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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 585 KB, 640x640, dirty-cast-iron-skillet-640x640[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12734392 No.12734392 [Reply] [Original]

just wipe it out bro

>> No.12734407

What is it with people having a hard ass time maintaining something as simple as cast iron cookware?

>> No.12734410

*puts in under some hot water and wipes it out*

>> No.12734416


>> No.12734425

*doesn't get clean*

>> No.12734430

I'm going to keep posting this on every CI thread until y'all get it, even though I'm fully aware I'm being trolled.


>> No.12734435

Brain capacity among westerners has deteriorated from the Bronze Age to the point where they're incapable of maintaining cookware even african women could capably handle many millennia ago. Pity really.

>> No.12734437

>cooking with oil already in the pan
>food that doesn't require searing
pointless video

>> No.12734439

whatever floats your boat
jokes on you, I invested in basic sink accessories

>> No.12734448

*still doesn't get clean*

>> No.12734451


>not cooking with some sort of fat
>not using stainless steel for searing

These are basic concepts.

>> No.12734462

"cast iron is great for searing meat!!"

>> No.12734468

Pity indeed, instead they rather use toxic chemicals like teflon because everyone is scared of a little grease

>> No.12734476
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I use it for bacon and little things like that but CI doesn't heat particularly evenly. Get All-Clad/Hammer Stahl if you have the cash or Tramontina if you're on a budget for meat searing needs.

Pic related seared on 3 ply All-Clad.

>> No.12734487

I wash my cast iron skillet in the sink like any old piece of cookware and the surface stays black anyway.

>> No.12734491

So you are in agreement that the "just wipe it out bro" lot are idiots, then? Because if you do something like cook a steak in cast iron then finish it with butter and rosemary you will not be able to "just wipe it out".

>> No.12734495


If you somehow get shot stuck onto it use some salt, and if that doesn't work use soap and water. A little bit of soap won't fuck your seasoning.

That being said, I generally don't do steaks in CI because stainless heats more evenly.

>> No.12734500

"NEVER use soap in cast iron!!"

>> No.12734505


Kenji tested it and found that mild detergent and warm water will do literally nothing bad to the polymerized fat so long as you're not going at it with a Scotch pad or something.

>> No.12734513
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>> No.12734517


You can wash a cast iron with soap is all I'm saying, which makes OPs point sort of moot.

>> No.12734523

Nigger what? Read your post back to yourself and kill yourself. What the fuck even are you?

>> No.12734541
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>I washed it twice under hot water but it still doesn't get clean
pic related is what your arms look like

>> No.12734559

brainlet post

>> No.12734560
File: 1.46 MB, 320x240, cast_iron.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cant wipe a pan

>> No.12734562

Do you even own a cast iron or are you just angry you wasted $400 on some "chef-approved" shit?

>> No.12734571

I own and use cast iron every day and that's why I know the "just wipe it out" myth is BS.

>> No.12734578

How is it a myth to fucking wipe a pan? Can you even go to the bathroom without help?

>> No.12734584

*wipe pan*
*doesn't get clean*

>> No.12734590

just keep wiping, keep wiping with salt until its clean, I shudder to think of how clean you get in the shower

>> No.12734609

I just boil water on it, scrape off bits with a plastic spatula I bought at home depot,
rinse excess, re-season and its good to go. No damage and seasoning stays intact.

>> No.12734622

yeah water usually does the trick but I assume this guy has never washed a pan in his life

>> No.12734625

Overcooked shit, I'm a cast iron guy and that's painful to watch.

>> No.12734637

You're doing it wrong and turning the meat before it's ready to be turned. You have no idea how to cook and you're using nonstick as a crutch to hide the fact that you have no clue how to sear a piece of meat.

>> No.12734642

"just destroy the seasoning and then re-season it. easy!!"

>> No.12734647
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>You have no idea how to cook

>> No.12734653


>> No.12734679


>getting triggered by a video to demonstrate CIs being non-stick and easy to clean up

Besides, cooking scrambled eggs til firm all the way through doesn't diminish their quality in the slightest

>> No.12734690

The point of searing something is to create a crust that seals the moisture in the rest of the meat off so it doesn't run off during cooking. Once you create a crust, it's not going to stick to anything. You're putting meat in a pan and trying to move it around and its leaving behind bits because it doesn't have a crust.

