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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12673464 No.12673464 [Reply] [Original]

What's your go to pizza dough recipe and cooking method /ck/?

>> No.12673470

Ordering it online and picking it up from Papa Johns

>> No.12673471

I've tried countless recipes and temps, with varying results. I need a proper method so I can make pizza tonight for my family and not feel like a failure.

>> No.12673474

Plz, my Husband thinks I'm a joke.

>> No.12673484
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Yeast, flour, salt, sugar and oil. Mix mix well and let sit for 30 minutes to an hour.

Punch if flat onto a cornmeal coated pizza stone, smear sauce and add toppings. Bake until golden and crispy.

Believe it or not, it's one of my go-to date night ideas .Cooking in the kitchen together with your sweetheart allows you to chat and have a little bit of naughty food fun. Each person gets their ideal pizza and clean up is faster.

>> No.12673496

>making a mediocre pizza for your family
>when you could just order a delicious pizza from Papa Johns
They'll all be thinking "why didn't we just order Papa Johns" while eating your cheap home made imitation pizza.

>> No.12673506

Papa johns is shit. their sauce is garbage. only poor people like them.

>> No.12673532

I should say that I also have a pizza stone and large metal pizza pan, and a gas stove with a broiler drawer I've never used and would probably burn things in.

>> No.12673545

The most basic one using good flour, letting it proof then making absolutely sure your oven is screaming hot with the pizza stone in there. Good pizza is multiple simple things executed well.

>> No.12673563

>Believe it or not, it's one of my go-to date night ideas .Cooking in the kitchen together with your sweetheart allows you to chat and have a little bit of naughty food fun

Thats super cringe and gay just fuck and shut up.

>> No.12673578

That's not a fucking date night.
Women require you to open your wallet and spend a hundred bucks minimum to call it a date night. Also many Instagram photo ops to impress "friends" are required, or else, no date night, and no sex. Nobody wants to see snaps of your sad looking deformed pizza, and whore women don't spread their legs unless the money flows.

>> No.12673588

Yeah, not going to have a wine and paint along with Bob Ross date night in either. I disagree that spending a ton of money is a must though.

>> No.12673593

So it has two benefits, it's cheap and it filters out stereotypical women. Worst result, you get pizza and have to jerk off.

>> No.12673599

>incels actually believe this shit

>> No.12673605
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Sadly, I really just get the pizza mood myself at home when I want a folded calzone. I have excellent local choice of good takeout pizza, from coal fired thin crust to good toppings and cheeses.

So, for calzone, the mood strikes me while shopping typically. Container of whole milk ricotta, bag of baby spinach, smoked provolone, hunk of parm, and possibly some sausage like a sun dried tomato or italian sausage or mushrooms.
I preheat my oven to get the pizza stone warmed up. Meanwhile, I slice the sausage into coins and brown well, finish off the pan with some garlic and fresh spinach til wilted and delicious. Maybe some sun dried tomato.
I portion the storebought dough into 4 quarters, hand stretch them into ovals as best I can, and lay out each onto a sheet of parchment and set them aside and restretch them again after about 10 minutes of cooling filling. I add a beaten egg to my ricotta and stir in a bit of salt, red chili flake and the good shredded parm. Into each dough, I spoon in a half cup of ricotta, top with the sausage, spinach and other filling, a slice of provolone on top of that, and fold over the dough, and pinch all around. I brush the top of the dough and the seam with extra virgin and sprinkle with coarse salt. I can bake 2 at a time on the pizza stone, just sliding the parchment and calzone onto the top of it from a cookie sheet. The olive oil gets the tops really golden and well done, but pay attention to the seam to look well done before removing from oven.

>> No.12673621
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Sure is same faggy in here.

>> No.12673642

Honestly The best pizza i made used this recipe from youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-SJGQ2HLp8..
Letting it rest the full time is definitely needed and you can leave it maturing overnight in your fridge if you want more zing in your crust..

>> No.12673656

That looks great, but I can't find the recipe on Jamie Oliver's site. Since I used all of my bread flour, guessing that's what he meant by strong, and only have AP so I'm going with this one https://youtu.be/lz8HlqYn98Q

>> No.12673662

I do not think you have ever interacted with a woman who is not related to you for more than a few minutes/sentences.

