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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12704342 No.12704342 [Reply] [Original]

Where does Indian rank amongst global cuisines?

>> No.12704354

In the Loo

>> No.12704473

it ranks poo-poo fart bum LOL

>> No.12704482

Number 2

>> No.12704500

This is /ck/, not whatever shithole you came from. Please keep the juvenile racist replies to a minimum. Thanks.

>> No.12704503

It's pretty good. Beats the Germans, Greeks and Mexicans, but not the Chinese, French, or Italians.

>> No.12704515

I only ever have sex with Indian women.

>> No.12704554

OMG thank you, upvoted, shared and made into text to speech video.

>> No.12704618

libtards destroyed

>> No.12704641
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>> No.12704663
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>dude rice with sauce

Probably high tier.
not quite god tier but its up there

>> No.12704669

A Tier

>> No.12704677
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Agreed. Guys, this is not ok. I know it's not ok because other people on the Internet told me so. I know what I'm doing. You don't.

Juvenile replies are bad unless they're actual juveniles advocating their own genital mutilation and sterilization via prepubescent hormone injection from the opposite gender. In that case, juvenile replies are ok and encouraged/protected/cherished!

Racism is not tolerated here. I have redefined racism to include observations about facts, particularly facts like pic related, which was literally from current day today and from the "oppressed" group I'm white knighting ATM.

If you could please only voice opinions that my feelings agree with, that would be superb. Also, please note that my feelings change, so I can and will try to track you down years from now for thoughtcrime once we've moved on to fucking kids. Thanks.

>> No.12704687
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japanese food is even more about rice
their word for 'meal' is the same as their word for rice

india has a lot of great bread too, with high level technique, like roti and paratha (with many flaky layers and fat folded into the layers, like puff pasty). Or naan which is cooked at extremely high temps in a special wood oven, just like pizza.

there is also indian food which is quite delicate like pic related

>> No.12704693

I rated you high tier and you cannot grasp sarcasm

fuck off back to new dehli 2nd generation street shitter

>> No.12704694

>current day today
>dated yesterday

>> No.12704700

Extremely strong argument, well played.

>> No.12704705

it is unironically sexist to suggest for example, that men are violent and hate themselves because their suicide rate and murder rates are far higher. That's a seemingly simple 'fact', but drawing seemingly simple 'conclusions' from it and obsessing over them, especially if you have no sympathy or interest in reducing male suicide for example, or reducing social factors that cause it, and acting superior is both ignorant and obnoxious.

>> No.12704708

Thank you, I'm glad we were finally able to find some common ground. There's still some hope for this place after all.

>> No.12704711

That is unironically true though. As a statement of facts, that's how it is. How it should be would be a sexist statement.
Ignoring factors unique to men that contribute to suicide risks is ignorant and more offensive than pretending men and women are equal.

>> No.12704713

Men are violent and hate themselves because they're smarter and understand the world better. It's not sexist to recognize this. I don't see what you're getting at.

>> No.12704721

It is unironically sexist to say what you said, and I don't care because it's true. Reducing male murder and suicide is a good thing. Trying to tone police, as you are doing, about Indians not having an open defecation problem is just as bad as pretending men don't have a murder and suicide problem. The way I see it, you are the one engaging in harmful behavior due to your white knighting.

>> No.12704723

>unequivocally negative statistic
>therefor men are smarter and superior

how about I extrapolate and say that men are unhinged losers. Why would I say that? Well it's just a fact isn't it. I don't want to help them or empathise with them or anything, just, fuck men, they are horrible and we should (... get rid of them?)?

or should i follow your logic and say that trannys are smarter and understand the world better because they kill themselves all the time
or that niggers are smarter and understand the world better because they kill each other all the time

Your 'facts' aren't just 'facts', you're making a point, and it's not a 'factual' point. It's total conjecture.

>> No.12704726

>Reducing male murder and suicide is a good thing
Sure, and discussing the high rate of male suicide because you care about it and want to look at contributing factors and put resources into adressing it and respect men for other reasons and have empathy is positive.

