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12714623 No.12714623 [Reply] [Original]

Who has fallen for the breakfast myth?

"Our reverence for breakfast is actually relatively recent. Before the late 19th century in the US, breakfast didn’t have any particular importance ascribed to it. But all that was changed by a small group of religious fanatics and lobbyists for cereal and bacon companies."

"But health research has proven that skipping that fried egg or bowl of cereal does not, in fact, lead to weight gain, health issues or underperformance."

>> No.12714656

If I have breakfast, I can keep working until it starts to get dark, only stopping for toilet breaks, and only feel a little worn out. If I don't, I need to stop for lunch and need a couple more rests to break up the day and feel more tired when I get home. Maybe it's psychological. If it is, so what? If it works it works.

>> No.12714661

Damn, I can't believe I've been tricked into eating breakfast all this time. I feel like a fool.

>> No.12714662

>Not enjoying a comfy breakfast

>> No.12714663

>kill breakfast
>marry brunch
>fuck between-meal snacking
for me

>> No.12714664

I'm never hungry for a breakfast but I eat one anyway because it is inconvenient and inappropriate to stop working and hunker down for a meal at like 10 when I would otherwise be starving.

>> No.12714692

I think it's important for kids to get something before they go to school, I used to feel a lot better in class if I had a banana at home.

>> No.12714705

in fact, before the late 19th century, lunch also didn’t have any particular importance ascribed to it. same for dinner. it was all made up by evil religious fanatics and greedy dinner companies to sell more food. so stop eating altogether and don't give those penny pinchers none of your money.

>> No.12714708

Try having a huge protein and fat rich meal at lunch/dinner...yum, skip everything else, it works for me.

otherwise, you have been pwned.

>> No.12714721
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reminds me of s.claus

kellogg's corn flakes were made originally to be consumed to prevent masturbation.

>> No.12714938

I mean its true but if youre cutting you should eat breakfast

>> No.12714973

i omad dinner after work
i also have a pretty hard labor job and do cardio most mornings
breakfast and lunch are memes

>> No.12715423

I'm the opposite, breakfast makes me sleepy all day. this is with whatever size of breakfast, of any content

>> No.12715434

i eat steak and eggs every morning so big cereal doesnt get a dime from me!

>> No.12715452

>Who has fallen for the breakfast myth?
It's the only reason to wake up silly anon.

>> No.12715460

My first meal of the day has been eaten around 1pm for almost a decade. Breakfast isn't bad automatically, but the industry pushed so hard for heavy carb/sugar foods which trigger your digestive system in a negative for you positive for them way at the start of the day. It makes you hungrier faster and encourages your body to eat more of the sugars and carbs.

It is, preferably good dairy products or meat/eggs

Try no carb breakfasts

>> No.12715469

Jordan Peterson insists you must eat a protein and fat heavy breakfast. he says this alone cured some of his patients' depression. so anyone telling that you should skip breakfast is obviously a jew

>> No.12715486

I'm hungry in the morning so I eat an English muffin with mustard and cold cuts and wash it down with a cold glass of milk.

>> No.12715487

He's not a dietician and doesn't even use any herbs when seasoning his beef in his beef only diet. He and his daughter have some serious issues and it could be a gigantic retinue of things causing it. Currently, eating a carnivore only diet cuts out a ludicrous amount of carcinogenic compounds, polymers, nano metals and toxins as well as pesticides because the animals eat the vegetables that are effected and filter it all, forming meat that is free of them for us to consume. This is the main reason people on carnivore diets see such benefits and regeneration for their immune systems.

>> No.12715516

>gangly goblin with highly unusual dietary condition cured all diseases with one weird trick!

>> No.12715528

>Jordan Peterson
stopped reading there

>> No.12715543

I explained why it's a real and good trick above, and it can apply to anyone. It is the exact same reason people go vegan and preach like crazy - their one serious diet overhaul fixed the problems in their life. Obviously in both cases, veganism and carnivore diets, there are serious negatives and these diets should not be done long term. Jordan isn't actively testing new diet inclusions so he will eventually have complications.

