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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 500x402, fondant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12722036 No.12722036 [Reply] [Original]

Fondant is gross and ruins cakes. If you use it your a faggot who thinks food is for looking not eating. You can make something look nice and be edible at the same time you fucking goons.
Fuck fondant, and fuck cake ""chefs"" who can't decorate a cake properly without it.

>> No.12722045

I don't think about cake. It's ok. I don't understand why it's considered obligatory.

>> No.12722059

That's not a very brave opinion, OP.

>> No.12722065

continue to rage
no one really cares , except you ,
and you're nobody anyway.

>> No.12722070

OP's right you know

>> No.12722075

marzipan master race.

>> No.12722077

all cakes are for faggots, faggot.

>> No.12722081

well ,
we don't really need to embalm people when they die either , it just turns them into soup after they are put in that hermetically sealed metal box , it is just something that is done and has been done for along time , just like fondant.

>> No.12722094
File: 715 KB, 947x627, Capture d’écran 2019-08-01 à 18.04.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only low-skilled pastry chefs overuse it, every decent chef uses only as a last resort.
The only way for one to be exposed to enough fondant that it annoys you this much is if you have never ventured outside of basic-bitch baking

>> No.12722383

Yeah, Ace of Cakes was a garbage show

>> No.12722392

now that your temper trantrum has had making you better feeling?

>> No.12722400

it's true. you can do a light glaze so that candied decorations can stick to your cake better. Or you can up your piping game.

The problem is that in big commercial patisseries where they get so many damn orders per day, doing pretty decorations on every single cake isn't possible. They may have to start sculpting with fondant to make that eye-catch in a short amount of time.

i sympathize with OP but food & cooking can never be perfect 100% of the time. sometimes it hurts, but it's OK. We'll all live.

>> No.12722424

>all these people defending fondant
I guess it's true that people on /ck/ CAN'T cook

>> No.12722454

OP is extremely based and red pilled

>> No.12722465

Go wash your hair with baked beans, fag.

>> No.12722468

>make a cake
>decorate it
>The cake is 99% fondant and 1% cake

>> No.12722486
File: 193 KB, 1000x667, 20150410photo-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's upload pictures of proper desserts

Who is defending it?
Saying that OP is whinny doesn't mean that people are defending sugar paste

>> No.12722490

anyone saying OP is whiny is defending Big Fondant and the profits the 1% makes of schmucks who mindlessly shovel garbage into their mouths because they were told that the rich do it.

>> No.12722500

>buy novelty cake
>be surprised when it's mostly inedible flavorless sugary hard shit
Wow imagine that, on a TV show no less.

>> No.12722525

Sounds like the cope post of someone who lost the great british bake off

>> No.12722537
File: 49 KB, 640x480, paris-brest-640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these cakes look like toys, like a caricature of a a cake, almost like a balloon sculpture
I would rather buy a nice-looking cake instead of a tasteless plasticine-looking model of something else

Are you OP?

>Buy cake for a celebration
>It's mostly inedible flavorless sugary hard shit
>Ruin what would have being a perfect day
>G-guys... i-it's supposed to be a novelty cake!
Not an excuse, the Paris-Brest was also a cake invented for a special occasion, but instead of making an unimaginative sugar sculpture Louis Durand took the idea of a bicycle wheel and created one of the most famous desserts in history

>> No.12722542

Super Market Cakes > Every other cake
I'd rather take some 16 year old mexican making my cake, then a shitty pastry chef who'll charge me 3x what his actual labor was.

>> No.12722552

TV Dinner > Every restaurant
>I'd rather take some 16 year old mexican making my food, THAN a shitty chef who'll charge me 3x what his actual labor was.

>> No.12722555

Who the fuck goes to restaurants for dinner? I just eat whatevers in my fridge at the time.

>> No.12722558
File: 20 KB, 320x320, 57009247_1054277134755830_8148315000034927549_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck goes to restaurants for dinner?

>> No.12722586

I’ll take a 16 year old Mexican for any given task at any given time

>> No.12722591

>If you

>> No.12722608

where the fuck do you live where a mexican teenager is baking cakes? The supermarket I go to the cakes are all made by white ladies past age 60

>> No.12722614

Is there a word for expressing a safe opinion for brownie points?

>> No.12722638

uncle tom

>> No.12722652


>> No.12722689

Fondant looks so delicious but I've only ever had it once (from easy bake or something) as a kid so I forgot the taste
Where can I try it? I think I'm one of the few that may like it

>> No.12722702

Imagine a bland sugary taste.
Like a bland marshmellow

>> No.12722710
File: 99 KB, 512x512, awful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe, it doesn't quite capture that feeling of societal bootlicking and being a shit eating conformist masquerading as a contrarian.
Like those gay confession bear memes.

>> No.12722725
File: 74 KB, 460x478, pokemon go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12722730
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>> No.12722739

Why don't they just make good tasting fondant

>> No.12722755
File: 604 KB, 634x660, killed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12722767

I can't
I keep imagining something good on accident :(
Like a very mellow vanilla taffy flavor

>> No.12722769
File: 2.27 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_9719edited1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, nothing else
The bad part is the texture. It is very dense, pasty, but also a bit gummy. It gets in the way of the other ingredients and it really has no pairing as it is so tasteless. A mediocre application of whipped cream and then covering it with grounded biscuits would look better, requires next to no technique, taste better, have a better texture and add to the whole cake.

