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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 540 KB, 584x370, notce there's no leetuce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12693658 No.12693658 [Reply] [Original]

where were you when you found out the truth about the lettuce scam?

>Lettuce is bland and does not contribute any kind of worthwhile flavor to a burger.

>Lettuce detracts from the delicate balance of flavors that makes a burger a burger.

>The shape of lettuce can often disrupt the even distribution of the sauces, causing it to pool in undesirable ways.

>In larger burgers, lettuce just makes it more difficult to fit the burger in your mouth.

>Lettuce is a cheap way for restaurants to make their small burgers seem bigger.

>> No.12693663

Fuck you anon lettuce is awesome

>> No.12693668

>reee I don't liek to eat vegetables!!1

If the lettuce is fresh and properly shredded, a good and solid layer can provide a touch of crunch and coolness without disturbing the composition of the burger.

>> No.12693673

>shredded lettuce
hows preschool?

>> No.12693689

i try to eat a salad every day, but i just like burgers without veggies and condiments

Meat, Cheese, Bun

>> No.12693702

imagine being cucked by a label that you can't appreciate a different way to enjoy food, keep living in your dumb bubble anon.

>> No.12693796

You wouldn't, by any chance, be American, would you?

Lettuce does, in fact, have a place in a hamburger. It provides a crisp, cooling sensation to offset the meaty, savory patty and some nice crunch in concert with the onions.

If anything has no place in a hamburger, it's pickles.

>> No.12693833
File: 130 KB, 349x502, 1543590713836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>notice there's no lettuce
>quite clearly has lettuce on it

>> No.12693904


You're human feces. You talk like human feces. Stop talking like a goddamn child because you just ruin your argument.

>> No.12693914

I hate lettuce too but I get why people like it on a burger.

>> No.12693935

Based as fuck

If a boygah needs anything beyond that then it was never a good one in the first place

>> No.12693944

Child palate. A good burger needs lettuce, onions, tomato, pickles, and mustard.

>> No.12693955

You can't even taste the meat at that point. It's just indicative of that fact that you couldn't cook a burger to save your life or you just eat fast food burgers all day. Likely both

>> No.12693956

I agree and have to say tomato is also disgusting on a burger. tomatoes have a fairly subtle flavor compared to the rest of the ingredients so its essentially like adding a slice of chewy water to the sandwich

>> No.12693963


What a stupid cunt thing to say. A good burger always has ALL of those things, you're just too fucking childish in your tastes to notice. You like hot dogs, don't you? Like a fucking toddler.

>> No.12693965

chicken has no place on a burger either, faglord

>> No.12693968

also there is lettuce on that chicken burger, above the onion on the left, triple faglord

>> No.12693970

I've realized that there are two types of people: people that like their burgers to be soft and melt in their mouth, and people that like to rip into a tougher burger. For the latter, the lettuce adds a nice crispy center to the texture of it.

>> No.12693978

There may be lettuce, but you can't see any leetuce anywhere in the picture

>> No.12693979

This. Though I like crunchy lettuce on a burger as it adds a nice complimentry texture to the otherwise soft burger.

>> No.12693981

strangely cultured posts by the op and this discerning anon.

i love lettuce and tomatoes, but the quality at a lot of burger establishments leaves a lot to be desired.

>> No.12693989

Lettuce contributes texture. It also helps to keep the buns from sliding off. If you put condiment between bun and burger, you will often have too much viscosity, causing slippage. Lettuce helps to grip the bun. Lettuce also helps by adding a slightly bitter component, to balance out the fattiness and saltiness.

>> No.12693992
File: 28 KB, 467x533, 1552052319871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sensible post.
>mfw Group A

>> No.12694003

weird you say sensible, i was going to point out how it's just objectively wrong

>> No.12694054

There’s only one kind of people: people. Flyovers aren’t people.

