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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12680707 No.12680707 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people still drink soda even when they know it's bad for them? It's literally worse for you than alcohol.

>> No.12680710

well that makes me feel better
t. an alcohol

>> No.12680713

It tastes good

>> No.12680718

It is addictive. You just can't stop, I get cravings for soda I swear. I can't say no to an ice cold coke

>> No.12680721

>stopped drinking a quarter liter of soda each day
>now i drink a quarter liter of vodka nightly
when do i start seeing benefits
all i get are shakes is that the raw energy that all the alcohol is giving my body

>> No.12680722

humanity runs on caffeine, soda is the easist way to get said caffeine for everyone.

>> No.12680724

I made vanilla mousse the other day and realized if I dump a spoonful of it in some tea, it's perfectly creamed.

>> No.12680725

Wait until you hear that people smoke and go to tanning beds (just to end up looking like Trump)

>> No.12680733

thats not soda its pocari sweat.

>> No.12680734

>orange man bad

Quit pozzing up my thread, sodomite.

>> No.12680767

this. i get headaches if i dont have a coke every day

>> No.12680783


>> No.12680811
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>quarter liter of vodka nightly
Please make time in your busy schedules to laugh at this lightweight faggot.

>> No.12681404

Try drinking mineral water.They even come in flavored varieties. It's possible you might just be addicted to the caffeine.

>> No.12681406

If people slept the amount the should then they wouldn't need caffeine. I know plenty of people, like myself, who don't drink it at all, so I don't think humanity runs on it

>> No.12681528


>> No.12681543
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>> No.12681578

Imagine getting this offended when someone makes a remark about how Trump looks like an Oompa Loompa. He's also a fatass, by the way.
What will you do when Trump leaves office? Your entire identity will shatter and there will be nothing left. You'll have to latch on to the newest based and redpilled politician to vigourously defend on the internet.
You're orange-knighting.

>> No.12681595

>Thinking soda is worse than alcohol

Refined sugar is bad, I'm not denying that, but alcohol is far worse. I always find it hilarious when people call sugar poison but are willing to drink alcohol which is actually poison.

>> No.12681604
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>> No.12681659

Alcohol can moderate blood pressure. HFCS just induces diabetes.

>> No.12681708
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>> No.12681733

Or caffeine addiction. I think people forget there's caffeine in a lot of soda. It's not a huge amount, only around the same in a cup of tea, but that can still have an effect on people.

>> No.12681766

Lmao op, I drink soda with my alcohol so it's not too strong. Otherwise I'd get too drunk too quick.

>> No.12681778

He literally just said Trump is orange, not that that's bad. You're a bit sensitive

>> No.12681828

i gotta chase whiskey with something

>> No.12681851

It's heavily implied that's a thing worse than drinking soda, which was established as a self-harming action by the OP and wasn't denied even once in this thread.
Do you have ADHD or are you just stupid?

>> No.12681913

Diabetes vs. liver failure, brain damage and drunken accidents. Somehow, soda doesn't seem so bad in comparison.

>> No.12682025

90% of people in the medieval and ancient times had great teeth. Today only 5% of people have such teeth. What we eat today is poison to our health.

>> No.12682046

>90% of people in the medieval and ancient times had great teeth
I thought our teeth started getting fucked up when agriculture began. The high amount of sugary acidic drinks some people have definitely contributes, but most people also aren't eating really tough meat all the time or anything that actually exercises their jaws anymore either.

>> No.12682059

>literally worse for you than alcohol
please elaborate on how a little carbonation and sugar is as damaging, if not more damaging than literally putting alcohol through your system which is broken up into acetaldehyde and other carcinogenic byproducts by your liver.

>> No.12682094

You mean your body oxidizes it to ethanoic acid, aka vinegar. Very scary stuff.

>> No.12682103

I used to be a soda drinker, I only started drinking water when I started doing drugs and drinking all the time which made me feel dehydrated. Before that I drank 2-3 cans of coke per day and juice in between. Now I drink nothing but water, like 6 pints or so, and kicked the drugs/booze. So worked out pretty well I'd say.

>> No.12682110

half the population regularly exercises their jaws significantly more than in times past (due to the proliferation of apps like tinder etc)

>> No.12682136

I'm poor and soda is expensive for what it is. Water is cheap so that helps cut my intake.

>> No.12682141

>90% of people in the medieval and ancient times had great teeth.
[citation needed]

>> No.12682160

Drugs are a gateway to water.

>> No.12682280

>he needs a chaser

Found the homosexual.