Also OP a fried egg is like 100 calories, and a bowl of cereal is like 400+

>> No.12715560

Something about how bland it is if I recall?

>> No.12715581

>eating only meat cuts out a ludicrous amount of carcinogens

>> No.12715584

You didn’t explain anything. And there is no clinical trials to remotely substantiate those claims

>> No.12715586

It's simply true, I didn't say it didn't bring its own to the table. if you think non meat diets are free of carcinogens you need to educate yourself.

>> No.12715588

Nope, there aren't and never will be.

>> No.12715592

It simply isn’t true, disagreeing with that utterly retarded notion doesn’t mean I think non meats are carcinogen free you dumbass. You clearly have no education or logical syntax

>> No.12715593

Yep, so your dad simulator witch doctor is still a fraud

>> No.12715618

Pretty much every habit, trend, or tradition in the US is based on selling more shit to retarded consumers.

>> No.12715631

>the breakfast myth
I get hungry every 5-6 hours, so in a day that I sleep 7-8 hours I eat 3 times a day.

Voila, breakfast lunch and dinner

>> No.12715635

It actually had to do with the hops they would add to the flakes which contain phytoestrogen. Somethingsomething choir boys with programming socks.

>> No.12715645

So if a cattle can filter out nanometals and whatnot, what is stopping my body from doing that on it's own, what makes the difference between my body absorbing it and the cattle from absorbing it? HOW DOES THE GOD DAMN COW FILTER SHIT WITHOUT SOMEHOW BEING CONTAMINATED TOO, DINGUS?

>> No.12716006

>using hops instead of based salt peter to chemically sterilize people

>> No.12716028

He's too old now to be experimenting with such an extreme diet, also he makes millions peddling nonsense anyway so I think he's full of bullshit but you can't stop retards from listening to everything one guy says

>> No.12716171

Chances are you're not eating a lot of cow kidney.

>> No.12716291

I’m 26 now and I can honestly say I haven’t eaten breakfast since I was about 15. I’d rather sleep in for an extra 30 minutes than eat. I hop out of bed, shower, teeth, get dressed and hop straight in the car for work and that’s how it’s been since high school. I haven’t had corn flakes in so many years that you’ve made me crave some kek.

>> No.12716392

It is true though? I don't understand what you're trying to say? Anything? Not eating carcinogens = fewer carcinogens. Sorry bud but what I'm talking about is related to genetics and individual disorder, i.e. people with thyroid problems and kale. You probably don't know that there is a direct relation, so now you can go research that.


Science is owned. Critical studies on soy consumption ended around 2000. That happened for a reason. You exist to make people money, that is all. If you live in USA the government and FDA do not care about you.

>> No.12718089

Cereal companies pump in all those great vitamins and minerals though.

>> No.12718119


>> No.12719101

I haven't eaten traditional breakfast foods in year. I usually just make a regular meal for breakfast.

>> No.12719503

Eating well is enough to consume all the nutrients you need without having to resort to supplements.

>> No.12719523

I've always hated breakfast, never been hungry in the mornings. My parents would get irrationally angry when I wouldn't eat cereal, so I'm convinced there's something sinister behind it.

>> No.12719551

Dairy and meat is the opposite of what you want. You want something like fresh fruit or oats, easy to digest for quick energy, just enough to carry you to lunch.

>> No.12719579

>nuh uh >:(

>> No.12719589

I have to have a light breakfast at the start of the day or I feel like death by lunch, but I also have a fairly active job and dont have the time after work for a heavy dinner. On my off days I'll usually skip breakfast since I'm just not making the same calorie expenditure.

>> No.12719599

I only eat one meal a day because it means i dont have to buy ingredients for lunch or breakfast, and i dont have to spend time preparing or eating those meals either.
I roll out of bed, and go to work. After work i have 7 hours to do as i please before the cycle begins again.

