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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12715357 No.12715357 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't /ck/ have a stickied thread? Of all the boards it seems like one that would have one. It could have like knife cutting tips or description of herbs and spices or how to make a simple bread. Maybe a even a /ck/ wiki?

>> No.12715362

This is a good idea, but everyone here is an alcoholic so don't expect too much to happen.

>> No.12715370

Good idea op I could use some knife cutting tips, myself

>> No.12715414

If you don't know how to make bread or use a knife it is in everyone's best interest for you to be elsewhere

>> No.12715433

So we can make room for more fast food threads? Great idea

>> No.12715585

Has anyone ever read a stickied post ever?

>> No.12715597

I used to regularly use the /x/ sticky because it had links to cool shit but then they replaced it with a retarded one

>> No.12715695

Why be so elitist?

>> No.12715699

there's already a million sites about cooking.
>implying anyone here actually cooks

>> No.12715713

>But everyone here is an alcoholic .
Truth. And all they do is order fast food hence the stupid fast food threads

>> No.12715714

that word doesn't mean what you think it does

>> No.12715724

There's a million sites on music and working out but those boards have stickies

>> No.12715785
File: 405 KB, 762x1150, liner photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If someone were to make a small intro directory where would they even submit it to?

>> No.12715817

if you e-mail them to prayer@givemefoods.com I'll consider them. spell check it first and do not use reddit spacing for god's sake.

>> No.12716769

This isn't a board for learning how to cook. This is a board for cooking experts to discuss the higher mysteries of the most advanced culinary arts.

>> No.12716856

I've been on ck for years and honestly, although a sticky would be awesome, what would go in it?/ Just the typical college kid ramen shit?
We sometimes have cook-a-longs and some people here know what they're doing. But cooking varies so much region to region and even house to house, other than a staple list of ingredients and how to make about 5 dishes it's not worth it. If you want to know you do the research and come here and hope you get lucky posting your thread with some other people who aren't waiting for mommy's box lasagna to ding in the oven upstairs.

>> No.12716866

We had one which said "fuck niggers" for a little while. It was kind of funny but I guess they didn't want to keep it.

>> No.12716870

thats surprising because /ck/ has time and time again proven they know fuck all about alcohol

>> No.12716887

I remember I made a similar thread in like 2012 and everyone called me a faggot and told me to fuck off for wanting a sticky

>> No.12716897

I think one that explains different cooking techniques could be really useful, and could be broad enough for it to work. Just braising, frying, sous vide, smoking etc
Maybe some knife work stuff too

>> No.12716902

All you need to know is that it gets you drunk. Maybe that should go in the sticky.

>> No.12716906
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Get a load of this prick.

>> No.12716915
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shit like this

>> No.12716929

Might as well start your dump now

>> No.12716937
File: 290 KB, 1200x928, 1457848184467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't have much

>> No.12716940


>> No.12716944
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>> No.12717036

I can help you ,
how many knives do you need/ want cut ?
and couldn't you have just bought shorter knives in the first place ? , it would have saved you a lot of time .

>> No.12717049

I DO NOT have an alcohol problem …
I drink I pass out , no problem.

>> No.12717143

explains the taco bell threads

>> No.12717159

LOL, dude. Nice. Here's one I heard once:
"I don't have trouble giving up alcohol, I do it all the time" Get it? Because if you don't have trouble giving up alcohol you would only have to do it once LMAO

>> No.12717164

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.12717166

Not him but I actually like this one. Never heard it before

>> No.12717179

>Knife cutting tips

>> No.12717219

>simple bread
And what precisely would that be? So as is self evident, anons can't even agree how to fry an egg, but you're going to accomplish a sticky covering the plethora of cookining. You weird fuck, I really wish you luck.

>> No.12717380

why the fuck would you need to know anything about knives, herbs, spices, or bread to talk about mcdonalds with anons?

>> No.12717403

based and testosteronepilled

>> No.12717482

the faggot store crossed out restaurant

>> No.12717529

Welcome to /ck/ we don’t welcome generals stickies tripfags namefags niggers kikes trannies or jannies now get the fuck out.