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12720310 No.12720310 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck have they never tried improving their ingredients? The ingedients are an absolute clusterfuck.

Is there any drink that replicates Coke's taste but with proper sensical ingredients?

>> No.12720316

>Why the fuck have they never tried improving their ingredients?
why fix what isn't broken? people keep buying it. more people would complain if they changed a thing

>> No.12720323

>most successful product of all time
>should change

>> No.12720330

Read about "New Coke," they tried that and it flopped.

>> No.12720331

>proper sensical ingredients
what language is that ? you retard
> ingredients are an absolute clusterfuck
again you screeching autist , what ?
define what you consider to be a clusterfuck ?
what ingredients are clustered and why are they fucked ?
you can't even make toast and you're are telling a multibillion dollar company to change what makes them billions of dollars ?
you need to be euthanized , you are clearly suffering

>> No.12720345

Mate when a single glass is worth like 7 sugar cubes there's something seriously wrong with your drink.
Coke contains so much fucking sugar that they need to put in all kinds of other shit to prevent you from fucking vomiting. It really does not need to be this way, I have gotten cups of coffee way sweeter than any coke with just 2 sugar cubes, it's baffling that they never tried something to help it. (Well, I guess Diet Coke kinda counts but all that does is instead of giving you diabeetes it gives you brain cancer so it's not really an improvement)

>> No.12720359

>Mate when a single glass is worth like 7 sugar cubes there's something seriously wrong with your drink.
It's the most successful product in human history. No product ever again in the future will ever be as popular as coca-cola
But no yeah obviously they don't know what they're doing

>> No.12720362
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Why should 188 billion dollar business take advice from an underage retard who can't even figure out how to use his words to provide a proper criticism supported by specific, well founded reasons?
"The ingredients are an absolute clusterfuck" tells us nothing. What do you mean specifically? What aspects of which particular ingredients are you feeling upset about?

>> No.12720371

>It's the most successful product in human history. No product ever again in the future will ever be as popular as coca-cola
And? Star Wars is one of the most sucessful frachises in film history and Disney has no fucking clue what they're doing with it.

>> No.12720399
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>Coke contains so much fucking sugar that they need to put in all kinds of other shit to prevent you from fucking vomiting.
Coke has roughly the same sugar as a typical equal sized glass of orange juice, dummy.
You fell for a retarded pseud pop sci article myth FYI.
Phosphoric acid is added to Coke because it lowers the pH to allow for longer shelf life, not because it prevents fictional sugar-vomiting.
There isn't any phosphoric acid added to Starbucks frappuccinos (and it has even MORE sugar than Coke) yet I don't see people vomiting those up each day at work.

>> No.12720400

its fucking sugar water its supposed to have sugar in it. Mix cocacola with cocaine its amazing

>> No.12720410
File: 138 KB, 800x1137, OrangeJuice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is terrified of fruits.

>> No.12720441

>And? Star Wars is one of the most sucessful frachises in film history and Disney has no fucking clue what they're doing with it.
And Disney is completely fucking it up by making unnecessary changes. You're probably too young to remember or have read about the whole "new coke" fiasco.

>> No.12720457

>Mate when a single glass is worth like 7 sugar cubes there's something seriously wrong with your drink.
The problem is more with portion size and how people view it. If people were still drinking 6 oz bottles and viewing it like a dessert/treat, it'd be fine. But you have people drinking 20 oz bottles and just considering it a regular beverage.

>> No.12720464

coke literally has the least sugar of any full sugar soft drink
utter retard

>> No.12720485

I know all soft drinks are diabeetus dispencers, you don't need to tell me

>> No.12720511

the difference is, you only have to make coke once and sell the same drink to millions every year. Star Wars is a movie franchise, you can only sell the same movie for so long, so to make maximum profit you have to make new movies.

>> No.12720519

I like how you don't reply to any of the posts that BTFO the stupid shit you say.

Kill yourself

>> No.12720521

they could have made the adventures of han luke and leia into 100 movies and everyone would have loved it

>> No.12720555

>thinks aspartame causes cancer
I mean we all knew you were retarded but holy fucking shit dude

>> No.12720577

They make multiple sugar free variants, they are all ass. They need to get the viscosity more on point, diet drinks are too thin.

>> No.12720584

they thought otherwise, and btw these movies still sold well and made profit.

>> No.12720586

I personally just don't like the artificial sweetener taste that sticks around after drinking.

>> No.12720593

The chad Irn Bru.

>> No.12720600

Sweeteners can cause brain cancer, that is a literal fact

>> No.12720608

post published, peer-reviewed source, faggot
i dare you

>> No.12720616

doesn't matter if he proves it or not you will find a problem with the source.

>> No.12720630

Hard to find a problem with a peer-reviewed paper unless you want to allege that all of them are being paid by big cola

>> No.12720632

I think you already have brain cancer anon

>> No.12720635


>> No.12720654

I don't really care for sensationalist youtube vids but looking at their sources lets go with
>Before approving these sweeteners, the FDA reviewed numerous safety studies that were conducted on each sweetener, including studies to assess cancer risk. The results of these studies showed no evidence that these sweeteners cause cancer or pose any other threat to human health.

>> No.12720662

>Good goyim, drink more cancer juices for population control!
Imagine being this gullible

>> No.12720664

see >>12720662

>> No.12720665

Ah we live in different realities so this conversation is pointless.
Best of luck

>> No.12720683

fritz kola

>> No.12720686

Imagine thinking this is an argument

>> No.12720689

fuckin' IRN-BRU chads

>> No.12720716

kys retard
*takes a sip of my refreshing ice-cold glass of Coca-Cola™*

>> No.12720721

based marketer

>> No.12720775

>Why the fuck have they never tried improving their ingredients?
New Coke was a huge fiasco for them, they've tried since with Coca Cola Life (the stevia version) and it sold like hot dogshit

>> No.12720806
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>there are people who actually drink this shit

>> No.12720992

Mexican coke. Shits good.

>> No.12721006

Needs moar caffeine

>> No.12721007

I don't know anyone who drinks baby orangutan, but I'm game to try anything once.

>> No.12721012

>The chad Irn Bru.
>fuckin' IRN-BRU chads
Irn-Bru is all sorts of cucked. They were forced to change the recipe and now they have artificial sweetener in their non-diet sodas.

>> No.12721019

>And? Star Wars is one of the most sucessful frachises in film history
What does that have to do with anything? Coca-cola is the most successful product in history. Movie, drink, ANYTHING.
Star Wars is, by contrast, the fifth most successful franchise out there. Pokemon kicks the shit out of it. This equivalency doesn't make any sense.

>> No.12721027

>And? Star Wars is one of the most sucessful frachises in film history and Disney has no fucking clue what they're doing with it.
Disney has been managing Star Wars for less than 7 years.
Coca-Cola has been making soda for over 130 years.

>> No.12721056

Are you not aware of Disney World's Star Wars section being fucking dead already? People are wising up to Disney's shit and Star Wars is failing.

>> No.12721074

>these cigarettes are better than the other cigarettes

>> No.12721082

Scientists have never been able to cause cancer with cigarette smoke

>> No.12721086
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>coke life

>> No.12721122

plenty of people walking around have, though


>> No.12721168

>t. any american spirits smoker