Also all this seasoning talk is ignorant. Call it what it is, polymerized layers of fat. You can get cast iron and stainless steel and copper as smooth as glass by "seasoning" it correctly. Shit sticks to Teflon too if you don't know how to cook - it's just harder to do if you're completely ignorant about cooking. I saute chicken pieces 3 times a week at least in my cast iron and it wipes out every time. I cook medium steaks pretty much every Sunday and it wipes out every time. You don't know what you're doing and its embarrassing because there are a million youtube videos on it.

>> No.12734700

Look, I only use cast iron. I'm not triggered, the eggs are overcooked. I ate overcooked eggs for 15 years and loved them. There are higher standards and better experiences than that.

>> No.12734718

>expending this much energy to rebuke a retarded cuck face poster.

You're better than that.

>> No.12734722

so why can't you sear with a non cast iron pan? Why put forth extra time maintaining a metal piece of shit when I can use a normal pan like a normal person and cook with a bit of oil or butter and not have shit sticking? Do ironfags cook everything at volcanic temperatures?

>> No.12734733

Did you filet it with your teeth?

>> No.12734744

>can't sear a steak

are you a woman

>> No.12734752
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>> No.12734754

Based and incelpilled. Now go back to your /pol/ circlejerk, ok?

>> No.12734758

Have sex with an incel

>> No.12734767

I never said you couldn't, did I? Teflon (PTFE) and the chemicals used in tandem with it (PFOA) are poisonous, do your damn research. You can get non-PFOA Teflon (PTFE) but the damn Teflon is still terrible stuff to ingest. Meanwhile. Iron is a necessary nutrient, especially for women. Pick one.

>> No.12734775

Learn how to fucking cook

>> No.12734792

>implying I would leave salty-ass animal fats in there long enough for them to re-solidify
I pour the excess grease into a can, wipe with a paper towel, then proceed to rinse with boiling water. I then pour the remaining grease into a sump, dry it on the fire, then put a dab of cooking oil and that's it. Of course, I do all this on a camping trip, because using cast iron at home and doing everything I mentioned is a fucking meme. The main reason for bringing a cast iron along is ideal campfire cooking and not having to use dish soap for cleanup. Using it at home is pretty dumb and pointless.

>> No.12734810

I ended up with a cast iron pan recently with zero knowledge of the differences between cast iron and any other pan - I've been cooking on it like any other pan. Now I've checked out this board and I'm wondering what the fuck I've done/how im supposed to use this thing

I've been wondering why it seems like no amount of soap or scrubbing will get it clean, why eggs literally cant be cooked on it, etc.

>> No.12734830

You have to get a layer of fat or oil going for anything that shouldn't stick, otherwise it's going to stick and make your life harder. Not to say you can't cook everything on it but you have to prepare accordingly, that's why most people can't handle it.

>> No.12734851

I wash my cast iron with soap and water, I just try and keep the scrubbing light and the time with soap on it under a minute, I've occasionally lost some surface seasoning that was immediately back after a few high temp searing sessions with a lot of oil. once you get seasoning actually properly on there, you don't need to fucking treat it like a baby, you can use soap.

>> No.12734865

You build up layers of cooked fat that turn into rock hard and glass smooth polymers that work exactly like poisonous nonstick coatings, and then you take a little bit of care of it. Don't wash it in soap and avoid cooking acidic foods in it. If you fuck cast iron up royally, all you have to do is put some new layers of cooked fat (polymers) into it and its brand new! They will easily last 100 years.

This guy is just memeing, you have to pour out excess grease from any pan you use and wipe it clean. You do not have to boil water in cast iron to clean it and really you should never boil water in a cast iron pan. Probably why that retard struggles with it. Water is to be boiled in a pot. Just another dumbness that can't cook.

>> No.12734880

You seriously never need to use soap. What the hell does soap do anyways? You are doing something wrong. It should rinse clean with hot tap water - with some elbow grease and a sponge at most. There's no reason to use soap at all, ever.

>> No.12734901

sometimes I cook fried stuff in it and it sticks to the side of the pan, i'd rather use a bit of soap then go insane on it with a scrubby pad, maybe I haven't reached le epic level of a pan that 100% immune to anything sticking to it, but I think you guys just use your cast iron so conservatively it never has that issue

>> No.12734907

Post a current picture of that pan.

>> No.12734912

>NOT cooking makes you a woman now.

>> No.12734917

The funny thing is that the seasoning doesn't really come off with the method I use. All my cast iron skillets/griddle/dutch oven look great and this is how I always clean them. I only scrape bits off if they are troublesome for the metal, like tomato residue.

