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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12695670 No.12695670 [Reply] [Original]

Boomer here. Worries about Alzheimer and Parkinsons.
Are the any food for brains that can help postpone doomsday.
Nuts, veggies, fish????

>> No.12695677

Abstinence from alcohol.

>> No.12695682

A couple of the doctors I work for say blueberries.

>> No.12695701

Most doctors I've known (only 6 out of 8, BTW, obviously a very small sample size) have a strange preponderance for wellness fads. What they say in private is very different from what is told to patients.

>> No.12695864

It's because they're obsessed with immortality / not dying.
It's probably secretly why a lot of them got into medicine in the first place.

>> No.12695871

Don't tell me this

>> No.12695991


>> No.12696234

nicotinamide riboside

>> No.12696244

Chinese think eating walnuts makes you smart because they kind of look like brains

>> No.12696284


>> No.12696408

Lots of fish, Ds, and complex carbs. Your brain needs carbs, desu

>> No.12696441

What could complex carbs be?
I already take lots of D supplements.
Fish, idk.. whit lead, mercury and micrplastics floating around.
Take omega-3 though.

>> No.12696479

Not unless you can go back in time and start eating them regularly decades ago. A healthy diet with lots of healthy fats throughout your life is what keeps Alzheimers' and such away, not switching to a better diet when the damage is already done.

>> No.12697409

Boomers deserve alzheimers and parkinsons

>> No.12697509

Look on natural news.com
They have a fuck ton of articles about research back foods that aid grow old and the brain. I know Nutmeg brings focus. Roman's praised the herb's ability to support the brain. Keeping the mind exercised with books helps a lot.

Cilantro, iodine found in seaweed, lemons, will help flush from the body heavy metals that decrease IQ and focus. Beets after a week liver cleanse will also flush lymphnodes which process toxins. I'm making a home made cilantro extract right now with other herbs that flush toxins and heavy metals for my infant son's upcoming vaccine

After you find a herbs and foods aid the mind follow this recipe to concentrate them into a extract .

>line crockpot with hand towel
>stuff mason jar with herbs that aid the mind that you find on natural news. If dry herbs add a little water.
>only use non gmo and rinse well fresh herbs, everything on plant will be concentrated
>cover herbs with edible plant glycerin or coconut oil till no plant is exposed
>screw lid tight
>add water to crockpot, high as the shoulder of mason jar in crockpot
>cook on low for 3 days
>after 3 days strain into dropped bottle with dark glass
>store in cool dark place for 2 months then take dropper full at a time. Look online for recommendations for the specific herb extracts.

>> No.12697522

This. The brain does not regenerate.
You start out with a high surface area where you don't think you're being damaged when you are because the surface is so folded but damage is damage and it doesn't stop for anyone, especially those with poor health regimes.

>> No.12697531

New research shows mushrooms are protective against degenerative neurological diseases. Coffee looks promising too

>> No.12697537

“Complex carbs” is a meme. All starch is essentially the same and gets broken down into glucose in your mouth and stomach by amylase. What people mean by “complex carbs” is usually starch products that have high fiber content, like whole grains

>> No.12697544

take a daily vitamin and make sure you're sleeping right so your brain gets enough oxygen. if you have sleep apnea, get that checked out, sleep on a wedge pillow, use a mouth guard to help keep airway open, etc.

>> No.12698291

Stop speaking like a toddler

And a low saturated-fat diet. It is not entirely understood but there is a correlation between saturated fats and Alzheimer and Parkinsons

>> No.12698651


>> No.12698668

lions mane

>> No.12698980

You need to preserve your brain cells by doing puzzles and not coming to this retarded site

>> No.12699069

Eye of newt and fish oil

>> No.12699090

You're going to descend into madness until the only thing you remember is that your sons are faggots and you failed as a father. No food can save you.

>> No.12699092

aluminum shavings

>> No.12699109

Fugu liver. Its known to reverse Alzheimer's. Ancient Chinese secret

>> No.12699274

apparently ethiopians how the lowest rate; something they eat maybe

>> No.12699352

Or something they don’t eat. How much wheat or sugar do Ethiopians eat?

>> No.12700127

Not food related, reading and doing mentally stimulating puzzles helps against Alzheimer's

>> No.12700142
File: 29 KB, 657x527, disappointed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomer here
The absolute youngest boomers are middle to late 50s now, stop roleplaying. There likely isn't even more than one or two occasional gen-x posters passing by here since almost all of them are 40+.

>> No.12700173

>strange preponderance for wellness fads
Being a doctor is the most stereotypical god complex occupation there is. When you do extra work and pay extra money to get a special title denoting your education and authority it gives you the impression you're exceptionally capable of seeing the truth, which can ironically contribute to less skeptical / critical analysis and greater willingness to trust your gut instincts.
Similar to the "Nobel Disease" phenomenon where after winning a Nobel Prize a number of formerly mainstream and respectable scientists have proceeded to do a bunch of amateur self-teaching and "research" on some totally unrelated other scientific discipline and then started endorsing insane pseud ideas like homeopathy or Deepak Chopra style quantum mysticism.

>> No.12700210

/ck/ demographic is generally genx or boomer except for the fast-food kids.

>> No.12700229

>/ck/ demographic is generally genx or boomer
No, it definitely isn't. Even as a millennial in his 30s I know I'm relatively uncommon and older than most other posters here.
Like I said, one or two gen-x occasionally. Boomers not at all.

>> No.12700314

And what proof do you have to back this up? No, not your worthless opinion. Actual evidence pls

>> No.12700383

I'm literally a boomer and post here, retard, so your theory is shit. And I can tell by the language used in other posts there are other boomers here too.

>> No.12700463

Eat shit and kill yourself. Go back to facebook and quit ruining other social medias