>> No.12694065

Fuck your mother with a stick, pickles are awesome and definitely earned its place on burgers

>> No.12694108
File: 457 KB, 3000x3000, 1544298092284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greener parts of lettuce are good, the white parts are very watery and take away from the flavor although it adds more of a crisp

>> No.12694202

Mmm burger

>> No.12694264
File: 237 KB, 390x408, don'tlookatmyfilename.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, mayo, ketchup if you wish. With a well seasoned, charred patty like Burger Kings, a bit of pepper and you're golden. YOU DON'T NEED KETCUP WITH A FLAVORFUL PATTY.

>> No.12694401

Of course you don't need ketchup on a burger. You use mustard or barbecue sauce. Ketchup is for dipping fries only.

>> No.12694716

Yeah, I eat my burgers with spinach instead, goes well with a yolky egg, cheese and ketchup

>> No.12694744


I do like the pickles though. Don't use them at home, but will eat them on a bought burger.

>> No.12694822

you are correct. lettuce adds minimal texture to a hamburger, and no flavor. however, if you make the BUN out of multiple sheets of iceberg, you get a radically different burger. honestly, very tasty. so either none or a lot works.

>> No.12694919

Pickles don’t belong on my burger. They detract from and overpower every other ingredient when you get one in a bite. Pickle relish is much better since it’s more distributed and you’re not biting into a nasty big chunk of pickle.

Lettuce is fine, but you can have a good burger without it too.

>> No.12694957

Spinach is a superior alternative.

>> No.12694966

Epic Meal Time redpilled me on the decorative green jew. Closer to 10 years ago than not now, maybe 15 years old?

>> No.12695393

I fucking hate lettuce, but because of how much of a faggot you are, I'm gonna put lettuce on all of my burgers from now on.

>> No.12695408

>raw onion

>> No.12695577

When did you realize meat contains more illnesses and pathogens than the USDA knows of?

>> No.12695582

>meat contains illnesses

>> No.12695698

>doctor, my hamburger has been acting listless
>I’m afraid it has severe depression

>> No.12695757

>t. angry child

>> No.12695773

I'll tell you what has no place on a burger, tomatoes. They don't compliment the meat, they add very little flavour, the can add unwanted moisture to the bun and that make the burger thicker than it needs to be. A tomato relish is infinitely superior because it can add an acidic touch as well as other things in the relish blend.

>> No.12695792

Don't cry when you get a parasite and you're suffering from lavabutt.

>> No.12695835

Wise words

>> No.12695852 [DELETED] 

The Fires of Ancient Cosmic Destiny in my arse.

>> No.12695853

you can dry them woth some salt beforehand

>> No.12695855

I don't feel that mustard is mandatory. I have enjoyed a rodeo burger in my day but I also think bbq sauce generally doesn't belong on a burger, ribs and pulled pork okay.

>> No.12696367

Ehhh I'd agree only if the burger already has pickles and raw onion. You need that crunch factor.

>> No.12696369

Cabbage is better

>> No.12696406

I don't mind lettuce if its shredded but a leaf of it generally gets in the way.

>> No.12696486

Not only does your shitty pic have lettuce on it, it's also a chicken sandwich, you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.12697263

Spinach is vastly patrician.

>> No.12697837

Based and anti-tomatopilled. Seriously tomatoes fucking ruin burgers. They take away from the taste of the beef and can make the bun soggy. They are acceptable on chicken sandwiches however

>> No.12698048

yo dawg, I think this qualifies as a blog post

>> No.12698451

How does it feel being autistic?

>> No.12699550

lettuce know when you see it

>> No.12699583

This is why children should only eat McDonalds.

>> No.12699705

lol living this long and being wrong about everything AND being this upset about it

>> No.12699713
File: 768 KB, 2000x2000, 1557978802367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-sauce condiment on both buns
-thinly sliced onion, steamed or raw
-ONE (1) additional topping

and that is how it is done.

>> No.12699916
File: 3.19 MB, 2200x1901, 1544231014243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect burger coming through

>> No.12699928

>patty on top

>> No.12699936

>patty on top
>pointless egg
>lettuce cancer

Please leave this board

>> No.12699948

I don't mind ketchup (as long as it's not heinz) but fuck raw tomatoes. Slimy and gross, stay in commiefornia.

