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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12713124 No.12713124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>jews run the world
>their food sucks ass
What’s up with that?

>> No.12713128

Not all jewish food sucks ass

>> No.12713131

you never had a good motz ball or well made kugel or latke. those are to die for, they are. my bubbe would a pot of motz stir up so good you'd wonder how your life you ever lived without

>> No.12713140

A lot of Jewish food is kinda bland, but it's hard to say it truly sucks. Midwestern cuisine is the king of shitty.

>> No.12713141

Gefilte fish is amazing!

>> No.12713150

>motz ball
havent even seen these before and i gagged

>> No.12713160

Jews don’t run the world, they’re just present in tons of Western countries and assimilated to tons of different cultures. Their food is usually just kosher versions of whatever food the culture they assimilated into has. East Euro food is bland so most jew food is bland.

>> No.12713164

wow, noodle casserole and dumplings. every cuisine has there own version of these.

>> No.12713206

>Jews don’t run the world, they’re just present in tons of Western countries and assimilated to tons of different cultures
yeah they just happen to be severely over-represented in media, finance, and governmental positions. inb4 muh high iq, even taking that into account they're still completely over-represented.

that being said, lox and bagels and challah bread are based. even though both of those dishes are just carbon copies of central/northern european foods.

>> No.12713218

They don't use spices.

>> No.12713223

In all fairness their smoked meat and bagels are insane.
t. montrealfag

>> No.12713226

Pickles and baked goods are good

>> No.12713227

I’d say it’s coincidence and nepotism, not conspiracy.

>> No.12713242

mana is top shelf

>> No.12713262

>What’s up with that?
they're afraid of ovens

>> No.12713284
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Why would you be good at cooking if you were spending all you're time running the world?
Do you think Napoleon or Alexander the Great were good at making food?
Also pic related, jews don't eat jewish food.
57% eat pig which is forbidden in no uncertain terms multiple times throughout the Old Testament.
Most jews I know don't give a fuck about kosher or not either. The average jew is self-hating and tries to live as much like a regular non-jew as possible.

>> No.12713296

Neopotism is literally conspiratorial.
>t. Chinese Malay

>> No.12713324

There's a difference between a large group of people getting together and planning out how to collude with each other and selectively advance themselves over others vs. someone mindlessly preferring people more closely related to themselves.
e.g. I don't think most discrimination against blacks in recent years has been part of some deliberate organized plot. It's more like a bunch of individual white people tend to have less positive reactions to blacks on a subconscious level.
Similar deal with people hiring other men over women for technical positions. Nobody's trying to keep women from succeeding, but there's probably some degree of subconscious bias that gives people in a position of selecting who fills a technical job opening the impression a given woman is less capable than a man who on paper might be roughly equivalent.

>> No.12713329

>discrimination against blacks in recent years
Define recent bud

>> No.12713337

Post-lynching. I think you can argue the KKK when it was more serious about vigilante reprisals against blacks was pretty much conspiratorial.

>> No.12713340


thats garbage food, had it..sucks.

the only good yid food is like corned beef and rye bread, just like nigs and bbq

>> No.12713351

I was really just checking if you meant recent, recent and was going to go off on a tangent about cops rightfully shooting violent criminals
FYI, the reason women aren't employed in technical positions is that they aren't interested in autistic shit like civil engineering like men are, look at scandavia theres a bigger divide tha in america when it comes to job parity despite the culture and laws in place to prevent discrimination
You subconscious bias argument is an excuse to avoid looking at the bigger picture and entirely faulty

>> No.12713365

>FYI, the reason women
There isn't just one reason. I agree self-selecting is a bigger factor than bias against women by others in technical fields, but it's silly to say either don't exist.
The fact women DO self-select against themselves when it comes to opting for non-technical jobs over technical jobs is part of the reason why a bias against women in technical jobs exists. They go hand in hand. You learn, unthinkingly, to expect certain things. Men being better than women at technical tasks is one of those expectations.

>> No.12713369

>Men being better than women at technical tasks is one of those expectations.
No men are better at everything

>> No.12713373

>No men are better at everything
On average I'd say women are better at taking care of kids or cleaning a house.

>> No.12713398

No, men are better at raising kids, multiple studies have shown gay couples and single fathers raise more well adjusted and higher earning children than single mothers and lesbian couples, men just don't like taking care of other so they self select against the various professions
Women augably have an edge in the infant years

>> No.12713402

PS: To back up the claim bias against women for technical tasks exists:
>In two initial experiments, more than 1,150 participants (approximately 350 in one experiment and approximately 800 in another) were asked to refer individuals for a job. Half of the participants were led to believe that the job required high-level intellectual ability (e.g., "high IQ," "superior reasoning skills," "natural intelligence"); the other half were not. The results showed that participants were less likely to refer a woman when the job description mentioned brilliance (43.5 percent female referrals) than when it did not (50.8 percent). In other words, the odds of referring a woman (rather than a man) were 25.3 percent lower when the job description mentioned intellectual ability.
>Notably, while women were more likely than men to refer females for jobs requiring intellectual ability, both women and men were less likely to refer females for these jobs than for the other jobs. That is, men and women showed comparable levels of gender bias.
>In the third experiment, the researchers tested whether contexts that emphasize intellectual ability elicit gender bias among young children. In it, the researchers taught 192 children, aged 5 to 7, how to play two new team games. Half of the children were told that the games were for "really, really smart" children; the other half were not.
>Children initially selected teammates of their own gender (that is, girls chose girls and boys chose boys), but in the third selection round they showed bias against girls, choosing girls as teammates for the "smart" game only 37.6% of the time (vs. 53.4% for the other game).
And despite what you seem to think about me, I'm not some women's rights advocate liberal. I actually think women should have never entered the workplace to begin with.

