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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12692600 No.12692600 [Reply] [Original]

How did something as stupid as washing meat originate?

>> No.12692610
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>eating meat

>> No.12692615

He's washing it, not eating it.

>> No.12692619

Niggers washing chicken thinking it cleans it

>> No.12692623

F-. .. Fuck
You win this time meatcucks

>> No.12692624

The butcher near us is retarded and every time i get a pork chop, pork belly or a steak there are tiny bone shards which i have to take off. Obviously i dont do this with chicken.

>> No.12692630
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Having lived in China where the they wash everything at least three times, it's because raw meat stinks if it sits around for awhile. We Westerners take refrigeration for granted. Plus, pigs feet stink however fresh they are and need to be blanched to remove the smell.

>> No.12692635
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Amerimutts decided that soaking meat in bleach is an essential part of its production. They try to wash the bleach off, but they're too retarded to realize that the meat has absorbed the bleach.

>> No.12692668
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haha cool post, can you please te

Me nore?

>> No.12692682

Before modern health codes there would usually be a lot of dirt and sawdust and other sources of grit in the environments where meat was prepared, and some would get on the meat and you would need to wash it off if you didn't want it in your food.

>> No.12692715
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>> No.12692756

julia child told people to wash their meat for some 60 years and obviously she was never wrong about anything ever because she was julia fucking child, which is why people still take that advice as gospel

before that cookbooks dating back to the 1920s were telling people to wash their meat

before that, I can't say
but in general it probably has to do with home butchering, home farming, hunting for sustenance, etc being a lot more prevalent and having actual foreign debris and entrails you'd want to wash off of your meat
versus today where everything comes to you triple-washed, dunked in ammonia, and plastic-wrapped

>> No.12692772

This, still happens in other countries.

>> No.12692893

How else are you supposed to marinate it?

>> No.12692923

I lost all respect for her when I saw her using an electric stove on her show.

>> No.12692924

>pigs feet
you know how if your hands are in water for too long they get water logged?
pig feet are shit logged.

>> No.12692952

American meat be like contaminated with feces and shiet.

>> No.12692969

Why would you ever eat pigs feet if you are not a starving peasant?

>> No.12692986

Yep, our meat is literally caked with feces. Chicken is notoriously bad because 99% of US chicken is chilled in an assembly line water bath that rapidly becomes a fecal soup. That is what happens when your govt. is bought and paid for by megacorporations, which bongs will soon see when they become a US colony after brexit.


>> No.12693002

>Washing fruit/vegetables under running water removes a shitload of bacteria/pesticides/bugs/dirt
>Hell, just seeing what produce goes through on the supermarket shelves should be enough to convince you to wash your produce
>Enter brainlets who think life works like Lego and you can just mix and match logical concepts regardless of context
That's pretty much it.
Also, might be ghosts of the depression-era. Back when North Americans were going through extreme economic depression, they had to stretch out their means as much as they could:
>Woah woah woah, add some more water to that soup, if we're lucky, it could last us three days
>Yeah, the celery is getting soft/wilted, and brown in spots, but it's not completely rotten, so it's still good
>Oh the cheese is moldy around the edges? Just cut the moldy parts off, its still good
And I imagine:
>Oh, the meat is looking a little discolored and its getting a bit of mold? Just rinse it off and cook it a little longer, it's still good

>> No.12693005

Yeah but it's just not needed now (at least where I am in the glorious EU - inb4 seething non EU 3rd worlders), all the meat I get is perfectly clean from debris and ready to cook

>> No.12693007


>> No.12693008

Old people still purposely spoil their milk because thats the way they grew up with

>> No.12693022

Any 1st world country is better than the US. Hell even some parts of Poland (considered a 2nd world county by the contemporary definition of the word) are better than the US

>> No.12693025


>> No.12693034

The answer is white people. We're responsible for everything that is bad in the world right now.

>> No.12693078

This is just what I always default to now.
Like, no matter what you do, NPCs and lefties will always find a way to blame "white people" for it, so why not just blame white people yourself? Like, no explanation or thought required, just blame white people and we can all move on, no need to discuss or debate.

What are they going to do, start arguing because they feel like you're being flippant and trivializing their greatest "enemy"? What conclusion will they come to instead? It will still end up being "white people evil", so let's just save some time, blame white people right off the bat, and try to talk about something with a solution that isn't genocide. Best case scenario, people start to realize just how silly it is to always immediately jump to the conclusion that everyone who shares a certain skin color is to blame.

>> No.12693101

I told your mom to wash her meat before i fucked her LMAO

>> No.12693111

I'm on board but only if we cam blame white women specifically.

>> No.12693228

To be fair, I can totally envision some 50s advertisement targeted to white, middle-class housewives about being sure to "wash your meat!"

>> No.12693248

I might be on board with this, but only if it's for 4chan only.

>> No.12693261

its actually niggers, especially caribbean

>> No.12693291

What do you have to lose by washing your chicken? Afraid of a little salmonella on your sink?

>> No.12693312

Imagine falling for propaganda that says the U.S. is the best country in the world.

>> No.12693328

your country cant even afford to make propaganda so you watch ours

>> No.12693344
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For real though, the UK is a shit hole. The only decent food you'd find there is some halal shit, and fuck that.