>> No.12682300

It isn't you fucking alcoholic.

>> No.12682354
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Soft drinks are totally fine if you aren't guzzling a litre a day every day like an American and pace yourself. You're completely delusional if you think sugar is worse than alcohol by the way.

>> No.12682364

I'm not going to make time for 10 fucking hours to sleep.

>> No.12682370

cause it tastes good. I used to drink at least 4-5 cans of coke a day. now I managed to replace it with water. I never get the craving anymore, only drink it once or twice a month.
though I'm still fat because I can't do fork putdowns.

>> No.12682414
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I stopped drinking soda a long time ago, and every time someone offers me some I just kindly reject it, which is funny considering one of my friends is "genuinely" addicted to soda, he isn't a fat ass by any means but he just seems unable to quit it, I stopped drinking soda because I quitted all sugars and every time I drank a can I felt very bad with myself because I was aware of how bad it was for my health, plus it doesn't hydrate you and it's too sweet for my liking, I prefer a cold bottle of St Pellegrino if I want something carbonated

>> No.12682421

It taste good.
That’s the reason almost all people who aren’t impoverished are overweight and eat unhealthy diets

>> No.12682457

>I thought our teeth started getting fucked up when agriculture began. The high amount of sugary acidic drinks som
It was the milling of flour with millstones that fucked teeth, the grit was in everything made with flour and wore your teeth down faster.

>> No.12682467

Isn't it the other way around? As in people of a higher socioeconomic status being more likely to be slim than poor people?

>> No.12682542

why do alcoholics that quit alcohol always turn to this?

>> No.12682554

He's talking about actual poor people, not retards that blow their foodstamps on lucky charms and say they need more help from the government to take care of their 7 kids

>> No.12682561

sometimes you just want to drink something thats cold and fizzy

>> No.12682651

Still, that doesn't entail that most people who aren't impoverished are overweight.

>> No.12683574

just drink diet soda. problem solved niggers

>> No.12683666

Enjoy your colon cancer and alzheimrs from the aspartame

>> No.12683689
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>it doesn't hydrate you
can we stop with this bullshit

>> No.12683723

>believes the broscience on 4chan

>> No.12683738
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I would say that people drink soda with the knowledge that it's bad for them, for the same reason why they drink alcohol or eat greasy garbage food. We KNOW it's bad - but the flavor and the experience of it is worth a little bit of naughtiness. Just like getting drunk. Just like eating a whole pizza in one sitting. It's bad for us, but it's nice too.

The people who drink nothing BUT soda, however, are probably addicted. Maybe even Slurm levels of addicted. I knew this one vice principle at my little sister's school who had a large blue recycling tub FULL of diet soda cans. I mean, jesus christ. Her kidneys must be hard as rocks by now.

>> No.12683863
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>Overlord tomboy eating burger, fries, and a coke

>> No.12684094
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>> No.12684169
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There's a reasom they always give patients soda in hospitals, especially when the patient can't eat and is on a clear water diet.
It's better than water because it hydrates equally while also giving you sugar and electrolytes.
The carbonation and phosphoric acid help with indigestion by breaking GI content down more thoroughly.
Caffeine is a stimulant that helps keep your intestines moving so you aren't as prone to constipation / abdominal pain.
And Coca-Cola is literally the frontline treatment for intestinal blockages:
>Gastric Phytobezoar is a blockage of the digestive passage with vegetable matter that may lead to bowel obstruction and can result from eating high fiber fruits that fail to digest properly. Essentially, a gastric bezoar is a mass of undigested matter, especially vegetable matter, hair (trichobezoar) or other difficult to digest material in the gastrointestinal tract. The material build-up over time in the system may be diagnosed by endoscopy or x-ray.
>Doctors give an example of the common case in Asia where eating persimmons tend to form gastric blockages due to high fiber content.
>Coca-Cola has a success rate of more than 91.3 percent for treating gastric bezoars. According to the study and others, the effectiveness of Coca-Cola for treating gastric bezoars is due to its high acid content which works in a manner similar to gastric acids and helps to digest gastric fiber. Coca-Cola contains carbonic and phosphoric acids, as well as bubbles which help in digesting and dissolving gastrointestinal masses that are otherwise difficult to digest.
Soda's bad if you:
A) Are fat and/or diabetic
B) Aren't practicing good dental hygiene

>> No.12684181

>somehow managing to post both pepe, and megumin
You should be banned just for the image alone, let alone shilling coke.