>> No.12700044
File: 605 KB, 700x805, 1557604915308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make Breakfast Burgers

I cook a burger and put it inbetween two dry waffles, 2 eggs, bacon, and drizzled with syrup.

It's also applicable to use sausage in place of bacon, or hashbrowns.

If you wanna be a real nibba though.

So, before using the waffle iron for your waffles, cook a burger on it. Let the juices mix into your waffle batter. Mix it with dashes of spice and brown sugar, and you'll be in fat town by Tuesday.

Serve it alongside a cup of Coffee/Orange/Tomato

And if I served it at a diner? Shoot. 7 bucks with side of hashbrowns, homefries, or tater tots.

>> No.12700831

The lettuce at Big Boy and Steak n Shake is flavorful

>> No.12700855

lettuce is fucking shit on a burger
>lol u dont like veggies?!?!?!
stfu faggot I love salad just not on my fucking burger
use coleslaw instead, adds more than just the taste of water and grass

>> No.12701155

Lettuce brings crunch, juicyness and freshness to an already very very savory, fatty and salty dish.

>> No.12701193

holy fucking fat

>> No.12701320

i can understand why someone might want to do this, but for me it's just Meat, Cheese, Bun

honestly i think you're a fag if you do it any other way

>> No.12701915

spinach does the same thing but it actually has flavor and health benefits

go home, microwave chef

>> No.12702072

>He eats raw spinach
Enjoy your bone disease

>> No.12702097

Go back to crying about lettuce being scary

>> No.12702100
File: 39 KB, 800x600, veldsla-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer Field Salad, but I don't think they sell it much in the land of the free.

>> No.12702111

lettuce is inconsequential

if you really care about lettuce or you really hate it, you're an idiot

it is meaningless garnish for sure, but if you complain about it being on your burger you are a giant baby who needs to grow the fuck up (i'm lookin at you OP)

>> No.12702168
File: 691 KB, 800x800, thatsakek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leaves giving bone disease?

>> No.12702170

pretty good stuff, not as common as spinach though

>> No.12702750

>Oxalic acid (oxalate) is generally found in rhubarb (0.2–1.3%), tea (0.3–2.0%), spinach (0.3–1.3%), parsley (1.7%) and purslane (1.3%), but may also be found in asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, lettuce, celery, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, beets, peas, coffee, cocoa, beans, potatoes, berries, and carrots [67,73,85].

>Oxalic acid is an organic acid that can bind calcium and other minerals, making them insoluble and decreasing their bioavailability. Ingestion of foods containing high concentrations of oxalates may cause decreased bone growth, kidney stones, renal toxicity, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, coma and impaired blood clotting [73]. The significant role oxalate plays in kidney stone development is exemplified by the fact that approximately 65% of kidney stones consist of calcium oxalate [86].

Cook your fucking vegetables, kids

>> No.12703130

Mom? Did Tyrone leave yet? Where's my tendies?

>> No.12703144

Kek, you're afraid of raw spinach because people get kidney stones? Grow up. Everything can hurt you in excess, even water or oxygen. A small handful of spinach on top of a burger isn't going to shatter your bones.

>> No.12703253

>i hate lettuce in my burger so everyone else should hate it too

>> No.12704927

Yeah, just put spinach on a burger instead. It's more nutritious.

>> No.12704956

spinach and lettuce taste completely different you autists

romaine, one slice of salted beefsteak tomato, a ring of grilled onion, and pickles are all requirements for a proper burger

>> No.12704963

Spinach actually tastes good while lettuce tastes like crunchy water

>> No.12705022


this is a solid recommendation. your romaine needs to be heavily hydrated and grilled onion can get soggy. otherwise stay away from spinach or arugula, its just shitty green dry veg. burger buns need to be dry and or crispy and the internals need to be moist and greasy as shit.

>> No.12705089

>romaine, one slice of salted beefsteak tomato, a ring of grilled onion, and pickles are all requirements for a proper burger
So 99.999% of burgers are improper, and are probably better by forgoing formalities

>> No.12705152

Yes it does. It's place is right above the cheese.

>> No.12705155

What's that between the onions and the patty then ?