There is just no reason to ever use Fondant
>Chocolate is better at sculpting
>Caramel is God-tier at taking any consistency
>Marzipan is a better paste that has its own flavor
>Whipped cream and merengue are lighter, can be pipped, you can control the sweetness, you can control the texture, can need less tools to use, taste better and look presentable
>Just leaving the cake naked and accepting natural-looking food looks better than fondant
>Graces make anything well layered look restaurant-grade
Why would anyone want to use Fondant?

Is not the taste, but the texture and looks that are the problem

>> No.12722772

I mean if you wanna know, just mix together cornstarch, water, and a large amount of sugar then taste it.

>> No.12722779

Wait you're right why didn't I look up a recipe for it??

>> No.12722816
File: 100 KB, 1360x2040, Marzipan-Plated-Cravings-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called Marzipan

>> No.12722987

Chowder, you can't eat your city! This is why you're not supposed to midnight snack!

>> No.12723000

Do what the client wants. Everything else is wrong. Fuck you, I got paid.

>> No.12723051

t.fondant lover

>> No.12723109
File: 194 KB, 975x650, 54069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck eats cake
>not your grandma's recipe

>> No.12723169

>one of the most famous desserts in history
Literally never heard of it until today.

>> No.12723177

What's that?

>> No.12723184

You know what is? Its Instagram cakes. There's so much shit people buy just so they can take aesthetic gram pics its starting to drive the zeitgeist of some things.

>> No.12723326

Fondant is for faggots. Buttercream is the icing of patricians.

>> No.12724010

If you're making your own buttercream icing make sure you add about 1/4 teaspoon of lemon extract.

>> No.12724024

lmfao fondant took off well before instagram you no context zoomer

this is good recipe-specific advice but not good general advice.

>> No.12724026

>cake ""chefs""
If only there was a word for that....

>> No.12724044


>> No.12724054

While I enjoy chocolate covered marzipan and stollen quite a bit, I stand with you, OP. Fondant ruins cakes and it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.12724177

Meant to say Glace, like >>12722486

>> No.12724207


>> No.12724292

not he, but I also don't like it. lunch at a restaurant is fine, but dinner is some peasant shit that the rich Jew has brainwashed you into doing. it's never enjoyable, it's always too late and people always order more than they can eat and then beg me to stuff myself. it's misery all around that only idiots who bought into the hallmark movie meme do as an attempt to force themselves to be happy like a movie star.

>> No.12724330

lol what? the most expensive part of marzipan is the almonds and you can usually find them dumb cheap if you look around a little
the real scoop on marzipan is that it's one of the only times people don't even bother pretending to care about raw egg. somehow it's """dangerous""" in batter or meringue or whatever but the second you mix it with almonds and sugar you're good to go?

>> No.12724338

Maybe it depends on the style of restaurant? Our lunch menu is borderline half-assed compared to what gets put together for dinner.

>> No.12724417

Cake is gross and disgusting in the first place.
Cakes aren't about taste, they're about looking good.

>> No.12724445

>Cakes aren't about taste, they're about looking good.
imagine being so wrong

>> No.12724456

>watch cake boss
>it's actually about rice krispy treats and fondant
every time

>> No.12724502

I went wedding cake tasting and every bakery specializing in weddings made the most disgusting cakes covered in gross fondant with all these stupid novelty designs. It was awful, I ended up finding a real bakery to make a plain tiered cake that blows the fuck out of every over-decorated garbage fondant cake.

>> No.12724512

unfortunately with event cakes like that it's rare to find great taste and great design together without spending more on a cake than you probably ought

>> No.12724903

>It's mostly inedible flavorless sugary hard shit

I wish that was the fucking case.

Fondant usually tastes like sour piss

>> No.12724908

Reminder fondant was invented with the sole purpose of creating a hard protective shell for transporting large cakes .It was never meant to actually be used as the main basis to eat it

>> No.12724941

Are you buying marzipan with gold flakes in it or something? You can get 500g of good quality marzipan for £2.50

>> No.12725416


>> No.12725420

Because you are ignorant. Spend one hour learning about pastries and the Paris-Brest will pop-up

>> No.12725677

I agree. Fondant and aesthetic memery will drive down cake quality pretty fast if overused. It is basically colored sugar paste for children to binge on. Any adult with proper taste will think of fondant as a last resource effort to decorate, but the main aesthetic and taste of the cake must come from tasteful and skillfull baking

>> No.12725722

Yeah fondant tastes like shit. Literally just tastes like melted plastic. Its a little better if you use marshmellows to make it, but even then its still way too sweet from all the powdered sugar you have to use.

>> No.12725946

Once on a drunken night I ate a pack of Roquefort, almost half a pound of butter and almost half a pound of raw Marzipan (the stuff you use for baking, not the chocolate covered stuff). My friends still think the Marzipan was the most disgusting thing.

>> No.12726150

pie is better.

>> No.12727219

Completely different things

>> No.12727240

Fondant is the reason I thought I hated cakes until I was like 25 and had a proper cake for the first time.