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File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, St.-Ides-Bottles-40oz-1-pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12729701 No.12729701 [Reply] [Original]

That first sip of the day

>> No.12731425
File: 126 KB, 720x480, 1559616689265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking alcohol

OK loser

>> No.12731430

>dying of AIDS related illnesses

OK homosexual

>> No.12731575

Im sober tonight and it fucking sucks. Thought I could cut the drinks down to once a week. Nah. Drinking is a Friday and Saturday gig.

>> No.12731882

got me a 12 pack of pbr

>> No.12731894

neo /ck/ is shit, and its your fault.

>> No.12731923

Only ever seen negroes drinking this. Fucking garbage

>> No.12731934

On workdays I wake up at 4 in a stupor (instead of 5, which is when my alarm is set for, after drinking til between 11pm and 2am), and I slam 2 or 3 9.5% beers (Victory Brewing sour monkey) before heading in to my fairly hardcore construction job [I am a bridge painter/sandblaster]. on weekend nights, after spending my visitation time with my toddler son and dropping him off, i get trashed and make all manner of bad decisions.

tl;dr please moderate your drinking and don't wind up like this lonely 29 year old father

>> No.12731949

>malt liquor

I understand cost-effectiveness, but, damn, it's a lot closer to the end of the slippery slope than I like. That said, I'm down to white Lamb's and water, so I can't judge.

>> No.12731951

>only 29
>speaks of "winding up" as something
takes like 3 days at the max to taper off from that level of drinking mate. stop taking the easy way out. you'll have insomnia for a while but that's a small price to pay for cleaning up your misery

>> No.12731958

oh i see you drink in the morning and get trashed at night
well it'll take a week or maybe more to taper off somewhat painlessly but again, it's worth it. i was at a 12'er per day minimum habit earlier this year and got clean for 2 months, now i actually drink in moderation. it's fucking crazy and i never thought it was possible to enjoy having a bottle of wine over the course of a whole night

>> No.12731964

I remembered when I first started drinking heavy. Start at 8pm and pass out before midnight. Then I'd wake up at 2am, sober and extremely pissed off. Little more vodka and then back to bed, only to get up at 5am, drive into work as a sparky, still half-drunk until coffee time.

Now, I can literally drain a 75cl of Stoli in a night, not blackout, wake up moderately on-time and drive to work more or less sober. Helps that we're a '6:30 on the site' kind of company, and not a '6:30 on the tools' one. Fucking electricians for you.

>> No.12732210
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>> No.12732447

I really miss those tree's blowing in the wind

>> No.12732470

That is called getting blasted

>> No.12732492

A year sober in a few days

I really dont miss chasing that feel

>> No.12732494

Have a drink to celebrate. Just half a beer won't hurt.

>> No.12732649

Congrats bro. 6 months myself. I don't miss it either.

>> No.12732684

I do this. I wake up at 430-5 am. Have one cup of coffee to help me go to the BR then I drink about 3 beers, then I'll eat a small breakfast. Work or at home doesn't matter. I prolly drink at least 12-15 per day. I'm not a drunk either and havent been "drunk" in years. I have a very high tolerance to alcohol plus it helps settle my stomach in the morning. I legit feel so awful if I don't have a few beers In the morning after waking up. I don't eat right tho. I have a decent breakfast, a light lunch or snack and that's it. I'm certainly not proud of it and recognize that it's probably not normal. Idk

>> No.12732945

I usually start at 8pm get smashed cook something at like 2am make a mess and stumble to bed.

>> No.12733614


>> No.12733713
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I can't drink during the day, my hangovers are fucking horrible even when I drink water before blacking out. I usually start at 9pm and stop at 3am. I fucking hate getting drunk because I already fucked so much shit up but I can't stop because nothing anesthesiates life like alcohol does.

I'm downing 2/3 of vodka every night as of now. I think when I move on to a full bottle there won't be a way to back out of it.

>> No.12733971
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Whatchu know about that

>> No.12734001
File: 232 KB, 966x1200, C53UOJ_WQAILbWc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bout to get two 32's later and make some ribs and mash. Comfy day lads.

>> No.12734189

don't ever talk to me or my son again

>> No.12734212
File: 219 KB, 650x400, 41D2F87E-78D8-4615-9607-CA6F9AE56208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12734218


>> No.12734225

I remember seeing a TV ad for this stuff at like 2 AM and being terrified of the black people and message it sent. It seemed very third world and mysterious, even the picture was blurry and the sound distorted. Im pretty sure this wasnt meant for me, but I do like Steel Reserve. Im not in this demographic.

>> No.12734233

>i saw black people on the tv and it scared me
jesus fucking christ

>> No.12734237

Probably nothing

>> No.12734561

Good job, over a year sober here
I'm starting to get bad cravings though, I can get over them but apparently it's not uncommon to relapse around the one year mark
Makes me especially cautious

>> No.12734574


Do you go to meetings?

>> No.12734591

No I just read a lot about it online back when I was at my worst
It saved my ass from quitting cold turkey which would've ended tragically, even tapering off was rough

>> No.12734669

t. Mormon