>> No.12719629

>da animuls filter it all
do you know anything about how biomagnification works lmao

>> No.12719632

Breakfast aint no myth

The few times i follow my dad to the jobsite, i make sure to have breakfast and tea before getting on the highway. This is also at like 4 am. Because if you dont est something, you're dead by 9 am, a long way from lunch

>> No.12719669

Obviously you dont since that's a problem with eating predatory animals, not herbivores

>> No.12719707

we're talking about commercially prepared cereals and loaded carbs, not eating when you're hungry.
enjoy your meal.

>> No.12719755

I only eat one meal at dinner. You get used to it after a while. Everything else is cringe and cuckoldpilled.

>> No.12719798

i stopped eating breakfast and started losing weight after that.

>> No.12719851

I realized at an early age how everyone repeating the slogan "breakfast is the most important meal of the deal" were implying it was fairly common for people to skip it. Otherwise you wouldn't need to try to tell people it was important.

>> No.12719888

"Important" doesn't mean "common".

>> No.12719894

why is CORN flakes so fucking expensive now? used to be the cheap shit my mom would buy now its $4+ for a box in chicago

>> No.12719927

You're not following the train of thought correctly. It's not that "important" means "common." It's that a meal you have to go out of your way to remind people about carries the implication it's common for people to skip it.

>> No.12720071

just buy homebrand at half the price if you must, you aren't losing out on much.

>> No.12720713

firstly anything that removes bread or cereals from your diet TN is going to remove shit ton of carcinogens. if you see the amount of Roundup they gets sprayed onto wheat only a few days before it's harvested to prevent weeds from clogging the combine harvester you may never want to eat bread or cereals again.

>> No.12720723

when an animal eats anything containing toxins those toxins are filtered out out and possibly stored in the liver kidneys for other parts considered offal. it's not really a good idea to eat offal. sometimes the heavy metals that the animal filters out lodges in its brain making it fucking retarded like you.

>> No.12721118

OP you colossal dummy, Im sure our ancestors who worked in the fields all day went out on an empty stomach, too. But cereal IS garbage, yes.

>> No.12721125

Yes, you are removing carcinogens but receiving a net gain by eating more meat in exchange. Secondly not everything os sprayed with roundup, the effects of which in its food is questionable

>> No.12721132

It neutralises toxins. It doesn't store them. All research pointing to harm from liver consumption relies on possible overconsumption of vitamin A. Heavy metals that a body failed to purge are equally distributed everywhere in the body, not just in the organs.

>> No.12721355

Eat if you are hungry and not because someone told you that so on TV.
Lay off the carbs and added sugars promoted by ads you are exposed to on a regular basis.
That's the message Einstein, spead the word.

>> No.12721932

Medieval religious commentary bemoans the eating of a morning meal, viewing it as gluttonous but accepting that it is a necessity for laborers. Also,


>> No.12722048

>trusting a psychologist for anything, let alone nutritional advice

>> No.12722195

Don't you guys who work get hungry if you don't eat?

>> No.12722209
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>> No.12722229

For people like you, go right ahead and enjoy your soda pop and cheap shit life choices, and future drug dependences.
Capitalism forever MAGA.

>> No.12722241

You're historically illiterate (and an obvious fattie).

>> No.12722243

see >>12721932
The well-to-do would not eat breakfast, and would often wait until mid-day or late morning to eat a larger meal. It was considered a moral or religious observance.

For people who actually worked for a living, it was accepted you basically NEEDED to eat something when you got up to work or you would die. Mid-day was still usually the largest meal, with supper being lighter.

If you're hungry, eat something. If you're thirsty, drink some water. Your body is actually incredibly good at telling you when you need shit, just don't go fucking HAM and shovel loads of garbage into your gullet or chug 5 liters

>> No.12722287

Oh man, the commies are feisty today.

>> No.12722376

Stfu and eat your diabetes.