>> No.12673762
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Have sex incel

>> No.12673814

>simple yeast-risen dough made with high gluten flour for stretchiness and bite
>thick tomato paste cooked down with oregano, basil, onion and garlic
>thin slices of mozzarella, grated Romano and (legit) Parmesan
>sliced salami, red onion and more basil atop
its borderline impossible to bake it properly with a standard oven though, can't get it hot enough fast enough like a proper pizza oven

>> No.12673834

Strong flour is flour that still has the original gluten in it. You can make your own if you know the percentage your regular flour has and adding gluten to it if you can't find it (that's what I did).
But yeah that looks good as well.

>> No.12673880
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Thanks for the clarification, I'll definitely try that in the future.

Dough has been kneaded and is now proofing.

>> No.12673900

Your mom provides more than enough sex for me, thanks. That woman wears me out. I hate waiting in line, though. She's popular and her rates are low, so there's compromise.

>> No.12673911

this is my recipe as well minus the date part because no one loves me

>> No.12673917

Someday. Don't worry.

>> No.12673924

i just use chef johns recipe for pizza dough like basically all my other recipes for anything

>> No.12674072


>> No.12674083

>Cooking in the kitchen together with your sweetheart allows you to chat and have a little bit of naughty food fun
Cringemaster right here.

>> No.12674086

Papa Johns makes the worst pizza

>> No.12674093

you spelled Dominoes wrong

>> No.12674097

use a breadmaker to make some dough.

>> No.12674110

>mom jokes

>> No.12674114

1 1/2 C water
2 TBSP yeast
1 TBSP sugar
4 TBSP non-vegetable oil
1/2 C milk
optional garlic salt

>> No.12674124
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Second proof.

>> No.12674132
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Never had food play before, eh? I'd ask you if you were vanilla in bed, but you're pure virginal mind may confuse that for literal vanilla.

>> No.12674157

Since thread seems clueless here is the rest.
Lightly oil the half you aren't using and refridgerate in a sealed container after it has risen.
After rising, press the dough into a round baking sheet made for pizza. It's idiot proof, just keep pressing it around to be even if it tears in some place. Once it cooks it should not stick.
Spread pizza sauce. You can get small cans for under a dollar that are more than enough for a 14" pizza. You can use plain tomato sauce and sprinkle basil and oregano over it. Optional garlic salt again.
Add toppings.
Grate cheese over top and spread around. Do not use pregrated cheese under any circumstances. Also walmart cheese is to be avoided but any other seems fine.
Preheat oven to >450F. I do 480. Cook for 12 minutes and take it out when cheese is turning colour and it looks like a pizza.
Remove from baking sheet onto paper towels or cardboard. A spatula can help if did happen to stick at all.

Not reccomended for date night. Who wants some bitch ruining their pizza?

>> No.12674162

1000 grams whole hard red wheat flour, 800 grams water, some herbs if I want, usually rosemary, mix and let sit more than 20 minutes but less than six hours, knead in yeast earlier if I want a loaf of bread today, otherwise do it later, use half of dough for a loaf of bread, other half for big pizza or calzone after at least a day of refrigeration

>> No.12674172
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I will be using pic related. I made the dough ahead of time and will be refrigerating it until dinner.

>> No.12674179


Degenerates get the rope

>> No.12674186

I'll give you my 10 inch rope.

>> No.12674204

>Papa Johns.
Being at the middle end of shit taste is still shit taste.

>> No.12674207

Virgin tall tales detected.

>> No.12674212

Go be autistic somewhere else.

>> No.12674214
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Chicks love a guy who can cook.

>> No.12674215

Why does that silicone tool have a clit stimulator?
Fucking degenerate.

>> No.12674225
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>Not having a woman cook for you.
We've got a beta simp here.

>> No.12674230

It's a plastic rice paddle. I wish it worked that way.

>> No.12674229

Go tell your fake stories on /b/.

>> No.12674231

Because modern women suck at anything that isn't laying in bed like a dead fish legs spread.

