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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 950x535, mcdonalds-950x535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12666749 No.12666749 [Reply] [Original]

Question for the Dads here. Perhaps some who have worked fast food like McDonalds. Hopefully as a manager.
Went through the drive through this morning and ordered a sandwich and 2 breakfast burritos with a hash brown. That’s it. No drinks no coffee. Very simple order Paid at first window. Pulled up to the second window and was asked to take a pink window card and park to the side and my order would be brought out. I refused, didn’t even let them finish the sentence, it’s happened here before, the thing is they weren’t even that busy. Only 4 cars in the line and looking inside not a lot of people in the dining are,I put the car in park and waited. Another person came to the window to ask and I don’t let them finish. I told them they could give me my refund or my food. Within 1 minute my order was handed to me. Why does this seem to be happening more frequently? I go to places like McDonalds for rapid service. Are they simply understaffed? Wondering if my reaction was appropriate or not. Thanks.

>> No.12666761

It was not appropriate. McDonald's can not perform rapid service anymore. The fast food business model used to accommodate a small range of burgers so they could be made in advance. Now they rely on a wide range of burgers, and always a few novelty seasonal options, so there is no way to predict what is going to be ordered and everything needs to be made fresh. Fast food is not fast anymore, and can not be. You had three orders waiting behind you. You were being an ass.

>> No.12666771

Every time I go to mcdonalds they ask me to pull into a parking space and wait for them, but I think the reason is because I usually order breakfast food for dinner, which they cook to order.

It's not unreasonable to wait a few minutes while they cook you some fresh eggs

>> No.12666781

My McDonald's doesn't even have the pink card so tourists will park in the designated spots to steal food. Fuck this place

>> No.12666790

Don't let your kids see you being a dick to anybody who doesn't deserve it.

>> No.12666822

At in and out you can get through a 20 car line in like 15 minutes or less

>> No.12666863

>park my car and go inside to order
>one employee is taking drive through orders
>says he'll be with me in a minute
>like 5 minutes later he comes and takes my order
>goes back and fills 3 more drive through orders before he fills mine
if this is you know that I hate you

>> No.12666909

Nah I called them on it once before and the (african American) girl was a bit taken aback. But then she handed my order literally less than a minute later. So don’t be a pull up cuck and acquiesce to the demands of these “people”

>> No.12667155

You are a fucking disgusting degenerate with no understanding of how a business works fundamentally. Bet you look like shit if you go to McD's enough to be this much of a cunt about it.

>> No.12667189

Idk, I usually go to mine and get my food within a minute, it's pretty fast. Then again I oder pretty basic stuff like a bigmac and Poutine (there's always fries ready so they just put on the gravy and cheese and it doesn't take more than 15sec). The wildest I go is getting extra sauce in the bigmac.

I guess if you order some chicken and none is fried you'll have to wait a bit but otherwise it should be pretty fast.

>> No.12667349

What do you mean most stuff is premade. And different burgers just mean different toppings.

>> No.12667401

Literally almost all of that food is streamlined. They dont cook there they heat things up. Have you been under a rock or something?

>> No.12667435

The meat still takes time to heat. Quarter pounder patties take 110 seconds, and around 30-45 seconds after that to fill the condiments and pack up. Chicken products take at least three minutes to be deep fried.

>> No.12667472

You're right! I should have to wait for the 3 orders behind me first even though I was there first, right?
Makes perfect sense.

>> No.12667520

You should learn the world doesn't revolve around you, you baby tier autistic selfish prick. Your mother breast fed you too long and your father didn't whip your ass enough.

>> No.12667525

Maybe the person right behind you ordered a single coffee and they were trying to speed things along, or the window attendant thought the order would take longer. Either way, getting snobby at McDonald's is a bad look, you need to relax

>> No.12667548

Who said it did? It revolves around the 3 orders behind me, right? Of course!
Oh btw, sweetie. My mom never breast fed me, and my father whipped my ass until I was 4 and then told me to learn how to do it myself without getting poop all over my hands.

>> No.12667551

You're a spoiled little man-child. I hope you have to wait for every order, every time, for the rest of your life. You deserve it.

>> No.12667559

Not unusual. They often ask the lower class looking customers to pull over and wait so they can serve the more valuable clients

>> No.12667569

How come, sweetie? I didn't know it was considered being an entitled spoiled little brat for wanting your food first because your were there first.

>> No.12667618

>waaaaahhhh I was here first mommy!!! No cutting! Mommy...they cutted!!!!!
>sweetie in every post
Exit the way you came in, reddit cunt.

>> No.12667638

>Avoiding the question while mocking a grown man expecting an establishment to serve on first come first serve basis by comparing him to a child whining to his mother about line cutters.

Why am I not surprised that a loser like you would cut lines into your arm though.

What's reddit, sweetie?

