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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12701010 No.12701010 [Reply] [Original]

>he doesn’t produce his own honey
Imagine paying for store bought honey

>> No.12701015

Why is she not wearing any equipment? Is this pic taken second before she gets stung to hell by the bees?

>> No.12701024

Those don't look like bee stings to me lmao

>> No.12701037

>euro education

>> No.12701040

Because i'm not a jew enabling beekeeper.

>> No.12701041

>imagine being scared for little fluffy bees

>> No.12701042

Im not a bee i cant produce honey

>> No.12701043

>he doesn’t produce his own honey
im sorry im not a bee GOD

>> No.12701047

Even a memer who watched Bee Movie would know the answer to why she's not wearing any equipment.
You're just dumb.

>> No.12701058

>when you've been stung so many times you become immune to the common cold
thank you for this gift bee friends

>> No.12701074

Just bee urself

>> No.12701081

Not all bees sting, there's types of honeybees that can't sting at all.

>> No.12701107

I like my honey with some MILK

>> No.12701137

Rupi plz go

>> No.12701154

I don't like honey. Maple syrup is just better in every way.

>> No.12701156
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fuck you I won't do what you tell me

>> No.12701195
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Bees get to know you and know you mean no harm so they become quite docile when you work them. Numerous jewtube videos show people whorking them w/o protective equipment. I only where face protection when I work mine because it's irritating having them in your face. I'm going to be collecting honey this week and may do a thread showing pulling the frames and spinning it out.

Having said that, I'd love to see her nipples perk up with a couple stings.

>> No.12701221

This, I wear the full suit and gloves for hive inspections since they take a while and the bees can lose patience but typically only wear a veil. It's obvious if the bees are cranky just walking up to them but honeybees are typically very calm.

>> No.12701492

See: >>>/out/1564328

>> No.12701527

She got a smoker next to her. They probably already got a puff.

>> No.12701552
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>> No.12701647

>Why is she not wearing any equipment?
how else is she supposed to look HAWT and share on social media?

>> No.12701686

Kek, I love ironic Rupi Kaur threads on /lit/

>> No.12701692

My dad beekeeps and he's had them die every winter so far, he's been using antifungal and antiveroa supplements, feeding them sugar water, and making sure they're producing eggs and destroying new queen cells. I know there's a lot that might be going wrong but has anyone else had problems with hives not surviving the winter?

>> No.12701772

Idk, mine have survived through a winter but in this area hive failures run at a rate of @30-40%. He's very likely doing nothing wrong, but if you have a hive failure you can't reuse the hives unless you soak them in lye water to kill any bacteria or viruses. There's a lot we don't know about why colony collapse has increased so dramatically. You just have to keep a close eye on them, but even then shit like foul brood syndrome can't be fixed. Best you can do is build a swarm box and collect a new colony when they swarm in the spring so you have backup hives. Bees are weird.

>> No.12701825

He is buying bees. He should try to catch wild ones during swarming season(you essentially just set out some hive boxes and hope some wild bees start a colony in one of them) they will be much hardier but probably more aggressive.

>> No.12701831

Oh, also he is probably using beehives that do not provide enough insulation.

>> No.12701985

That's not right, swarms go higher than that. You need to build a little box and get it up in the air. Bees don't say, "oh that hive looks like a comfy home" and go in. Swarms are intense where there are an enormous mass of bees surrounding a queen and she's very orange (so not making rational decisions ;)


>> No.12702042


>> No.12702126

What do you even do with honey?
It was $1.79 for a 8 ounce bottle at the store, I thought, hmm maybe?
But then I thought... why? What the fuck is this stuff for? Its basically corn syrup, more sugar that I dont like and dont need. So fuck it.
Justify the existence of this shit. Tell me why.

>> No.12702288
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"justify the existence of delicious syrups that are full of antiallergenic and antibacterial compounds lol"

>> No.12702377

You use it in any application where you'd use sugar except you have the superior flavor of honey over sucrose. Are you a retarded?

>> No.12702529

Disregard honey, acquire cunny :^)

>> No.12702555

This really makes me think.
Do you think there are people with a bee sting fetish? That sounds pretty upper echelon to me.

