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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 600x400, Japanese-Cheesecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12659515 No.12659515 [Reply] [Original]

>Anon you have to try this Japanese cheesecake! Omg so gud!
>it's semi-sweet bread
>no cheese
>nothing on it or in it
>not even cake tbqfh
>it's semi-sweet bread
Why is this allowed?

>> No.12659523

asian here

i dont know what this is
i also pee pee in your coke btw not sure if that matters

>> No.12659533

That one mole covered obnoxious gook Mom made it once, I was surprised to find out that it was just a jiggly cake with no cheese.

>> No.12659708

What is with the casual racism... Christ.

>> No.12659760

>i also pee pee in your coke btw not sure if that matters

Hardly matters, given the volume your asian microdick can expel

>> No.12659785

>look up recipe
>contains creamcheese like literally every other cheesecake

This thread is fake news.

>> No.12659788


Well this is an anonymous anime imageboard where people post whatever the hell they like.

They ignore the rule that you are only allowed to be racist and xenophobic in /b/, /bant/, and /pol/

>> No.12659811
File: 41 KB, 396x382, f63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12659844

because you have a such a small and narrow view of the world , due to the fact you never get out of the house let alone the country and get all your information from ambiguous sources .
You can not fathom that there other peoples cultures that are different then yours .
that like things you have never tasted or even heard of, so because of your immature mind you ask questions that children ask even though you are supposed to be older.

you have to ability to check on many different facts and other things to see if your point of view is valid, but because you are basically uneducated and have no real life experience you make assumptions of things that are wrong and make you look just plain stupid , so people who have the aforementioned experience look at you with distain and avoid you. thus perpetuating your closed environment , loneliness and life as an incel.

>> No.12659850

have sex

>> No.12659851

oh man you really got him , wow he should be rushed to the hospital with that burn.

>> No.12659852
File: 171 KB, 645x861, wondawominz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate you for getting me to laugh at that.

>> No.12659854

imagine being this guy and calling other people incels

>> No.12659858

I already told you "no" in the other thread the last time you asked ,
even if you had a lot of money , you are just yuck.

>> No.12659860

fuck you

>> No.12659862

imagine being you being you
how sad is that ??

>> No.12659869

I just said "No"
do you not understand the language you were born into ?

>> No.12659871


>> No.12659872
File: 29 KB, 753x960, 1556624713097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the perfect place for you to fuck off to.

>> No.12659875
File: 198 KB, 264x218, tl;dr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because you
Already bored of this pasta dish.

>> No.12659885
File: 14 KB, 298x303, english mother fucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.12659916
File: 61 KB, 640x490, 1544800447295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no because incels like you are barely smart enough to put one foot in front of the other.

>> No.12659919

Every fun poster on 4chan started on /b/ and migrated when it went to shit. The rest are newfags and autists.

>> No.12659928

kys Japanese Cheesecake has cream cheese mixed into the cake batter itself

>> No.12659935
File: 871 KB, 1200x1197, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off ya poofter

>> No.12659992

pooft ? really , ?? wow that really got me I should just go home and cry ,

>> No.12660041
File: 1.28 MB, 500x250, bhuuu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing little buddy. Oh how I have been taught such a valuable lesson by one who is self-styled 'better' than others. All should aspire to such lofty heights!

>> No.12660108

The only people ignoring it are the ones not reporting it stupid

>> No.12660139

They weren't asking you anything

>> No.12660673
File: 21 KB, 575x183, you are breaking the rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that global rule 3 is just a catchall to allow mods to ban literally anyone for any reason and should not be taken seriously.

>> No.12660681

The guy saying it is probably some insectoid himself.

>> No.12660820

Most japanese cuisine looks like someone took a diarrhea dump on a plate of rice. Japanese food is a meme.

>> No.12660827

agreed, it's shit
i make cheesecakes regularly and the one time I made japanese cheesecake was by far the worst I've ever done
it tasted of nothing

>> No.12660828

i thought i was on /ck/?

>> No.12660923

did you cry when you realized your dad wasn't coming back, too?

>> No.12660941

White female. I'll take gook dude though.

>> No.12660947

I've seen poof too much lately, probably an old guy.

>> No.12660950

Isnt that a castella? Idk japanese use loanwords differently

>> No.12660981

>make a pound cake
>call it cheesecake

>> No.12660985

tits or gtfo dunce

>> No.12661022

Yeah it fucking matters

>> No.12661975

Japanese cheese cake loving Asian here.
It's sooo fuckin rich WHILE ALSO being spongy and fluffy. (You know how we like our sponge cakes)
In the world of sponge cakes, the eggy, creamy, and milky smoooth mutha fukn Jap cheese cake IS the densest and richest.
It IS the cheese cake of the sponge cake kingdom.

>> No.12661996


>compares a sponge cake to a LITERAL pound cake
>has clearly never eaten one

Why are you even posting, bro?

>> No.12662023

You just have to take Jap takes on western food on a case by case basis. Sometimes its excellent, sometimes its different but still in the same vein as the original, sometimes its jesus christ what the fuck is this hellspawn.
Their "cheesecake" is one of the lattermost.

>> No.12662026

Almost every asian dessert is "semi sweet "you diabetic. fucking. dip shit.