>> No.12667705

You are a worldstar video waiting to happen my man. Have fun snapping at a minimum wage worker and losing your job

>> No.12667717

Literally lolwut? Fast food workers are so pathetic and retardedly violent that they would beat me up instead of giving me my money back?
Thats cute.
Why would I lose my job for snapping at a worker who makes minimum wage? Are you so autistic that you've never had a job and don't know how the world works?

>> No.12667722

>customer is always right boomer mentality
They don't hate you, they have some good reason for you to pull into the park and wait. Why doubt this? Do you think you're "wronged" (or attempted to be wronged) by people often? If so then the problem is you.

>> No.12667725

You absolute moron, your posts are 100% COPE.
I hope every fast food order you get for your fat ass (since you're too fat to waddle inside to get your food) is full of wank and shit. I bet your car smells like a dumpster behind a strip club.

>> No.12667726

No, I know they don't hate me. They just want me to pull up, so they can give the faggot behind me the fresher food because they only ordered one item. OH, but hey while we fry up this order for this one fag, why don't we just also get the order behind me his food first because he had a bigger order and the guy waiting can keep waiting now that we got him out of the line.

>> No.12667729

Call your dad and have him beat them up

>> No.12667730

Why would you assume all of this just because you're too much of a pussy to say "no"? Is it because you're scared of confrontation?

>> No.12667732

They get timed for how long a person waits from start to finish and get certain rewards for keeping the wait time low. When they ask you to wait somewhere else, it doesnt count as wait time anymore. I never worked at McDonalds but I did at another chain. The staff would get bonuses with the intention of spreading it around to all the workers but the franchiser would keep most of it himself and gave some to his two top managers (who were both related to hin). Then he wondered why the next year the wait times were so much longer.

>> No.12667737

What confrontation? There is none. You're a fat, spoiled, ignorant dickhole. End of story. Other posters have already pointed out that these places have reasons for what they do that extend beyond your tiny little mind, so all that's left to do is remind you of what a dumb cunt you are.

>> No.12667753

Sweetie, I work at McDonalds. You're literally the ignorant obsessed, raging autistic kid here.
Lmfao. What confrontation? Are you literally retarded?

>> No.12667757

Fake and stupid. Make up your mind, schitzo.

>> No.12667760

Absolutely hilarious, I fuck with you retards, you get triggered, and the truth upsets you so you call it fake.
one sec autistic little friend. taking a pic of my work clothes right now.

>> No.12667764

Someone just buying a drink shouldnt wait for an order for a fatass like you. That's the food industry, if itll take time to sell your food but they can sell the guy who just put his order in right now, they will

>> No.12667767

Imagine being this much of a dumb gay cockmongler. Pathetic.

>> No.12667786

thats not how it works, dipshit.

>> No.12667798

>ask a question
>get an answer
>dont like it
>start issuing (you)s
>"I-I'm just fucking with you guys. Why are y-you mad?"
Imagine seething this bad.

>> No.12667803

Absolutely embarrassing

>> No.12667806

You're right, we actually ask you cocksuckers to wait so we can workup a nice cummy load for your burrito. We only do it to the faggots like you with dick on their breath, tho

>> No.12667818

Look into this crystal ball anon:
You are on the path, change your ways before it's too late

>> No.12668488

haha nice trole dude!

>> No.12668510
File: 16 KB, 512x512, Smugska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god your asshole is like a fucking black hole it's so collapsed. get me in the screenshot bros.

>> No.12668515
File: 8 KB, 170x251, 170px-Eggman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only post in this entire thread worth anything
it's all about the corporate office timing how long drive thru waits are

>> No.12668520

Seems location dependent. Shit management means it takes forever for the delivery so fuck pulling forward.

>> No.12668822


>> No.12670347

You're all actually newfags. (Well... I mean one of you is samefagging hard).
So are you guys gonna suck on my cock when I post pics, or just cry like little faggots for getting so triggered at nothing?

>> No.12670482

Show tits or gtfo, you know the drill, ok?

>> No.12670507

didn't realize you were gay for mantits. that rule only applies to women on /b/. I think you must be new here.

>> No.12670724

I just got back from trying to get a few items from McDicks. Just dollar menu McChicken and hamburger. They couldn't serve me in 10 fucking minutes at two different locations, only three cars ahead of me. I just drove away at each when I hit the patience limit.

McCock shills reading this board: your brand is dying each time someone like me has enough of your incompetent and lazy employees. Some of those who leave are buying high-value items.

>> No.12670944

>spend 25 minutes at the drive through
>rage quit
>instead of 5 minutes to just park and walk in.
Get out of your car fatass

>> No.12670950


>> No.12670967

You mad, wagie? I hope it didn't come out of your paycheck. I was actually there to test the quality of the food one last time, to see if it was all garbage that had been sitting under a heater for 6 hours, but I didn't even get the chance to do that, because I respect myself too much. I was out doing other things, and decided to run that last test, but it seems I couldn't even do that lol. Wagies couldn't even bring me my food.