>> No.12734922

>Women cooking
Women don't do anything anymore, and cucks bend over backwards to make that true. If you rely on a woman you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

>> No.12734931

Post a current picture of your pan.

>> No.12734956
File: 12 KB, 300x168, WE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh..


>> No.12735008

>responding to shitposts

>> No.12735040

Teflon is inert, it has one of the most stable bonds there is.

>> No.12735055
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>> No.12735057
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The point of searing something is to create a crust that seals the moisture in

>> No.12735064

literally caked with dried food matter

>> No.12735069

But i wiped it bro...

>> No.12735083

You were doing so well until you got to the end. "Just another dumbass that can't cook". You've allowed yourself to turn into a 4chan stereotype. Do you think anyone is going to take what you are saying to heart when you finish with that?

This is a cancer on this site. No one can write informative posts without peppering it with fucktard, retard, dumbass, you have no idea, zoomer. If someone does something even slightly wrong along comes someone like you to insult them and call them zero IQ.

Just tell people what they are doing wrong and leave it at that and they will actually listen to you.

>> No.12735087

Yeah its called seasoning

>> No.12735088

No, that's just a dirty skillet with caked food matter in it. That's not a seasoned skillet.

>> No.12735090

Post picture of your skillet

>> No.12735097

how would you know it's real?

>> No.12735102

I've found that foods where it's hard to clean up after are generally bad for you. The fat that gunks up a cast iron pan is the same fat that clogs one's arteries.
my clean up is easy because I don't fry things in oil. The mess on my pans dissolves in warm water.

>> No.12735123

>the fat that clogs up the skillet is the fat that clogs up your arteries
Flawed logic anon, what clogs up your arteries are plaques formed from oxidized cholesterol caused by glucose.

>> No.12735126

Nice copout, if you are gonna criticize then back up your claim

>> No.12735146

You are actively ignoring every piece of advice ever given to you. Let's look at your dumbness shortlist, line by line.
>I pour the excess grease into a can
You do this with every pan, moot point
>wipe with a paper towel
Again, moot point
>rinse with boiling water
You do not have to rinse with boiling water, hot tap water and a sponge will do the trick.
>remaining grease into a dump
Doesn't even make sense, this is the first example of you having no idea what you're talking about.
>dry it on a fire
>then put a dab of cooking oil
You fucked that step up, dumbass. Oil goes on after you towel dry the pan, before it goes on the heat. No fucking clue what you're talking about
>I do all this on a camping trip
>doing everything I mentioned is a meme
This is shit trolling.
>main reason... is not having to use dish soap
You can't fucking use Teflon on a fucking FIRE, dumbass. You can use stainless and copper but those have to be seasoned the same damn way cast iron is.
>using it at home is pretty dumb and pointless
What do you use at home then? Teflon?

>> No.12735147

well how do I know your image is real?

>> No.12735157

Except when you scratch it or accidentally go over 450f on any part of the pan...

>> No.12735159

Sounds like the fucktard's just main-lining the grease straight to his veins. With luck, he'll finish himself off any you won't have to correct his stupidity any more.

>> No.12735168
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That was my first post in this thread. On top of that I think you have mixed up at least three other anons in your post.

>> No.12735173

>Women don't do anything anymore
>and cucks bend over backwards to make that true.
So he should be a good cuck and cook?

>> No.12735182

Grow up.

>> No.12735187

the seasoning is there... but it's a little rough, lodge is cheap for a reason, their seasoning is just to keep it from rusting before you buy it. A nice cast iron pan costs $200 nowadays if you want something you don't have to put any effort into. People on YouTube strip and sand lodge pans down and reseason them and shit before ever using them. You don't have to do all that but you could put a few extra layers of polymerized fat on it

>> No.12735191

>A nice cast iron pan costs $200 nowadays if you want something you don't have to put any effort into.
If I wanted a good cast iron pan I could just go down to any vendor's mall and find a vintage one in good shape for like $40. Or just ebay it.

>> No.12735194

Don't defend other people because they got called a name then, dumbass. Go dilate.

>> No.12735201

I agree, I meant to say new. My best ones are from thrift stores. I have a lodge 15 inch and it was the hardest of anything I've ever bought to get up to snuff.

