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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12733809 No.12733809 [Reply] [Original]

hack fraud or based?

>> No.12733812

stop promoting yourself here, Adam.

>> No.12733816
File: 284 KB, 960x1440, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12733817

Looks like he cooks lots of kosher stuff

>> No.12733819

If /ck/ can actually point out the reasons as to why his recipes are bad and don't taste good, then he's probably not worth watching

But if he just gets memed on for serving mediocre food, give it a shot

>> No.12733824

Maybe hes just a dude making decent vids for a paycheck

>> No.12733866

pedophile incel yosboy cuck.

>> No.12733872

Soy isnt filtered here you tourist

>> No.12733874

I’m not circumventing the wordfilter :^)

>> No.12733875

How do you do that? Every time I type the word s*y, it changes it to onions.

>> No.12733887

Anyone have the shop of him where it says "why I prep my wife and not the bull"?

>> No.12734294


>> No.12734511

I like the amount of research he does, but there is an aura of faginess around him

>> No.12734567

The last video I saw of his was titled "How to make a white pizza that's actually good". I didn't click on it because fuck that attitude coming in. He's a pretentious jerk that is nowhere near the cook he thinks he is.

>> No.12734579
File: 198 KB, 1000x1000, ayy lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its the daily thread about adam made by adam to inflate his own ego
unironically rope yourself

>> No.12734686

>10^89 insects
There aren't even that many insects on Earth.

>> No.12734929

>"why season my shit that comes out of my ass, not the food I eat"

>> No.12734953

it's parody i could tell by the second one cmon

>> No.12735039


>> No.12735060

videos are marginally interesting but he's far too much of a tryhard

>> No.12735780

>clickbaity titles
>assertive tone
>only talks about the most basic shit while overcomplicating stuff so casual food people get the "wow" effect of him going all anal over glorified fast food
how could he not succeed

>> No.12735892
File: 677 KB, 1011x974, adamraguseapornhub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting this loser

>> No.12735928

I try the stuff he does that I've not tried and it's not bad, but his technique is fucking stupid sometimes. His pot pie video he doesn't cut steam holes in the the pie because they'll open on their own...and it's like "bro, they open on their own because you don't cut steam holes!" Also he deglazes his chicken gravy with fucking white wine and then water instead of stock. He seems really opposed to using stock for some reason.

>> No.12735939

I've made a few of his recipes and they were good, except that shitty faggot cake which sucked.

>> No.12735943
File: 83 KB, 1600x1200, reddit-alien-red-st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

E-celebs and "epic memes" like "le soy" posting belong on pic related. Both go back.

>> No.12735958

you know you've made it when someone makes a blacked edit of you

>> No.12735976


>> No.12735981

Reddit doesn’t soypost. They ARE the soy.

>> No.12736911

so now there are casual food people

>> No.12737341


This dude's problem is that he's a mediocre cook who thinks too highly of himself and just throw stupid hacks that may very superficially make sense but are actually very retarded.

"hur dur your sauce should be too salty because it's going to be eaten with pasta" pasta are already salted in the water dumbass.

>> No.12737345

Soy detected

>> No.12737372

Damn, TWO shill threads at once? Wow!


>> No.12738458

based hack fraud

>> No.12739019

He just released a video that is literally the same as one Kenji already did except 5 times as long.

>> No.12739025

Isnt is really scary when psychopaths pretend to be joe schmoe? The way how he sells himself as a busy father, an everyman, that just cooks trying to emulate what his mom made (if he was ever raised by one). Its pretty obvious adam ragoosher has put his cold calculative mind to work and broke down what elements a good likeable youtube channel requires, as well as the recipes he chose to use. Like the ice cube trays. The simple "life hacks." Adam ragoosh is not a hack, not a chef. He is barely there, but all his functioning is put towards becoming likeable. What he lacks is what makes him so disturbing - whereas other youtubers are very simple and honest in that they deeply desire acceptance and acknowledgement, adam does not. I can tell he just wants to do something "the right way," but he doesn't actually care for it. The "right way" is just the path of least resistance, because obviously having no enemies is better than having a lot, right? So adam is not exactly invested, not emotionally nor by principle. He simply does the way that people say it should be done. Hes not a harmless sociopath. Listening to what is popular and right, he breaks down the how-to and executes. Bolognese, chicken dinners, oven fries. All things the masses eat, and if you ask Adam, he will tell you hes a part of the masses as well. But therell be no substance to that response. No pained nuance, no complex hints. Just his eyes, wide open, lips flapping to make sure your puny brain catches his planned words. Because this is what you like, right fellow plebe? Frozen bolognese to eat for the whole week! Goody. High five man!

>> No.12740130

Hes got some good videos, but hes overly pretentious and snobby about even the most basic of things.

>> No.12740304

would rather watch him over that faggot babish any day

>> No.12740348
File: 268 KB, 100x100, 1551859530115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That nose
Don't know who he is but I'd never watch a kike youtuber. Stay away OP

>> No.12740391
File: 1.34 MB, 2816x2112, fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, poltard

>> No.12740396

There's something off about him. Maybe its the too together eyes or the try-hard attitude.

>> No.12740508

He’s cool. But is he a psychopath?

>> No.12740667

Has anyone tried his recipes?

I gave his Bolognese a go and it was ok, but not using Worcestershire sauce, red wine or garlic is weird to me

>> No.12741116

Tried his chicken. It was incredibly boring and in actuality a fucking retarded method, especially with the thighs

>> No.12741119


>> No.12741122

He's an average cook who probably made those dumb videos to fuck around. Like a form of shitposting that might actually trick the people watching into either doing what he does or making them think he actually does it

>> No.12741180


>> No.12741323

So why DOES he prep his wife, and not the bull?

>> No.12741444

I'm totally new to /ck/, what's the deal with that guy? Is he like the Richard Stallman of /ck/?

>> No.12741554


>> No.12742585

>assertive tone
Ive noticed this too

>> No.12743993

Hack. I have never been so annoyed by a cooking video.

>> No.12743999

I really just hate the way he talks

>Why I DON'T use a fryer, and use the far superior oven method I've devised

He acts like he's a middle aged three star master chef giving lectures at a culinary institute