>> No.12670976

are you stupid?
>drive up, see big line in drive-thru
>get out
>go into store
>nobody there to take my order for 5 minutes
>order from the same person with the head-set on for drive-thru
>place order
>wait in store for 15-20 minutes while they rush to get the drive thru-orders first (which we are obligated to do)

>> No.12670981

i've done this as well, it gets you your food faster but you can almost guarantee someone fucked with it.

>> No.12670996

you seem to know your shit
why is the shake machine always broken?

>> No.12671006

>is my food being detained?
>I am a sovereign citizen and demand my food right away

>> No.12671013

Making up mind movies about how you’ll fail to avoid squeezing your fat butt cheeks out of your car. Pathetic.

>> No.12671015

i think the only reason they ask you to do this is to get people out of the drive-thru within a certain time. If you fuck that up the regional manager comes and shits on the store manager for bad times or some such.

>> No.12671020

>order food at a fast food drive through
>clerks take 15 minutes to FINALLY deliver that order to you

>> No.12671023

A "maintenance" worker is suppose to come in once a month to fix shit. Except that its usually just one of the managers, and I've even been the "maintenance" guy a few times.
The machine is always broken because it overheats and will just refuse to work until you reset it. (Which isn't that hard, but nobody knows how open them up and just reset them).
Btw, guess who's job it is to clean the machine? Yup... the "maintenance" guy. You think any of the managers or workers they ask to fix shit ever both actually cleaning the slime out of the nozzle and shit?
Once a year, someone does come into to do a hardcore cleaning of all the machines though.

Otherwise another grease fire is bound to happen. One girl threw water on the grease fire that happened in the french fry fryer. LMFAO, we all got to go home early, but were out of work for a week.

>> No.12671029

i told them no once and the sheboon at the window didnt seem to know what to do. it was like watching a computer hit a glitch and freeze up

>> No.12671038

Its because if someone ahead of you placed a large order and is waiting, that means you usually have to wait even if you have a smaller order, but you get yours first.
If there isn't someone waiting, its because who ever is working the window probably saw a fat line of cars stacking up and was prepared to make the first guy pull to the side, no matter what.

>> No.12671045

Enjoy the spit in your food asshole. If you don't like the service go somewhere else. Nobody is going to treat you like some goddamn king at a shitty fast food joint

>> No.12671048

so when someone tells you 'no, i won't go park over there' do you seethe?

>> No.12671107

I don't work the window, too much stress and I got written up for being "unprofessional and not curious" for taking peoples orders quickly and being a dick to rude faggots. Its never happened to me. But I was seething just working that window, dude.
Couple of the girls always end up crying though when any type of confrontation happens. If I'm lucky, it'll time up perfect when I can clock and then be able to yell at the fags who just made my job even more miserable by having to deal with crying hoes.

>> No.12671119

or you could learn to type

>> No.12671135

or your comprehension levels could fill in the gaps.
after all your on the website that had people spouting "has anyone ever really been as far as to even do..."
t.based skitz poster

>> No.12671146

you are either underage, or lacking a skillset to get a job above the grade you're at.
either way, have sex!

>> No.12671154

For the rest of us- when orders get seriously backed up at the window, and people are waiting for 10-15 minutes for basic stuff, what is happening inside?

>> No.12671169

everyone is on break and taking a shit

>> No.12671180
File: 21 KB, 1000x190, Screenshot from 2019-07-21 23-03-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, sending to McDonalds corporate. Hope you didn't enjoy your breaks too much, wagie.

>> No.12671189

>go to counter
>order 25 Big Mac meals
>person behind you orders a Coke
>server provides person with Coke
>”Excuse me I was ahead of her, please attend to my order first”
Absolute autism

>> No.12671195

>go to counter
there's your first mistake, tardo

>> No.12671199

Why would a dad specifically know why this is happening?

>> No.12671204

life changes when you have 2 kids shitting their pants in the back seat

>> No.12671206

That still makes no sense.

>> No.12671217

This thread is really bad and you should all go back where you came from. Why is /ck/ so cancer? Jesus.

>> No.12671246

>I arrive at the counter
>There's no one there
>I ponder for 20 minutes, browsing the newest and best culinary knowledge on 4channel.org/ck
>An anonymous user has complained about the quality of his chicken tenders at Canes. I laugh. Another flyover burned by his own hubris.
>Still no one, so I go behind the counter to alert the chef of this unusual occurrence. Surely he's already aware of this breach of protocol, but it would be my duty to revitalize his respect of the consumer

>> No.12671264

if you ordered something small, chances are the orders being made for the bigger order (waiting person) will be stolen (taken by another coworker) and given to the smaller orders (this is what causes most fucked orders IE "i said no sauce" or "I said extra pickles".

