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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12678934 No.12678934 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard for fast food places to not put cheese on a burger when its ordered like that?
I feel this guys pain


>> No.12678949


having worked fast food in the past, if its super busy people tend to go auto-pilot and often will forget either adding/subtracting something or drinks etc. Its not done out of spite 90% of the time.

>> No.12678954


that said someone should 100% spit in this guys food next time he orders.

>> No.12678957

How about her?


>> No.12678979

>I feel this guys pain
I feel like he's a moron for expecting them to get his order right when his past two experiences have shown him that this place fucks orders up.

>> No.12678983

Please be competent once in ur life lmao

>> No.12678987

its his fault for not checking it, or expressing how important cheese is to him while ordering

>> No.12679093

she wasnt rude to the two ladies making her sandwiches just the coon on the end

>> No.12679136

If you relate to a video of someone being an asshole, it's an indication of your immaturity and not of them being right. Because guess what? They never are. If your life is so shit that a mistake on a burger is going to tip you over the edge, fix your life instead of shitting on everyone else. Oh and learn about Hanlon's Razor, you trashy motherfuckers.

>> No.12679170

This guy is based and did norhing wrong. Oh boo hoo, you got yelled at for fucking up at work. Do you want a warm bottle and a nap? It's no wonder these crybabies work in fast food, they can barely dip their toes into the real world without whining about how cruel and unfair it is

>> No.12679178

0/10 bait, boomer

>> No.12679994

just do your easy as fuck job. this is coming from a waiter who has never fucked up an order.

>> No.12680013

>i want 'em all in da oven


>> No.12680026

I love how you think he's being bait. Imagine fucking up at work and not getting hollered at by somebody that literally contributes to your paycheck. Sneauxflacke.

>> No.12680375

Lmao she's redpilled

>> No.12680457

Didn't watch the video and don't really care to, but why do they need $15/hr when they can't even follow the simplest instructions? I mean, I get people make mistakes and all that other basic bitch shit, but how hard is it to make a customer's order instead of grabbing another piece of shit from the warmer and making another piece of shit for the warmer? I know they gotta have some way to relay instructions from the register to the grill. Maybe more people need to cause sceens, but I just don't go to fast food anymore.

>> No.12680487

I sure hope nothing bad ever happens to you where a small insignificant thing could make you snap. like you know, maybe someone in your life dying and you would always hang out with that person and eat the same meal and now they're dead and all you want to do is eat the meal and mourn but the place fucks it up so you ask to fix it and they don't and you ask again and they don't and you're fucking lost at this point and you're not actually mad at the person you're yelling at but at life.

Everyone has bad days you faggoty fuck.

>> No.12680891

That time McDonalds called the police on a homeless man for eating their food in the restaurant.

>> No.12680901

>I am the law
American police literally quoting Judge Dredd.

>> No.12680906

If you're insignificant you should just fuck off quietly because bothering more significant people is just rude and annoying.

>> No.12680929

based mcdonalds. worthless liberal faggot filming brought a vagrant who probably loiters around their restaurant and theyre tired of him. i wish the cop would have shot him

>> No.12680937


>> No.12680953


>> No.12680981

>dude you have to let them know that what you ordered is actually what you want

>> No.12681008

Good on them and office qt3.14 the homeless deserve to starve on the street and die of drug overdose
They don't need $15 and hour but liberals need to tank the economy so people are more dependant on government handouts as that's the only way to expand the state into socialism since it ensured they hold on to power once a generation grows up and realizes taxes pay for that kind of stuff and identify politics are bullshit (that's why young college kids who don't know jack shit are liberal and vote democrat, where as older more mature people and young people who work and have life experience tend to vote conservative). The liberals are on their dying breathe and trying anything they can to dismantle the system and seize power by any means they can achieve. Telling low wage retarded workers that can't even take a hamburger order properly and telling they they are special and deserve more money but society is oppressive to their kind is just a ploy to destroy Western Civilization

>> No.12681014

If the company dosn't pay them 15$ in wages you pay them 7.75$ in food stamps.