But you're not doing that for indians, you're just laughing at them and giving your 'facts' to feel superior.

>> No.12704734

I'm not eating the cuisine of any culture that wipes their ass with their bare hands

>> No.12704735

Intelligence does look unhinged to less intelligent people, I'll give you that much.

>> No.12704736

Why does all Indian food taste the same?

>> No.12704743

Ok, so great, we're having a positive conversation. It's too bad the reason we're having it is because you needed a throwaway topic to white knight to distract from India's problem with street shitting.

>you're just laughing at them and giving your 'facts' to feel superior.

Are we in a superior position regarding street shitting, or are they?

>> No.12704746

most Indian restaurants in the west use the same base sauce, and the same base masala (spice mix) for every curry

But that's not really Indian cooking, more like the cheap takeout westernized version of it. Still good if done well though.

>> No.12704751

pointing out people's flaws because you empathize with them and want to actually address the issue is positive.

pointing out people's flaws to laugh at them and feel superior and justify dismissing their strengths is called being a cunt, and if it's about a race of people, it's racist.

Do you understand?

>> No.12704772

>It's too bad the reason we're having it is because you needed a throwaway topic to white knight to distract from India's problem with street shitting.
You mean because you wanted to (literally) shit up a food thread with poop jokes because india having a problem with street shitting apparently means nobody is allowed to talk about anything else related to india.

>> No.12704780
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Shut up, nerd

>> No.12704783

It kind of is Indian cooking, in a sense. Indians tend to stick to the same few things within their small region. The potential variety of the cuisine only comes from there being so many regions to draw from. It is starting to change, though. Ingredients and techniques are migrating to different areas through the internet.

>> No.12704791

So you believe yourself to be the great diviner of intent and empathy. Congratulations. If you feel the intent is positive and empathy is present, then it's a positive discussion. If you feel any element is missing, then you are an evil racist. Does that sum it up?

Laughing at people is evil unless you're laughing at your political opponent, in which case it's just fine. Dismissing a people's collective strengths is evil unless they're a part of the collective that politically opposes your views, in which case they're evil.

Making collective observations about a race of people, even with facts, even with published facts according to themselves, is racist because you say so. Every negative thing said about someone is because of their skin color, right?

Your last gasp, your cries of "racism"; it's all already dead. Do you understand?

>> No.12704790

yeah that's true but i don't think you'll see a huge pale pot of blended sweated onions and carrots and stock being poured into every dish

>> No.12704799

What? Why would I try to tell people what they can and can't talk about? Go ahead and talk about whatever you want, regardless of PC factor. WTF.

>> No.12704802
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>i'm a good boy i dindu nuffin
shut the fuck up you dumbcunt

>> No.12704806

Are there any curries that in fact don't use a lot of onion? I'm not aware of them.

>> No.12704807

It's supremely POWERFUL that your empty argument is all that you have. RESIST!

>> No.12704809

Just own being a racist cunt.
Don't try and justify it and pretend you're not.

I can't make you stop and I don't really care but it's utterly obnoxious when you get sanctimonious about it.

>> No.12704812
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>> No.12704815

oh yeah for sure. I've got a Madhur Jaffrey book and quite a lot of the curries, especially the dry ones, don't have onions in them.

It's sometimes more a filler than a necessary flavor. So they're only so ubiquitous for economic reasons.

Hell some Indians don't eat onions or garlic at all for religious reasons.

>> No.12704821

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12704822

Oh yeah, I forgot about the Jain.

>> No.12704824

Is that really all you have? You can't actually argue, you can't actually banter, you can't actually even just shitpost?

Really, honestly, truly, I think what's going on is that you have physical brain damage from environmental factors. Could be viruses, plastics, hydrocarbons, PCBs, whatever. It is my opinion (although unverified and not proven), that many of you have brain development defects and are not really "people" as I would define it. You, obviously will define things a different way.

You don't actually care about truth, you want to use your very shallow "truths" for mutual grooming and to soothe each other with. You care nothing at all for actual truth. Good luck out there, you can reply all you want to carve out a "win" but I'm bailing out on this thread. Godspeed.