So the bigger order has to wait longer and the other orders get completed. If there is a big order, one person usually puts the order together. while other people do the smaller orders.

It gets pretty complicated when there is a rush. but just some fatass coming in before the rush and ordering 15 big macs usually isn't a big deal and can get done fast. btw if you're a fatass like this, please don't try to order this much food during a lunch rush. YOU CAN CALL/PAY AHEAD, and your food will be freshly made, but you won't have to wait 30 minutes.

There is always this order almost every other week I get. Someone comes in and orders exactly 21 pickle slices on his hamburger (the 99 cent one). He literally came in one time and said "there were only 19 pickle slices on it". When I slapped on more than 21 pickles he said to the girl working the counter "wow, okay but now thats too many. its okay though, i can pick them off.".

>> No.12671278

First come First served
That is how it should be.
I worked for 11 years in the food industry. Fast food workers these days are undisciplined, lazy degenerate fucks.

>> No.12671288

>still no one, I prepare the meal for myself, using only the latest in meat preparation techniques and food-safety standards
>only then does the lone wage emerge from the bathroom, his unwashed mitts covered in excrement, his drive-through mic slightly stained with the incomprehensible splashback of piss.
>"Uhh, you're not supposed to be back here, sir" he manages to mutter, as I finish bagging my third meal, my dinner.

>> No.12671309

>defends against autism accusation with extreme autism

>> No.12671316

>he makes an attempt to take my hard earned and forged meal with his vile paws
>I effortlessly discard this being by slipping out the emergency exit, setting off the fire alarm for him to explain to his unappreciative boss.
>While the police and fire trucks arrive, I eat my self-prepped burger in silence, neither shocked nor amused. This is merely another day in my American wasteland.

>> No.12671483

>anon accuses innocent poster of autism
>his mother arrives at his apartment late one night, gripping "I'll Love You Forever" in one tiny fist
>she reveals to her son that he's actually been diagnosed with autism since he was 5 years old, but she's been keeping it from him
>now 27, anon is far beyond any realistic treatment or recovery. The only reaction he can muster is rage.
>he takes it out on his fellow 4channel.org member, but they all know the truth
>to this day, he still replies fruitlessly to their comments, claiming projection when effortlessly called out by his peers

>> No.12671516

You're ignoring
> I told them they could give me my refund or my food. Within 1 minute my order was handed to me.
Why would they give him the ticket if they were able to give him the food when he threatened a lost sale?

>> No.12671538
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, this is actually really sad story I've conjured. I hope this never happens to any of you.

>> No.12671568

It's McDonald's, retard. What do you expect?

>> No.12671575

If you have to wait it means they don't have it and are having to make it fresh you absolute dork.

>> No.12671657

One time, I went to McDonald's and I ate some cheeseburgers.

>> No.12673162

are you retarded?

>> No.12674307

>make 6 figure salary as McDicks executive
>have never made a beverage for myself in my life
>tell minimum wage employee that black tea, several mcflurries, and a cheeseburger can be delivered to customer in literally 50 seconds
>get a raise for "improving productivity" while customers complain about slow service

Using drive through lanes is basically like giving a giant middle finger to the people who are serving your food. Why not just mobile order and skip the whole fucking line wholesale? Are you really going to die from waiting 5 extra minutes for your greasy McTurd?

>> No.12674329

I wish I could murder everyone in this thread

>> No.12674331


>Karen asked to see the manager while they were covering breaks to try and scam some free service recovery coupons for the food her kids are currently devouring
>Franchise owner getting pissed about theft, accident, etc. and lecturing the WHOLE fucking store about it during peak like they're Jean-Luc Picard
>Stacy and her clique felt like having a birthday celebration at McDicks and didn't feel like calling ahead for their 20 Oreo McFlurries (actually happened to me)

That is just a sampling of reasons right there. Could be anything though.

>> No.12674515

Why act so entitled over a slight inconvenience? The car behind you might have ordered a single thing that they already had ready, while yours might have taken a little longer. There's no point in assuming you're being personally wronged when they could have had a legitimate reason for operating the drive through like that.

>> No.12674650


>> No.12674725

THIS. Jesus fuck businesses are so used to everyone being cucks these days that they just fucking panic if you say no to anything they ask you to do, same with a lot of other institutions and even regular people.

>> No.12674759

Recently I went to a McDonald's, the car in front of me was told to park, I was told to park as soon as I got to the window, and the car behind me also had to park. I looked back, and there were literally 0 (zero) cars in line after us 3. Nobody was even ordering. It was rather bizarre.

>> No.12674765

This literally made me cry laughing

>> No.12674767

This happened to me once recently when I ordered mcchickens before breakfast was over. I don't really care because a mcchicken costs $1. Now THAT'S a good value!

