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File: 79 KB, 610x458, 02042012-191026-sunday-supper-lobster-boil-primary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12734016 No.12734016 [Reply] [Original]

What do you feel about boiling a live lobster?

I'm not trolling. I eat a lot of meat. I'm not a fan of any fish or seafood so it'll never be an issue for me but I don't think I could put a live animal into boiling water...?

I live in the UK so there's no real hunting here. I THINK I could kill and butcher my own meat but maybe I'd find that difficult too. Really not sure.

Honestly curious what you all think about it.

>> No.12734037

Just kill it first if you're that worried
>muh simple nervous system
>muh can't feel pain
>muh lobsters have rights
>muh animal cruelty
There I just finished the rest of the thread for you

>> No.12734044

It's how it's done.

>> No.12734048

It's inhumane to put a live lobster in boiling water. It's better to stab the live lobster straight through it's head, killing it first, and only then putting it in boiling water.


>> No.12734062

Lobsters are grotesquely ugly creatures. If they lived on land you'd find them more repulsive than any bug. Look at those antennas and bulging eyes and shit, yuck. I wouldn't feel bad about killing them by the dozen. I felt no remorse catching and killing crawdads, so this wouldn't be much different.

Whether it's ethical is a separate question, but it wouldn't bother me. Land animals are way more sympathetic imo.

>> No.12734079
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Morality is a false dichotomy. Do whatever you like.

>> No.12734087

pretty much this

>> No.12734092

They don't really feel it.

>> No.12734096

It's food

>> No.12734111

I have no feeling. I've done it many times and it isn't a big deal.

>> No.12734795
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I turn about 10-15 live lobbos into less alive, cooked ones every day
once you encounter a pissed off one (ideally a 2kg+ nutter) you have few qualms with chopping them up alive or stabbing them in the head or whatever to the cunts

on a side note, I don't think you should have the right to eat meat or fish or anything without the willingness to take its life

>> No.12734804

Why boil alive? Are you too lazy to kill it first or one of those nutters that think the more it suffers the tender the meat will be

>> No.12734816

Haven't done it personally but I've boiled clams, mussels, snails etc before, I feel nothing.

>> No.12734874

don't boil it while it's alive and kickin'
either gaffe it with a knife through the head or throw it in the freezer for 20 minutes. they go into a hibernation-like state as an evolutionary act of self-preservation. then stab it or boil.

>> No.12734896

Stop eating meat altogether if you are going to bitch about muh animals.

>> No.12734898

it only paralyzes them, they remain alive.

>> No.12734903

the stress hormones make the meat taste bad, not better

It's why it's best to kill the animal before it realizes it's going to be eaten than kill it while it's in pain

>> No.12734997

>how DARE my victims try to survive their murder!!?!
It's very degenerate and no halfway decent person would do it.

>> No.12735142
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>> No.12735227

i feel zero empathy for arthropod i don't know why but my brain drew a clear line between diffrent kind of animal and some just go in the dgaf zone
i toss those nigger in hot water like i'd do for some pasta

>> No.12735260

I boiled a crab once. It's silent screaming still haunts me to this day. I realize I don't really have the courage to boil a live animal, and even less to stab it through the head while it's alive and kicking. But I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, it's more to do with me being squeamish than an issue with morality.

>> No.12735278

>implying God's word doesn't matter

>> No.12735281

there is plenty of hunting here, you urbanite cuckold. go get an air rifle and shoot rabbits rather than complaining about meat on a korean fingerpainting forum.

>> No.12735291

Once killed lobsters do some sort of fucked up thing to their meat, they release something from an organ that makes it shitty. I forget the science but think like butchering a rayfish wrong, but a different result.

They have a different nervous system than us and are by no means intelligent or capable of reflecting upon their pain or equating the pain to an emotion. If it bothers you, and I have enough empathy for it to bother me, keep them really cold to slow them down and split the head JUST BEFORE steaming. Splitting the head isn't the same as death like us, but maybe it will bother you less, and them being frozen for so long means they're going to be inactive as hell until they're just reacting to heat.

>> No.12735308

I actually heard boiling them alive is considered inferior to killing them first. Still, the way they do that is simply chopping off their face, so which is really more "humane"?