>> No.12702856


>> No.12702877

>foul brood syndrome
what is?

>> No.12703074

It's not well understood but it's a disease that destroys the larval brood the queen lays. It's readily apparent because the brood chambers are collapsed and the hive smells like decaying flesh. Essentially you have to destroy the hive to keep it from infecting others. Brutal shit, that is, because the bees become like your children.

>> No.12703088

Probably. My wife was telling me just the other day she gets sexually excited from that first jolt of a wasp sting. Frankly, it doesn't do much for me and I won't allow them in the bedroom no matter how much she pleads.

>> No.12703132

>he thinks all bees are africanized bees
bees die when the sting you, and some honeybee species cant even sting.

>> No.12703141


>> No.12703147

I can afford fruit. I don't high fructose bee syrup or any other inferior sweeteners when I have dates.

>> No.12703165 [DELETED] 

>can choose any fruit to represent the epitome of sweetness
>chooses dates
Go be Jewish somewhere else, Kike.

>> No.12704583
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Is a beekeeper a fun job? I like their outfits and honey is sweet and yummy

>> No.12704733

Why would I bother keeping bees when I'm from the region that produces the best honey in the country? You can buy any variety of delicious, fresh honey basically anywhere.

>> No.12704849

>he's never made sweet tea with honey

>> No.12704931

Antiallergenic? Lmfao, hooo, lad...

>> No.12705001

bees are going extinct. tell him he's wasting his time and to do something more productive.

>> No.12705042

Nazi larps are never taken seriously when it comes to food

>> No.12705048

Isn't keeping a species in crisis alive the opposite of wasting time? Especially if they're necessary for the survival of everything?

>> No.12705083

>killing his hives every winter
>keeping them alive

>> No.12705313

>>he doesn’t produce his own honey
honey doesn't come from humans.

>> No.12705319

The only thing humans produce are feces.

>> No.12705521

Looks like she's already been stung twice on the chest.

>> No.12706092


>> No.12706151
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if you cover yourself in queen bee pheremones then even bees that sting won't hurt you.

that's how they used to make movies with lots of bee actors before CGI put those real bees out of work.

>> No.12706173

the only post that matters

>> No.12706178

that is not nicholas cage

>> No.12706549

I never wore beekeeping clothing for the 3 years I kept bees
why is she holding brood comb?

>> No.12706562

If you eat honey from the region you are in, your allergies tend to evaporate. Stop eating mexican honey.

>> No.12706581

Private beekeeping is a big factor in wild bees going extinct, as honeybees steal their food and are absolute garbage when it comes to pollination.

>> No.12706888


>> No.12707016

nope. stormfront from 2013 leading to /pol/ later that year & now /out/, /k/, /diy/ & here. don't bother with /pol/ anymore.

>> No.12707051

And yet, what you replied to predates you.

>> No.12707081

Good to know.

>> No.12707201

You think 2013 isn't newfag territory?

>> No.12707252

Anything post /b/day is newfag

>> No.12707366


>> No.12707444

Based bees

>> No.12707450

keep us posted

>> No.12707452

Is she the queen?

>> No.12707640
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Beekeeping is actually a very good hobby to have, bees are amazing animals and there's lots to learn about them. Having your own honey is great for multiple reasons:
1. Allergy relief
2. Health benefits
3. Tastes way better than other honey
4. Can satisfy a sweet tooth in a healthier way than junk
and best of all 5. ALCOHOL - mead is delicious and honey is an easy way to boost ABV for your homebrewed beers.

>> No.12707663
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I used to be terrified by bees but I had a college processor that talked about his bees all the time and now I kinda realize they are super cool. Retirement goal for me is to beekeep.

Fuck wasps though. I panic whenever I see one

>> No.12707672

i'd like her honey

>> No.12707682


Homemade mead is GOAT

>> No.12707719

weird and ugly boobs

>> No.12707725

>t.no boobs

>> No.12707726

>t. incel

>> No.12707733

just paint your cock black and yellow and sting her yourself senpai

>> No.12707734

I often see people make this claim, but is there any actual evidence supporting it?