them while independent restaurants are dissuaded by the cost of the systems.

>> No.12742266

Wipe the ketchup, wrap a towel around the glass, collect the money, wipe down the table.

>> No.12742278

Easy for you to work out, but if someone has basic understanding of physics and problem solving they won't have a job waiting tables in the first place

>> No.12742368

So when does your shift start?

>> No.12742386

I work at a hospital doing a job I love.
Judging from your butthurt comment you don't.

>> No.12742452

Servers are in high end restaurants. waitresses are in Denny's.

>> No.12742461

Don't you know, everyone on /ck/ makes 800k a year.

>> No.12742468

welcome to 4channel! how long do you plan on staying before fucking back off to reddit good sir?

>> No.12742479

make wagie dance I typically tip by tossing them peanuts

>> No.12742485

How many bedpans are you required to empty every hour to meet quota?

>> No.12742581

>French being rude, arrogant and probably smelly
You don't say

>> No.12742842

I'd tell them the bell is beginning to bother the surrounding customers and employees and that we would like her to please stop, and if she were to continue we would ask her to leave.

>> No.12743516

If bait, then nice bait.
If not, get the fuck back to instagram, reddit or whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.12743681

why do american waitresses like to bother people so much, is it for the tips?
you're not my friend, stop trying to be friendly, you take my orders, you bring food to my table
fuck off please

>> No.12743771

t. wagie

>> No.12743802

I'd ask if I can have a bell too and if they say no I'll just bang my knife on a wine glass really hard

>> No.12744659

I just like the relatively fast-moving boards and general themes of 4chan compared to somethig like Reddit where you need to monitor one board for every individual thing you want to read about.

>> No.12744669

The general public found it before 2010. It hasn't been the big secret you were imagining.

>> No.12744700
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>> No.12744779

Fuck you, Stephan from FCA is the greatest.

>> No.12744944

say goodbye to your tip!

>> No.12744969

if she was annoying not serve her.
I don't work in some corporate hell hole luckily my managers would understand

>> No.12744989

Don’t serve her. If she keeps asking keep saying you’ll be with her in a minute. Do this till she is pissed and either leaves or makes a scene, at which point kick her out.

>> No.12746521

I don't understand how you pay for your car without a job?

>> No.12746538

I'd like to send up a flare when I need my water refilled desu

>> No.12746593

I always make a pretty honest and fair deal waiters. I tell them that they'll get a 25% tip but I also tell them that I will subtract 2% of that tip for every mistake they make.

This way they can get a pretty good tip but only if they really work for it.