>> No.12681018

Yeah and with a 15 dollar min wage the poverty line just goes up to reflect this so they’re still getting 7.75 in food stamps

>> No.12681021

You’re a fucking idiot and give right wingers a bad name

>> No.12681028

He’s not wrong tho

>> No.12681145

you're both absolute mongoloids

>> No.12681154

Thanks for the counter argument

>> No.12681206

Americans are really passionate about their fast food.

>> No.12681227

>i paid more than this
*goes away*
what did he mean by this?

>> No.12681261

who was in the wrong here?

>> No.12681294

He was probably going to get his gun or call a lawyer

>> No.12681309


>> No.12681310

Having worked at McDonalds I can feel this dude's pain. How hard is it to make a fucking burger right? Half of the stoner faggots that I worked with could not make shit right most of the time and made me look bad when I had to hand out the order, almost made me want to punch those fucking morons in the grill in the back of the head with brass knuckles so hard. I wish more people would complain about shit service.

>> No.12681328

Imagine going back to the place that constantly fucks your shit up and getting mad when there's probably 10 other similar fast food joints in sight and 2 Wendy's within 10 minutes of driving.

I love Taco Bell and have one a mile away. Haven't been there in three years. Know why? The service blows. No fucking fast food joints is worth this battle lol

>> No.12681331
File: 105 KB, 920x710, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he saves infowars images on his pc and rages over clickbait yt videos

>> No.12681354

Alex is great you fucking moron

>> No.12681380
File: 34 KB, 680x662, 1530667761126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sheboon by default. Jk, They both were, desu. The employee for escalating the situation and the customer fukd up when they got out the car. I mean, on the street it's cool to back talk to people giving you lip, but not when you are representing a company. I definitely think that the employee thought they were justified in their response(or at least didn't have a proper response prepaired and couldn't improvise one) , but you need to at least give a valid response to not having a product available other than "because we dont." That's basically a parent telling their child "because I said so," or "because we WONT and you don't deserve a valid reason, deal with it," so the customer was probably going to get pretty upset over it. Another thing to consider is that they are both female, so their reasoning is a bit different from a typical male. By the time the customer was ready to order she had more than likely developed an emotional relationship with the mcnuggers, thinking about how much she was gonna enjoy them or woteva. The mcnuggers had become a part of her future emotional well-being rather than a source of nutrition (or at least a not hungry feeling, it is McD). So being told that they won't sell them to you by the company representative has become an attack on her emotional well-being rather than an unavailable product. So snide remarks or "hissing" isn't too far out there as far as a typical behavior goes for this kind of situation. The real problem begins when the employee gets confrontational with the customer, after belittling them and pissing them off to begin with. I shouldn't have to explain why this is bad. Then the customer just got down to all kinds of illegalness, also should have to explain. If you wanna get technical, maybe McD is at fault for not properly training their employees.

>> No.12682680

>stop at Wendy's before work
>fofofo and a 4 piece nugget
>get to work
>they forgot my extra nuggets but still charged me
>go back on my break and bring receipt, explain situation politely
>get nuggets and a free frosty
And then there's this faggot in the video.

>> No.12682704

Yeah, I hope nothing bad ever happens. Like losing my job and getting a divorce in the same month. Or losing both parents and a sister within a year. And yet you want to justify atrocious behavior with that? Guess what, champ? We all have bad days, we all experience loss. But the mature adults among us don't take that dumb shit out on innocent people.

>> No.12682735

>cook my own superior food
And then there's all these faggots in this thread.

>> No.12682835

>give right wingers a bad name
They do that themselves. Can you really not tell that post is a parody of you knuckledragging mouthbreathers?

>> No.12682942

I bought 12 beers today.
They were loose bottles, but I arranged them in 3 rows of 4 on the conveyor belt.
The guy at the register looked at them and then asked me how many there were.

>> No.12683000 [DELETED] 

No surprise I guess.

>> No.12683023

t. Gay frog

>> No.12683037 [DELETED] 

Black people have 0 integrity or work ethic. They will fuck your order up 99% of the time.

>> No.12683087

O wow look at that cutie police officer. You just know shes good in bed and probably aggressive.

