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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 191 KB, 1300x956, dog-is-a-delicacy-in-vietnam-F0MB5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12696321 No.12696321 [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat a dog?

>> No.12696341

If I were starving, yes.

>> No.12696354

Watch all the burger eating troglodytes cry about Asians being soulless while eating pigs, chicken and cows.

>> No.12696370
File: 266 KB, 665x574, am i retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK, so probably not. Id be down for people before dogs probably. It's not that I give a shit about dogs, still a big mental hang up though. The taboo of eating people meat makes it more enticing though.

>> No.12696381

okay give me
*nom nom nom slurrpp* mmm tasty :D thanks

>> No.12696384

Absolutely. I'd eat a human being too.

>> No.12696415

based psychopath

>> No.12696418

I leik whear this is going

>> No.12696419

ok, bugman

>> No.12696438

I'll eat anything if I'm starving to death, yes. Including you.

>> No.12696460

What goes well with dog?

>> No.12696465

Yeah I guess. Dog looks like it tastes like shit though.

>> No.12696474

American, but keep projecting Gurg.

>> No.12696485

i see we have a chinese international student

>> No.12696512

fuck yea

>> No.12696516

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12696520

Absolutely no way. Man's best friend is not for consumption, have some fucking standards.

>> No.12696569

that’s one hot dog

>> No.12696595

I would at least once to try it if I were given the occasion.

>> No.12697051

if I were starving to death with no other options I would. you would too.

>> No.12697056

If I was in Korea, it would be disrespectful not to. If I hate their culture, I shouldn't go there.

>> No.12697061

did they die?

>> No.12697077
File: 128 KB, 781x1024, HAHA FRESH MEAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you my friends.
Save it for hard times :)

>> No.12697091

They look like their meat would be tough and stringy. Wouldn't be my first choice. If it were free I'd try it at least.

>> No.12697210
File: 486 KB, 602x1023, Isabelle_AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat out? Yes.

>> No.12697421


>> No.12697961


>> No.12698216

Sure I’m perhaps used to it. In many Latin American countries when meat vendors are broke they sell you dog instead of lamb or goat. They cut it in such a way to resemble lamb/goat. They sell you all those stray dogs.

>> No.12698231

If its sanitary snd tastes good, sure.

>> No.12698305

you think it's ever human meat? lol

>> No.12698322

Fuck off retard

>> No.12698344

>they sell you dog instead of lamb or goat
Holy shit, an actual Lat. Am. poster? You better not be a honky poser, like me, anon.

>> No.12698353

meat is meat, animal it comes from doesn't matter as much as which cuts are served and the methods by which its cooked

>> No.12698387

I would never eat dog or cat in any civilized country because it may have been someone's pet. If I was in a shithole I'd try it just so I could say that I did.

>> No.12698447

isnt carnivore meat terrible in theory and actuality?

maybe once

>> No.12698565

if there is nothing else and I am starving to death? yes.

>> No.12699022

he didn't say he was a londoner

>> No.12699039

sopa de dogo, uma delicia

>> No.12699049

I really want to try wax dog

>> No.12699325

Dogs have more than any other species on the planet the ability to communicate with and understand human behavior after millennia of partnership, assisting us with so many tasks from many forms of hunting to herding farm animals to security to leading around the blind. To lock them up in a box and raise them for meat on scraps from the slaughterhouse where the real farm animals are being processed is a disgrace. There's no real other way to farm them, they are not suited to it, not their carnivorous diet or their behavior, the only thing that makes it work small scale is their fast reproductive cycle and a complete disregard for their normal behaviors and usefulness.

>> No.12699497

I have eaten dog. It's really nothing special, pretty much just a poverty protein.

>> No.12699532

If the people raised them for eating, I wouldn't mind it. From videos I have seen, they explain that family dogs or working dogs are kidnapped from peoples front yards to be eaten.

>> No.12699564

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12699569

Not him but I dont follow politics

>> No.12699611
File: 60 KB, 615x410, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I would eat a cat though.

>> No.12699760

>.01 Shekel has been deposited into your account

>> No.12700027

I eat chinese food every weekend

>> No.12700037

Sure, why not? They are just animals.

>> No.12700053
File: 22 KB, 352x400, donotwant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall watching a youtuber who lives in China explaining that there are still a few places that have dog meat on their menu, but very few people eat them for two reasons. One of them is that dogs have become very popular pets in China. The second reason is that dog meat apparently really hard and not that tasty. Only truck old truck drivers still eat them.

>> No.12700056

How many generations has your family been here, Lee Sung?

>> No.12700082

>isnt carnivore meat terrible in theory and actuality?
Dog meat is starvation cuisine. That's why it got so popular in places like Vietnam and Korea.
Now that SK's closer to a normal developed country they've been trying to phase dog meat consumption out. But it still exists in rural markets. And technically I don't think they really banned dog meat eating itself so much as dog slaughter.

>> No.12700733


Sure. Probably not presented like in OPs pic (unless I was really hungry) but I have nothing against trying it.

>> No.12700774


>> No.12700776

Only LIBERALS would eat a dog. FUCK LIBERALS

>> No.12700797

Dogs are not sapient or conscious, but probably not.

>> No.12702252

This. Based.

>> No.12702306

Same. Dogs are humanities friends and partners, cats are just lazy niggers than hang out with humanity to score free drugs from us being too generous.

>> No.12702668 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 943x602, china scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO i would not!!! chinks are insectoids that believe the more pain the animal suffers the better it tastes so they torture them and skin them alive then boil them alive. Don't give me that cultural differences bullshit about we just eat different animals because we don't do anything like that sick shit

>> No.12702673
File: 96 KB, 602x514, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not ok

>> No.12702682
File: 167 KB, 847x696, chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

china is the real enemy

>> No.12702693
File: 42 KB, 590x350, dog-665109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no other culture on the planet tortures animals because it releases adrenaline and taints the meat but the chinese do it intentionally

>> No.12702710

why do you keep spamming the same shit every time you pigskin retard

>> No.12702713
File: 122 KB, 242x260, received_2277267119191784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't give me that cultural differences bullshit about we just eat different animals because we don't do anything like that sick shit!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Zomg yes hooman skip rent to buy me 90 dollar bag of grain free kibble or I shart during our walks and expose you as an abuser!!!!

>> No.12702763
File: 87 KB, 720x405, chinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because its relevant to expose your shit culture for the subhuman soulless insectoid monsters you are.

>> No.12702778
File: 2.95 MB, 206x360, China dog show.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12702785

I have nothing against poor people that just want meat. I cant judge them as Ive never wanted for food, never truly experienced lizard-brain hunger. I eat my caged chicken sandwich that cost me 2 dollars - dont ask me to take sides on the matter of poor chinese and their dogs.

>> No.12702830


>> No.12702836

even their ass?

>> No.12702850

No. Nothing to do with morality either, I just think that carnivores/carrion eaters should not be consumed for health reasons. No one really eats seagull or vulture either

>> No.12702880
File: 11 KB, 260x194, chinese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fully agree with that but they don't just eat them, they go out of their way to torture the animal and cause as much suffering as possible. That is completely unnecessary and sick

>> No.12702894

>"My culture keeps dogs as pets so no one else can eat them"

Your worldview is small, Brad.