>> No.12722457

hahahah slaves are so dumb these days now they are starving themselves skipping breakfast

>> No.12723443

Depends on what country. And what work schedule more Latin Americans have siestas so the biggest meal is lunch. Dinner is just leftovers from lunch. Many people from foreign countries eat breakfast lunch and dinner in the US because it’s the country’s culture. Some cultures eat breakfast and dinner but no lunch. While in others believe it or not the biggest meal is breakfast. Weekend vs weekday schedules also differ. Caribbean culture doesn’t really eat dinner. Others it’s something done on weekends. It varies from region to region.

>> No.12723470

I just eat breakfast because I'm awake and hungry. I don't normally eat lunch because I'm usually asleep. Feels good to be a NEET.

>> No.12723477

I never understood breakfast and was forced to eat it as a kid. I remember pushing sandwiches or cerial down my mouth, bc it was sooo good for me. Only made me more hungry afterwards. Now I usually skip breakfast and lunch while I work. I have an office job and don't need much energy. A bin meal makes me sleepy and I tend to be more focused on an empty stomach. My body agrees with it and I never have hunger trough the day. I only eat breakfast when I am on vacation and will be physically active trough the day.

>> No.12723482
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The CIA literally have documents proving the average citizen of the USSR ate better than the average American. "Lmao gommies starve" is neoliberal American stupidity and propaganda.

>> No.12723549

>Late dinner
>pre-bed snack
master race reporting in.

>> No.12723884

Russian here. proof please. I'm calling BS. everyone in the country knows food supply was shit in USSR, and they had to import provision with oil money too. towards the end there was also rationing. i can link you prices if you want to. but I bet you retarded college commie would rather trust your reddit memes.

>> No.12723910

oh also and while we're at it. Yeltsin was in disbelief when he visited a supermarket in US. one of soviet leaders (I forgot who) was in plain denial when he saw a Western supermarket and thought it was staged. read accounts of those who immigrated from USSR too for clear picture.
also, I'd like to see those "documents". I assume if those even exist and not pulled from your ass, they were probably made in late 80s when the state set official dollar exchange rate which was not in accord with actual economy at all (see Venezuela's exchange rate). meanwhile in late 80s the country was nearly starving, and literally everyone will tell you that (even die hard commies because they blame it on Gorbachov).

>> No.12723940

I go all day without eating while at work with the exception of a protein bar and coffee or something very light (handful of nuts and some berries). A lot of my work is physical and if I eat a meal i feel sluggish as the food sloshes around in my guy as I'm bending over, climbing, etc.

>> No.12723949

>Guuuuyyyyyyys don't eat at this time, eat at another time, eating in the morning is proven to be no different than eating at other times, so stop doing it! It's better to eat at other times!

>> No.12724068

Retarded liberashka.

>> No.12724077
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You are a liar.

>> No.12724185
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are you shitting me? first, this is your definition of "eating better"? you do realize you can eat just pasta with oil and it has lots of calories, right?
second, I'd love to see how they got these figures. soviet propaganda was notorious for inflating all statistics and they are simply unreliable.
everyone in the country will tell you how hard it was to get good food, because even if you had money there was constant deficit of everything (see kolbasa). the deficit of meat was most evident, public canteens had low quality meat and also had "fish days" to make up for meat shortage. soviet chicken was all thin and barely had any meat. people had to settle for shitty fish and other substitutes. constant huge lines were a norm.
few big cities received best quality goods, other cities got lower quality standard food (which was in the law), and small towns/villages only got the leftovers.
even if they calculated some ideal customer who somehow got everything despite deficit, most of it was still shit quality. no one says people starved like in Venezuela, especially in big cities, but this doesn't make the situation any better. especially with shit tier average income in USSR.
go fuck yourself

>> No.12724478

Jesus Christ, there are people out there who believe this? Didn't think you could have literally zero critical thinking

>> No.12724786

Kellogg had a ton of weird beliefs, and created a lot of myths around food based in Christiantiy


>> No.12726203

It was statistics compiled by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization. Cope harder, retard.

>> No.12726271

for >>12724478

>> No.12727168


>> No.12727169 [DELETED] 
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We've been fucked by industry.

>> No.12727171
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Frosted flakes weren't though.

>> No.12727178
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