>> No.12675046


>> No.12675282

Please keep this going, best thread of my life

>> No.12675291

pretty sure this is bait, but what does being a dad have to do with this post?

>> No.12675428

Dads are based and aren't scared of telling off fast food workers

>> No.12675450
File: 121 KB, 1280x868, Blocks Your Path.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody is going to treat you like some goddamn king at a shitty fast food joint

But real talk, it's kinda his fault for going to McChimpouts to begin with.

>> No.12675457

drive thru is priority to your little cuck order. you are too cheap to even drive thru probably because you think it wastes fuel. your dollar menu order is irrelevant

>> No.12675503
File: 79 KB, 500x521, 1563359053906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If they want to service two types of customers at the same time, they should have to types of staff to service them.

>You should learn the world doesn't revolve around you, you baby tier autistic selfish prick.

If someone's paying you for a service you better damn well do it as advertised or expect people to complain or go to your competitor you stupid vapid zoomer.

Kek. I had something like this happen before. Someone over the mic couldn't hear me so I spoke up then she asked why I was yelling at her and called my a fucking idiot in Spanish thinking I wouldn't understand her. I got out of the line, parked, walked inside and asked to see the manager immediately. I talked to him normally and never even raised my voice at him yet he still asked me to calm down like I was about to chimp out or something. These types of people work at these jobs for a reason. They suck at normal human interaction and are borderline autists. The effort there is minimum for a reason, because that's all their wage is worth.

>> No.12675722

>have sex

>> No.12675809

Mcdonalds employees deserve all the pain they get in this life

>> No.12675853

Based and redpilled. Don't listen to these cucks. You stood your ground like a man.

>> No.12676412

Small Menu = Less chance for fuck ups/less prep = accurate and expedient service.

Fucking love in n out

>> No.12676425

I like to sit down and eat at mcdonalds once a week after the gym. 2 quarter pounders, or 2 mcdoubles and 20 nuggies. I look out the window and see people pulling up and the manager or someone has to bring their food out all the time. I really do wonder whats going on back there

>> No.12676449

Drive thru is slow as shit, and an afterthought, it's better and faster to just go inside.

>> No.12676736

no its not. you've obviously don't even have a car or drive.

>> No.12676752

Bad management at modern fast food drive throughs places stress on the employees for not making times during unavoidable peak hours. Often times this leads to poor decision making on the employees part that management allows like diverting people to the front or rushing orders. Often times the employees will be off shift by the time they would’ve been talked to so it never gets dealt with.

>> No.12676801

Off topic but are you a DILF by chance?

>> No.12676807

Why would you need to be a dad to answer this question? It seems to be entirely irrelevant.

>> No.12676846

I fucking get the frustration.
It's incredibly fucking dumb.
It's fast food, what's the fucking point of a drive through, if I have to fucking park!.

That said, I do think the food model is rapidly changing where people are becoming more picky about taste so things have to be fresher and more unique and complex so less and less is pre-prepared.

Still, they should find a fucking way to adapt without undermining the point of the process.

>> No.12676989

Fuck off Russ

>> No.12676996

Trash managers do this to inflate their corporate bonuses unironically

>> No.12677014

Drive thru gets priority in literally every business

>> No.12677253

This didn't happen

>> No.12678048

This, my gf once sent a chik-fil-a sandwich back because it had pickles on it (like they all automatically do in their assembly line process) and apparently even if she took them off the sandwich would be tainted by the pickle juice.

On a separate note, chik-fil-a fucking sucks and I'll never understand why people like it, it's just overpriced soggy fried chicken (with no options for double or anything to help the fact that it's tiny and goes down in 3 seconds) on a bun with some slightly above average, but expensive, fries on the side, and their drive thru system is even cringier than McDonalds'. I'm not going to say that McDonalds is quality or anything but they have some pretty good and still relatively cheap options on their menu, for a few dollars you can really load up.

>> No.12678072

This would make sense if his order was strange. At breakfast time, if you just order a sausage mcmuffin combo, then whats the big fucking deal? They couldn't anticipate that the most common order wouldn't be made?

>> No.12678098

Alright this thread was pretty educational. Didnt know about the wait time bonuses for the franchisees.

Yeah it does seem like bullshit, every mcdonald that tells people to park forward has a different illegal immigrant working there every two weeks. The managers whip scare them into doing that bullshit, and the employees know its wrong but still rely on the customers to play along. When the customer refuses, now they are surrounded by a rock and a hard place: their cunt manager and the customer staring dead in their face. I would freeze up too. What a shit position to be in, glad i dont work there.

>> No.12678202

>I told them they could give me my refund or my food. Within 1 minute my order was handed to me.
Based. Did you enjoy your throat oyster burger?

>> No.12678214

>t. seething coastie sodomite

>> No.12678224

That's fucking bullshit.