>> No.12735202
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just take your pick

>> No.12735211
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>tfw don't have autism
>wash pan with soap and water like a normal person
>just a quick oil wipe after drying
>pan is nonstick enough for crêpes and kinshi tamago without hassle

>A nice cast iron pan costs $200 nowadays if you want something you don't have to put any effort into.
Mine is an unbranded pan with a Made In Taiwan stamp on the bottom.

>> No.12735213

Getting people to not wash their disgusting cast iron pans is probably the greatest troll of all time. It's 2019 and people STILL are cooking out of shit that hasn't been cleaned since their grandma was 15. No wonder so many people die of cancer.

>> No.12735242

That's way nicer than a new lodge. I meant to specify it being new, sorry. There's also cheap Chinese shit but they often have cadmium and stuff in them at toxic levels.

>> No.12735244

Thank you, I really appreciate the input. Danding seems like a lot of work, but I do notice a few specs of iron sticking out

>> No.12735251

See that looks beautiful

>> No.12735253

To be fair, Teflon and aluminum are toxic when ingested. I doubt these millennial retards not rinsing out their iron pans is causing all the cancers.

>> No.12735333

it's 632F and no one is cooking that high unless they are grilling.

>> No.12735378

PTFE starts chemically decomposing at less than 400f. 600f is where it starts completely melting. I'm an engineer at a company that makes cable and wire with PTFE coatings, we have machines that extrude it onto wire and cable.

>> No.12735383

You've inspired me to sand down my lodge now

>> No.12735428

I posted a youtube link earlier in the thread where the guy seasons a wok, it's probably stainless steel but the concept is the same.. take a day and dedicate it to putting several layers of "seasoning" on it. Lodge is a great company and that skillet will last you forever. You could have bought a stargazer or some shit but you saved $100+ instead. Put some effort into it and it'll be totally nonstick. Don't wash it with soap or boil water in it and avoid cooking tomatoes or other acidic foods like lemons and oranges on it, just rinse it out, scrub it with a clean sponge or brush, dry it and toss it in the oven. Once a week maybe wipe it clean, dab a little oil on it and bake it dry. It's seriously not that much work.

>> No.12735454

>spray it out with hot water and then wipe the pan dry

>> No.12735490

If lodge is so great, why can't they mill their pans flat?

>> No.12735499

Thank you anon, I also have a lodge 14 quart dutch oven my boomer neighbor sold me for 25 dollars. Do you recommend I sand and smooth it out or just keep seasoning it? I used it once to make cowboy chilli and it came out amazing but now I'm worried about doing that again due to the acidity of the dish. I keep reading as long as the oven is well seasoned the acidity shouldn't affect it, any experience with this matter? Thanks!

>> No.12735535

they intentionally texture them like that with river rocks to give them their unique design

>> No.12735545

Enamel pots are better for cooking beans and chilis but as long as you clean it and don't let it set for days.

>> No.12735576

yeah putting grease down your drain is really smart.

you are supposed to get paper towels and wipe up all the grease until there is basically nothing left. then wash with soap etc.

>> No.12735584

One time i wiped up hot grease with paper towels and threw it into the trash, immediately

Burned a giant hole right through the trash bag and made a huge mess. My retardation stronk.

>> No.12735595

y'all niggaz don't compost?

>> No.12735612

Look up the price of other iron cookware made in the U.S...

>> No.12735614

That won't work.

>> No.12735618

Having to bake a skillet in the oven once a week is a chore I have no desire to do.

>> No.12735622

That's a different beast. Does it need to be nonstick? Probably not. Just keep it clean and don't let it rust. Acidic dishes may strip the seasoning - just clean it, oil it and bake it.

>> No.12735627

It's like 10 seconds of work twice over 30 minutes. If you can't manage that your kitchen is probably a shithole and you should stick to totinos in the microwave.

>> No.12735644

dance monkey dance

>> No.12735682

You can't get laid if you still live with mummy but you also still can't get laid if you actually get a girl over to your place and your kitchen is a sinkhole. Clean your room and season your pans.

>> No.12735815
File: 8 KB, 455x521, 13509843012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't get laid if you still live with mummy but you also still can't get laid if you actually get a girl over to your place and your kitchen is a sinkhole. Clean your room and season your pans.

>> No.12735997

Is that your self portrait?

>> No.12735999

No, obsessive cleaning is for girly soyboy homos. Men don't have time to waste on such frivolous niceties. A clean home is what is known as "a woman's touch."