>> No.12735310

I really just don't care about killing animals as humanely as possible. wow it suffered for 3 seconds from dunking it in boiling water instead of 2 seconds from jabbing a knife into it's shell, I'm a fucking torturer.

>> No.12735337

I kill them first, in my garage, so that my kitchen won't get haunted. However I shock them with a mosquito racket repeatedly before killing them because animals taste better after they suffer, and I do that part in the kitchen.

>> No.12735366

I watched my mom boil dozens of live crayfish when I was a little kid, and I wasn't disgusted in the slightest. Stop being such a pussy.

>> No.12735377

Imagine you replaced "lobster" with "human" in your post. Dwell on that.

>> No.12735390
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>> No.12735430

That would be awful. A human ghost could go from the garage to the kitchen and haunt it.

>> No.12735509
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This is how I spent my weekend, you need to grow a pair and and understand that they are all going to die, whether you do it or a coyote or a bolt of lightning does them in animals ultimately will just breed and die, and becoming meat is the most productive thing they can do.

>> No.12735522
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>getting killed by a coyote
god i love hicks

>> No.12735542

More pics.
I love these things, it always reminds me of my days as a kid... beer, the freshest meat ever, friends and family.

>> No.12735581

Sorry friend that's the only one that meets the file limit, and I'm still at the farm so I'm stuck phone posting.

>> No.12735680

The science is still out far as I know, but IMO the odds of it feeling something are high enough to where I could never justify cooking one live again. I just don't see there being any reason to chance it if the odds are over 0.1%, you aren't really gaining anything from not killing it first.

>> No.12735736

nice truck. i miss my silverado

>> No.12735768


Why do people have a problem with killing literal bugs?

>> No.12735784

you faggot retards DO realize that lobsters, in contrast to humans, have a nerveless exoskeleton, right? It's not exactly the same sensation for them as it is for you to put your hand in boiling water.

>> No.12735794

>retard morality

>> No.12735808

>I eat a lot of meat
yeah i bet you do, faggot. plants are alive too. do you feel remorse after cruelly disfiguring and or killing them for food?

>> No.12735812

>I kill them first, in my garage, so that my kitchen won't get haunted. However I shock them with a
>So that my kitchen won't get haunted
Fucking kek anon

>> No.12735825
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Furnish me with objective evidence to back up your implicit assertion that morality exists as anything more than a spectre of human imagination.

I'll wait.

>> No.12735847
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Based and redpilled, my flyover bruddah.

>> No.12735854

nice trailer cleetus lmao

>> No.12736036

the memes of people that worry about the feeling of a damn lobster is really beyond me, they have a less complex brain than your average insect

>> No.12736108

Stop being a bitch OP, some animals would do much worse

>> No.12736152

heat transfers

>> No.12736231
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>> No.12736401
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>> No.12736412

absoljtely basd

>> No.12736426

Holy fucking kek.

>> No.12736450

Your English is really good for a Chinaman.

>> No.12736468

>Stop eating meat altogether if you are going to bitch about muh animals.
Why do you edgy faggots feel the need to treat animals like shit just because you use them for meat? Believe it or not it's 100% possible to eat meat AND put in the tiny bit of effort required to use quick and humane kill methods.
It's still up in the air whether crustaceans really don't have the capacity for suffering, so you might as well give them the benefit of the doubt and do your best to kill them before boiling them.
>Why do people have a problem with killing literal bugs?
It's about possible suffering, not killing. I don't know why it's so hard for people like you to understand you can still kill animals without torturing them. Same reason you use a bolt gun on cows instead of just beginning to butcher them while they're still alive.
>plants are alive too
There are widely varying degrees of evidence for the capacity to experience pain and suffer depending on the organism you're talking about. With plants, almost nobody seriously believes they experience pain or suffer. The only time you even hear it brought up that they could experience pain or suffer is when retards like you try to use them as a dopey and insincere attempt to make the humane killing of animals seem irrational.
Bragging about how much you love hurting animals just because you eat meat only makes it seem like you feel bad about it and are compelled to go over the top in convincing yourself and others that their suffering doesn't matter to avoid dealing with that feeling. When you're honest with yourself and have a humane approach to killing animals for meat you can respect and appreciate them while still eating meat.