If you request an item that ISN'T prepared, and someone behind you just wants a drink and a basic bitch burger and fries that can be done in 30-45 seconds instead of 3 minutes to fry up a chicken sandwich or something, then yeah, the person with the basic bitch order should be able to be serviced BEFORE you, even if you ordered first.

It's far more efficient for the line as a WHOLE.

Instead, you backup EVERYONE keeping orders from coming in and potentially making that line even longer because you can't be fucked to wait off on the side for 3 minutes while your shitty order is prepared.

If you actually think that's an appropriate response to the situation, you need to work on your interpersonal skills, cause you might be mildly socially retarded.

>> No.12678231

>Was it appropriate for me to be an annoying shit stain to a stranger?
A question only a degenerate has to ask.

>> No.12678255

Do you really think the sad sweaty teenagers flipping burgers are going through that much mental gymnastics? They aren't making fresh food for people before you, you aren't being disserviced by pulling up. It's simple, either they are understaffed or the food you ordered needs to be cooked. The few times they told me to pull up when I got my food it was always hot and freshly made. Any other thought to why you had to pull up is totally the paranoid boomer "world is against me" mentality.

>> No.12678286

they dont want to clean it

>> No.12678334

Exact opposite where I'm from. In store is always faster than waiting with the fat asses that are too lazy to get off their mobility scooters

>> No.12678443

>asked to take a pink window card and park to the side and my order would be brought out

Is this something new? And why pink of all things? That's pretty gay. It should be red or yellow to fit the theme of McDonald's.

When my dad would take us to McDonald's 30 years ago we'd always get asked to pull up to the side (not being a given a gay card either) so this is nothing new. McDonald's has always had shit service as long as I can remember. I'd say you were in the right. If they can't handle 2 burritos something is drastically wrong there. I've seen people sit at the pick up window for 5 minutes without being told to park elsewhere so it's not like it's unheard of to just make people wait. Food should be delivered in the order the order was recieved, so if someone behind you's food is ready first that's another fuck up by the staff.

>> No.12678483

Yep, all these faggots are acting like he was ordering enough breakfast burritos for a fucking wedding reception, unless there is something weirdly inconvenient about the order they should just fucking give it to the customer when they're supposed to. I think I would go to mcdonalds way more if the system was simpler and less autism-filled, just give me the fucking burger in my car at the time i pay for it like real fast food joints.

>> No.12678840

This. It's not easy when you're low on the employee totem pole and have to balance "the customer is always right" versus "my boss is a bitch and I'll get written up if I don't do as ordered" when both are in direct opposition. It's a no-win scenario. Even worse now that sites like Yelp exist where pissed off customers will publicly call you out by name if they feel you somehow wronged them.

I used to work at a visitor center where there was a movie playing every half hour. The rules were once the doors were shut, tough luck, let no one in. So I'd tell people they missed the show only for my boss to personally go let them in, completely undercutting what little authority I had. Shit drove me insane. I told her in the evaluation but she said it's better to please the customer, but often times she'd waver on that too and tell people they couldn't go in. It was a total 50/50 shot in the dark whether I was doing the right thing or not.

>> No.12678844

>pink is gay
kys you useless boomer faggot

>> No.12678865

Only a raging homo would think otherwise. It's a color for little girls. Go play with your MLP and Barbie dolls, raging homo.

>> No.12678869

it's to cheat on their performance metrics. the video is what serves are proof and if you park to the side they can take however long they want and still claim to be hitting their targets

>> No.12678873

Shit like this makes me happy your defective generation is already dying off in droves, lol. You won't be missed.

>> No.12678878

I wish Russia would just nuke us already. People like OP don't deserve to live, makes me sick knowing he's alive and well.

>> No.12678884

And how old are you? Regardless of your answer, it's too old to still be playing dress-up with your pony toys.

>> No.12678896

Fuck off boomer, you seem to be one of the retarded ones who couldn't snag a house for practically free while fucking off and doing nothing.

Now you post on 4chan calling others "gay" because you are a chicken shit old timer whose death will be celebrated by all of the younger generations and mourned by nobody.

>> No.12678904

>go to culvers
>have 3 scoopie tokens and stopping there just to get some """free""" (already paid for when I bought their kids meals) ice cream for my wife and daughters
>fat fucking mexicans packed in a minivan in front of me take - no joke - 5 full minutes to place their order
>they pull up to the pay window
>given their number and asked to pull forward so the food can be brought to them (standard practice at culvers regardless of how busy they are)
>they pull forward just enough to completely block the pay window
>lightly tap the horn
>they don't move
>honk for real this time
>they don't move
>blare horn
>guy gets out of the car and stars screaming at me
>get out of my car, completely ignore him, hand my tokens to the lady at the pay window, receive my custard immediately, and get back into the car
you're the fat fucking mexicans in this case
don't order 50 goddamn burgers next time

>> No.12678906

kek, nice

>> No.12678907

Only boomers do stuff like OP. When I worked at a gas station during university boomers would piss me off like no other. They would show up as I was closing with a flat tire and demand to borrow a jack. They would complain if they had to sign their credit card purchase receipt as if I fucking set the point of sale rules.