>> No.12736018

Thank you gents

>> No.12736048

>just rinse it off
Thread confirms cast iron pans are filthy reservoirs of old food and fat. Disgusting.

>> No.12736067

Wait, you all don't wash grease down the drain?

>> No.12736084

I've cleaned a pan that dirty before, more than once. You need a ton of detergent, hot water and elbow grease (scrubbing). The easiest time to clean a pan that dirty is right after cooking which I would certainly do but when you live with lazy pigs, you come across such a pan sometimes.

>> No.12736123


>> No.12736302

And I'm sure your dad works at Nintendo.
Just don't cook it at 400 degrees. If it is inert outside the body and doesn't react with hydrochloric acid, then it should pass through you.

>> No.12736495

I mean. Soap used to have lye in it. Lye melts fat. Don't use lye soap on cast. Your shitty bottle of ajax that you've been watering down for weeks isn't going to touch it.

>> No.12736952

>own a cast iron
>don't actually know if I'm using it properly

>> No.12737487

cooking was always a masculine thing. in all of the kitchens ive worked in, ive only ever worked with men. on place had a ftm tranny but she couldnt take the pressure and had to quit.
women just cant handle real cooking.

>> No.12737502

firm scrambled eggs are fucking disgusting
just like you

>> No.12737506

was her name caitlin or cain by any chance

>> No.12737517

close. her birthname was Anastasia but she changed it to Caspian

>> No.12737522

princess anastasia drowned in the caspian sea

>> No.12737547
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>cooking was always a masculine thing
Too young to remember high school had cooking electives (Home Ec)? They were filled mostly or entirely with girls. Was even a common recycled sitcom plot point where one of the high school boy protagonists would sign up for Home Ec to try to get laid because of how cooking courses were always filled with girls.

>> No.12737555

women are unironically trash though

>> No.12737577

okay but thats little bitch cooking. if you ever worked in a real restaurant you'd know very few women are strong enough to handle the pressure. the tranny i worked with would burst into tears if the exec chef some much as raised his voice at her, and we'd all have to stop to console her so she'd get back to work.
shit was so god damn annoying.

>> No.12737588

It's just like people don't know how to start a fire with flint and tinder anymore. It's really going downhill with society.

>> No.12737595

Teflon is literally chemtrails.
When will people wake up?

>> No.12737630
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>Not living with mommy and not living in filth is soy.
kek, teach us, anon! how sad does your life have to be before you're not soy?

>> No.12737761

Bah, who needs modern technology like that? Just rub two sticks together.

>> No.12737867

This. Any time anything actually does stick, that's what steel wool is for. Unless it's just meat, in which case it's time for wine.

>> No.12739572

Heat, pour oil into container, wipe out with towel or use a bit of hot water if there's solids left. Stupid fucking animal.

>> No.12739893

Leave pan with fine coating of grease and tiny food particles, use same greasy pan to cook food next time. Sounds like you’re the stupid fucking animal.

>> No.12739910
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this is still going?
it was just a joke, guys.

>> No.12739917

>he doesn't have a garbage disposal

>> No.12740059

>mixing it around
Such stupidity
Just needs one good flip

>> No.12740063

I'm not banking on "should"

>> No.12740071

I pour a thin layer of water and boil whatever is stuck

>> No.12740074

That's interesting didn't realise that was the go thanks OP, i ussually just pour the bacon fat out and use it for cooking other things.

>> No.12740107
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>"Teflon Free"
>Coated with microscopic diamonds and polytetrafluoroethene
>"Non stick"

>> No.12740872

>soap in cast iron

>> No.12740891

It takes a bit of effort

>> No.12740912
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What is the fucking point of this you hipster cunts? Tired of hearing about cast iron skillets in 2019, you're an asshole, your pan does nothing mine doesn't do, and I don't have to coddle mine like a small retarded infant.

Season a big cast iron dick and shove it up your fucking ass.

>> No.12741006

I still use my old grandmas wagnerware dildo. Slick, black, and shiny... shame they don’t make them like they used to. Cast iron is the best for storing heat, I run mine under 98deg water before use for a realistic feeling

>> No.12741014

>cooking was always a masculine thing. in all of the kitchens ive worked in, ive only ever worked with men.

You only have to go back like 50 years and the majority of professional cooks were women.

Nowadays it's true that there's more men in the field.

>> No.12741017

This one?

>> No.12741209
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>doesn't understand heat control

>> No.12741245

Looks so bland and shitty, mate.