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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12677413 No.12677413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that whenever someone chooses a food for reasons of ethics, sustainability, or health, a bunch of spergs come out of the woodwork doing some kind of weird Soviet propaganda routine about how it doesn't matter and sin still exists in the world?

Does it hurt you so much that someone doesn't just want to wallow in piss bottles and self loathing?

>> No.12677418


>> No.12677602

because none of those things matter, the only two things that matter when choosing food is taste and price. when you give any other reason, all you're doing is virtue signaling, and you will be called out for being a pretentious twat.

>> No.12677609
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>paying 25 cents extra for something better quality is virtue signaling
Have you tried not being poor?

>> No.12677617

have you tried not being a complete scumbag?

>> No.12677670

>better quality
But he already said all that matters is taste and price. You're agreeing with him idiot.

>> No.12678388

>because none of those things matter
and this is why we are destroying the planet

apathy is strong with this one

>> No.12678398

The planet is not in danger. Humanity is, and who gives a shit about that.

>> No.12678403

Do you mean IRL or on 4chan?
Cause this site is dominated by shit posters and contrarians.

IRL, people are just apathetic, and don't like to hear what they've been doing is wrong.d
Our civilization needs a paradigm shift away from environmental apathy in general, the problem with most people who are vocal about it think that they're choices will save the world AND that they are special superior snowflakes because of organic free range sustainable meat. its not enough

>> No.12678410


>> No.12678666

Farming kills plenty of field animals and bugs.
Will you fight or perish?

>> No.12679995

He can't taste the difference between Sunny D and actual orange juice, clearly we do not agree.

>> No.12680380

So edgy

>> No.12680413
File: 64 KB, 780x691, emissions-choices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't have kids then. everything you do outside of that means nothing. any environmentalist in any sense having any kids should be dismissed outright about anything they say on the matter

>> No.12680467
File: 24 KB, 300x400, MD3scMjJ2MGW1U-I1CS9hw-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no crotch monsters
>no urban assault cage
>no dog
Words cannot express how euphoric I am