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12731435 No.12731435 [Reply] [Original]

That bar guy here again

Watermelon vodka went well, adding it to my simple mango chilli rum and coconut rum. now bitches can have rainbow shots for 60c
Kefir gin was improved by using younger leaves and a faster infusion- next time I'm going to try repeatedly adding blanched kefir lime leaves for a shorter period

Goji baijui went well, will make ginger baijui today
the high proof of ertougou is perfect for preserving other bar ingregients like ginger that have limited shelf life
I made a new cocktail today with baijui, ginger syrup, ginger ale, mint. turns out a similar one "far east" exists.

No luck yet on making cointreu, I have found a base spirit that's suitable but oranges are prohibitively expensive
I will sous vide the bitter peel and natural dye (flower based), then leave the cloves in it.
caracao blue is still on hold, I've found a natural source of blue dye but no bitter orange- back to Chinatown

I also have anise to make ouzo- I think it's as simple as leaving it to steepe

tomorrow spiced rum, any recipes appreciated
to save time I'm going to infuse it under pressure, I'm just concerned some spices (cardamon, looking at you) will infuse too fast.

>> No.12731467
File: 43 KB, 870x565, baijou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baijui for those who aren't aware is a Chinese spirit made primarily from a kind of grain, sorghum- often used like corn as an animal fodder.

It has a VERY savory nature and is very hard to mix, it's typically drunk like whiskey because despite being "white" it has a similar flavor breakdown

most white people gag, spit it out and never try it again

>> No.12731685

Isn't distilling at home illegal like everywhere? what the fuck are we going to discuss.

>> No.12731699

I can distill perfectly fine in all of eastern europe and in switzerland for personal consumption.

>> No.12732978

>listening to the man
baking bread will be illegal too soon

>> No.12732981

Moonshine tastes better than boot. You should try it.

>> No.12732998

Based liberty posters

>> No.12733003

Tom Papa on notice

>> No.12733119

I highly doubt anyone would make an issue of it unless you were giving it out to children who go out and commit crimes while drunk.

>> No.12733183

I started making elberberry wine, then reducing it to a syrup to make gelato

then beer, sake, wine, bourbon, moonshine

actually they will get right up your ass, even in rural areas.
The issue is that the government makes too many jew taxes on alcohol and considers your homebrew a form of tax evasion.

you're not a consumer, you're an alcohol addict and the government is your dealer

I had to be clandestine as fuck about taking pure alcohol off rum and mixing it with our bacardi 151 to keep costs down

>> No.12733241

ostensibly methanol poisoning is why home distilling is illegal
also fun fact, making applejack by freezing out the water of cider is also considered illegal

>> No.12733259
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It's strictly fuel alcohol for my home use, anon

>> No.12733273

oh in assam last year like 135 people died because pajeet tried to make moonshine out of animal grade fruit slurry.

I don't see why like shooting you shouldn't just take a mandatory education course in brewing and pay for a license which just covers the cost of the testing

I've seen a lot of methanol poisoning in my time, glutinous rice wine in Lao was probaby the worst, or the rum ("whiskey") in india- in india because of uncontrolled supply chains there's simply no way of knowing what's genuine, you just get a higher or lower grade counterfeit

I had a scare or two.
Once I saw steeping fruit in pure spirit, I had 40% alcohol and I figured I could add a third fruit pulp by volume to make it 30% juice would have made it 27% but pulp doesn't mix with the liquor 100%.

But I failed to figure the fruit pulp would absorb a disproportionate amount of ethanol and the water would be displaced- so the juice was only 23 or something while the pulp was 28- I think it underwent a secondary fermentation.
thankfully it was visible, but potentially if the bottle was in storage it could have poisoned someone

>> No.12733339
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I have a distinct memory of leaving my apartment last night.
I do not have a distinct memory of returning to my apartment last night.

I'm kind of nervous. I don't know if I got kicked out, or left of my own accord.

I can't find my glasses.

I have 2 receipts for a little over 10 dollars. I don't know what I could have spent that money on.

I think I vaguely remember hinting at some girl that I would buy her, her next drink, before getting bored and walking to another part of the bar.

Did I mention that there's a pool of vomit in my apartment, that I don't remember puking?

I don't really care about getting a refund on my card, since it's only a little over 10 bucks.

I'm kind of fucking nervous though.
I kind of hope I didn't go on a /pol/tardian rant.

What else should I check on?
>Pic not directly related.

I'm thinking I'll ask the apartment and the bar if there's any surveillance of me leaving the bar, and ask them if they had to kick me out or something.

>> No.12733512

based drunkposter

>> No.12733514

thank you for validating my existence. can you tell me how to not feel sick in my stomach anymore. Puking in the garbage can.

>> No.12733608

I would recomend to eat two slices of white bread/ handfull of cooked rice, to help your stomache with the acid.

