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12662391 No.12662391 [Reply] [Original]

>absolutely adore Ramen
>want to cook them at home
>pick some random recipe on YT
>"Hey, let me show you this easy recipe for classic Ramen"
>proceed to list 10 obscure Japanese ingredients, one more expensive than the other.

Is there a westernized version of Ramen with more common ingredients where i don't have to spend a fortune on mirin, sake and fish flakes?

>> No.12662428

if you're not going authentic just wing it bruh, figure out what's the best for you

>> No.12662438

>he's too poor to put some veggies, meat and eggs in it

>> No.12662442

yes there is, it's called spaghetti meatballs

>> No.12662453

There ain't nothin better than some cheap spicy instant ramen. I just made some with sesame oil, chicken bouillon, crushed red pepper, soy sauce, ground ginger, and black bean sauce.
And don't come at me with it's not authentic or some bs, that shit is tasty no two ways about it.

>> No.12662466
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>> No.12662473
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>> No.12662474

So you're wasting expensive stuff like sesame oil and black bean sauce on 50 cent instant ramen?

>> No.12662482

Is that the 2am chili faggot?

>> No.12662487

I’ve been really wanting to start making my own instant ramen like this anon >>12662453

I’ve been thinking about just buying the noodles and seasoning on Amazon. Anyone have any suggestions for a good instant seasoning? I keep seeing this mushroom powder broth stuff that looks pretty good

>> No.12662489

Literally nothing wrong with that.

>> No.12662493

The salty, fatty broth is the key. Numerous ways to achieve this that go beyond explanation here. It will come naturally as you learn to cook. So study the basics.

>> No.12662494

>I want to cook foreign cuisine but I don't have any foreign ingredients
Well gee, Anon, it's almost as if foreign food is foreign for a reason.

Best you're going to get at an Alabama Walmart or whatever is spaghetti with a bit of baking soda in the cooking water to alkalize the pasta into a vague semblance of noodles.

>> No.12662504
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You're welcome you lazy fuck

>> No.12663169

I live in flyoverville and I can find sake, dashi, and mirin at any grocery store for less than $10 total. It's not like you're using the entirety of them for one pot of ramen, and they don't expire either.

Sounds like you're just a worthless weeaboo.

>> No.12663923

Yeah. This shit is fucking good and cheap as shit for the quality. Beef is best, pork is good too though.

>> No.12663975

>be weeb
>eat weeb food
>surprised when other weebs try to out-weeb you

>> No.12663986

>spend a fortune on mirin, sake and fish flakes?
Unless you live out in the most rural of places you can find those at any decent Asian supermarket and they aren't expensive at all. And yes, those are important to the flavour so you need them.

>> No.12663993

chicken noodle soup in a can is your best bet OP
watch cooking shows and read cookbooks and then cook something good

>> No.12664132

Did you even look at the image?

>> No.12664159

just make a beef/pork/chicken broth and add a bit of fish sauce, soy sauce and sesame oil with some ginger, chili and garlic

>> No.12664176

ramen is just soup with noodles in it. Just buy some ramen noodles and make up a soup to put them in.

>> No.12664183

Just make a broth with seasonal veggies and mushrooms. Make some noodles out of buckwheat and water. Cook the noodles, soft boil an egg and then put them in the broth along with some chopped scallions. Voi-fucking-là.

>> No.12664188

There is no classic recipe for ramen, there are varying types of broth. Do your own research and choose which type you would like to make, then find a reliable looking recipe.

>> No.12664535

based and don vito pilled

>> No.12666047
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I like to add a third or half of a pack of this tore up and mixed in with my shrimp ramen.

>> No.12666363

>poor man's broth
>being poorer than instant ramen

>> No.12666456

Honestly just do a pork bone broth with toasted ginger, onions, and a few other "asian" ingredients.
You are probably not spending 6 hours making it or using every ingredients add mushrooms for more umpff. Get topings and wala.

>> No.12666481

sounds poor

>> No.12666490

what I do is always buy shrimp with the shell on, and save the shells in the freezer till I have enough to make broth with

>> No.12666707

Ramen is literally peasant food. When the fuck did people start charging $20 a bowl for it? Hipsters gonna hipster

>> No.12667032

artisanal instant ramen

>> No.12667044


>sesame seed oil

What the fuck? A bottle can last a fucking year easy.

>> No.12667467

It's just not economical to cook small portions of Ramen and other Asian noodle dishes at home. They are specifically designed for mass production. You buy all the ingredients cheaply in bulk, cook the bones and less desirable cuts into the broth, dump an easily cooked starch in it so that it's filling, add precooked toppings and charge extra for the more special stuff like slices of charshu.