Fuck boomers to the depths of hell, I seriously cannot wait until they are being put into retirement homes in droves.

>> No.12678909

Boomers are a vile and wretched people, demonic I would even say. Greed like no other, the worst in humanity would even look at them disapprovingly. I just know they are all going to Hell. They managed to turn the USA into a borderline 3rd world country in 1 generation.

>> No.12678919

This guy definitely is gay, he just doesn't know yet. His "gf" is probably fucking a nigger (if she even exists).

>> No.12678926

I was a McSlave in high school a number of years ago. They're graded on their drive-thru times. It's how management gets their bonuses at corporate owned McDonalds. Franchisees may do this differently. The timer starts when you hit the speaker and ends when you pull away from the last window. They want to park you so they get credit for being fast without actually having to put in any effort.
Also, obligatory "shame on you" for going to McDonald's. It's horrible, expensive, and low-tier among the fast food giants. I thought only old people, fatties, and the mentally ill ate there as those groups comprised the majority of our customers.

>> No.12678930

chick fil a employees always have to ask if you want pickles on your sandwich, so chances are your retard girlfriend said yes.

>over priced chicken
>about 7.80$ for a combo

stop being poor

>> No.12678950

Just know that someone else who paid before you got their order after you because they were nice

They just jumped you to the front of the queue because you were angry and they wanted you to leave

>> No.12678956

Your reaction was fine. The employees at any business should worship the ground the customer walks on and any violation of this sacred rule should be met with immediate firing of the employee responsible.

>> No.12679017

Says the 35 year old deadbeat clearly not at work midday on a Tuesday. Stop leaching off society and get a job, raging hobo

>> No.12679061

People with real jobs tend to take time off during the summer.

>> No.12679087

This thread is just packed with boomer cringe.

>> No.12679150

Why are boomers like this? They always say the younger generations are entitled and then have a temper tantrum when they aren't treated like royalty in a drive thru. Don't you understand that some food items take longer than others? Don't you understand that you are not that important? When all boomers are dead this world will truly be a better place

>> No.12679189

Are you telling me that story wasn't real? With the way OP was posting, I could have sworn it was...

>> No.12679204

lmaoing at OP, holy aids what a chucklefucking troll

>> No.12679218

Non-boomers are even more cringe

>> No.12679249

Is that what the new way to rephrase being unemployed is, "taking time off"? Yes, go "find yourself" on a trek across Europe, doesn't change the fact you don't have a job.

>> No.12679250

>Question for the Dads here.
Don't even know why it was a "Dads" question...

They have a timer, a service timer. They like to beat the timer and make some kind of quotas on doing their job right.
I don't like it.
You don't like it.
Tell their corporate/regional manager you don't like it, then don't go there anymore and mean it.

There was a Church's chicken I used to frequent as it was on the way to the assisted living that my grandmother lived in. She likes okra, and they do great okra. So, a sweet tea and okra. "Park it"
Oh hell no. This neighborhood? I don't think so. The fact is that people use drive throughs for protection from getting out of their car and walking to and from their car in a high crime area. When you pulled up to a window, no one can reach into your car and rob you. Sitting in a parking lot, they can. No no no.
Same thing with a Rallys near me. Good dogs, all beef, red onion, mustard and chili. They do a good job on that. Interesting shakes and sundaes too. To park it when you're just making a shake? No. Taking my business elsewhere.

>> No.12679251

>I thought only old people, fatties, and the mentally ill ate there
If you read the thread, you would know OP hits all 3 of these.

As for the rest of the thread, people should be able to vote on if certain people deserve to be executed. Everyone who has interacted with the person in question during the timeframe of the thing that made someone want to make this vote would be able to decide if they are worthy of continuing to live. People would finally stop being fucking assholes because they'd be weeded out and killed or actually improve.

>> No.12679255

>They have a timer, a service timer. They like to beat the timer and make some kind of quotas on doing their job right.

I'm with OP. They obviously had his food ready but wants to beat the clock by a few seconds by having him pull over. He was totally in the right to not aide in this farce.

>> No.12679270

He waited about as long as he would have waited if he just pulled forward, and caused a scene by doing this.
If you can do a favor for people at no expense to you, why would you not do it? The most you lose is like 10 seconds from having the employee walk your food to you.

>> No.12679296

Boomers think it's wrong and improper to be kind to minimum wage workers so they act as difficult as possible on purpose

>> No.12679306

Use of the word boomer should be an instant permaban. None of you are even using it right to begin with. And how is OP making the employee's life any harder? if anything he just saved them a walk back and forth across the parking lot in summer heat.