>> No.12684197

Pepsi would work OK too, although personally I find its taste disappointing.

>> No.12684198

Absolutely based

>> No.12684212
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>Vegetables and fiber fuck up your intestines
>Soda cures you
Why does everything we're taught in school turn out to be a lie?
Fuck vegetables and fuck fiber.

>> No.12684278

Pocari Sweat isn't soda , it's pretty much like Gatorade.

>> No.12684311
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I won't laugh at you, anon.

>> No.12684457

What anime is that from?

>> No.12684476

boku no pico

>> No.12684717

Pizza with water is completely disgusting

>> No.12684817

Yeah, I don't get this bizarre /ck/ water only cult.
Water is the least enjoyable drink outside of drinks that are outright garbage and bad tasting like Sunny Delight or that crap Pibb Xtra they replaced Mr. Pibb with. Every good drink already has plenty of water in it and aside from alcoholic drinks they all end up hydrating you just as much as plain water would (even the caffeinated ones).
>"We found no significant differences at all," says nutritionist Ann Grandjean, the study's lead author. "The purpose of the study was to find out if caffeine is dehydrating in healthy people who are drinking normal amounts of it. It is not."
>The same goes for tea, juice, milk and caffeinated sodas: One glass provides about the same amount of hydrating fluid as a glass of water. The only common drinks that produce a net loss of fluids are those containing alcohol--and usually it takes more than one of those to cause noticeable dehydration, doctors say.

>> No.12684881

4 more years

>> No.12684894

Mm nah F off.

>> No.12684922

>Your entire identity will shatter
American politicians are interchangeable by design. Nobody permanently creates an identity based on a 4 to 8 year term limited state actor.
I don't think anyone really likes either of the major parties or their representatives. If you dig deeper into what liberals or conservatives talk about nowadays 99% of it is how they don't like the opposing party rather than how they do like their own party.

>> No.12685038
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>> No.12685168

I am addicted to caffeine and sugar.

>> No.12685307


Short term habitual comfort mindset.

>> No.12685329


>> No.12685364

it's true

>> No.12685415

I sleep 5-6 hours and don't drink caffeine.

>> No.12686662
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The only time I drink soda is the one time a month or two I go out to eat or when they bring Crystal Pepsi back around for the summer. The rest of the time I drink water at home, sometimes with some juice added for flavoring or tea. I don't really miss having soda regularly.

>> No.12686678

>If people slept the amount the should then they wouldn't need caffeine.
I think some people calculated how much time hunter-gatherers spend working, and it's only about 3 hours per day. Since most people who aren't hunter-gatherers are working around 8 hours per day, that's another reason for needing caffeine. But caffeine also just increases concentration and endurance in the right amounts, so even with the proper amount of sleep, caffeine can still give benefits.

>> No.12687645

It's not worse for you than alcohol. Maybe for your teeth, but alcohol is worse for more irreplaceable organs. Don't try to convince people to drink alcohol.

>> No.12687938

I got rid of that habit with self made ice tea
You can sugar it how you like and gradually reduce
Also gets you a feeling on how much fuggin sugar is in these drinks

>> No.12687947

That's why I drink beer

>> No.12689664

based 10/10

>> No.12689747

I could look at that gif for hours

>> No.12690218

because I'm gonna kill myself when my last living relative that cares about me is dead (~10 years), so i might as well drink, smoke and eat whatever I want and have a little enjoyment.

>> No.12691440

Caffeine making your bowels work faster isn't actually a good thing. It causes things to get rushed through your system without being properly absorbed.

>> No.12691459


>> No.12691532

Why do I do opioids and alcohol even though I know they're bad for me? Because I'm a disgusting degenerate that's why

>> No.12691686

Should i drink pocari sweat i won my current gymbottle and 2 packets in a ufo catcher but never tried it

>> No.12692136

For the shitposters that will no doubt come to the thread to force direct comparisons between alch and soda, I'll post the not debatable reality of the situation here so that you can be educated. Basically as amount increases alcohol becomes substantially more toxic to your body. Low doses however, alcohol is strictly beneficial for certain issues whereas soda is never beneficial whatsoever.

As for people who imbibe large doses of sugar, it's because their body is fucked and plagued with candida which are controlling their brains to impulsively consume carbs/sugars. The fix is to not eat any sugars or carbs for at least three days, at which point you will be berserking with need for them. If you can go a week without carbs or sugar, most all the bacteria that needs it to live will die off and the cravings will be gone - other bacteria will grow and you will start to find an interest in other foods.