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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12679256 No.12679256 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12679265

Yeah I like my meat and potatoes with no seasoning whatsoever. Fuck salt, fuck pepper, and fuck anything else.

>> No.12679274
File: 35 KB, 480x371, Butter-Poached-Chicken-Breasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seething whitoid
Here I made a delicious lunch for you, please calm down

>> No.12679282

OP has a point. Drowning your food in spice ruins the integrity of what you are seasoning. At a point the spice would overpower or the blend might be off. More spice is not always "more better."

>> No.12679314

>butter poached
i bet those taste delicious

>> No.12679340

I wonder why blacks are always so fat

>> No.12679358

they're usually poor

>> No.12679367

And they choose to eat oversalted and overseasoned trash food.

>> No.12679369

>they're fat because they can't afford enough food
you must be American

>> No.12679377

Because they lack education.

>> No.12679383

Just go ahead and say they're stupid.

>> No.12679388

cheap food is food that makes you fat. you can get like 3 mcdoubles for 5 dollars, or you can go get a healthy salad at a restaurant for 8 dollars

>> No.12679396

Junk food is loaded with calories, but doesnt satiate, hence they eat more of it(ore more often, or both), you big dummy.

>> No.12679414

Are you seriously this retarded? You can have a full course meal for less than 3 dollars if you're not a fucking idiot.

>> No.12679418

I honestly haven't met many truly dumb people in my life. They where either lazy, uneducated or both.

>> No.12679423

are YOU retarded?

also what currency are you using to buy a 3 course meal for less than 3 dollars? rice and beans is meme food for poverty people.

>> No.12679430

Poor people still eat highly calorie dense foods, a holdover from when they worked physically intense jobs. Now they mostly drive to their stationary jobs, while the preference for fried shit, egg sandwiches, burgers etc remains.

>> No.12679439

>eating out
>when you're poor

It's their own fault for being poor and fat.

>> No.12679443


>> No.12679444
File: 10 KB, 299x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than the gauche wealthy, the poorer you are the fatter you are in the US due to subsidies on hfcs and heavily processed food style products which make them cheaper than unprocessed foods, coupled with underfunded, deficient education systems in poor areas. Counterintuitive, I know, but that's what happens when you have a govt. bought and paid for by megacorporations.

>> No.12679851

>that's what happens when you have a govt. bought and paid for by megacorporations
Bulk sacks of legume and grain can be had for no more than $1.50 per pound. A small garden (a once common pastime for housewives and the elderly) will provide an abundance of veggies; the Americas are very fertile, and many of the plants that are commonly regarded as weeds are, in fact, edible. Poor people eat badly only because they are stupid, not because of megacorp conspiracies.

>> No.12679874

Jesus christ, the cost of processed food isn’t what causes obesity, processed food is literally addictive and lab-designed to inflate your eating habits. It’s seriously a criminal conspiracy.

>> No.12679891

Cooking from scratch is cheaper than buying prcoessed food.

It's cheaper still if you grow, hunt, and gather your own ingredients.

If you can afford processed food then you're not truly "poor".

This person knows.

>> No.12679900

People are responsible for their own poor choices. Don't do drugs. Don't be a glutton. The weak are being filtered.

>> No.12679910


>Poor people eat badly only because they are stupid, not because of megacorp conspiracies.

This is like claiming the well-poisoner is innocent and the townsfolk were actually the guilty party for failing to metabolize poison.

>> No.12679936

poor people cant afford processed food or fastfood that shit is for rich people
t. kid who only got mcdonalds on his birthday

>> No.12680065

>poor people, rural blacks, rural whitetrash and the urban poor have access to an education or social network that could teach them about sustainability
Urban, no way but with the boomer generation, even that knowledge held by the previous generaton of rural white and black trash was lost. It wasn't important anymore since muh friendly, neighborhood corporation marketing campaigns convinced the poor sots they were providing for all muh needs. See the reality now, do you?

>> No.12680877

How are you trying to fool faggot the only
Wh*oids that know how to cook literally go to school for and even then it's the Mexicans doing all the work faggot.

>> No.12680900

ur a faggot >:(

>> No.12680910

Not neccesarily

>> No.12680966

Herbs > spices

>> No.12681045

Using spices is like an art. Sure, you can over spice something, but you can make an entirely different dish by only changing the spices.

>> No.12681148

>It's cheaper still if you grow, hunt, and gather your own ingredients.
most americans are too stupid and/or lazy to do any of those

>> No.12681977
File: 241 KB, 762x1011, Screenshot_20190721-195435_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American formula is quite simple

>you are COMPLETELY broke and wage slaving in a semi literal sense because you have negative networth
>food stamps won't cover pots and pans, hot plate, knife, etc
>spend your entire food budget on chips/soda/cake because you literally couldn't boil pasta at home because reasons
>buy fast food as a luxury purchase

Et voila, a negative correlation between wealth and weight emerges

>> No.12682086


>> No.12682206

generally speaking, yes.

>> No.12682211

Make an oven out of clay, you lazy cunt.

>> No.12682219

An yes, they're fat from all the calories in the lemon pepper and paprika and cumin

Fucking kys you seething retard

>> No.12682221
File: 43 KB, 228x392, 2lewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiss your sister?

>> No.12682232

What if your parents literally feed you fast food shit every day and you're addicted by the time you're 6yo, is that your own fault?

What if the govt gives you strong opiates for your work injury because your shithole third world country somehow doesn't have health insurance? That your own fault?

You're fucking retarded. Keep your bullshit opinions to yourself fag

t. Insured and healthy bmi

Basically, yeah