>> No.12679330

Then stop boomerposting if you don't like being called one. I bet you actually think the customer is always right. It's obvious from your posts.

>> No.12679343

>And how is OP making the employee's life any harder?
The stress of having an angry customer not cooperate with you is never pleasant. Knowing that your times will be messed up for however long and you'll get an earful from some executive that doesn't know what you go through is never pleasant.
I don't know if you've worked retail at all since 2000, but angry customers are very common (angry before they even reach your building) and it is very easy for one to ruin your whole day. It's hard to just ignore them after they left because that customer HATED your guts for that moment and people will never get used to be yelled at while not being able to retaliate in some way. I'm happy as fuck that I work in an office now.

>> No.12679366

Well stop making the customer's life harder and maybe they wouldn't be pissed at you so much. The guy ordered 2 burritos and paid for them and has to be told to stand aside and let other people behind get served first despite his clearly being ready. Don't even defend this shit practice, I don't care what time limits the server is under.

>> No.12679378

If his food was ready then they wouldn't ask him to pull forward. That doesn't happen. They don't want to walk out there if they don't have to. OP is lying about the details of this encounter(if it even happened at all) based on that one part. Try common sense

>> No.12679386

>Well stop making the customer's life harder
I didn't know driving 10ft forward caused so much more trauma than angrily demanding either your food/refund. Sorry.

>> No.12679393

This attitude is why the world is so cucked. You just let everyone walk all over you and do as your told like a good little boy without ever standing up for yourself or what is right.

>> No.12679426

It's NO COST to you to make someone's life not as hellish as it could be. You are not waiting any longer by pulling forward than if you sat put. Your food still isn't ready. You're still going to be sitting in your car. You would be doing a favor to the cashier AND the other people behind you by moving.
>Well what do I owe those fucks?
Nothing! But it also doesn't cost you anything to do it, so why wouldn't you? And speaking of, you never answered why you wouldn't do a favor for someone if there was zero cost to you.

>> No.12679453

>censorship is good
Fuck off boomer, you have to go back!

>> No.12679490

They probably gave him someone else’s food and made that person wait.

>> No.12679553

Bike cuck

>> No.12679823

wow. you're literally projecting how you're a paranoid nutjob. what the fuck are you on about, faggot? You're the only retard doing extreme mental gymnastics at the special olympics.
I work at McDonalds btw, dipshit.

>> No.12679829

pink is proven to be a color that dampens anger and violent tendencies, and create a calming effect. its why they use it as a color for some prison rooms.

>> No.12679858

Imagine working at McCucks and thinking your thoughts and opinions matter about anything. Lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.12679866

imagine thinking you're above someone who has a job while you sit in your mommy's house eating her food.

>> No.12679868
File: 31 KB, 600x600, lmfaoatyourlife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12679871

This is to the thread in general, but the only reason they do this is because the store manager will get a bonus for moving cars through "faster" even though it just ends up with everybody pulling up and waiting.

>> No.12679878
File: 370 KB, 600x600, Char Blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here have an upgraded laugh at McDonalds.

>> No.12679892
File: 38 KB, 836x662, literallylmfaoatyourlife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


▲ ▲

>> No.12679907
File: 95 KB, 587x461, Triforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have dropped something.

>> No.12679947

they get dinged for slow service at the window, not for running it out to you. if their numbers suck that's how they make it up. take it up with corporate

>> No.12680031

Literally every other fast food restaurant has superior breakfast to McDicks. Unless you live in some shithole there were probably a dozen better options and you fucked up by going there in the first place.

>> No.12680046

We have this awesome Taco Bell here in Spring Hill, TN, that is built in a way that it's impossibly to pull forward and wait. There is only 1 window, then the driveway immediately loops around with no parking anywhere near by.

I purpose go to this place just because I know they'll never ask my to pull up. Also, they've never gotten an order wrong. McDonald's gets my order correct about 30% of the time. I have to get out of the car and go in to have them fix it. That ruins the point of a drive through.

>> No.12680058

>McDonald's gets my order correct about 30% of the time
And they think they deserve $15 an hour.

>> No.12680161

So many seething wagies in this thread. Hurry up with that order, else I might post another name-n-shame yelp review.

>> No.12681006

I kid you not, one time (before the pull over we'll deliver it to you protocol) there was a big line and I had made it to the window where you pay and the poor guy working the window told me that they were so swamped that if I took whatever was in the bag I wouldn't have to pay kek. I got a little bit less than I had ordered but saved myself 10 dollars.

>> No.12681190

Someone probably bailed on a cash order. That's why all the new drive thrus anywhere drirct you between curbs.

>> No.12681367


>> No.12681485

this. seething wagies make my tendies and fries more crispy. now get to it, wagie, or i'll have to call corporate!

>> No.12681847

What kind of farther takes his kids to Macker's?

>> No.12683029


>> No.12683206

all of them