>> No.12704826

nice 'banter' there lad

>> No.12704829

I don't know. On the one hand, Thalis have probably been the most pleasing restaurant meals I've had. On the other, it is hard to sit in a room where other diners are eating saucy foods with their hands. I'm not saying this to be racist. I just have trouble stomaching it because it is so different from how I was raised.

>> No.12704830

Top five but probably at five.

>> No.12704847
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>> No.12704855


>> No.12704857
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surprisingly really great indian choices around the area of MD where I live. I feel like maryland "coasts" on its reputation for crab and as a result a lot of seafood places are really sub par. If you want good food in Maryland go for Indian, Thai, or Korean BBQ.

>> No.12704861

indian treatment of seafood can be great
like goan food
which has portruagese influences

goan fish/prawn/crab curry is so goddamn good

>> No.12704862

you know since I'm not a big seafood fan in the first place I never thought to check out indian seafood. I'll have to give it a try soon, that sounds delicious.

>> No.12704866

For me, it's close to #1 when I'm eating it, but dealing with what happens the next day drags its ranking down.

>> No.12704870

Just marry her. They usually prove to be committed wives if you treat them right.

>> No.12704881

lol the few married indian guys i've known their wife treats them like their mother

>> No.12705519
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>> No.12705617

>you can't even banter or shitpost bro
wtf does that have to do with your pathetic argument
how removed from reality are these people

>> No.12705627

I would like Indian food prepared by anyone other than Indians and niggers.

>> No.12705957

Have sex.

It will never not be funny to laugh at poo in loos

>> No.12705965

The dishes I've tried have been pretty good. Never been to India though so can't say how representative they were.

>> No.12705976

1. French
2. Italian
3. Chinese
4. Indian
5. Austrian/Southern German

>> No.12705999

Top fucking tier. And I'll happily tell you why.
1. Obvious answer first - chicken tikka masala is the national dish of Britain. Indian food conquered the British Empire.
2. Indian spices, dishes, and techniques have infiltrated every cuisine from SEA, to China, to Japan, to Northern and Eastern Africa, to South America (particularly the western countries), to the US. That's some impressive spread.
3. It's fucking delicious and has dishes that can please anyone and everyone, from Punjab, to Kerela, to Goa, to well, every other state in India, there's meat, seafood, vegetarian, fucking anything, and prepared in a multitude of ways. (Protip: not all Indian food relies on a sauce).

>> No.12706001

One of my favorites tbf, but when I make it myself and not some dirty pajeet.

>> No.12706025

chicken tikka masala is scottish tho

>> No.12706026

It really depends on who you ask. People who don't eat heavily spiced food are often put off by Indian food because they find it too intense. Folks who like bolder flavors tend to love it.

>> No.12706027
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>5. Austrian/Southern German

>> No.12706030

Chicken balti is Scottish.

>> No.12706039
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It's the objective truth, anon.

>> No.12706040

Yeah I’m sure it had nothing to do with the spices and recipes from the British Raj in India, some Scotsman just found some Indian spices magically in a Glasgow alley and made the sauce.

>> No.12706045
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>cut up chicken carcass
>roast until brown
>deglaze, simmer with onion celery, carrot for 3 hours

>smash garlic, chilli, ginger, fresh turmeric
>fry in ghee
>add chicken pieces
>add paprika
>add chicken stock
>add a load of fresh thyme
>season with soy sauce and Vegemite
>serve with basmati rice

>mfw delicious
>mfw people eating it say they normally don't like indian food but this is amazing

>> No.12706105

Which spice?
Pepper, Garlic, Paprika, Bay Leaf, Chili Powder, Fenugreek, Nutmeg, and Cayenne are all found in Europe.

Ginger grows in Europe, and would have more commonly come from Asia.

Caraway came from the Middle East.

Cardamom, is the only spice from India, and can be replaced with cinnamon and nutmeg.

Turmeric is only added for color. It doesn't have much flavor.

Tikka Masala is largely European.

>> No.12706116

why are you saying this

>> No.12706117

Because it's true.