>> No.12662038


Jap chz cake is not a take on western chz cake. It is a Japanese cake with cream cheese. Wtf else do you expect them to call it in English?

It is NOT MEANT to be like western cheese cakes. Not every fucking country wants to be America jesuschrist

>> No.12662065

Having cream cheese in the batter is not the same as having it be a cheesecake.

A pie that I made recently used cream cheese as part of the crust, does that mean that it is a pie with a cheesecake crust?
Of course not.

>> No.12662071

Cheesecake is in no way uniquely American.

>> No.12662090

Well yeah, but everyone already knows that no one wants to be modern day Greece.

>> No.12662104

First of all, everyone needs to cool it with the anti-semitic dogwhistles, ok? Second, when "Japanese" is put in front of anything that didn't originate in Japan simply put "not really" in front, and "with some really weird twists on it". So Japanese cheesecake = "not really cheesecake, with some really weird twists on it". Same with pizza. One of the most popular pizzas at a place I went in Japan had a mayo-based sauce with salmon roe.

My wife is genetically 45% Japanese based on a DNA test. She has problems with the lactose in normal cheesecakes and prefers Japanese cheesecakes for that reason.

>> No.12662150

you just sprinkle powdered sugar on it you mong. it's mostly a dessert for the texture

>> No.12662224

>wants to do any of these

>> No.12662230

why would anyone wants to eat milk mold? Just soak it to the cheese spread if you want

>> No.12662248

hfcs has ruined your taste buds

>ew i don't like fruit it's too bland for me

>> No.12662269

>t. fat fuck diabetic so desensitized to sugar and HFCS that if it isn't 90% glucose it's semi-sweet.

>> No.12662915


Look at this. How is it a recipe? How is it a cake?

It's a big plain piece of spongy bread. Do Asians eat this solely for the texture, or because they are amused by how it bounces?

>> No.12662958

why are you casually taking the Lord's name in vain?

>> No.12662969

>It has a less sweet flavor and fewer calories than standard cheesecake, containing less cheese and sugar. The cake is made with cream cheese, butter, sugar, whipped cream and eggs, and is traditionally made in a bain-marie.

it HAS cheese in it you obese gwailo

its just not a heavy dense brick of sugar and cheese that you are probably used to stuffing your fat face with

japanese cheesecake is light and balanced and goes very well with green tea

>> No.12662986

Fuck off schlomo

>> No.12662992

Isn't that the spongecake made with creamcheese in the batter? I like that creamcheese spongecake thing. It's made by Imei, I think. Is good. : )

>> No.12663004

>First of all, everyone needs to cool it with the anti-semitic dogwhistles
Fuck off, outsider.

>> No.12663048

I’m half asian and asian sweets are fucking cake in general.

>> No.12663057

I'm Asian and Asian sweets are kinda gay since the normal non-dessert foods are sweet as well. It's caucasian-bait.

>> No.12663088

Shut your geezer-hole, Mitch! Go send more missiles to Israel.

>> No.12663113

The newfaggortry is strong in this one.

>> No.12663297

Well what the fuck do you expect them to call it in English?! It's a Japanese cake and it's main attraction is the cream cheese batter. Which is pretty uncommon in Japanese desserts.

>> No.12663311

C reaM c A k E

>> No.12663316

>he doesn't like to flame
dumb faggot

>> No.12663354
File: 171 KB, 664x996, instant-pot-cherry-delight-cheesecake-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to get alll fucking TECHNICAL, a Jap cheese cake is actually more of a "cake" than pic related.

The Western chz cake is barely a cake! It is merely a diabetie inducing cheese wheel. And it's fuckin delicious but it is barely more of a cake than those pre made fruit and cheese ball spreads for crackers.

>> No.12663356

>i also pee pee in your coke btw not sure if that matters


>> No.12663382

Not specific enough. If the cream cheese is what makes that cake different, no one's gonna undermine by simply calling it "cream cake".
A lot of cakes have cream in it.
Fucking retard.

>> No.12663389

But there's no cake that's specifically called "creamcake". There already is a cake called "cheesecake".
Checkmate, kike.

>> No.12663403

it has cream cheese but the main component is meringue. it's like a pancake that melts in your mouth. I've only had it at momofuku ko so it was very good. maybe you're eating shit cheesecakes

>> No.12663406

How is cream cheese blended with sugar a fucking cake?
If you think sponge cake is bread than you should kys now before you lose your legs to fucking gangrene.

>> No.12663463
File: 1.99 MB, 300x225, 1562249984164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. You're telling m e , cheesecake can only mean ONE thing to you?!

Lol grow up dude. The world doesn't revolve around you.

>> No.12663466

Shut the fuck up, Jew. I'm Vegan. I don't even eat cake.

>> No.12663494

It's been fun but fuck off, man. Vegans have no place in a cheese cake thread. Go cream cake your mother or something.

>> No.12663499

Okay I will and you'll be jealous because my mom is fucking hot and got tiddies for days you dumb BITCH.

>> No.12663513

Flop em away my friend! And god speed!

>> No.12664032

I made castella once (after watching tatami galaxy). It's taste is like a flan but texture like a sponge cake, it was weird but tasty. Wouldn't recommend it as a dessert though, but it was nice with some coffee.