>> No.12683588

Customer is always right fags

>> No.12683610

I don’t think there has to be some trauma going on in your personal life to justify getting mad at someone for being a retard and fucking up over and over

>> No.12683750

Obviously he did check it you retard, how else would he know they fucked it up?

>> No.12683758
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>they're never right
wow what a reasonable and worldly person you are

>> No.12683762

If he didn't want cheese then he probably shouldn't have gone to the one fast food place that has cheese standard on most of menu items.

>> No.12683763

>it's ever right to degenerate to autistic screeching because someone made a mistake
wow what a retarded and childish dumbass you are

>> No.12683796

Fucking based, women just see shit differently because they're filled with hormones and entitlement. Personally I only really get annoyed when I get screwed over, like they forget to give me something, skimp on important ingredients, or charge me for shit they shouldn't, and even then I just kind of growl for a second and move on, I don't make it too personal. Now, my gf feels okay with making ridiculous demands of servers and whatnot and swearing at fast food workers over nothing, it's because women get specific cravings for food (she literally dances when her food arrives sometimes) rather than just kind of wanting it like men do, and have spent lots of time around other women who love to bitch about stupid things so they have a long list of silly things they consider 'unacceptable'.

>> No.12683802

>Saying completely accurate statements with a realistic and tangible goal in mind is autistic screeching if you elevate your voice a little
Dude I'm sure you're one of these faggots who defends every teacher or mother who yells bloody murder at children for no reason so don't expect us to respect your stupid view here

>> No.12683814

I order a bunch of crazy things, like welldone, patty on the side, extra pickles
and yes, you do have to specifically mention multiple times this is what you intended to have

then were are the food in his hands you super retard

>> No.12683824
File: 15 KB, 324x291, 1444547230899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that mufucker dead as a mufcker
>this nigga got rabies like a mufucker

>> No.12684048
File: 32 KB, 817x891, 1539711920076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then were are the food in his hands

>> No.12684176

So some non-contributing zero doesn't like my opinion that his childish rage isn't acceptable in society outside of basements and internet boards? I can't even imagine being so useless and still having the ignorance to think you matter lol.

>> No.12684218

No one's impressed, pal.

>> No.12684236

but bruh we need to raise the minimun.

>> No.12684397

>we want higher wages
>okay, we'll pay you whatever you can count to... without taking off your shoes.

>> No.12684499

And you know something else? You know how when occasionally you get pissed and blow some steam but then forget about it a few hours later? The woman holds onto it and will bring her shit up 5 or 10 years after some trivial shit happened that you don't even remember.

>> No.12684575

Well personally I hold on to some shit for a long time (still mad about that time 2 years ago when Checkers charged me for two big ass burgers but only gave me one when I had to share with my friend and tried to call me a liar when I called to complain) but I don't ever make nearly as big a deal about it.

>> No.12684693


>wagie now makes $2 per hour


>> No.12684704

cringe you sound like dumb 35 year olds

>> No.12684837


so many times i am reminded why someone is working a shit job when some simple ass logic a precocious toddler could figure out is required and you see them incapable of thinking, at all

>> No.12684866

Please be competent once in your life

>> No.12684949

Its fucking poison
Who cares whats on it? Youre a lazy fat fuck who buys fast food just take what the retarded teenager hands you and shove it in your fat fucking face

>> No.12685388
File: 545 KB, 1024x700, 1562615571003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Non-Americans take note. This wageslave was lucky to escape with his life. If u fuck up are FAST food order, especially are sacred hamberders, your putting your life in jeparty. This incompetant bafoon was lucky to only mess up on a double hamberder. Had it been a misteak on a double cheesebergder, the manager would have had no choice but to let the customer execute him immediately as it would be in his constitutional right.

>> No.12685414

Based and checked

>> No.12686119

Reading that was enjoyably painful to my brain for some reason.

>> No.12686139

What's funny about that is, $2 is probably the most accurate figure, because as soon as someone said "tree" they'd lose. Annunciate ffs.

>> No.12686148

I guess the mature adults just cry on /ck/
We're not your therapists, faggot.

>> No.12686163

This is fucking hilarious