>> No.12706119

you're not being honest anon

>> No.12706127

Just accept the truth into your heart, Pajeet.

>> No.12706128

Lol, imagine this much COPE.

>> No.12706138

Just because the ingredients came from India, doesn't mean it's an Indian dish. Penne all'arrabbiata isn't Mexican, just because tomatoes and chilies come from Mexico.

>> No.12706140

You wouldn't know truth if it literally bit you on the ass. The vast majority of spices you posted are not European in anynway. Just pepper, for example, has NEVER been European and to this day isn't grown there. Your hatred of brown people has made you insanely delusional.

>> No.12706142

>Tikka Masala is largely European.
India has a long history and a lot of different influences in it's cuisine. Moguls, Persians, Chinese and British have all influenced the cuisine, which varies quite a bit regionally. Of course various dishes will reflect that history.

>> No.12706149

Curry is the food of the gods

>> No.12706152

Chiles don't just come from Mexico, anon.
The more you know.......

>> No.12706158

that's true, hell, Portuguese brought chilli there.

>> No.12706168

So there actually is no Indian cuisine, because they just stole everything from other people? Interesting.

>> No.12706185

Considering their staple, curry, is eternally btfo by the Japanese, probably not too high
>inb4 some bs response
Until you reach Level 10 spicy at CoCo Ichibanya get fucked
>inb4 its not that spicy
Youre not impressing anyone

>> No.12706195
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absolutely delusional palatelet

>> No.12706198

Unironically this. Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese curries are far superior to anything the Indians could ever come up with.

>> No.12706203


very bad post

>> No.12706209

Oh, look, black pepper has a european substitute.

>> No.12706214

chicken tikka masala is british food you literal ape

>> No.12706223

Lol, capers are not in anyway like black pepper, you stupid mpng.

>> No.12706229

If none of the spices were Indian, and were all found in Europe, why did the Scottish chef give the dish and Indian name?

>> No.12706247


>> No.12706248

I didn't say NONE were, just MOST.
It's also reminiscent of an Indian curry, just an English take on it.

It's an ENGLISH dish. You can say it's inspired by Indian cuisine, but you can't say it's Indian.

>> No.12706252


>> No.12706256

Dried, crushed capers and papaya seeds taste very much like black pepper.

You wouldn't know this because you've never had a caper that wasn't already pickled.

>> No.12706266

>they just stole everything from other people?
Cuisine doesn't work that way. History is full of conquest and migration. Each new group arriving to a place brings some of their influence to the cuisine. As does trade. That particular set of influences over time is what defines a region's cuisine as much as what ingredients are available. Any nation's cuisine will be shaped by its history - who ruled, who immigrated, who they traded with.

>> No.12706274

I feel stupid for leaving Portugal off my list, especially given that I have friends from Goa.

>> No.12706299

i think that whenever other cultures take on aspects of Indian cuisine and adapt it to their own tastes it comes out better than the original. real indian food is overspiced and it tastes like the type of stuff i would make in my experiments when i first started cooking. You're not going to find the best Indian food in India. It's either going to be in Britain or California.

b4 le white people can't handle the spice, check out this video for daal tadka and try honestly saying that it's not completely overboard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzVxjs3PTm4

>> No.12706304

I suppose it would rank poo tier.

>> No.12706322

>chicken tikka masala

>> No.12706334

Papaya seeds I agree taste pepperish, but not capers. For that matter, watercress tastes peppery as well. But NONE of those are an actual peppercorn variety, nor can they replace pepper. And pepper has never and will never grow in Europe.

>> No.12706335

>i think that whenever other cultures take on aspects of Indian cuisine and adapt it to their own tastes it comes out better than the original.
That's because you're not Indian. So Indian food adapted for your tastes is what you prefer. Same way a lot of Americans prefer American Chinese take out to the kind of Chinese foods you find in Chinatowns - because American Chinese food has been adapted to American taste. Same is true with Italian American and regional Italian food - Italians will think Italian food is the no brainer, but many Americans will prefer Italian American.