>> No.12667549

get a pressure cooker and make the broth and freeze or buy stock and flavor it

>> No.12667663

Buy the frozen ramen from asian stores.

>> No.12667667

Mirin and sake doesn't go in ramen. I suppose that's the kind of retarded shit you'd see from a Youtube 'chef'.

>> No.12667692

>eating something you bought in a dish you like
>wasting it
Homeboy what are you talking about

>> No.12667853
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>all ramen can be improved by adding actual meat
Every time.

>> No.12667881

Go to an Asian grocery store dumb ass

>> No.12667902

Hey guys ameribro here,

I just love authentic wiener schnitzel! So much that I want to cook it myself.
I watched a guy on youtube say "Today I'm going to show you the easiest way to make a wiener schnitzel. " and then procees to list like 10 super obscure ingredients like veal, eggs breadcrumbs and so on.
Yeah, like I'm going to the yurop store and spend a BILLION on those weird yurop ingredients. NO WAY BRO.
Is there a way for a fellow american like me to make a wiener schnitzel out of local, democratic and freedomized ingredients like burgers and fries?

Please help me /ck/!

>> No.12667997

The best ramen I had was seafood ramen, a.k.a semen.

>> No.12668037
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As someone who's been basically living off ramen for 2 years now, this stuff is my lord and Savior. Best seasoning. Ever

>> No.12668103

But it goes for most classic broths and stocks. Still fun to try, but yeah, at normal kitchen sized amounts, it's neither economical in the financial sense, nor in the timely sense.
I always wanted to try that variant where you cook pigs feets for like a day, but my kitchen will be a stinky moist hellhole after that. Plus, I don't like leaving the oven running while I'm away, so it'll be a day spent in the smalles room in my flat.
But eventually, I'll do it.

>> No.12668109

Apart from veal, none of the ingridients for Wiener Schnitzel are obscure or expensive, even in Bugerstan. Now the correct technique however…

>> No.12668390
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Consistently i enjoy a shin ramyun (nong shim)?

The spicy ass red ones you get at wal mart
I add thawed fully cooked shrimp
lime wedge or two
fresh jalapenos

is good. costs like 4 dollars.

>> No.12668400
File: 3.64 MB, 4032x3024, 20190619_192227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personal ramen recipe (pic related)
-1 pack of noodles, toss the packet
-green onion
-chicken/beef stock (either or both)
-2 eggs
-Any other veggies (carrots, broccoli, celery, mushrooms, etc. Get creative!)
-Spice preferences, I add a little garlic powder on the noodles.
-Mince garlic and ginger, toss into your chicken or beef stock and bring it to a boil.
-Add your veggies
-Add your ramen, cook until they start to lose firmness. Add spices to noodles.
-Add eggs and poach them while everything is cooking
-Move to bowl and add green onions, serve immediately.

>> No.12668404

Some guy on /r/ramen has a bunch of different ramen styles and how to make them in the sidebar. They're really good actually, I recommend it.

>> No.12668409

Almost forgot, add your meats. Beef, pork, shrimp, and fish are really good.

>> No.12668427

Hey, i made some a couple of weeks ago
I made a broth with garlic, ginger, green onion, lots of leek, porkbone, balck pepper, soysauce, a teaspoon of homemade elderberry syrup (but you can use anything sweet and light, maybe not corn syrup but brown sugar should be alright) and some Kombu (the only actually japanese ingredient i had at home).
And half hardboiled eggs, the one they put in ramen are generally boiled for 6.30 minutes and then put into ice to stoop the cooking and keep them creamy yet firm.
Theoretically you should marinade them beforehand but i forgot and it turned out great as well.
It's a broth, so if you want it to actually taste like something you have to let it cook for a while, i let mine simmer for around 3 and half hours, the original would be 9 hours but fuck that

>> No.12668438

I do something like that with rotisserie chickens. I save the bones and the jelly for later stock or broth, I just freeze it.
It's really no big deal and then nothing goes to waste.

>> No.12668447

What turned me off to that is finding a big ass hair in it once. I was eating with my cousin before my brother's wedding and I cut into the schnitzel and what did I find... a big ass fucking nigger hair looking thing.
My brother was f&b director at that hilton hotel in Atlanta and was his wedding so I didn't mention it to him, he had enough problems.
As I wrote that turned me off to that schnitzel shit.

>> No.12669678

What is the best recipe to use for homemade pork ramen?