If you're throwing up it's going to happen, but don't dry heave as it can damage your eusopegus.
pressing your thumb on your forehead supresses the gag reflex and can help with this (dont as k me why)

keep drinking water slowly unless you are dry-retching, aim to drink two liters before you pass out

take an intiacid and a paracetamol if you have them, don't use milk or cheese as a substitute

pass out on your face


>> No.12733667

I am curious what was the problem with the alcohol mixture you were making? I have no clue about distilling, or fermentation so I cannot decipher the problem.

>> No.12734128
File: 45 KB, 400x300, 1562059903076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless you were giving it out to children who go out and commit crimes while drunk
then whats the point? killjoy

>> No.12734147

bullshit, unless you drink the forshot straight there is no more methanol in a batch then in beer. its illegal because the Govt. mafia wants their vice tax

>> No.12734284

I’m so fucking sick of the law. I got a fucking ticket for riding my bike with both my earbuds in the other day because some stupid fucking pig had a quota to make. If you want to distill your own alcohol do it in your own home and just don’t tell anyone. No one will know.

>> No.12734527

basically from what I understand the alcohol percentage of a liquor has to be high enough that it kills anything that would continue to digest the sugars in the drink and produce ethanol (potentially methanol)

I reasoned that my fruit pulp/liquor mix was above this percentage, but I didn't understand that the alcohol percentage wouldn't be equal between the fruit pulp and the liquor ir was in

the fruit pulp absorbed more than it's fair share of ethanol, leaving the overall liquor too weak to stop bacteria/yeast attacking it and leaving methanol

>> No.12734533

>drink the forshot straight
we arnen't the people that do that, nut there are people who would
t. have seen home brewers "taste test" liquor in all stages of brewing, and brewers who don't steralize or even measure their sugars

>> No.12735470

>I got a fucking ticket for riding my bike with both my earbuds in the other day
Really? Driving with the radio on isn't a crime.

>that would continue to digest the sugars in the drink and produce ethanol
Doesn't yeast die at roughly 15%? You should've been good. Poisoning is probably still possible at low abv though.

>> No.12736537

It’s ‘baijiu’ not ‘baijui’, fucking gweiloh.

>> No.12736557

Actual home distiller here, please don’t listen to anyone above this post. Most of the info so far in this thread is nonsense. And no, soaking fruit in spirits isn’t ‘making homemade spirits’.

>> No.12736675

It's phonetic, fuck off Mao

you're right in that I'm just flavoring blank spirits currently- but I want actual brewers in this thread

I'm having trouble with sheft stability, I'm going to start using an emulsifier to stop the fruit and alcohol separating in the bottle (only a problem with coconut rum)

citric acid I hope will stop the mango rum discoloring

I've got agar and I'm hoping to suspend seeds too, because if they float or sink it doesn't look good in the bottle

I would like to make 3/5 40%ABV rum, 7/10 fresh juice and 2/10 sugar so I can pour it as shooters- but I'm worried my ABV overall might be too low- unsure if sugar will help

well I got mould on the top of the liquor, so something came to the surface

and yea 15% will kill yeast, but something was alive in there- I suspect bacteria in the fruit pulp that grew before the pulp absorbed the alcohol

there's the potential that my blank spirit was counterfeit,

>> No.12736744

>it’s phonetic
No it’s not, you fucking moron. Baijiu is pronounced ‘bye-zhe-yew’, what you’ve written would be pronounced ‘bye-zhu-way’.
They’re two completely different pronunciations, you bullshit artist.

>> No.12736760

I use a reflux still to make neutral spirits at about 92%abv and flavour/backsweeten afterwards.
What you’re doing is maceration, and at 40%abv you should not be getting additional fermentation in the bottle. If you do manage to culture a yeast that’ll secondary ferment at that alcohol range, you could become a very, very wealthy man.
Using emulsifiers, agar etc is basically taking a shitty product and making it worse. If you really want to make things like coconut rum and mango rum with agar and artificial ingredients, I can’t help you- I make actual spirits, not shitty macerated liqueurs. I just hope that your shitty dorm-room pruno kills you before you kill someone else.

>> No.12736805

so much hate on /ck/

making high proof neutral spirits is the natural next step- better by far than starting with low quality white spirits

There's nothing artificial I use at the moment (not that I think it matters)
but I really have to use an emulsifier to get particles to suspend in the bottles, basil seeds, tapioca, dragon fruit seeds.

I'm not sure if agar, soy lecithin or another emulsifier will work best but we will see

>> No.12736815

I hate you because you’re a dangerous, inexperienced, uneducated idiot, and people like you give home distillers like me a bad name when you fuck up and get caught out.

>> No.12736827

well I guess nobody in the world but you should be able to make spirits- there's somebody out there who thinks you're inexperienced too.

I am a noted bartender, but making spirits is relatively new to me, though I've brewed beer, wine and sake before results were mixed