>> No.12674235


>> No.12674241

I made a pizza from dough the other day and it tasted great but was inedibly chewy and dense

>> No.12674249
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>assumes everyone is the same person.
Absolutely trans.

>> No.12674732
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I make a sourdough pizza. Sorry my measurements are in volume but next time I make one I'm going to weigh everything because I like how it's been turning out. I bake it by preheating a cast iron griddle for 1 hour at 550F.
>2 Tbsp 100% hydration sourdough starter
>1 1/4 cup lukewarm non-chlorinated water
>1 3/4 cup "00" flour
>1/2 tsp kosher salt
>2 tsp evoo
Mix water and starter. Mix dry ingredients, add water/starter and the evoo and mix until it comes together. Place in bowl bowl covered with towel and stretch and fold every 30 minutes for 3 hours. Shape into a ball, place in an oiled bowl, cover with saran wrap and put in the refrigerator for 48-72 hours. It makes a thin crust crunchy on the outside but still chewy in the middle. You could probably get the same effect by using 1/8-1/4 tsp of active dry yeast instead of starter. This is an older pic and it's improved from that with more larger, irregular bubbles. I'll take a new pic next time and have weight measurements.

>> No.12676119

unless you have a really powerful oven or pizza stone it will never be top tier

>> No.12676145

I used this https://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2009/07/wolfgang-pucks-famous-california-pizza.html and it turned out better than anything I've done before. Making smaller pizzas likely helped. I'll post what I make tomorrow, already ate the two made tonight.

>> No.12676156

How does it not burn?

>> No.12676194

what’s with /ck/ and sourdough?

>> No.12676204

>already ate the two made tonight.

>> No.12676263

>frozen made in-store pizza dough from local high-end grocery store
>thaw 24 hours in fridge
>take out of fridge 30 mins before
>pizza stone, about 14 inches
>heat oven to 500 degrees with stone inside
>well-floured surface, stretch to slight translucence
>remove hot pizza stone from oven, place dough on stone, then QUICKLY:
>top with any non-sweet sauce you prefer
>put fresh basil on sauce, torn to approximate bite-size
>dry-ish mozzarella loaf, rip slices into quarters, get as close to full coverage without going overboard
>light salt, moderate pepper
>if I have truffle-infused olive oil, very small drizzle, otherwise regular evoo
>bake 8 mins
>let sit for 2 once it comes out

as close to perfection as I've gotten without a real fire pizza oven

>> No.12676322

What do you mean? You check the underside after @ 12 minutes, if it's bfowned enough take it out, if not go another minute and check again.

>> No.12676337

OP asked for a dough recipe not how to warm up a megacorporation frozen dough, ffs. Embarassing.

>> No.12676347

>and cooking method

if you're not raising your own cows and miling them and making your own cheese and growing your own basil and tomatos and wheat and building your own stone oven out of clay you scoured up by hand then you're not REALLY making pizza

>> No.12676372

357g bread flour
3g yeast
6g suagr
6g salt
234g water
6g olive oil

Makes 2 12" ish pies. I mix it in a stand mixer in the morning and, let it sit in the fridge all day and then take it out and divide it up an hour before I want to bake them, let the oven preheat to 500 with the stone in during that hour as well. I use an air bake sheet as a pizza peel and dust it lightly with rice flour to stop the dough from sticking
2nd the date night, it's got me laid a couple of times

>> No.12677372
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3:1 cups flour to water, in food processor with metal Blade

In water add 1tbs yeast, 1.5tbs sugar, salt, 1tbs olive oil, 1tsp salt stir

Turn food processor on low, gradually add water, it should ball up and rotate around axis and chop the bottom and mix, process for 2 mins.

Proof on greased bowl for 45 mins until doubled.

Stretch onto aluminium tray, preheat oven to max, cook on top shelf.

>> No.12677378

Hi I'm American what is g

>> No.12677398

Ni(GG)er ounces

>> No.12677969

90% of the time the problem with making pizza is your oven doesn't get hot enough. Buy a pizza stone.

This recipe is totally unremarkable for example, but he's using a great oven.