>> No.12693469

i only rinse meat when there is shitty premade marinade in it

>> No.12693518
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>Best case scenario, people start to realize just how silly it is to always immediately jump to the conclusion that everyone who shares a certain skin color is to blame.
That will never happen. It's all about your skin color or nose shape.

>> No.12693523

Why post that image? You were the ones who brought up the uk. The bleach must be going to your brain.

>> No.12693525

Enjoy your fecal matter

>> No.12693572
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>not eating meat

>> No.12693592
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>> No.12693608

The only people I've ever heard of washing their meat is niggers

>> No.12693642

>washing and cleaning your food
Hahah, wow OP, you're right! Being a clean person is retarded! Thats why you "smart" people are always disgusting when its comes to something as simple as personal hygiene or cleaning.

>> No.12693665
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>cherry picking malnutrition
look I can do it too

>> No.12693667


>> No.12693690

>catches the chair

>> No.12693703

Open air markets and american slaughterhouses

>> No.12693705

Finally, you're taking responsibility for this shithole you built? Reparations when?

>> No.12693797
File: 216 KB, 1080x1589, Screenshot_20190726-201326__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reparations when?
Since you asked nicely...

>> No.12693824


>> No.12693828

>he doesn't wash his meat with lemon and hot water
never, ever gonna make it.

>> No.12693878

>splattering salmonella all over your sink and counter

why the fuck would you wash meat?

>> No.12694012

The shitty marinade would have penetrated the poor meat

>> No.12694078
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But the instructions on the full chickens specifically say to wash it.

"PREP & SEASON: Remove giblets and visible fat and rinse chicken under cool water; pat dry with a paper towel. If desired, rub skin with 2 to 3 tablespoons oil or butter and season with salt and pepper. If desired, fold back wings and tie legs together."

>> No.12694102


You have no fucking idea what you are missing.

>> No.12695083

You're a celebrity now, fatass

>> No.12695145

>julia child told people to wash their meat for some 60 years
Holy shit I can’t be bothered with that I just wash it for 60 seconds

>> No.12695656
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>> No.12695659

>being this scared of a little fiber

>> No.12695722
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Meat can have dust, cum, spit, or random cleaning agents on its surface, these things do not get removed by cooking and have to be washed off. To say that 100% of your meat is clean of impurities is pure delusion
>but I trust the slaughterhouses and butchers, muh first world!!!
Based retard
>but but the usda told me not to
There is not a single study about it, just a random line on a random article. It's a suggestion based on nothing
>but bacteria water will contaminate my sink
If you use a cutting board to cut your meat, wouldn't that also contaminate your sink when you wash it?

>> No.12695745
File: 32 KB, 501x613, ED14924B-2BA1-44E7-BFF2-E2C137224520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to wash cum off your meat? Extra protein for big gains bro.

>> No.12695762

Extra protein does not equate to extra gains unless you do extra work. It will just be more calories.

>> No.12696295

When I see overweight people eating meat I want them to end up in a car accident.
Fat people are not worth more than an animal. 95% of them say they'd never kill an animal themselves too. Only a man who has killed his own food can appreciate what meat is.
Gas the fatties

>> No.12696305

>Hello fellow white people

>> No.12696468

Because that is how you avoid getting sick, neanderthal. But go on ahead and bite into a dirty cutlet.

>> No.12696478

When you come from a third world country where quality and cleanliness of your food source is questionable at best, it makes sense to take your meat home and wash it clean before cooking it.

Mohammed-Mohammad and his slimy halal chicken don't have the best tract record when it comes to government health inspections - so why take the chance?

>> No.12696488

Fuck off, /v/.

>> No.12696766

>Raise and process my own rabbits
>Hunt deer for plentiful venison and boar for sosig/smoked meat/remove oink from habitat
>Have a garden that gives me more than half of all produce I eat
>Chickens for eggs
>220lbs, 5'9" manlet
I was gonna ask if you wanted to come over for barbecue Anon...

>> No.12696794

If you want taste on your food you jse the foot

>> No.12696873

even washing produce is retarded unless there's actual dirt/insects. if there's pesticide or bacteria on it, a bit of water is not going to remove that. do you wash the shit off your hands in just water, or do you use soap?

are you going to scrub with soap every single leaf of lettuce?

food is dirty, it's grown outdoors in dirt and covered in bird and insect shit, even fertilized in cow/horseshit, it's picked by dirty mexicans who shit in the field, and it's packed in dirty trucks and handled by dirty unwashed min wage workers, then stacked on shelves that haven't been washed in 10 years at the store, and manhandled by a dozen shoppers before you buy it. if you can't handle that, just starve and die for being a prissy little faggot.

>>Oh the cheese is moldy around the edges? Just cut the moldy parts off, its still good
i've never gotten sick from this. that's what we have stomach acid and immune systems for, princess.

>> No.12696987

Aww that sucks your barbeque sounds good.
How in the fuck did you get fat?
Granted I don't hunt in a stand or blind and I freedive for my crustaceans and spear my fish.
Even then you still have to trek the wilderness. What the fuck man

>> No.12697022

>How did something as stupid as washing meat originate?
from 3rd world countries

>> No.12697030


>> No.12697043
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>even washing produce is retarded
Organi produce is grown with LITERAL shit. Enjoy your ecoli from not washing it! Hpefully your bathroom has interesting reading material fully stocked and nice wall paper to look at.