>> No.12713407

>multiple studies have shown gay couples and single fathers raise more well adjusted and higher earning children than single mothers and lesbian couples
Source please.

>> No.12713442

Ths is only relevant if you think men and women are equal in intellect, women are more likely to be average and men more like to be idiots or smart in truth, hence why it makes sense when encountering a non-stupid man people assume he must be clever

Single mothers create more drug abusers, violent criminals and prison incarcerated individuals
Educate yourself :^)

>> No.12713452

>Ths is only relevant if you think men and women are equal in intellect, women are more likely to be average and men more like to be idiots or smart in truth, hence why it makes sense when encountering a non-stupid man people assume he must be clever
None of that disagrees with what I claimed.
What I claimed is people (both men and women) have an unthinking bias against women in technical positions. Never said men and women were equal on average or in any other sense.

>> No.12713462
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Don't be a dishonest faggot.

>> No.12713472

I disagree that it's unthinking, I think both genders recognise that women are typically average men are far more divided between being smart or dumb, it's a learned reaction

>Google for me
Fuck off

>> No.12713490

>Google for me
No, more like don't make claims you can't back up, dummy.

>> No.12713498
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No you're trying to make me do busy work, there is no chance this is your first time on 4chan hearing that single fathers are better at raising kids than single mothers unless it's your first week here

>> No.12713507

That study shows evidence it's unthinking.
The job itself and what it required wasn't any different. The results were only different between the two groups based on if they were told additional meaningless fluff with vague connotations of "intelligence" like "high IQ" or "superior reasoning skills."
If they were making this decision consciously it would be based on the actual criteria, not meaningless suggestions of "for smart people."

>> No.12713515

Dude I am not the other guy, but if you are too lazy to look shit up- fucking kill yourself.

>> No.12713516

I never even said I don't agree with the conclusion. If anything it's even more disappointing if you do agree with the conclusion because you're being a dishonest little faggot who makes claims without backing them up. You're doing the work of everyone who has an agenda against what you're bringing up by making it look like baseless bullshit.

>> No.12713523

It's not about being lazy. It's about backing up your claims.

>> No.12713528

You're on the internet right. You can look this shit up?

>> No.12713536

You can back your shit up. Why make claims if you're too afraid to post a link? Makes you look like you're hiding something. Not like it takes any effort if there are really "multiple studies" you're referring to like you're claiming.

>> No.12713548
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So does affirmitive action even out this unknwoing bias when its taken into account most women don't care for technical careers?
I don't particuarly care if the 1/50 actual women interested and skilled in eningeering gets fucked over, most dudes gets fucked constantly and any women can be hired as a coder if she can write a hello world program so this bias goes both ways

Sure is a real shame you couldn't google for yourself, clearly I'm making my side look bad as a result, I'm sure there's only one incredibly obscure study that would back up my claim
Fuck off, I'm not spoonfeeding you just call me an incel nazi and move on

>> No.12713562
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>multiple studies have shown gay couples and single fathers raise more well adjusted and higher earning children than single mothers
>With a few possible exceptions, the children of single fathers do about as well in terms of internalizing behavior and academic performance (sometimes better), which again provides support for microstructural theories. However, the children of single fathers appear to be more likely to participate in externalizing behavior and substance use (do not confuse with “abuse”), perhaps a reflection of the already-mentioned style differences, which indicates that resources play a lesser role than parental processes in these outcomes and provides some support for maternal theories. As of yet, the few studies of young adults (as opposed to adolescents) do not seem to indicate significant long-term differences, as related to marriage, teen birth, and divorce, between those reared in single-father versus singlemother homes (Downey & Powell, 1993; McLanahan & Bumpass, 1988).
Lying faggot.

>> No.12713570

>So does affirmitive action even out this unknwoing bias when its taken into account most women don't care for technical careers?
You misunderstand me. I don't care at all that this bias exists. I don't even think women should be in the workplace to begin with. I'm just pointing out that it does exist, as an example among several others of how decision making for who you pick for what jobs doesn't need to be "conspiratorial."

>> No.12713834

Fuck off /pol/.

>> No.12714353

cope tranny

>> No.12714367

I like to use kosher dills and kosher salt. Every other oven dodger food I've had is fucking awful. Matze being the worst.
>one big undercooked dumpling served in chicken broth
No wonder the entirety of Europe hates them.

>> No.12714453

Its not a conspiracy you tard, what it is instead is a group of people that are insular due to continuous oppression but are simultaneously moderately well off in many cases end up cooperating with each other more so than non-insular groups do.
Jews are historically a poor group of people that were regularly abused and attacked, this meant that they formed close bonds in their societies that were not mirrored outside of it. In America for example Jewish Community Centers acted as networking facilities in a way that Non-Jewish programs never did.
Combine this with a culture that incentivized education and thrift and you had the makings for an entire group of people to prop each other up in a way

This was somewhat similar to the experience of Orientals in the US.

>> No.12714474
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>jews dindu nuffin

>> No.12714876
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>> No.12715084

Thanks for the cool blog post, rabbi shekelstein